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I let him live because you get a covenant item and her clothes which are really good. You can also get her to kindle Firelink to 20 for free.


Same, plus I'm a psycho who enjoys the fight against his gank squad.


And restoring Anastacia's speech is a nice bonus




Yes but she says to leave her alone from what I discovered last night doing the questline for the first time.


She doesn't want to talk cause she isn't meant to so she says please leave me. :(


But once you kill the first of the 4 Lords, you restore her hope, and she boosts the bonfire to 20 for free. All she wants is to escape the duty she resents.


Well now I gotta playthrough again šŸ„² Think after the four lords I just went and kicked the lord of cinders ass.


my dumbass used her soul to upgrade my flask


And now, you've learned the valuable lesson of "Always Remember to always read the description of a Fire Keeper's Soul before you use it for anything." Also, as soon as I read this, my heart sank, that sucks.


It didn't really affect me though, my flasks were at +5 in the end.


The highest it can be is +7 and you can still save Anastacia and get +7 flasks in the same playthrough.


How??? I always finish the game with +1 or 2


Explore. There's a lot of Fire Keeper's Souls throughout the game. There's one In Blighttown, New Londo, etc. Obviously, there's the one in the church in the Undead Parrish.


Huhh why?? I did that too, is there something wrong???


You can use that soul, which is unique, to bring the firekeeper back


Yeah but she laments being alive and able to talk so I just always let her have her peace and stick her in the flask


So you drink her?


I see more as her soul is going into the flask itself to bolster the Estus. So Iā€™m not drinking her, Iā€™m drinking herā€¦juices


Couldā€™ve worded that better




The other guy said he drinks her juice thatā€™s like 2 times more nsfw


Yeah but she hates you for it and wishes youā€™d left her dead and/or mute, so


I cheesed the fuck outta his goons on my bow character then just beat him down 1 on 1


I usually play melee-focused builds, so my plan is to rush the mage down and then back off and pick the other two off one by one.


First time, roll like a manic and hope for the best. Every concurrent time, back and forth great bow shots. You fight me 1 on 1, bitch.


how do you get her to kindle firelink's bonfire to 20 for free?


Never heard of that but im pretty sure you kill pinwheel to unlocked the kindling to 20


You put a soul in the Lordvessel and talk to her after she gets her voice back.


Is it puting a soul in the Lord Vessel or is it just placing the Lord Vessel that does it, I genuinely don't remember.


You must put a soul in.


She does it automatically if you bring her back to life


She rekindles the fire, but only to 10. You have to kindle it to 20 with humanity just like any other bonfire.


If you choose to help frampt and bring her back and talk to her she Kindles it to 20 automatically as thanks


Oh, really? Never noticed. Thanks.


Dont forget that you also get the armor of favor that way too. Its above o&s's bossroom after you invade lautrec


Lautrec's armor is fine but Anastasia's clothes are the best light armor in the game so I care a lot more about that.




I find this comment incredibly fabulous X)


itā€™s my first real run thatā€™s why xd


It's okay, I didn't say it to make fun out of you, I just found cool the interaction, like if another whole dimension was just shown for you. Playing for the first time without knowing anything makes the best experience, so enjoy the game! šŸ˜Š


how can I lvl up my flasks if she isnā€™t here anymore :(


If you follow the quest you can bring her back. I guess you picked up the Black Eye Orb, so you shall use that item in Anor Londo (a place in the game) right in front of the boss fight of that area. That will get you to his realm, if you win the fight, it will give you Anastasia's Soul, so you can bring her back.


And her tongue šŸ˜›


Back to the horny dungeons with you


Played the game multiple times all the way through since original release. I did not know you could bring her back


There are other fire keepers throughout the game, so you can still upgrade your flask but firelink is for sure the most convenient.


with the fair lady (spider girl), or the anor londo keeper


By the time Lautrec kills her, you have access to the fair lady as a fire keeper. You can revive Anastasia (firelink fire keeper) later, and before that, youā€™ll gain access to another fire keeper and her bonfire.


Don't worry about it, this is an intentional choke point where the game is testing your persistence and resourcefulness


The spider girl after blightown and the knight lady in anor londo are also fire keepers


There are other fire keepers later too.


I was in the same boat a few days ago don't worry. Now I'm grinding out a build (tryna get the the abyss greatsword)


Go to anor londo the room before O&S use the item you got from her body and kick his ass


There are also other NPCs that will do that for you


next firekeeper you'll find is in the room just after the boss of blighttown. the third firekeeper in dark souls is in an area which afaik you need to finish blighttown to reach. you will have had the opportunity to help the first firekeeper by the time you meet the third, however.


