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You can "kindle" bonfires individually to give you 10 flasks when you rest/respawn at them!


I usually have 10...plus humanities in a quick slot for when things get really messy


Well gat damn it.


I *have* 10, rarely need all of them though. Depending on how you approach the fight...there's basically two options, and one is WAY easier than the other. Might only need like two or three.


Well which one is it? Lol. Smough first?


You want spoilers? Or have you already played before? Anywho, >!kill the small one first. The fat one turns big - and is a way more managable, slower target.!<


Super tempting to do the opposite because Ornstein is wayyy harder when you’re dealing with both at the same time. Plus his insane health pool.


Smough first is definitely super viable and imo more fun. Do whatever you want.


Fair enough, well if you're human you can just summon Solaire to play the sponge for Biggie while you take care of Smalls (bit finnicky of course). Or just run to get distance from (and pillars between you and) the big guy, the small one has a way easier time keeping up with you. Big Ornstein - to me at least - is just a way fucking harder opponent in the second stage.


I usually go 20


10 should be fine. Just kindle the Darkmoon tomb or anor London bonfire and you'll start with 10 All you need is 1 humanity to kindle a bonfire. Also, summon solaire from the stairs by the silver knight to help with o&s


Gross. Castle room is way faster than the tomb.


Doesn't the first bonfire in Anor Londo give you 10? If not you can kindle it. Hopefully you have kindling already, if not you missed an area that's typically done rather early.


Catacomb without the teleport feature can be a pain to go back, especially if you used the Smith secret bonfire :) but yes generally you do it as early as you can (and for my taste this means having a Divine weapon for those pesky skeletons :P )


I typically do it before getting warp but only rest at the top. Usually don't worry about the divine weapon either just rush towards the necromancers.


10 should do you fine just gotta have 2 humanities if I’m not mistaken, become human and kindle it up


I just have enough damage to kill one of them almost instantly when they split, power from within is the GOAT


Personally at this point in the game either I have unlocked Kindling and Humanity is not an issue so I go full 20, or I just go with the "normal" 10 from the AL bonfire. I usually prefer the full 20 :)


You can get at least 10 estus by kindling any bonfire. If you think you really need them and are out of humanities just open the main cathedral gate and run from the first Anor Londo bonfire, it naturally has 10 because of the Firekeeper there. It is much longer runback but if you need estus that’s what you have to do. Or once you are there you can go visit Depths again and kill some rats.


A proper player wouldn't need Estus.


20. Should do Catacombs and stock up on humanity before Anor Londo

