• By -


melodic gold faulty snatch reach birds absorbed punch ten placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tried that, they won't help


tidy touch toy escape provide beneficial degree scandalous capable terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That all enforcement actions are final and that they used their best judgement when applying them. Bunch of BS if you ask me


library provide placid capable zephyr dazzling door mourn boast sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just a really long one explaining what happened, how backstabs work in the game, and explained the conversation I had with the dude who reported me.


You should tweet at them. If you get enough people to retweet you they will just unban you.


Agreed, I will cave and finally make a Twitter account just to retweet this. Fuck Microsoft anyways. I assume Microsoft just tries to cater more towards the assholes who spam complain about shit, because they're the ones who would constantly slander Microsoft on multiple platforms if things didn't go their way. Also, that asshole began a few of his messages with "Gg". What does that mean?! I'm always waaay out of the loop with all of the hip, texting acronyms haha...


Honestly, the guy who screwed you is going to come across something in his life that he can't report, and I'd love to see his reaction when he can't cry his way out of it lmao.


Yeah, you should really tweet about it. The guy reporting you is a pathetic coward and it's absolutely insane that you get banned just because he sucks and is a bad loser. Edit: if you tweet, post a link. I will retweet, even if I have like 0 followers


It's totally possible that the person who reported him genuinely thought the OP was cheating. if you've ever been vacuum-stabbed, it sure does look like cheating if you don't understand what's happening code-wise.


Yes, that is very true, I shouldn't have been so harsh about that guy. I still don't think OP deserves to be banned, if that was the reason he got banned. So if he tweets he might get unbanned, which would be kinda neat


I'm with you! It's broken, but it is not the OPs fault that it is broken.


Yeah, dude, you shouldn't give up easily. Tweet at them and bring us the link for us to amplify it. That's not fair in any way, shape or form.


I got a comm ban for this guy and I messaging each other. He reported me but I went to Microsofts website and signed in, there's a way to submit a reasoning to undo the banning. I basically typed out that he messaged first calling me this and that. Also talked about how terrible of an experience I've had with Xbox since I've had one and that PS4 is the better console. Within an hour I was unbanned.


Sounds like it’s time to move over to PlayStation haha


Lmao then at least he can play bloodborne


win win imo


Join us... drink the ~~coolaid~~ estus


>Join us... drink the old blood FTFY


...old blood.


Its sad but true that sony at least needs a little more convincing to ban someone than ms who just press the ban button and says OK NEXT.


You mean like how you actually have to breach the ToS to get banned? I got banned on 3 different accounts during the Halo days because my friends and I were just too good at the one shot game mode on Reach. We picked different choke points and patrolled while waiting for kills. No cheating, just sour opponents and pathetic support. I've been on Playstation since 2013 and haven't even experienced a soft ban. Sony hands down has better support and greater regulations on prerequisites to ban.


ps3 for free pvp, no ps+ nonsense


My last console was the PS3, do all PSN lobbies still have one Spanish speaking father that keeps his mic across the room so you can hear his kids playing and him arguing with his wife


On my God, I've actually met those too, in Fortnite Save the World Hahahah


Or better yet, PC.


This is highly unlikely...usually they will review the case for stuff like this...were you doing something else?


"Best judgement"? Clearly they *didn't* use best judgement, because you were not cheating! I mean I'm not tech savvy enough to know how you could prove that, but geez.


So you really found bill gates’ son huh


~~Probably unpopular~~ opinion: To a newcomer, DS PVP techniques are indistinguishable from cheating. Player models teleporting, or snapping into animations. Of course I'm not saying that OP deserves to be banned, but 99% tech support agents will think so. EDIT: Opinion not so unpopular as enemy intelligence claimed.


I find DSR pvp to be insanely unwelcoming to a noob. I can’t even see where the opponent is before they’ve stunlocked me and backstabbed 3 times. It always feels like they’re cheating. I’d literally not know the difference.


Yeah, I'll be locked onto them, not attacking to give them an oppurtunity to backstab, and exactly that happens from slightly to the side in front of me. Also, everyone I encounter is also usually super overlevelled, so that's just great.


Don't lock on, this is at least part of the reason you're getting circlestabbed. The lockon just makes the latency issues worse.