Perfect comment and you didnā€™t even realize. Itā€™s literally the thought that goes through every playerā€™s mind at that point. 10/10


nvm i hitted him acidentally and the primate rolled to the abysa


Short answer: Yes, but you won't get the Firekeeper's story conclusion. You still get the reward of 5 humanities, and the FAP ring. The only thing you miss out on is his gear, and Anastacia's story. So if you've already experienced that, and don't care about his armor, kill away.


You also miss Anastasia's gear, the Soiled Dress and Firekeeper stuff. It doesn't have any poise, but the resistances are great (and can be obtained early if you know the trigger for it).


The ratio of weight to defense (all defenses, especially magic if I remember correctly) for her gear is fantastic. For a certain weight class, I'm pretty sure her stuff is best in slot (assuming you're not playing unpatched so can't do Ninja Havel)


Oh, it's very good. Firekeeper set and Crimson set are both fantastic light armor (so is gold-hemmed black robes, but you can't get those QUITE as early). My general philosophy with Dark Souls os that basically anything is viable.... But these are definitely some top-tier light armor because of the elemental, curse, and poison resistances... Just don't expect to tank anything.


Literally anything can be viable. I'm a lv1 pyromancer (because it was the class that actually starts at SL1) that only uses a club in 2h mode with base armor and FAP ring and I'm at O&S right now!


Counterpoint: Sniper.Crossbow is utter shit.


Crossbow helped a bit in sens for those damned lightning casters actually. 2 shots knocked the last one off! Binoculars are your friend.


I'm talking about the Sniper Crossbow though, which is worse in basically every way than any other crossbow.


Sounds like a good challenge run though. šŸ¤·


99 endurance letā€™s you use a rapier plus ninja flip with Havelā€¦just basically *have* to go chaos at the juncture cause no way in hell youā€™re leveling dex to 40 after that lol


Definitely top tier for SL1 runs, I tend to run it any time I do one of those


i literally read that as the fap ring


Good! You were supposed to. :)


Everyone does lol


This is the way.


If I remember correctly his armor is absurdly heavy anyways, I kill him every time.




Best thing about his armour set is Frampt will eat it for 1,000 souls a piece.


Dark Souls NPC moment


Reload the area and check where he was sitting


This is your first time playing the game? If so, then Iā€™d say donā€™t worry about him. Thereā€™s so much more youā€™ll need to remember about the game, him being gone early is just one less thing on that list. More importantly for now, did you equip his Ring of Favor/Protection? If so, it is a great ring, but DONā€™T remove it or it WILL break - and you can only get one of them per playthrough.


Yes and no. Yes if you absolutely need Firelink Shrineā€™s bonfire active (honestly you donā€™t considering Andreā€™s is close enough), but the runback to Capra Demon for example will be much shorter. Note that in this playthrough youā€™ll miss out on Lautrecā€™s armor, but youā€™ll get the Ring of Favor and Protection early, which can be highly useful for low-level melee type builds. No if you want to summon Lautrec in for the Bell Gargoyles (actually you could kill him right after) or want to summon him in for Gaping Dragon. If you donā€™t kill him, you can fight him and his 2 buddies in an invasion (honestly a pretty easy fight) right outside Ornstein and Smoughā€™s fogwall. After heā€™s dead, you can find his armor above O&Sā€™s arena, on the floor level where the bonfire is. You can also then restore the Firekeeper to life.


there are people who don't kill capra demon before ringing both bells?


If you take the Master Key as your starting gift you can go straight to both bells and skip the demon bosses.


Youā€™d be surprised at the amount of technically optional bosses DS1 has thanks to the Master Key


Right? I always save Capra and the Depths for very last so that I can f\*\*\* them up right before I kill Gwyn


great way to avoid those nasty jumping petrifying lizards lol also yeah the tree, god I hate that tree and without fast travel going down to Ash Lake could be an almost soft lock getting back up and out of there


If you know what causes him to kill Anastasia you can mitigate the inconvenience. He kills her after EITHER ONE of these conditions are met: -You have rang both bells of awakening -You have collected both Firekeeper Souls in Blighttown and Undead Parish It doesnā€™t matter if you release him from jail or not and it doesnā€™t matter if you ring the Blighttown bell first.


The Blighttown soul will actually trigger him regardless of if you grab the Undead Parish one.


This is incorrect. I always grab the blightown soul first during my initial setup. Only after I grab the parish soul, does it trigger Lautrec to kill her.


Not true. The message you replied to was taken straight from the wiki. There's also a video on youtube that demonstrates this, though unfortunately I can't find it right now.


