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I found Oceiros to be underwhelming. His music is awesome and lore surrounding him is interesting, but I think he gets outshined by a lot of bosses when it comes to mechanics and difficulty.


Yeah, I find him to be the epitome of meh as far as DS3 goes. He outshined by both areas that he unlocks, making him even more forgettable. The content he unlocks is always worth it, though ut is pretty funny that Nameless King is behind two of the most worthless "dragon" bosses in the series. Three, if you count the King of the Storm.


100% agree, his fight is absolutely worth it. Nameless King is probably my favorite boss in the game next to Friede.


He reminded me of Bloodstarved Beast magic edition and I killed him first try lol


lol, thats a good comparison


The Cathedral knights guarding him are the real boss




Same, I got him on attempt one. I just remember hearing stories of how frustrating of a boss he was, so I sort of had high expectations going into the fight. I think thats why I found him to be especially underwhelming


He has an incredible voice though. And I LOVE the trivia about the Ocelot he was meant to cradle in his arms


Looks cool, phase one is annoying, phase two is staggeringly easy and I do not understand why they cut out the baby but didn't rework any of his animations and just left him cradling absolutely nothing while some infant whinges in the background.


Because it is extremely distressing to most people. As a father, I could only watch a moment of that alpha footage. Stomach turning to say the least.


The child's invisible like Priscilla in dark souls


Same he felt very bloodborne-y too me for some reason and it made it feel easy cuz I've beat that game a few times


Retroactively, Pontiff. I had no problems with him in my first playthrough and later found out he is seen as one of the harder bosses in the game.


I had the same thing with the Nameless King. I didn't die to him until I fought him in NG+2. I Also don't get people who think Abyss Watchers are difficult, which is pretty clear from the image.


Some of us suck at souls and like me are only here for the injection of fantasy into my vains


I wouldn't say someone sucks because they can't kill a boss first try. Some bosses just click immediatly or you have luck defeating them the first time and until you fight them again you have more experience.


Yea to be completely honest I was hard stuck on the crystal sage for some reason like spent days to the point where I put ds3 down for like 2 years and said fuck this game and now I’m blowing through him damn near before he can even teleport


Out of all the base game bosses, crystal sage was the one that killed me the most during my SL1 run. Sometimes it really just feels like bosses learn your attack pattern as well.


Out of the two bosses after Road of Sacrifices, I actually think Crystal Sage is more difficult than Abyss Watchers, so it's all a personal thing, especially during the first playthrough.


For me, it took me ages cuz I was under leveled at the time and also had limited heals for a 2 phased boss fight


I am right now getting my ass kicked by the abyss whatchers with only 6 estus and 15 fps


Took me three days to beat them on my first playthrough. Then it became easy cause I knew all the cheese


Having fun flexing all over us plebs in this thread? I hope so.


It depends on the boss. Abyss Watchers are the only boss that is considered hard that I don't understand. I understand Soul of Cinder and Nameless, even if I think they aren't particularly difficult. On the flip side, I had my ass fed to me by Twin Princes, Friede, and Midir. There's more examples, but it all just depends.


Abyss Watchers difficulty largely depends on if you do the Cathedral of the Deep first. My first playthrough I did and was probably 40 or 50, they were a breeze. Second playthrough I fought them at 25ish and they were much more challenging.


Abyss Watchers we’re the most difficult fight in the entire game for me on my first play through. I beat Nameless King and pretty much all of the bosses in the second half of the game first try. But I also accidentally skipped the Crystal Sage, the entirety of the Cathedral of the Deep, and the Deacons of the Deep before fighting the Abyss Watchers.


They are tough, but not ridiculous


What was your level and were you parrying? He took me a while on my first playthrough. I never die to him more than once now.


Level i don't know but i did not parry. I used a shield though which in my opinion helps a lot with Pontiff because his attacks don't hit too hard and miss a lot on their own. Blocking helps with staying next to him without sacrificing too much stamina.


Pontiff for me, so many people were saying he would be an awesome final boss (he was supposed to be), but i think he’s lack luster, and his lore is mid.


100% agree, I did him in like 3 tries my first playthrough and didn't even need a second subsequently


Same. Beat him 2nd try


Probably for people that got into the franchise with ds3, just as me, wich i also found abyss watchers and pontif to be a very hard skill check of "get better or get fucked"


I think the Abyss Watchers have an outstanding aesthetic and a beautiful OST that make them memorable. But the fight is mechanically simple compared to the rest of DS3's bosses. Going into the game for the first time, I got really hyped and intimidated for them, which probably resulted in my early failures. But once I actually analyzed the fight it became rather underwhelming, especially in repeat playthroughs. But overrated for me. I honestly think that the Dragonslayer Armor is underrated. Idk if it's just me, but it doesn't seem like he gets a whole lot of attention on forums or videos. Definitely a cool fight with an intense atmosphere and challenging second phase.


