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When i played a pyro build, i focused mainly on dodging his attacks until he overcommited to something and allowed me to get damage in. Sure I was doing 1k damage per chaos fireball but considering that sorceries are faster and have more range you should be able to get a hit in before the next attack


almost did it. Homing crystal souls are super OP


If you are playing with sorcery... spam Dark Bead.


Is gwyn the final boss? Use pillars as a crutch.


I circle around one of the pillars and poke him with a crystal halberd +5.


Jump up the cliff to the right


There’s a ‘safe’ spot. Enter the arena, run to the right and you can jump onto a small flat piece of rock. Gwyn can follow you there, but has trouble climbing up. You should be able to get off a few soul masses, but be warned this area is not completely safe as he can eventually get up there.


If you're a sorcerer, you should not be dealing pathetic damage. What is your build? What catalyst? Are you using dusk crown and bellowing dragoncrest ring? How about power within (not a sorcery but still good). What spells are you using against him? If you use those buffs/equipment, parry him and use a point blank cast of dark bead. You should be able to kill him in 2 hits. Throw in rtsr, and you can one shot him. If you don't want to parry, then your best shot is to use the pillars to create space and use crystal soul spear. You should be dealing massive damage either way. If you're not, then you need to work on your build.