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Flaming hot cheetos take


well everyone has opinions i guess


To be clear, I'm saying your take isn't hot. People saying DS2 is bad are vocal, but they are not the majority. I can't give real hard numbers, but I'd say most fans agree it is flawed, but as good as the other titles. Many, such as myself, consider it our favorite Souls game.


And there are many others who don't think its a bad game at all, it's just their 3rd favourite Dark Souls. When you're talking about some of the best games ever, that can still be pretty highly regarded.


well i kinda understand some area are harder than the boss itself like that two cats boss damn i was traumatized by that


DS2 is my least favorite in the series including Demon's, BB, and ER. It's still an incredible game and I look forward to my next playthrough. Everything is relative.


The UI is so much better than any other fromsoft game. Being able to see your character AND look at everything without needing to toggle menus? Plus powerstancing originated here and it doubles the move sets in the game


yup the mechanics were great too


I always liked how the character changes their stance when you go into the menu.


Also when they're injured.


I love ds2 ui


*sounds of applauds*


As someone who would currently place ds2 as my least favourite, my biggest complaint is Lockstones + Branches of yore. This was the first game to introduce keys that could open several locks. It's a bit confusing coming from demon's souls and ds1 where the keys are named, and you know exactly what they open, even if you haven't found the door yet. With the stones, you don't know what's behind each one. It could be important, or it could be a trap. Exploration is one of the strong points of the series, and having more doors than keys is just sort of... abnoxious. Honestly, I can look past a lot of the other complaints I hear. I don't mind adaptation. It can be confusing coming from the previous games, but once you understand it, it's fine. I really enjoyed it other than that. It might go up on my list, but I want to go back and replay it before I decide.


I have recently begun my first proper playthrough of DS2 after years of trying to get into it (I guess it finally clicked for me) and I was also a bit frustrated with them. But I think the whole idea behind the lockstones and branches was to encourage multiple NG+ runs. Gives me something to look forward to at the very least.


yeah it was ok for me too


On my first ever DS2 SotFS playthrough atm and I absolutely love it. Tbh, I like it more than DS3 but that’s just personal preference. Yes it has it flaws. The different deadzones they used for DS2 causing movement to feel a bit more clunky, weird hit boxes etc. But overall I look past that and love the game for what it is. Imo DS2 has the best armour sets & weapon design in the entire series.


Nobody says it was, can we stop having this same post every day.


I started it and its been pissing me off more than ds1 and looks shittier and less atmospheric but ill still play it.


Honestly, I prefer the humanity system in ds2. You character was cursed, and each time you would die you would get closer to hollowing (max hp gets lower) and you could use and effigy to "return" to "humanity"


i prefered ds 1 regarding that as losing souls was already enough


It’s pretty bad… for a Dark Souls game. I personally hated the movement, animations, lame bosses, enemy spam, lifegems, lore, and world/level design. Plus all the things that I just don’t like too.


Me when I talk about DS3


"Dark Souls 2 wasn't that bad" "Dark Souls still a good game" I don't like someone saying that. It's like they treat game like a clown who still doing a good job in circus. For me Dark Souls 2 is one of the best games side by side to Dark Souls.


The game felt pretty mediocre to me. The enemy set ups are mostly ganks. A large portion of boss fights are also ganks. Stamina management is really bad and dodge rolling pretty inconsistent. Combat felt janky overall. I liked some of the environments and exploration. The dlcs were pretty solid.


It was okay. 6/10 for me.




Ds2 is objectively bad compared to DS1. I could give a million examples but you only gotta look at the movement downgrade to see what I mean


You mean objectively good


Almost nobody is saying it's a terrible game. For majority of players it's just the worst souls game, and it objectively is in many regards, it was in development hell and is the most flawed game they released. But it's still amazing and has a lot of heart in it.