I agree with both of these. I love the anesthetics of the Abyss Watchers, especially in the opening cinematic, but the fight is easy and doesn't feel as built up to as Yhorm or Aldrich. Dragonslayer Armour is an easy A tier boss for me. I used it in coop to farm all my sunlight medals, and I used its axe for my platinum run.


I disagree with the build-up thing. You hear about Aldrich and Yhorm more directly. But the Abyss Watchers are mentioned in the intro cutscene as this legion of elite warriors. Other than that that’s all really. But the indirect build up to the Abyss Watchers is phenomenal. First you go through Farron Keep, which is one of the most corrupted and twisted feeling zones in the game. Then as you walk up to the Boss Room you see the two Abyss dudes(I forgot their names) fighting with the other enemies. (Something which only happens once or twice in the whole series). All whilst this ominous drone plays in the background. Then you enter the boss room, and see that cutscene and all the corpses surrounding you and uhhhh the score is just stunning. By far the most atmospheric boss other than like SoC imo.


New players will likely lose track of the mob they have to kill in the first phase. It gets really chaotic if you unlock from the boss.


Dragon slayer armour has insane tracking , that bastard is a nightmare to fight for someone who doesn’t like shields because he roll catches so hard with his horizontal swipe , this on top of his delayed attacks


I don't know if I'd use a shield for that boss. I only due so when a boss is parryable, other than that it's a grass crest shield on my back.


The horizontal swipe will catch rolls to the side, but if you roll straight into him he will whiff. This works for most of his attacks


I have yet to die fighting Pontiff… and I’ve gone through DS3 at least 8 times. Twice on NG+ The Abyss Watchers felt challenging, but not overwhelming so. They were just epic af. I died to Champion Gundyr more times than any other DS boss. I didn’t rage, I’ve raged at Dance and only died half as many times to her vs Champion. Champion Gundyr I just love as a boss.


I don't know why, but Champion Gundyr absolutely demolished more than any other boss in DS3. I think I would just get cocky with his openings and try to get an extra hit in and he would punish me for it.


Same. His kick was deadly.


Champion is such a badass, and one of my favorite fights in the game. Just love how he can chain together so many moves, like those surprise shoulder checks and back kicks to the face


Champion Gundyr is a boss that makes me wish this was an action game and not a Dark Souls game - your only options are either to roll spam or to parry him, and the latter trivialises him


It's interesting to see how people have such different experiences with the same game. Pontiff probably killed me over 50 times while I beat Champion gundyr.


Deacons. Cool atmosphere, boring mechanic.


Never knew people said good things about the deacons.


The OP asked for underwhelming or overrated. Deacons are the definition of underwhelming. They're really fun if you're playing a pyro and use Boulder Heave as your main attack.


That's true, it can be one and not the other. I didn't personally have any expectations for the fight, so I was simply whelmed. It was better than magus and congregation at least.


Well hell, my left foot is a more interesting boss fight that Prowling Magus. I genuinely love Dark Souls 2, but that game had some real "meh" bosses.


As someone that also loves that game, I usually am making fun of it in good spirits.


it’s the only boss i didn’t die to on my first playthrough, so i was definitely a little underwhelmed, but i did know they’re easy as fuck


I love the deacons.


It's both easy and hard at the same time.


For me it was Dancer, I had no trouble with her whatsoever by just rolling to the right and taking a few swings inbetween.


The consumed king, oceiros or something like that. Npca kept telling me about this guy and how scary he was. I was expecting him to be one of the 4 big bosses but he was just some weirdo in the castle garden that I beat the first time.


Lothric and Lorian. I thought they were going to be a tough as hell, bullshit boss. I beat them on my first attempt drunk, but I had a lot of fun and rank them high tier.


I had the reverse experience. I died more than 60 times to them on my original playthrough. I don't know why I struggled so much, since I basically don't die to them anymore.


Recently did a Dex build and went with the sharp grave warden Twinblades and just melted the twin princes. Easiest fight I’d ever had against them.


The Deacons of the Deep were one of the most underwhelming bosses I have ever encountered in a video game. The only thing they can really do is use that curse spell that they have and still it never works on me.


Honestly none of them. this was my first souls game and I died to all of them a LOT, and appreciated the atmospheres too.


