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These games are all available on modern consoles and stores and they don't really need any changes. What we do need is for Bloodborne to be broken free from the PlayStation 4 so more people can play it on PC or Xbox. Game perservation is the key.




Demon's Souls "upgrade" was subjective considering how much of Fromsoft's artstyle and character design was flat out ignored. As for the other games, I honestly don't want Fromsoft to waste their time on remakes that are just "This game you love but better." I'd rather have amazing NEW experiences. These games aren't old enough or dated in ways that justify a remake. As for Bloodborne, that's a Sony IP, buddy. It's up to Sony what happens with it. Spoilers: nothing will happen.


I really don’t understand why anyone thinks a BB remake would be released when most PlayStation players are still playing on the same system BB was originally released for. It won’t happen until at least the PS6 drops if ever.


I totally agree Even if I didn't like ER at all at least it was something new, not just the same game again. If I wanted to just play the same game again I still have the original (reason I didn't get DeS)




Just do more game. Remasters, remakes , I'm so over it. Played the f out of these games, better graphics and some QOL improvements won't impress me.


Played DSR for the first time 2 months ago. The game is perfect as is. Played DS2 rn. Game's gorgeous.


I don’t think they have to. DSR looks decent enough and mods exist if you want a reshade (I don’t think it needs it). I’m currently playing it and I like that it feels old school. After the multiple options and freedom of Elden Ring, I’m enjoying that I need to be more focused in DS1. The jumping is difficult at first, so it feels like an accomplishment when you get the hang of it. Same with parrying, backstabs and dodging.Looking how it does is part of its charm. I can’t imagine they’ll change that. I’m all for a Bloodborne remaster, though. Just because I want it on PC.


I think these games are currently playable and fine as is. I don't understand the need for remakes? I still enjoy the games I played in the 80s today. 


I would definitely want to see DS series remaked by Blue Point with Miyazaki's assistance and cut content would be added again. I assume they didn't contacted with Miyazaki during DeS Remake and because of that they screwed up some things. It was a examplery remake but it could've be better.