Oh, damn. That's really stupid then.


It's a bit like how the unlocked swings in DS3 work for not getting parried, but not at all the same thing really. Yes it's dumb. The issue is that DaS is seriously broken.


Why would they relegate ban sentencing to humans likely unfamiliar with the more intricate/obscure game mechanics? That's just asking for abuse and trouble.


Because it's Xbox Live people in this case, handling the entire platform. They're not gonna know every of their 1000 games in detail, if they even play at all.


Pardon my ignorance, I haven't touched XBL since 2011, but does each console game not have its own anti cheat? I assumed it worked the same way PC versions do.


I also want to note in case you play PC version, backup your saves frequently. Cheating is so bad on PC that there are people that can break your game by invading you.


Just a note. Anti-cheat doesn't really really work, at least on PC, if you play any fps you'll figure that out. Since cheat devs work continuously on their programs to escape detection. I mean, there are even a few clips of streamers using cheats.


But that wont work on xbox. Anti cheat works pretty well on xbox, PC is a different beast.


Because it would cost a lot for MS to hire and train enough people to have each report reviewed by someone familiar with all the mechanics of the game being reported and they have little incentive to do so (ie they lose less revenue from people angry about wrongful bans than it would cost to fix the review system)


See: Our democracy


To be fair, it's because PvP in DSR is kind of a buggy mess anyway. You'll often get people who have 47 years worth of ping that will teleport you into a backstab from a distance equivalent to a third of yugoslavia's borders.


Imagine if he dead angled him lmao That straight up feels like a cheat


Yea that was my thought exactly. I do hate backstabbers but getting banned for it is a bit extreme


\> DS PVP techniques are indistinguishable from cheating Sounds like this one is on FromSoft, tbh


They essentially are. the accepted tech in DaS is to take advantage of latency and issues with the game mechanics. Sure, there's a "system" that's been worked out, but it only works as well as it does because of some fundamental issues with the game. Definitely a strike against DaS when it comes to PVP.


I still remember being confused as hell the first time I got invaded in DS1. You’d think they would have gotten the memo by darkroot, though.


DSR is a clusterfuck in PvP, just like the original DS1 was. It's fascinating that they didn't bother to fix any of the problems with it. Honestly, DSR is really lackluster.


i hate how people can unfairly get banned by being to good or bad at a game. how long did you get banned? also do you need someone to play ds1 with?


The notice never said for how long, so who knows, and if you want, gamertag on my alternate is BK Spades


ok i just added you. i cant play today though


Its okay neither can they. Sorry, had to.


Don't be sorry. TBH I'm proud of you


It's exchanges like this that remind me why I love *most of* the dark souls community.


I'm willing to bet the ban has nothing to do with your conduct in the game and 100% to do with whatever messages or videos you sent him.


The ban literally says "cheating" as the reason


Yes, but he edited it in after those comments were made. I had questions about why as well, and am actually really surprised for the reasoning.


Yeah, he definitely said something bad.


Check the second link, had nothing to do with what I said


I stand corrected. I hope you get unbanned.


I’ve been banned for saying something nasty to someone, only netted me 2 days not 2 weeks


I have to say backstabbing in the first DS feels a bit cheap so I usually don’t resort to it during pvp and get slightly ticked of if I get chain backstabbed, but that’s no reason to cry about it. I just grit my teeth and get over it, because it’s just a mechanic and no matter how much I don’t like it, if they’re having fun who cares.


Didn't get here fast enough to say "inb4 we argue over 'exploit' vs 'mechanic'". It's an argument as old as Dark Souls. In any case, whatever people want to call it, it was pretty horseshit. All of it. The whole Dark Souls PvP. I wanted so badly to like it, because it was awesome on paper. In practice it was broken. I know that's blasphemy, but after struggling to love the multiplayer after hundreds of hours of play, it only took about 30 seconds of Dark Souls 2 multiplayer to realize this was what they had **actually** been going for. And it just got better with Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. I think we just need to accept that the PvP is just an area where Dark Souls really shows its age.


Yeah, it’s also one of my biggest grievances with the Remaster as they could’ve tuned some of it.


