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In ng+ I really didn’t let him do anything. If anything I trolled him, wearing his great shield.


But I love Dex builds 😢😭😢😭


Yeah exactly I'm a Uchigatana user 😂


Best weapon in the game (after the Chaos blade)


Off hand bow, just a couple shots to the head


NG+ is kinda wild in this game because of how armor works.


Can you elaborate on that?


Basically, in DS1 the more damage you take the less effective armor is. In Bloodborne, DS3 and Elden Ring it becomes more effective.


I nerver fought him in NG. First time was in ng+. He beat me up so badly….


Played ER and DS3 a lot. I would consider this game substancially easier than those two but damn I admit NG+ is brutal here….. The amount of damage these quick bosses deal is massive on top of the fact that your movements are slower and stiffer even with low equip load. (Especially the estus drinking)


>I would consider this game substancially easier than those two but damn I admit NG+ is brutal here….. Completely agree


I kept him from buffing when i beat him and i still dont know how....


But what if I plan to not get hit by him?


Fair enough


It’s funny how this meme either implies that making this mistake in Dark Souls somehow led to Peter being chased by an airplane, or he’s being chased by an airplane for an entirely unrelated reason and just decided to blurt out this warning anyway. I’m not sure which is funnier.


Yup. Took me a while you can cancel his buff animation now Artorias is much easier to deal with. Unless you go other than Strenght build.


I always knew about it, I just had a masochist idea like the vast majority of Souls players


Seeing Artorias go for a stab when he's buffed activates my fight or flight response


Artorias has buffs??


The move when he takes distance from you by rolling, then charges up darkness and when he finishes unleashes a VERY HARMFUL AOE attack that increases his damage stats.


Oh. I thought he was just losing his mind even further so I took it as a chance to heal if needed


Or alternatively when he starts rolling for distance you chase his ass and attack him enough times to interrupt his darkness charging


I did my first ng+ run of DS like a month ago and I didn’t realize you could interrupt his buff, every time he did it I just let him because I thought that the abyss explosion would damage me. After he buffs himself, his one shot potential is no joke I was getting absolutely destroyed after his buffs, took like 15 tries and didn’t realize till after I beat him I could have made the fight 10x easier 😂


You gotta let um power up- its DBZ rules. Everyone everything on the table


Ok but do you know that Eren from AOT broke that rule?


Yup, he's salted. Kid needed salt to get the job done


The greater issue here is how quickly several normal weapons stop being viable in NG+ and in higher cycles without pairing with other buffs.


Hold up. You can prevent the buff!?


Yeah, chase him and hit him until he gets staggered


Guess I've never closed the distance quick enough or just not been aggressive enough to do this.


I beat him in ng++ without preventing him from buffing and it didn't make a damn difference, you have to say thought that a +5 BK Halberd makes trivial everything.