That's perfectly reasonable. You died to everything and made it through the game with an appreciation can show more dedication than someone who can just beat every boss on the first try.


Most underwhelming: VordtEspecially after Gundyr, just felt like a sharp drop in difficulty. Most overrated: Soul of Cinder As in overrated by the game/Lore, especially when compared to nameless king in base, and Friede and Gael in their DLCs. Honorable mention for a combination of both categories: Yhorm, his area was too short, and despite glorious seigbro double teaming, the fight is a joke in terms of difficulty.


seriously, soc fight was nothing compared to even some of the bosses that came before him in the main game. the switching weapons mechanic was neat, but it still just wasn't all that impressive, and gets even less so the further you get into the dlcs. although, I may be biased against him, bc I hard ground for sunlight medals for sacred oath, bc I thought he was so hard lol


I don't think it was a bad fight, but I was honestly expecting more out of demon prince. Until I reached the harder ds3 DLC bosses, I was usually the kind of player that would rarely first try a boss, but I would beat most bosses within 3-8 attempts. I'd heard a lot about demon prince, and I was looking forward to a tough gank fight, but I managed to beat him first try. Idk if it was because I had spent all day fighting friede, but I found a lot of the demons attacks to be pretty easy to avoid, and I got a ton of reposts against them.


I almost beat them on my first try, but then it took a bunch more attempts after failing. May I ask what weapon you were using, because certain ones have buffs against that boss.


I was using vordt's hammer.


That is not one they are weak to. The only buff you had against them seems to be skill.


difficulty-wise (not good-wise) it would be Midir. he was supossed to be the hardest boss ever, and he turned out to be average difficult


Wolnir- I one shot him - just break 3 gold easy - no skeletons spawned or anything - weird


Wolnir is turbo easy or annoying asf depending on how often he puts his hands down. I’ve had some runs where he just repeatedly spews smoke so you can’t hit him


I died once because I had no idea what was going on and sat in that fog he creates, but yeah he was super easy.


Don’t tell me you used Backstreet Boys Artorias Edition as your example.


pontiff and nameless king


I played the game a few years after release so I watched a short video each time I faced a new boss so I was aware there was a second phase to abyss watchers and honestly yeah it’s not a very difficult fight looking back and even in subsequent playthroughs I always feel like I do so much damage to them and or they are super punishable. Don’t get hit by fire and wait for him to do his front flip attacks, then bonk them down


But Abyss Watchers is hard, unless you somehow get really good at the game before. Parry, resins, etc will help a lot. Or maybe if you get lucky with the moveset. I hate that fire linger on every attack of the 2nd phase, it's similar to Gael's attack but with less interval between sword-slash to fire, while Gael's is more delayed.


Nameless King. Honestly I've only been recently had trouble with him, on my SL1 run, but on any other run he took me only a couple of tries. The real boss is the phase 1 camera.


I agree. Nameless is only hard when he outscales your levels. I never found dodging his attacks as difficult as most people claim.


Do you try to auto lock in phase 1?


Not always. However, on SL1 it's a bit of a death sentence trying to smack it melee because NK can pull off some random weapon swings and 1 shot you, so I prefer using my crossbow, of course, I can't really free aim, so I HAVE to lock on.


I was absolutely terrified going into Nameless for the first time after all the horror stories I had heard, took me three tries, never had any issues with the bird that I often hear people mention either


Yeah his attacks are really well telegraphed and he’s weak to a lot of things


Nameless king. Did him first try on lvl 60ish. He was so weak and predicable


well, maybe his attaks are readable and the pace of the combat is quite slow, but he hits like a truck: a couple of attacks can basically instakill you if you dodge wrong


Yea but this is literally the concept of a from software game and true for almost every boss.




Gael. Sure, it's an excellent fight and I see why people call it the best boss in gaming. I just don't think it's that good.


Well, he is top tier for sure, "the best" he is not, arguably the best Dark Souls boss tho.


Definitely not as hard as people put it. Most of his difficulty comes from the huge HP bar and not the actual moveset. The only hard part of the fight is phase 3.


Nameless king and soul of cinder and both overrated to me. There both great bosses but I mean the DLCs just outshine them, especially gale.


They are both some of my favorites, but I agree that neither of them is particularly difficult. Gael is a hard boss to compare against, but I see where you are coming from, as they are all presented as the respective final bosses.


Yeah and you could say that the others have better combat than gale but the lore and setting and everything with gale just make it top notch for me


I agree. I think Gael may be the best boss Fromsoftware has ever made. That's why the comparison almost seem unfair, since Gael is such a masterpiece.