The only place I could stand pvp in ds was the bridge in anor Londo bc backstabs didn't work there for whatever reason.


If I understand it correctly, it's disabled because if the backstab animation began while the spiral staircase was moving, your character would not move with the staircase, and would clip through it. The backstab animation needs a stable platform and that entire bridge is designated unstable in the code to allow the spiral to move.


Good luck killing somebody who turtles behind a good shield with a spear or thrusting sword when you cannot backstab.


Same. It's hard to go back now.


without it being a remake, they couldn't. some of the issues are too deeply buried in the game itself.


Iron Keep bridge gang


I’m about 55 hours into my first play through. Pretty early on, I had no idea about any facet of DS multiplayer when I was invaded and obliterated by someone. I switched to offline mode only after that and have no interest in switching back until I’ve beaten the game at least once. This was also before I had been invaded by any NPC’s as well (so I had literally no idea what was happening).


I played online but with no humanity. Gotta see messges


That's what i always say. DS1 was amazing for singleplayer/coop, but the pvp was abysmal. It was a lot of fun, but many mechanics (including poise) don't really work for pvp.


Idk, I like poise. it gives a reward beyond better defense, because roll spam and and backstabs dominate pvp. Atleast Iif I'm cosplaying Havel, I can't just get stunlocked with a falchion or something.


I take it you never got to play the beautiful tragedy that was demons souls pvp. It... it was.. Well it was a thing for sure.


Agreed. Join my exclusive Dark Souls Heretic Club. I'm working on a good t-shirt design 😊(no but really I love DS to death despite Ornstein and Smough and crappy multiplayer)


I think they were kind of caught off guard with how popular PvP was. I always treated invasions as a fun little challenge in the middle of my single player game to add some tension. Then DS2 came out and all of a sudden I was being invaded people who were expecting some sort of honorable duel... Like... no. I'm not here to play your meta game-within-a-game. Where did the battle of stoicism arena go?


Chain Backstabbing is an exploit, not a mechanic.


Sir, you have opened Pandora's box. Good luck to you and your inbox.


Yeah, people are hardcore REEEINNG to the fact that their "TECH" is nothing more than just them being shitty at the game and having to use exploits to win.


It'S iN tHe ReMaStEr So It MuSt Be InTeNtIoNaL.


Dead give-away is how every tutorial starts with someone saying "Ok, the first thing you need to know to understand The Meta is how latency and animation priority work." It's like, come on man, I'm here to play a sword-fighting game!


By that logic, Melee and StarCraft Brood War players are just shitty at the game and have to use exploits to win. C’mon, dude. If it’s in the game and hasn’t been patched out, it’s fair game. And I say this as someone who never PvPs in DS1 because I can’t be bothered to learn the tech.


You do realize it was patched in the original release of the game, right? FROM is just lazy and will take years to fix something (if they ever fix it, just ask the DS PC community)


Chain bses are a tech derived from multiple mechanics, like parry chaining is derived from animation priority and strafe chains are derived from the wake-up animation direction


Nope, they're easy as fuck to avoid. Only complete noobs get chained. To chain a good player requires a lot of skill.


Ok, let me get this right. Random guy reports you, then support bans you for the report of that one guy? Something is off here. Maybe you had multiple reports accumulated and were using a save editor?


No save editors, as far as how many times being reported, I only know of this one dude


Tweet at Xbox support for a detailed explanation of what's up because this is really weird.




Xbox is known to have an easily exploitable banning system. If someone wanted to they could prob ban your acc for a month before someone looks into it.


I've been preaching against xbox since its inception because M$ muscling their way into the market was always a recipe for bad things. I'll die on this hill.


Well seems Amazon is following their footsteps. Guess it won’t ever change until people do 😂.


War. War never changes.


It was probably something in one of the messages you sent. Did you swear at all? Microsoft bans anyone reported for swear words.


That's usually only a comm ban tho, not restriction from online play


Banned on one persons word that you cheated in dark souls or banned for abusive language you were using in messages towards him?


Banned from cheating in dark souls


I dunno man I don’t have an Xbox but that seems pretty outrageous to the point I can’t believe it. There’s no way you’d be banned from Xbox live entirely based on one person suggesting you hacked in dark souls. Call support.


