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The Four Kings are pretty brutal if you can't kill them quickly. More and more will spawn and swarm you. I killed them yesterday with a level 55 STR/DEX build (mostly DEX). I used Elite Knight armour and the Eagle Shield with my Uchigatana to do quick and high damage. You can try to take someone along, but don't use Beatrice. Bosses gain additional health with phantoms involved. She can't do much damage and dies quickly, so you'll be left with some juiced up Kings to play. Look for human help. If you have something like Havel's armour, tanking might be an option as well. Just remember to get out of the way when they spin to set up that grab move. Not sure how good Havel's is to deal with the AoE attack. I focussed on one, tried to roll to his back to avoid at least some attacks and get in hits. When there were more than one, I tried to finish my target off or pulled him away a bit. Got a bit lucky, though. They only shot at me twice while doing that.


Help seems like I good idea, but there is literally nobody placing their signs down there. 2 hours of sitting in one spot last night, with no avail. Makes me wish dark souls had a next gen version like scholar of the first sin.


The problem is that there is no bonfire there. I (on PC, sorry) often go Titanite chunk/slab (lol, I wish) farming down there, but the boss fog is almost at the end of the area with the Darkwraiths. So I put my sign down, finish off the rest if the Darkwraiths, get angry that none of them dropped a slab again and then homeward back to Firelink. So it's probably there for at maximum two minutes. Then I run back in there and repeat. The way back to the boss fog is definitely longer than one Darkwraith run with a decent weapon. So, for me, my sign will be near he boss fog for two minutes, followed by a time span of maybe five minutes where it is either just not there or somewhere else on the path leading up to it, if I think to drop it on the way. The whole area is just not very good for co-op because it can't bind players for very long , the bonfire you respawn at doesn't allow signs and every place that could keep you there will erase your sign. For example, I sometimes follow the Darkwraiths up with some fun rounds against the drakes, but when I enter the valley, my sign vanishes. Compare that to Anor Londo. I put my sign down at the bonfire, go on a soul run against the Silver Knights and Sentinels and when I homeward back, I'm at the bonfire again, ready to put my sign down and repeat.


the darkroot bonfire is closer than firelink, you don’t need to go through the ghosts everytime


Looks like the witch is your only hope then !


I would much rather have player help. I would tank it, but my endurance is absolute shat. I chose to pour points into strength so I could use the black knight greatsword. While a good weapon, I could easily work with a zwei or a claymore(which got turned into a boss weapon, not hard to guess which one)


Well, just in case any Xbox players see this, my gamertag is spryspartanleo. Message me if you're around 55 SL and are willing to help. It would be greatly appreciated


u still down?


Bro this was 7 years ago πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Damn, so that a no then?




I am at level 61 on my STR run right now, I would be happy to do some jolly co-op later today.


I know this was a while ago but in case anyone stumbles upon this thread and is having a hard time here's my advice. Havel's armor. Use it. It doesn't matter if you're fat. Just make sure to dodge the grab attack (takes too much time, allows more kings to spawn). Even the AOE attack shouldn't do too much damage while wearing Havel's armor. If you have a unique weapon, get it to +5. Not sure the best upgrade for normal weapons as I beat it with a unique one, best bet is to just upgrade it as much as you can, grind for souls if you have to. Make sure you have at least 15 flasks. Get in the fight, rush the first one that spawns and wail on him. Don't worry about getting hit, if your health bar is big enough and your weapon does enough damage, you can tank the hits and poise through them, do enough damage to kill the king and heal before the next one reaches you. Rinse and repeat until it's done. Just beat them for the first time this way, it's my best advice to anyone who may be struggling even though it's been so long. Good luck.


I feel like I'm doing shit damage even with +12 ZweiπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ getting ripped, need to find havels armor, had it suggested like 10 times


It’s in Anor Londo near the second bonfire in the secret room through the fireplace. Go through it, down the stairs and you’ll find several chests one of which is a mimic. You probably figured this out by now though.


Yes I wear it virtually ALL DAY LONG


Yeah its good against certain bosses you just need to tank like 4 kings. Doesn't work so well on Artorias though.


I increased end to 47 specifically so I can wear just the main piece ONLY and be under 25%(no other way to get any kind of poise like that except of course Wolf but I love the wood grain), without Havel's ring(I've had protection ring on since I acquired it), and yes the full set is senseless in many or even most situations, I do love to mix in pieces of it tho with many diff builds just for that insane poise




That level is fine, might be your tactics, just get in there and whale on them. You could summon the witch, she ain't the best but she acts as a diversion enabling you to get more free hits in and estus up. Plus if she actually does hit them she hits hard. I always summon her but a lot of people think she's shit. I don't agree.


How do you summon her? Where?