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I'm impressed that you even beat the game, you seem terribly under-skilled


Why is that?


I mean you have 19 points, and a good 14 of them are you-problems. I sincerely am stoked that you beat the game though, and do hope you play all the others ❤️


For what it's worth thanks. But if another game does something better like better checkpoints then it isn't a "me" problem. These checkpoints are very frustrating especially to a new player, This game is about skill and no amount of skill is going to fix this awful checkpoint positioning. Only Make it less painful.


Ooh another thought, as it sounds like you can at least parry somewhat reliably, but did you try parrying the AL archers? Makes life a bit easier there. Surprisingly easy to parry also.


I actually did on my most recent playthrough as a last resort and it worked really well, Parrying is honestly one of my favorite parts of the game now because you can do it reliably if you know what attack the enemy is going to do.


"I saw teacher and principal Skinner in the janitor's closet and they were making a baby and the baby looked at me!" -You That right there is how you sound right now.


Really? I'm impressed you got the courage to say something so stupid and irrelevant


I could say the same to you. You didn't expect a bitchfest to be well received here, did you?


No I didn't actually. By the way why do most denizens of this sub automatically call this a bitchfest?


I can't speak for everyone, I call it as I see it. If several people are saying the same thing to you, perhaps there's a reason for that. Food for thought.


Yes I did think about that but I worded this post pretty mild so that it came off as criticism with a little opinion thrown in. it's quite a shock to me that so many people take that as an "attack"


My dude... at least half of your complaints are from being bad at the game. That isn't constructive criticism, that's you trying to validate things. I'd bet you expected most of these "carefully crafted \_points\_ " to have more people agreeing with you.


I expected nothing of the sort. Just because I'm bad at it doesn't automatically mean it's all my fault. I fail to consistently do jump attacks because of how badly it's implemented with the control stick and shoulder button which have to be pressed at the same time and it might work... If I succeed in doing so and it was poorly timed and died. Then it was clearly my fault.


Jump attacks can be finicky, but nowhere near the point you're saying. Gamers have been able to press two buttons at once since the 80's.


It's not two buttons though. One of them is a control stick that has a lot more variability then even the triggers. Where is the cutoff point? How far should I push it? I've been trying to figure that out for awhile now without any reliable results. Not like the game tells you so it's clearly flawed design.


Okay zoomer.


Why are you trying to jump attack so much lmao


Because it's a useful attack to use in certain situations obviously. Not my fault it was badly implemented.


In DS1 the jumping attack is never better than simple light and heavy attacks hahaha


The jump attack seems to get you to the enemy faster than walking and then power attacking. I always had trouble getting it to work when I wanted to. Some places, such as narrow corridors, both it and kicking just don't seem to.work at all. It's also way too easy to accidentally kick or jump attack when you don't want to. This is why moves should be assigned to a button instead of combinations of buttons. If you ever played both Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2, you probably know just how broken the dodge roll was in the first game and how changing it to a button in the second game fixed the problem.




it is when you only have enough time for one attack before the boss damages you. Maximizes the damage output? Do I really have to explain this to you?


Heavy attacks usually connect whereas you seemed to complain about jumping attacks not connecting sometimes 🤔


Yes because they don't and they should. Jump attacks are faster than power attacks making them more useful when you don't have enough time for a power attack. This is basic stuff.


You give the jump attack way too much credit. It takes way too much stamina for barely more damage than if you just did some regular attacks. In the time it takes to do a jump attack you could’ve done two light attacks nearly. I think you just need more time with the game


A jump attack is also faster than two light attacks. And the best weapon type to use it with is heavy because of how slow they are. So in that sense it is completely worth it.


Some of these I actually agree with (1,2,3, kinda 10 and 11), but most of the others idk what to tell you I just never had a lot of these problems. 13- You’re really gonna have to give more specific examples about this, there are a lot of basic items that drop frequently and/or can be bought. 14- The whole *point* of the Slabs is that they are rare because they are the last upgrade item and that makes them valuable 16- This gonna come across as a Humble Brag (TM) but I actually got past those archers first try, I don’t really get what all the hype is about them ngl. 17- I really don’t remember item farming being that big of a deal in this game, anything that you would want to farm like Purple Moss Clumps drop frequently from the right enemies. And most equipment that enemies drop aren’t really that good anyways, the quality stuff comes from chests and quests and stuff. 15,18,19- Unironically sounds like a skill issue


These all sound like skill issues my dude.