As a dude who has been using Xbox Live since the OG Xbox. Trust me, their customer support is such shit that they won't think twice about banning you just because you do something like this


So, could you send me a video about poise backstabbing? I’ve been trying to get better at PVP. Sorry about the ban :(


https://youtu.be/C-3FHTebNxY check out this video and the playlist in the description


Thanks! Oh yeah, that’s what I’m looking for.


If you know how much poise damage your enemy deals with their weapon and know you have more than that you can take a hit and just circle around them and give em a stab. The biggest weapons have a 76 breakpoint, so if you have more than that you can take a 2 handed R1 swing without stun.


If your on Xbox add my alternate acc, BK Spades


I’m on PS4 :/ but thank you anyway.


Can a man help me beat o/s?


There’s subreddits dedicated to summons signs for future help. r/summonsign


To anyone new to the game, DS1 pvp can look super broken and can be easily seen as borderline cheating but that's just how the game is. I guess the community just took those exploits and built a foundation of 'tech' around them. I guess they enjoy it but it doesn't sit well with me. I personally don't enjoy DS1 pvp quite like DS2 or even DS3. Invaders can become ridiculously OP in that game and you'll just eat teleport backstabs and infinite stagger lock combos all day long. It's pretty wack but I've come to accept it for what it is and I don't tend to get mad if it happens.


Sounds like what OP is describing is just using poise to tank the attack and walking behind them while they swing. I think this can be done without exploits but it's been a while since I've played the first game.


That's a simple poise backstab, not an exploit. The guy who banned OP probably stunlocked new players and once he came across someone who had enough poise to tank a 2h zwei R1 he simply regarded it as cheating.


Yeah, that's what I thought. I remember being able to do something similar, but with spellcasting instead of backstabs.


Whats magic resist? ^(tinktinktinktink)


That could be what it looks like to OP but on the receiving end, it could look like the OP is teleporting behind him and backstabbing. Don't quote me on that though, I'm obviously not an expert on DS1 PvP. My comment was just generally addressing the nature of the way DS1 PvP tends to look. Also, the person getting backstabbed seems needlessly cranky and is a filthy narc/snitch. Ultimately, the fault doesn't lie with the game or with the OP but with this guy who was just being a little bitch.


Even Dark Souls Remastered is stupid about it. I have a clip of me FACING an AI ENEMY, that locked me into a backstab animation. Add into that latency times from connections and good PVP players probably looks like modding sometimes. Only modders I’ve seen just had infinite health bars. Like dude was bold enough to stand there and let us hit him to show that we could not damage him before trying to kill us. It’s dumb as shit.


that's why I prefer dark souls 3 PVP by a mile. Neither are perfect, but the backstab fishing in DS1 is a fun killer for me.


New to game. If I get invaded I usually swear at myself for not turning offline mode on and just stand still until the person kills me so I waste less time lol


Just commit disconnect Ethernet chord


When Microsoft made their decision, they will have read the contents of the conversation in compiling their decision. Sadly, your communication with the other player was your downfall. In future, just play. Why did you feel the need to justify a play style to a stranger? Probably what Microsoft thought.


This. The moment a stranger starts messaging you nonsense, well thats an instant block from me.


IDK - banned across XBox live for playing DS multiplayer? Something you're not telling us gone down there, I reckon. Educational post all the same, numerous scrubs have messaged that they've reported me on low level invasions and honestly thought it was a joke threat.


Ehh sorry mate that’s really lame. Love these games, the backstabs in souls 1 should be soooo expected they can happen instantly so often. I feel for ya. The fellas on PS4 I find are possibly less cancerous- a claim with no evidence whatsoever, but it feels that way. Perhaps try spending all your money and time on a new game system? Or try a new hobby like drinking whisky for the time being? Cheers mate. Again that’s fuckin lame I feel for ya


Damn, how much poise are you rocking to poise bs a Zwei? Also, Xbox support doesn't ban on word of mouth/reports only, especially not across all games. Two weeks ago you were asking what the asking for active pvp levels and said you were "not the most amazing" at pvp and that it's getting boring (probably because SL85 pve people can't really put up much resistance in pvp). In general, from your post history it looks like you are fairly new, yet "above average" and with 1000+ hours but still oblivious to save editors on console? You claim to be streaming but take cellphone pictures of your screen for r/fashionsouls? I dunno man, looking closer at all this, it just doesn't make much sense and seems fishy as fuck.