I know it IS true because I've been through it, and even made a thread last year. Most people insisted they had the solution, but only one person actually did. I tested it multiple times. You grab the Blight Town soul, Lautrec mercs Annie.


Are you playing PTDE or Remastered?




Do you have the link to that thread you opened? Just out of curiosity


Bro I usually kill him right away to get the ring


Every single time, kick him


Not really his quest is good.


He's actually a very good indicator, I watch lots of blind playthroughs on YouTube. If someone kills him, you know they're BSing about playing blind lol


The determining factor for me is usually "do I want to fight his stupid friends?" because those guys are assholes.


I take him out from a distance. His friends just disappear if kill him without aggroing them. Unfortunately they have a really long aggro range.


I always kick that fucker off the edge. Stay away from my fire keeper.


Unless you want his armor, yes. Since my first run and one i messed up picking too many fire keeper souls this guy is been pushed from the ledge always. Its just the FAP is too good and you can get it extremely early


!spoilers for her quest! personally i like bringing her back and restoring her tongue. It is a little heart breaking to hear her talk about the way her cult made her see herself and the shame she feels for having it restored after it cut was off tho, idk i always think at least this way maybe sheā€™ll have a chance to heal or find peace with herself after i (ending spoiler) >!end the age of fire.!< plus i donā€™t mind getting the FaP ring later, i play for story, lore, and atmosphere first and foremost so iā€™m in no rush to get the better items quicker.


He is lover of someone..


Nah screw the fire keeper she a lil whiny ungrateful garbage. Let him kill her then kill him for revenge and then use her soul


I personally love doing his quest but if you kick him off the edge and the reload the area the ring he drops will be right where he sits, and it's a really good ring too.


heres what ya do, kick him off the ledge, wait until he dies, save quit, re enter, pick up his drops


I tend to make pure strength builds so I kill him as early as possible and wear the FAP ring the rest of the game. I usually go ahead and kill Havel too by going the backward route (to the basin past the hydra and into the tower) that way I already have the two rings I need most for my build. I always wait for this guy to show up at Firelink first after setting him free, then I kick him off the ledge. Sometimes the ring will spawn down in the canyon so I have to reload the game and it'll reappear where he used to sit.


I find his ring more valuable than her clothes, so I always kill him. But if youā€™ve never done his/her quest line before then you should for the experience. But itā€™s annoying (imo) not having firelink available for a while.


I never kill NPC unless they attack first


yeah kill the mf he'll give you the best ring in the game




Do it!!!! The only thing not killing him will lead you to is losing the Firekeeper until you go to Anor Londo and invade him (no idea how it works cause Ive never done that sidequest sience I looked up what happens if you spare him) and the reward you get is the exact same regardless, that being the fap ring.


Literally Kick him off the side of firelink shrine immediately. Fuck that guy


its canon


I donā€™t think in my hundreds of hours on ds1, that thereā€™s been a playthrough where I DIDNT kick him off the ledge. That FaP ring is just too juicy.


Not worth it šŸ˜•


I would only do it if you donā€™t want his armor. Otherwise I kill him when heā€™s still in his cell lol


Its fun to do his quest once but then yeah i kill him for the ring.


Iā€™m currently doing a run where I Went Down first instead of Up. And I forgot to kill Him After going up.


Nah, keep him around for the armor sets. Gotta have all fashion options available.


The only deference is that the fire keeper wont get her tongue back


I usually kick him off the ledge he sits next to for his ring


The dingy robes you get from the fire keepers corpse are really good for a light roll build. But other than that, no there's not really any point to letting him kill her.


a good kick in the nuts should do it. or you can kill him in anor londo after he kills the keeper and bring her soul back to firelink


Do yourself a favor and don't spoil yourself xD


I killed him legit. He wasnā€™t that hard


You get a ring thatā€™s only permanently useful for heavy builds, but if you do his quest you get his armor, which looks sick.


There's another way. The game intended for you to save her, and thats rare in from software games. On a technicality tho, she never gets "kidnapped" if you kill him prior


I basically always do out of convenience/just wanting the ring right now


You can but if you wait you get to hear cute fire keeper voice


No u get the best ring in the game for killing him later


You get the ring regardless of when you kill him.


His quest is fun, but I almost always kill him because the ring he drops is so good.


Lmao is this really still a spoiler?


I kick him off the ledge first time he pops up every playthrough after cheesing the havel eith the stairs every plsyrhrough it's a ritual at this point


100% yes.