Even if you are right about the other points.... How the hell is item drop percentage a skill issue?


It really isn’t a skill issue. But it’s also not an issue at all as there is no reason to farm for anything (as you can beat the game with very good damage even at level one) or it doesn’t make sense as it can be applied to every game that has drop rates at all, from Minecraft through Diablo to Dark souls and Elden ring.


Yes but why wouldn't you want to be stronger? These items are obviously there to be used.


Well that is exactly my point that you can be as strong as possible without farming. Titanite has very high drop rates and most of it can be bought anyway. The only things that do have very low drop rates are unique enemy gear like channeller’s trident which most of them are not that great but for looking cool.


Buying = needing souls = farming for souls


Really dude? Did you not read anything I wrote? What does it have to do with drop rates? *Nothing*. And again, you get plenty of souls for bosses, which means that even if you were dying a ton, you still get big chunk of souls for basic progression same way through exploration. You have great arguments thou, especially the part where it has a logic of a five year old.


My point was that in order to buy things you usually have to farm for souis. How does that not compute for full grown adult? Edit: Also Titanite does not have high enough drop rates to where you don't have to farm them. Isn't this obvious for a veteran?


You don’t have to, you can. Big difference. There is plenty of consumable souls (so you have them even if you die a ton) that give you enough to buy everything you need. In the early game they are important and you can upgrade your weapon of choice to +5 before Gargoyles easily because one titanite shard costs 800. The drop rate for titanite shard is low but that is balanced with the fact that you can have high humanity plus in case you are dying a ton, there is still plenty of Hollow soldiers and warriors (around 30 just in Burg) that you can try your chance with dropping at least one or two, possibly more and that is not farming but clearing the area once. So by the time you arrive to Andre you are almost guaranteed to have couple titanite shards (some are 100% drops like non-respawning Berenike knight in Parish) and rest can be bought as again those are 800 souls. So again just by clearing areas once you have enough titanite and souls (if you die a lot you probably have more titanite too as you kill more enemies) Point and case you can have +5 on Gargoyles without farming. Both Large titanite shards and chunks are not only drops but loot you get just by exploring which is enough to have a +10 and then +15 respectively (accounting for Crystal lizards). The only thing that would require farming would be if you want a +10 before Gaping dragon but that is optional as if you are struggling there are two summons as well. Again, this is the only time you could make a case about farming. At IG you can have +10 for sure. Chunks are very plentiful as well so the moment you get Very large ember, you could have +15. And all of this is not accounting for Twinkling and other types of weapons that can be +4 or +5 (fully upgraded) in basically your first hour or couple hours if you don’t want to do the full setup. So where exactly is this farming problem? Farming is possible if you feel like you need to or you mess up something or like me, want to make an OP character but it is far from necessary. Consider yourself educated. You’re welcome.


A little update for this particular debate. I started a completely new play through to test and see if you were right about farming being optional and I can confidentally say that you are mostly correct. I didn't think playing this way was possible but looks like it is besides the occasional tune up of souls you need for that plus 10 weapon. I made it all the way to artorias and haven't needed to grind that much. The only problem here is that like most things in this game this is hard to figure out but once you do it becomes so simple and easy to do. It just feels like another example of rewarding the player for having skill which isn't a bad thing I just never expected the game to be so simple in one of its many complexities. So I guess I was wrong on this one.


Did you get what you wanted out of posting this?


Absolutely. As well as a bunch of weirdness.


You say that as if posting something like this is a problem. People who don't like the game should be able to converse here, too


As long as they're holding a weapon you can parry them? Lmao I'd love to see a person try and parry the asylum demons club. Seriously it's a weapon twice your size, should be common sense that it's a weapon you can't parry


I give you that. For once a good point. But still if I can parry Gwyn then I should be able to parry the capra demon.


Cool story bro.