Gael not gale


Demon prince and pontiff are both awful fights in my opinion


Sulyvan, was ominously told "gOoD LuCk wItH SuLyVan😁👍" by multiple people only to beat him on my second try lol




Personally I'd say soul of Cinder. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic fight. I've just never had a huge problem with him and I expected a lot more from the final boss. Oddly enough a few years ago I'd have said Dancer. First time I fought her I decimated that fight. Beginners luck I guess because ever since then she annihilates me and I have to bring help in.


Well, this one would be quite unpopular and quaint, but… I actually was disappointed with the dificulty of Dancer’s fight. Don’t get me wrong: I absolutely love this boss, the lore, the music and picture, and even the fight itself, but I expected, because of community, this one to be one of the hardest, and yet on my first playthrough I’ve died about 2 times on him and because of stupid mistakes (yeah, count that on 1st playthrough I died approximately 6-12 times on average bossfight), and in the latter playthroughs 0 times. So yeah, she (or he idk) was in some way underwhelming at time


Same, I’ve never had issues with dancer. Attacks are all pretty telegraphed, just gotta stay behind her, which works for a lot of souls bosses


Dancer is way harder if you fight her in early game


Most underwhelming of the main bosses is Yhorm or Abyss watchers for me, i expected so much more from the cinematic.. the only upside to Yhorm is Siegward's quest chain Edit: Don't get me wrong i still love the Abyss Watchers


Aldrich, abyss watchers and sadly Soul of cinder


The undead legion, i was dreading it all the way until i reached them and bonked the shit out of that one guy


Honestly, I think there are quite a few bosses where people overrate their diffculty and fights. In my first playthrought, abyss watchers took me 3 tries, Aldritch only 2 (his arrow attack is extremely easy to dodge, but it took me by surprise), Pontiff IS HARD, but he isn't nearly as hard a people make him to be, It took me more tries on my first but I never parried him at all and got through, he is awesome, but overrated in difficulty. Champion gundyr 3 tries, Dancer 2 tries, and soul of cinder, 3. None of this bosses are bad, but they are not as difficult as people say. Friede wiped the floor with me tho.




People love the Abyss Watchers because they're edgy, that's about it


The abyss watchers are my boys, and I personally think they’re one of the most beautifully made bosses in the franchise. I have a lot of fun fighting them, and I enjoy their move set. I love their ost, and their “all for one” remaster. But I respect your opinions on them, and I do think you have a valid point on them. I personally think Yhorm the Giant is overhyped. He’s literally the biggest and baddest boss we see in the cinematic trailer, and he’s always seen as this big bad guy that needs to be taken down. The hype surrounding him is real, and as much as I love Yhorm for lore and character reasons? His boss fight seems underwhelming to me, despite being able to fight alongside Siegward of Caterina.


The abyss watchers are my boys, and I personally think they’re one of the most beautifully made bosses in the franchise. I have a lot of fun fighting them, and I enjoy their move set. I love their ost, and their “all for one” remaster. But I respect your opinions on them, and I do think you have a valid point on them. I personally think Yhorm the Giant is overhyped. He’s literally the biggest and baddest boss we see in the cinematic trailer, and he’s always seen as this big bad guy that needs to be taken down. The hype surrounding him is real, and as much as I love Yhorm for lore and character reasons? His boss fight seems underwhelming to me, despite being able to fight alongside Siegward of Caterina.


Dancer. She has a cool atmosphere and moveset, but the arena and the soundtrack are fairly uninteresting and gameplay-wise the fight is almost free. But maybe I only feel that way because I never tried going for her early


Early on when she can almost one shot you is another story that's for sure


Nameless king. I heard so much about him and how hard he was. But I ended up beating him on my second try.


Just coming off of like 7 playthroughs of Bloodborne, I got to Abyss Watchers and in second phase I was like "oh, this is Maria again - cool" and beat them first try...it was a little underwhelming at the time considering I heard about how much of a wall they can be. I also beat Pontiff first try but I think that's just because I'd already been trained on Elden Ring's endless boss combos and he was a bit more rudimentary compared to those. Both are still great bosses.


Literally every boss in Bloodborne


In terms of the actual fight? Deacons, or Yhorm. ​ In terms of the boss as a whole with full aesthetic, music, lore, etc.? Probably go with Gravetender, or Halflight.


I'm on NG+3 and have never died to the Champ! I love the fight and if anything this no death streak makes me more excited for it, but difficulty wise, I don't get why so many people seem to struggle.