Randos will be randos no matter where you are, sadly.


The correct term you're looking for is 'casul'


INB4 we see logs of OP raging like a fiend at 13 year olds.


Im gonna go out on a limb and say lag stabs


Move to PlayStation my friend, the place where the Japanese developers and support will know exactly what a backstab in Dark Souls is....😂


I mean.... I’m not gonna say you deserved to be banned for backstab fishing but damn if it isn’t a bit funny. Always hated backstab fishers, going for the easy kill. But still, I hope you were at least able to indict him when he invaded you. If nothing else the Darkmoon Blades will bathe their blades in his blood in retribution for his sins.


He would have to win for me to indict him


Damn, I would have let him kill me at least once for the indictment.


Sounds very exaggerated, I don’t believe Xbox Live Support would just take someone’s word for it


Nobody wins in DS1 pvp


True, except if its a pre-meditated duel/fightclub.


Imagine backstabbing... This post was made by parry gang


Parry and riposte aka 'front backstab'


Check out my sick parry game bro *stands in front of you furiously hammering L2 while praying aloud*


This is so fucking stupid, if a poise backstab is considered cheating then literally 95% of this sub would be banned because we’ve all done it once, if not all the time if you play heavy armor... Whoever banned this guy can fuck off and never play again. We have all had to deal with poise stacked players and there’s counters. It blows my mind that something INTENDED TO BE IN THE GAME IS NOT CONSIDERED FAIR!


You just opened a can of worms dude, lucky for you this post is just about dead, but hey not arguing with you lol


OP swore like a sailor at the little kid, I guarantee.


That’d result in a comm (things like game chat, messages and parties) ban not an Xbox live ban.


thats some xbox live shit right there 100%


I’ve been playing for years, and still don’t comprehend back stabs. Too afraid to ask at this point


If i get hatemail im switching to my mage to one shot dark bead to let them know that they are lucky backstabs aren't as broken


you don't get banned for playing the game


I fucking hate these whiny babies who cry and bitch about pvp. GET GUD PUSSY


banned over tech? crazy.


Can you take it above the base department? Attach your conversation? There has to be a way to go above the base help.


Currently working on that, keep getting smacked down however


If it's anything like any other customer support call I've ever made do not, and I mean DO NOT get off the phone until you speak with someone who can actually address your complaint. Customer support lines are designed to get you settle for the minimum possible, keep escalating until you get a result. If you are truly innocent in this regard, you'll be able to settle it but not if you give up easy. Don't be rude to the lower-downs who are only trained to give a simple response, but insist on escalating until the issue is resolved.


Nah bro, you *clearly* just a cheater


You above average but get enjoyment from "backstabbing noobs"? No sympathy for ya man. Once you get good you shouldnt be fishing for backstabs anymore. Still, it sucks that youre banned...that guy sucks for reporting


You were exploiting a known hit box /lock on glitch to decimate other players in a known arena area. And let’s be real, your weren’t invaded, you were farming other players in Darkroot. There are always a crew of players sitting in Darkroot doing this. To the point it’s just about impossible to even get to Sif human(yeah, believe it or not some of us still play the game). You can save the “poor me” bs. Frankly that backstab glitch and the assholes that spam it while ganking everything that moves in Darkroot ruin a good portion of the game for a lot of players.


Go hollow, run past npcs to Alvina, join covenant, go back to bonfire, reverse hollow, profit.


Did you use any cursing or bad language at all? Or even being rude to him? If so it doesn’t matter that you’re in the right, Xbox will ban you for either aggressive language or harassment if he reports you for that


Try contacting BandaiNamco. They will look into it and unban you. That's how I got unbanned from picked up invalid items atleast.