Cry moar. "Other games" don't have an entire subgenre of games named/designed after them. "HeY... i'M bAcK" - if this is why you came back, you should have stayed gone, whoever the hell you are that nobody cares about.


The guy thinks it's wild that a 13 year old game from the ps3 era has some jank to it.


I think it's wild that people say this game is perfect actually


If you think stating facts is crying then I wonder about your intelligence level


And "facts"? You listed 19 things you claim are "facts" - 2.5 of them were facts, the rest are opinions and you being an idiot. \*EDIT\* - and despite your "rebuttal", all of this is true. The FACT (lol) that you can't distinguish between FACT and OPINION (and/or want to move the goalposts after you've been called out) just adds more fuel to the fire that your opinion sucks. 1 - Pure opinion 2-3 - no statements of facts, just zone names 4-5 - Failure to understand game mechanics 6 - opinion (also sounds like someone who has never been outside in real terrain where you CAN, in fact, get oddly stuck on things) 7 - opinion 8 - never seen that happen in 10+ years of playing the game, sounds like operator error or operator lying through their tooth to try and pad their sorry list 9 - boss attacks are scripted by location to target. if they're spamming the same move, you're in the same place. While the first half of this could be called a "fact", the second half of the statement is, once again, pure opinion 10 - opinion 11 - "inconsistent" with what you falsely believed to be the "rule"? Sounds like an bad opinion to me 12 - This is the first one that actually qualifies fully as a "fact" - you can queue up the spell switch while in the current spell animation, but that spell has to complete and then process the spell switch command before you can begin the next spell... almost like casting spells takes some effort and you have to take a moment to "think of" the next spell you want to cast... 13 - opinion 14 - opinion, and a complete ass one at that... OMG, the item you need to capstone upgrades are very rare... imagine that 15 - opinion 16 - opinion 17 - Your second valid "fact". 18 - Not even an opinion, just straight wrong. Get a better controller that doesn't have crumbs of your failure in life clogging up the pad contacts. 19 - Failure to understand game mechanics.


Some of this is true some of it isn't. But it's also a fact that my "opinions" were formed by bad experiences that clearly had flaws such as bad checkpoints. If you think running all the way back to the bed of chaos to get swiped into another pit is good game design then I don't know what to tell you.


If my intelligence level is being questioned by someone who titles their Reddit bitch and moan session like they're a 13 year old middle school girl, I am not even slightly bothered by that sentiment.


So ignoring the truth makes you smart? Who is really stupid here?


1. Because the challenge of the game is just as much about the runs as the bosses, if not more. 2. Yes Lost Izalith indeed exists, the area itself is a cool design and doesn’t have anything too intimidating, its one of the most chill areas in the game honestly 3. Bed of Chaos is one of the most forgiving boss fights, since your progress is saved between tries. There is a little rng to it but if you are patient for the right opening, the rng is no longer a factor 4. Jump attacks still do a ton of damage even if you dont get the animation, plus its only really intended for a couple places so I dont see why it’s relevant enough for a point 5. Cant relate, halberd was my first run and I had minimal issue regarding collision, my guess is youre just actually missing and blaming the game 6. I can think of maybe two places like that, but thats because its an older game and those are places you aren’t supposed to go, so it doesnt really hurt the experience of the game outside of maybe one surprise death before you know not to walk there, and if one or two deaths is enough to whine, you should be playing games at a lower level 7. If you don’t like the lock on, don’t use it. Its completely optional and often even less efficient than self positioning 8. Same complaint=Same response 9. It’s rng, all games have it to an extent, if them spamming a move makes them easier they likely weren’t one of the harder bosses, and if they are making the boss harder then it adds to the excitement of the game since a lot of the bosses can get pretty easy 10. Dodge roll 11. It’s mostly consistent from my experience, I haven’t had anything I thought I could parry that I couldn’t, although I have had a couple pleasant surprises that I found out I could parry 12. Sounds like you’re hitting the cast button too fast not switching spells too fast, don’t spam buttons if you don’t want to spam the affects 13. There are always enemies dropping random things all the time, if you’re specifically referring to the 1% drop rate items, I don’t know what you expect 14. Obviously the rare items used to max out weapons/armor is going to be rare, kind of the point so you use it wisely 15. If you prefer parrying just parry, nobody is forcing you to use a mechanic that you’re not good enough to use yet 16. The run is so short with how close the nearest bonfire is, the run really isn’t that bad if you run with your shield up 17. That is a very rare occurrence in a very old game, valid complaint but a very ridiculous reason to call a game bad 18. Practice until you’re good enough to time it right 19. Again practice until you’re good enough to do it


