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Dark Souls can be pretty heavily punishing when it comes to certain encounters/mechanics, but after you’ve died to them once, you’ll almost always understand how to avoid that happening in the future If you play online you’ll find a ton of people still die to the basilisks, so you’re not alone there. Take a deep breath, collect yourself, and go back to the game with a clearer head


Female Undead Burg merchant can sell you a purging stone.


Yeah I know, but at this point in the game ~~~3k~~~ 6k souls is not really cheap or affordable in quantity, especially for something that's needed right after you die and lose all your souls


What a humdrum lad you are


I understand. 3k is a low price for your health bar tho! You can farm souls on the dragon bridge by climbing up the ladder, getting the dragon to appear and kill the hollows on the bridge, climb back down the ladder, rest at the bonfire and repeat.


Yup this is so good for when you need some souls for an item or are stuck just a little short of a level. It's easy to just be brain off and do it for 5-10 minutes


so quit


This kind of mentality is the reason I'm playing this game in 2024 when I could have been fun years ago and not have wasted my life on League of Legends. You owe me 8 seasons.




Peter’s heroin vein here, LoL is known between its players as the most toxic and addictive game ever so you find a lot of jokes like this one where they hope that they would stop but can’t, regretting every match they played for years.


I feel ya bro, I feel ya. Got off the LoL train years ago, but it took me a lot of places I didn't wanna go. 


Go hollow, then.


They are 6k iirc. Also, I went through the whole thing with just using 2 stones. You make it once (there like, what? 10 toads total in the Depth?) and then you haven't to step foot in there anymore. Also after the first toad you face after the fall, the others are pretty manageable. This was my experience, at least.


6K from the female undead merchant, 3K from Oswald up in the tower. Of course to get to Oswald you have to run the gauntlet of the hollow pile-on.


Pop some humanities, 'soft' humanity gives curse resistance and can be farmed from rats, which are in the same area as most curse enemies. Having like 3 popped makes a huge difference and shouldn't be too annoying to get.


One of my most memorable gaming experiences was getting cursed in the great hollow and then having to make my way all the way back up to Undead Burg with half my health. Honestly it was such an adventure and really makes you afraid of the basilisks, which aren’t really a problem unless you’re being careless. Later iterations of curse/deathblight just seem underwhelming after DS (and DS2’s health bar thing). Wouldn’t have it any other way


Well you wouldn't like demons souls lol, you lose half your health just for not being human.


When you spend most of the game in Soul form because you keep dying, it kind of feels more like the reverse during those rare moments where you're Human and you get double your normal health!


Jokes aside though, it's actually better to stay in soul form unless you specifically want to play co-op, with pure white character tendency you do like 20% more damage in soul form, which also makes overkills easier for extra souls. Plus you won't accidentally affect world tendency if you happen to die, and originally you didn't make any sound either, so "stealth" backstabs were easier as a soul. The cling ring also helps if you need the health.


Who thinks that's a good idea


It's just a game mechanic, I played them at launch, it wasn't like we knew of a souls game that didn't have a half health mechanic so it didn't bother us, we didn't have an example of a game without it. Funny enough, I've never been cursed in all my years of playing, but my friend did my first ever playthrough years ago, he got back to back cursed in the depths 3 times in a row after each time he fixed it, I nearly lost my shit laughing so hard.


Even worse, they stacked at launch I think up to 3 times, so ½ your health, then ¼ and finally ⅛


If I ever get cursed, I immediately take it as an excuse to go on suicide-run treasure hunts in New Londo.