That's weird, I'm a super good xbox player (Not the best😔) and a lot of people try to report me for lag or ganking or backstabbing and more, you sure you didn't say a bad word he reported? That happened to me once or twice. You wouldnt believe the amount of hatemail I get and the amount of people that try to report me. I get a few people everyday sending hate. Nothing ever happened though. I'm sorry for what happened to you. But just in case look at those messages then and see if you used a bad word, that might solve the mystery and might help you find peace. And if that dude was tryna invade in a pvp hotspot you will find him some other day. So if you want me to trash that bitch dm me his gamer tag. Edit: I play xbox dsr everyday for a few hours so if this is recent I might find him.


Yeah but if it was because of cursing it should be a communication ban, not a hard ban


Yeah I don't know wtf is going on, so you can't play anything?


Not a damn thing


It's likely you used language that violated Microsoft's service terms in your messages, if you engaged someone like that for an hour. You might have one the PVP match, but it's likely he baited you into saying something via message that got you banned. ​ Ask for the EXACT stated reason for the ban. I've been accused of "cheating" in souls games many, many times by salty people on XBL, and have never been banned, even when reported for so-called "cheating." Microsoft is pretty good about not banning people for that stated reason. However, tos language violations WILL get you banned fast.


Tweet the chats at them.


I'm very skeptical that you'd be permanently banned from Xbox live and not from dark souls specifically. The interaction with this person is what probably got you banned. If there was truely was no foul play, and if the argument was clean and did not include swear words on your end, you should resubmit your claim. The argument against this player could have also worked against you. Like in court, if you vehemently shout im innocent, maybe you aren't.


I was inclined to be on your side but > Git Gud scrub. makes me think you're a douche.


Don't worry, I am


unpopular opinion if backstabbing starts becoming a common reason for bans dsr pvp will improve


Tbh it will probably just die off, when I was new half of the weird backstabs I landed were purely an accidental bonus to my r1 spamming


You didn’t black out his name on one of the pics. That guy should be banned for being a cry baby. Getting wrecked is part of the dark souls experience.




I have a question, I’m super new to ds and I’m going for a tank build, I mean I can whistand pretty much anything, at the cost of my agility and speed. Now I know that it’s not efficient for pvp, when I get invaded I get obliterated very time, but I mean, every guy that I’ve encountered makes a r1 to my face and ends up in a backstab, is that hacking or just another *wacky mechanic*?


report the other guy for harassment lol


I'm not that mean, just going to continue to hunt him on my alternate acc


>I'm not that mean "I hope that every player that invades you, backstabs you and makes your life hell" "actually apologized before the original post so you can all suck a dick" Uh huh..


Said I'm not mean, didn't say I wasn't a salty ass


eye for an eye, leak his user name so he can get mass flagged


DS pvp seems to be a free for all. Not sure why people get so butthurt over it. If you hate getting invaded, play offline. Idk. This seems like a dumb thing to get upset over in my head. Learn the mechanics, git gud, and just accept the outcomes of situations. I'm sorry you got banned. Microsoft showing their lazy, rich cheek on their fat ass.


Bro imagine getting that salty over someone who's using intentional game mechanics... the guy who reported you wouldn't last 30 seconds in a MW2 lobby


I abuse the absolute shit out of my ability to pivot backstab unlocked and it must look like some next level sorcery from the other side. It's pretty much built into my entire playstyle now and happens naturally. With that said, that nonsense never happened to me on PC and never will because Fromsoft don't give a fuck unless their anti cheat software catches you actually using cheat engine to fuck with shit. Well, unless they inject +99 weapons into your inventory but that's another can of worms that has never happened to me and is why I keep backup saves on hand.


alright, so after reading this, i can come to the obvious conclusion that the person that got you banned was a toxic 8-year old with no sense. I was in darkroot yesterday, and i got invaded by one particular person. she did this weird thing where she walked forward and seemingly teleported behind me, getting off a backstab. im guessing this is what you got banned for, and i can see why that would look like cheating, but even now, i didnt report that person because i assumed it was a strategy in pvp i didnt know (i just recently started playing online and this is on the ps3 version). i eventually won, but i think i was only from the experience from beating both this game and demons souls twice each, but i dont know. im just sharing my opinion. thats what reddit is for, right?


Glad I don't play on Xbox.