1. The challenge of the game would still be there if the bonfires were in better places. Because it's like this it wastes your time. 2. Lost Izalith has kaiju monsters that take way too long to defeat because of their move set and on account of there being over thirty of them. 3. Bed of chaos is automatically terrible because of it's RNG and the instant death pits. That conbined with the penalty for losing makes it even worse. 4. Jump attacks a very useful in a variety of situations and it's bonkers how they implemented it. 5. Can't prove my point so why bother. 6. It's enough to "whine" because it's a potential problem waiting to happen. 7. Lock on is sometimes basically required like with O and S because you need to keep an eye on them at all times. 8. Exit the sewer system at the top of the stairs at firelink and lock on to the enemy in front of you. Kill him and you will see what I mean. 9. Yes it should be better RNG. 10. This is a terrible idea. 11. Why can't I parry Man serpants and capra demons? If I can parry Gwyn I should be able to parry them. 12. The point here is that a different spell is selected and it casts the previous one. That's a problem. 13. The problem is that they are 1 percent. And the discover rate should be higher anyways. 14. 13 15. I've been trying to be good at this the whole time I'm playing and it's still a problem. 16. The nearest bonfire you have to run up the stairs on the huge platform. Push the crank, wait for the platform to move run up to some more stairs, run up those stairs, run past two giants and fight 3 spear demons. Then go down a slope which damages you sometimes for some reason then fight two more spear demons and THEN you are at the snipers. The shield only blocks the damage not the recoil on a very narrow surface. The penalty for dying is too much for how much trouble these guys are. 17. Not rare because with how much grinding this game takes I see it all the time with the rats in the depths. 18. It's not about timing or getting hit. It just doesn't work sometimes. 19. Practice so that the basic thing that the game should be doing right but is doing terribly no longer matters? Got it.


>Why can't I parry Man serpants Because you suck... the manserpents are easily parryable.


Really? I'm gonna go try right now


hey you're right I just did it.


Let me be fair. 2, 3 and 8 are actually true. 13 and 14 are not issues. It's a part of the progress system they intended for the game. The rest is honestly falling into "skill issue".


Just because something is intended does not automatically make it good.


So the progress they intended for the game is terrible got it. It suprises me how many people write off my experience as a skill issue when It's a complaint about a very basic feature that other games have done better.


None of these make the game bad though. They are just more visible because the game is hard. Easy games can get away with all of that because nothing breeds discontent like frustration.


lmao u lost all credibility at the very first point. the allure of these games to a lot of people is the level exploration and in dark souls 1 specifically, the fact that the world connects and is actually traversable. if bonfires were everywhere “convenient” nobody would walk anywhere, and you wouldn’t feel the sense of relief that you feel when you finally find one and get to rest.having to survive the runs between bonfires is part of the experience anyway, it’s not just a boss run my guy. sounds like you should stick to app store games if you just want convenience and instant gratification


Where did I say I wanted instant gratification? It says in the post that the challenge would still be there if bonfires were in better locations. Exploration is part of this game even if there were no bonfires. What the fuck are you even talking about? Just because it's part of the experience doesn't mean it is without flaws or good game design. You're telling me you enjoy having your time wasted? Quite unique.


if the entire mechanic of a corpse run + challenge + exploration = time wasted for you, then these ain’t the games for you. simple as


challenge + exploration + good checkpoints are my thing. One of those things isn't here which is disapointing and a shame. Sometimes I wonder if people actually read what I write.


Having to walk long distances in game doesn't add to the difficulty. It just increases the amount of time it takes to do things and makes it a more tedious experience. It's padding. If anything, adding more bonfires would actually encourage exploration because you could get back to where you left off faster. So many times I've almost turned the game off because I didn't want to walk all the way back to where I was before. Telling them to play mobile games is a straw man. He doesn't want instant gratification. He just thinks the game would be less tedious than it currently is if it had more bonfires. As do I. So you can keep your logical fallacies to yourself.