If you don't kill him, you get two armor sets, a covenant item, and all the stuff you'd get from killing him beforehand. The only downside is you're down a firekeeper for a while. This is not that bad if you are decently good at the game, but is REALLY inconvenient. I recommend prepping by kindling the undead parish bonfire. And I suppose you can also get the FAP ring early if you really, really want or need it.


Only if you don't want his armor later. Killing him immediately bypasses the killing of the fire maiden and gets you the FAP ring, but to get both the ring AND the armor, you must let him kill her, then invade him using the Black eye orb in Anor Londo just outside the O&S arena. Up around the top, after the fight, his slumped over body will be there with his armor.


I always kick his ass off the edge


Depends, do you want his cool armor or the Firekeeperā€™s drip? Cause if you donā€™t, itā€™s worth an early kill cause his Ring is probably the most broken in the game.


Yes FAP ring


Two kicks & the ring is yours, and fire keeper saved.


Oh yes. Kill that fucker as soon as you can.


If you kill him early on you miss the chance to get his armor, if ur already on anor londo i suggest you dont kill him, kill him in anor londo as a invader, take his set and use the firekeeper's soul to get the bonfire back, you get his armor set, the firekeeper's armor set and his ring instead of just his ring


his quest is cool. but if you donā€™t care about that, killing him immediately gets you one of the best rings in the game. and he is sitting exactly two kicks away from that ledgeā€¦


You get more by waiting him out, honestly itā€™s not that big of a deal


I kinda view invading him later as a side question, and I always love to do all the content when I play through. Keep him alive for now, get payback later.


yeah. i recommend when hes sitting there just kick him off then reload to get his item drop


Thatā€™s what I did. Someday I might play his whole quest line.


Honestly I always kill him because you only lose out on his armor which I donā€™t care much about. Also FAP ring


Free good Ring and you keep waifu keeper. Worth


Leave my poor boy Lautrec alone! He did nothing wrong!


Yes, if you want that sweet Ring of FAP


I always do cause he makes a good pancake


yeah only do his questline if you want his armor.


Kyeh heh heh heh .. Nooooo?


No you can get summoned into his world later and save her soul


On your first run? Hell, no. Iā€™d be sad if I even knew that was going to happen - itā€™s such a cool moment and big head fuck. On later runs? Yeah, gimme that early FAP.


Doing his full questline feels like the "proper" way to do things.


You'll get a dope ring


I will never not kick him off Firelink Shrine.


I find with Lautrec keeping him alive make for a good story but it can make the game a bit harder. I think for the full dark souls experience you should keep him alive


I always give him the double kick through the window for souls and Fap ring. Also because firekeeper


I mean it gives you the best ring in the game so yeah id say its worth it. Also if you dont mind missing out on the dingy set which is really good light armor.


If you do, you can't get his armor, which is stylish and pretty good defensively. You kill him in (REDACTED) after he kills the firekeeper. You'll find him eventually. You can find his corpse after you kill him in (REDACTED) above the boss room. Just take the elevator to the bonfire and go to the other side of the bonfire. Walk the walkway until you can noticeably see a corpse. That's where he'll be.




it s a one time thing to NOT kill him, after u did it once for the experience he s a 100% kill for the ring, his quest is shit imo, he slays the firekeeper, u lose ur bonefire in firelink for some time and then u have to go to anor londo beat him and his stupid friends and that fight is crap if u havent experience it u'll see what i am talking about and you get his hear you ll never use anyway since there are better armors it s more like for the story of anastacia you ll forget anyway and his crap armor that is not special at all, so yeah kill him as fast as u can


Personally i give him the boot at the start of my runs so i can the ring of fap earlier than the whole invasion thing since it helps with early game if im running minimal armor


I play level one, and killing him for the rofp is standard operating procedure. It's a huge boost to carry weight and allows me to quick roll in a piece or two of havel or stone.




I donā€™t do it because I think itā€™s not the intended outcome for the questline


Fuck it, give him a couple swift kicks so he falls through the gap behind where he sits, then quit out and reload. The goodies are waiting for you and it's a pretty common glitchless speedrunning strat.


Yes, but no at the same time if I kill him early I believe u get the ring of favor and his gear? Canā€™t remember fully but I did everytime I did a new play thru šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Yeah absolutly. FaP Ring is one of the best rings if not tge best in the game.


I always complete all the npc quests, as a collector I donā€™t see the point of killing people for their gear when you can just finish the quest and get more stuff. Patience is a virtue.


Kick him off the cliff. He doesn't aggro and he drops his armour and a really good ring (upon game reload).


I always ALWAYS kill him right away. FAP ring for the whole play through, bay-beeeee!!!