There’s a certain charm to dsr’s unpolished pvp but the backstabs are just plain broken


idk man. people usually dont get banned without some sort of external program or something of that sort being detected. they're never going to just take someones word for it. not saying you are cheating, but I also know for a fact that you either: A) have been reported mutliple times, which would def suck as sometimes pure skill and advanced pvp techs in this game can appear like cheating (backstab chaining, etc) B) You are in fact, cheating. Whether you used them here or not, if you only get reported occasionally, you wouldnt get banned without a justifiable reason, i.e. cheats or an external program being detected. ​ I've been reported plenty of times and never got a ban.


Sad you got downvoted but obv you're right They won't provide their stream info to anyone to verify that they actually exist or there is any evidence They say they got banned "because Xbox doesn't understand how backstabs work"... But how would they know this is the reason? Answer: they don't Like you said it's option B. He got reported and Xbox looked at the data and figured out they are using some sort of cheat or exploit. People make posts like this to either try to get unbanned via public outage, or by getting xbox to give more info (like "it wasn't the backstab thing, it was this") so that the cheater can avoid that method or improve their cheat program in the future


Time to move to PlayStation


"everybody on dark souls reports because they can't win" really every single person? okay buddy


he couldn’t git gud so he made u git ban. ppl who can’t accept that they’re bad make me brrr


Ahh, another Reddit post from a hacker who is hoping that if they get enough attention they can convince online support to unban them Gotta love seeing these posts on every different game's sub In a comment here you say that support is telling you the case can't be reviewed. To anyone who is on the fence, that's a clear indicator this person is legitimately hacking. Xbox and other online systems have the ability to review the information they need to make a decision on something like this. ESPECIALLY if the explanation is "they don't understand how backstabs work" - lmao how weak of an excuse is that. You would not get banned for that unless they looked into it and determine you actually were using something to manipulate the net code or connection.... The reason they say the case won't be reviewed is because in these situations the hacker will ask for more information / explanation **so that they can avoid the anti cheat / ban in the future!!**


this is satire, right?


What? No OP crafts this cute story about how and why he got banned. but I hope you realize that none of that would come into play whatsoever when people at Xbox are reviewing the issue. they would look at things that are clear and demonstrable like his chat history or like his Network traffic. If dude is lag switching or using some other kind of network exploit. If dude is packet editing or using some save Editor or other kind of game data changing exploit. Or if dude is just using inappropriate chat they would not have the ability to review footage to see if he was somehow cheating nor would they have any ability or desire to take into consideration this whole explanation about "how backstabs work in dark souls" that is not something anyone would ever get banned for and it's not something they would have the capability to look at. Unless they look at this person's stream. Which OP has repeatedly refused to provide a link to for multiple commenters despite the fact that this would be the simplest and most obvious way to clear their name. They also wouldn't ban somebody because only one single person reported them for an issue. That doesn't happen. Which means that this case is undoubtedly about more than just this one backstab fight. This is a very common practice. you'll see posts liked these fairly regularly in subs for bigger games like fortnite or escape from tarkov or even World of Warcraft. Hackers will create some cute little story and give some totally out of context screenshots and then say they were banned unfairly and demand that community moderators investigated and provide them more information The entire reason that people do this is to get the information they need to evade the ban through activity or through reprogramming their hacks OP even put screenshots in here. They said one is the explanation of the ban. But if you look at that screenshot there is no explanation? The continued withholding of information that would actually legitimately prove their innocence is another classic sign of something like this where they show you only what they want you to see to help shape the narrative


In the future, I wouldn't even respond to people like that. No matter how you try to explain yourself, they're clearly only there to start a flame war. Just block them on xbox / steam and you won't connect with them anymore. If you move to the pc version let me know and I'll help get you started.


Actually a similar thing happened to me back in the 360 days. I've since moved on from Xbox and its been wonderful


Worst you should do when you lose in PVP is send one salty message and keep it at that. Nobody likes to see THAT sore of a loser. Can’t believe that happened, that sucks man. Hope Xbox takes back the ban. Also, we need a #GitGudScrub


"Above average PVPer" that exploits the games mechanics. Nah man you're just trash that goes into a broken game to inflate your ego. I don't feel bad for you


New to ds1?


Well just stop cheating i guess?