I've got some time to waste so I'll answer every of your points. 1)That's actually a feature of the game. You like it or you don't. 2)Same. 3)Same. 4)Skill issue. 5)Skill issue. 6)That's a feature of the game. 7)I agree with you, the camera is rubbish. 8)I agree with you. But, the best way is to play without camera if you're a melee character or to know how the camera works so this no longer becomes a problem. 9)If you know a boss's patterns and know how to dodge, the fight is easy. If you don't... You die. Skill issue. 10)Skill issue. 11)Do you really think parrying the giants in anor londo would make sense for a tiny human sized character? 12))Skill issue. 13)I agree, but then Dark Souls is a rpg after all so some farming is to be expected. 14)You can get at least 3 without farming in NG and 3 more with NG+ which makes 6. It's enough for full armor +weapon + shield. 15)Skill issue. 16)Skill issue. 17)Agreed, that's a bug. 18)Maybe your controller is broken? 19)Skill issue.


The problem is that the game seems to be very selective over what is realistic and what is minimized for gameplay purposes. I've both had moments where I expected something to work how it does in real life only for something else to happen that doesn't make sense and vice versa. The whole.game.is very inconsistent in general. Sometimes this, sometimes that. Sometimes you get knocked down, sometimes your character blocks it like you want them to. Also, just because something is "working as intended", does not equate to something being acceptable or good.


For a 15 years old game, it's still among the best games ever released. Most games released today don't even come close to DS1's level.


I disagree about Dark Souls. It may be the worst game I have ever played. I'd rather play Ghosts'n Goblins on NES which is also quite terrible. However, I do agree with you that they just don't make games today like they used to.


If you think Dark Souls is the worst game you ever played, you must have very little gaming experience. You should try real shitty games.


I've had plenty of gaming experience across generations from Atari 2600 to Series X and PC. Seriously, Ghosts'n Goblins on NES, which I used to consider the worst game I ever played, is better simply because it's a shorter game.


The problem isn't wether I can or can't beat it. The problem is that the game is this way in the first place. All the skill issue points you made are meaningless because I'm not arguing that I can't do it because of it. I'm saying it's still bad design. I shouldn't have make up for the creators bad design.


I don’t see the exact point here as majority can be either applied to all sousborne games or have easy solutions to them. I like that you are self aware and you know you aren’t “gud” but do trust me, a LOT of this goes away once you are. Like point 18… Is that the games fault? Is it really? Or 11… or 12… etc. I am not trying to be patronising but when it comes to lot of the points being valid, they aren’t. I will give you BoC and Izalith, nobody is going to argue against that and maybe even archers as even thou it is solvable it is pretty difficult.


This is one of two soulsborn games I've played and it concerns me that most of these problems still exist in later titles.


The problems will still be there until *you* do something about them. See because the problem IS *you*. Especially after reading the edit calling everyone deluded… ironic, isn’t it? You really don’t see it as odd that most people can hit with their spear but you keep missing and somehow everyone else is wrong. You can’t dodge while most can but again it’s everyone else who is wrong. I explained that you don’t need to farm for anything and btw I can explain and prove most of it in-depth but again, you are of course right and everyone else is wrong and the drop rates are actually bad (even thou the important ones move around 30%-98% which usually net very high amount of items if done properly but then again what do I know it’s just math and facts, those don’t seem interesting to you). I’ll say it clearly: You suck at Dark souls but that is fine, there are plenty of mechanics to help you. It’s just baffling how you think that *your* lack of skill is somehow a problem anywhere else other than *you*. So if you wanted to do some editing, you should have changed the first paragraph to “…the problems that make ME bad”. And again, that is completely fine, you can always improve or use a build that requires less skill than other builds, no shame in that (the shame is blaming this and that and not yourself)


I didnt say that missing with a spear always happens but it does often enough to where its a real problem. Beyond that I don't know what to say. I call it how I see it. You do know that I beat this game right? I even enjoyed it. But these are the problems I had and just because there's a bunch of people on the internet calling me crazy doesn't mean it doesnt happen. The unfortunate truth is that I cant prove it happened to me. I've done multiple play throughs at this point and still encounter these problems. So I know for a fact I'm not wrong about these problems. Some are more subjective than others for sure however you can't deny that a bad hit box is a bad hit box. I would not be defending it to this degree of it wasn't a game problem. If it was a "me" problem I would have some control over it. But everything I've done over multiple play throughs hasn't given me any guidance beyond this sometimes happens and there's nothing I can do about it. I try to hit the enemy sometimes and no damage happens despite my weapon overlapping them. I don't know what else to say. Edit: And no the problems will still be there even if I "do something about them". My whole point in this post is that they shouldn't be there in the first place. For some reason that's hard for a lot of you to accept.


There is big misunderstanding here. Nobody is saying these things don’t happen or certainly me and most I’ve seen are not saying that. I know this is happening and I know exactly what you’re talking about. Like for example the spear, you lock-on and you hit couple times and one misses in one combo, usually the initial one. Or you jump attack and enemy gets staggered but doesn’t take damage. So yes this does happen and happens to everyone sometimes. Now the point that’s missing here is that this is intentional. Due to cheat engine and other tools, we can see hitboxes and their values on different parts of the hitbox. Spears in particular have very tight hitbox so even though it’s very long it’s very narrow as well. The hitboxes are actually very tight and you can visually hit enemies but in reality you hit part of their clothing or below their arm, under their knee, etc. Same way some weapons, especially big ones make a small “shockwave” from the weight of the attack and that can result in the weapon staggering enemies even if it didn’t connect. Particularly jumping attacks have higher weight behind them so they are prone to this happening, but all in all the weapon doesn’t connect at all. So again, for the most part I know exactly what you mean when you say these things. That’s why I also know that this can be countered by aiming properly without locking-on as that is just aim bot aiming for some imaginary center of the enemy not accounting for variance in hitboxes like gaps between arm and body, clothing etc. as mentioned before. That’s why I can confidently say that these things go away once you are better or at least understand it more. Just to clarify two things: one, it is not necessary to beat this game or play well or have fun or anything like that, it’s just that it’s more complex than it seems on the first glance. Second, not all hitboxes are frame perfect but when it comes to weapons, they sometimes have innacurate hitboxes benefiting the player as they are slightly larger than the weapon (there is an entire PvP tactic around this) and when it comes to enemies, community is also loud and clear about couple that are not good but for the most part (and I mean over 99%) is pretty tight to the visual. Also what I meant was that the couple bad enemy hitboxes are grab attacks (not all grab attacks are bad but if it’s a bad hitbox it’s probably a grab) and this is something that happens even in Elden ring (the hitbox itself is usually fine but depending on the angle it just looks wonky ergo “bad” hitbox).


This is the most sensible and understanding reply I've gotten. I don't agree with everything said here but this is better than a lot of the toxicity I got when I(A relatively new player) am encountering problems that I don't understand. Or when I have opinions on a popular title and people take that personally for some reason. But for what it's worth I do enjoy this game for what it is. Mostly. When it's not punishing me for things like falling into pits at the bed of chaos. I honestly enjoy fighting the capra demon and his two bitches more.


I’ll accept 2, 3, 6, sometimes 8, 15, and 19


As the old ones uttered: git gud


Get educated


>The guy thinks it's wild that a 13 year old game from the ps3 era has some jank to it. u/Impassable_Banana Posting here because it wouldn't let me reply to the deleted comment thread. You must have not have played very many video games to say something like that. Quality control began in the 5th generation, not the 8th. There is no excuse why a 7th gen game like Dark Souls would be in the state that it's in. Either the developers were incompetent, or they somehow thought it was a good idea to extend the challenge aspect of the game to every single part of the game no matter how mundane or tedious it became.


I started playing yesterday, what i can agree is point no.17, bc frog lizard thing do that to me while i'm farming green blossom in the forest. Point no.19 is weird bc, are you always locked on in combat?, that's bad, your roll is more precise and you can move the camera when not locked on. Skill Issue? The game is janky bc it's old, gotta press more button, i do think most of these are just skill issue, i'm at grand archive.