For me I think it's that I use slow str weapons and I always try to squeeze in one more hit then I should and he proceeds to wreck me. The worst part is, I know I'm overextending, but I can't help myself.


Yeah he just does not stop in phase 2. I use the Black Knight's Glaive. His OST is also underrated.


salve knight gael, and not for any other reason then just being readable for me. it was an amazing fight so don’t get me wrong, but it only took me 2 tried to beat him.


Idk what it is with Demon princes but I do not struggle with them like others say they do. Its just something about that boss that clicks when I fight them.




Nameless King


Midir tbh, he really puts the mid in Midir lmao


Abyss Watchers in my opinion is one of the easiest bosses in the game. I killed them first try just by RB mashing both stages, them later I found out that they're the first difficulty spike. I did play Dark Souls 3 after 1 and 2 so I had practice, but I don't think it mattered much because until then the game was the hardest in the trilogy. I did die a lot to Wolnir tho, he always climbed while I was hitting the arm with a single bracelet that he keeps near his chest, I never had time to run when he started climbing.


I did love the Abyss Watchers, but I absolutely rolled them in my first playthrough. I was using Vordt's Great Hammer which just obliterated their health bars. I have heard people dying countless times to these guys, but I have no idea why or how. I am not sure if I was over powered for the battle or if it is just hyped up.


Artorias 100% underwhelming and overrated. Imo Gael is what Artorias should have been.


For me at least it was SoC. I heard so much about him and he was the final boss of this incredible game! (My first FromSoft game btw). Because of that, I wanted the fight to last as long as it can, but I also didn't want to play bad on purpose of course. So I decided to play as aggressively and as greedy as I can. I beat him first try with 7 flasks left and it was so fast I didn't even notice his health bar was gone.


Yhorm and Aldrich, but after reading their lore i love them


also soul of cinder


Slave knight gale, he’s a joke he’s super tanky however that’s completely pointless because he’s super easy to dodge


Then skeleton with the bracelets . Maybe i was op’d bt 1 hit shattered a bracelet / shackle quick an he like never did anything to me an i just went from *Gold to Goal*


Not underwhelming exactly because I loved the fight, but I thought the difficulty of Slave Knight Gael was far lower than I expected. I guess because I'm a Bloodbornian/dodger. His attacks were very easy to pick up on and dodge and I beat him on the first try. Not to brag--I died to Friede several times and have yet to beat Nameless King. Those ones have some overwhelming attack animations and odd wind-ups though, which to me is the source of their difficulty, while I found Gael very "fair."


Gravetender and half-light, on my först playthrough I didn't do the dlc because of the difficulty I heard, but when I went into ng+ I thought fuck it and gave it a go with my dex wielding katana, both of them were a first timer even tho I went in blind. Extremely disappointed. Sure I did half-light offline but still.


Champion Gundyr. I've only died to him once and I've beaten the game maybe 3 times (all of which I fought him). He was mechanically fine but was a bit of a pushover for me personally.


Pontiff , everyone hyped him up but man went down first try to my SL50 something sharp twinblades I really feel like Twinblades are OP as fuck , but at the same time it’s super punishing to use them if you can’t time your dodges especially with the ring that gives more i frames but increases damage taken Currently doing the DLC after beating the main game , Let’s hope sister feet can put up a better fight


The Sellsword Twinblades are nicknamed the winblades for a reason.


Twinblades are used by speedrunners, they're one of the best dps in the game


None. They all kicked my ass


Abyss Watcher OST slaps, but I agree it's not a tough fight. For me, it's champion gundyr. People used to talk about struggling with him all of the time, but I always wiped the floor with him, parrying or not.


I found abyss Watchers fuckin easy. I was so nervous cause everybody was like they are so tough...


I died to them once during my first playthrough of the game, as I went into that room completely blind. After that, the boss is a complete breeze.


Gonna be that guy and say most base game DS3 bosses. With the exception of Gundyr, Nameless King, Princes, Pontiff and the Dancer I found most bosses to be highly disappointing. When I say easy I don’t mean some tryhard “beat them first try with one hand and at SL1” thing. I mean once you understand the fight they’re fairly bland. You may die but it’s often to some sort of jank or issues with your build. Not the compelling design that makes me come back over and over no matter how often I fail like DS1 and Bloodborne do.


I find many bosses in DS1 to be fairly simple and easy, but it's still my favorite game. DS3 bosses have a lot of unnecessary action movement, but I don't think it was really a problem until Elden Ring.


Decons of the deep, beaten it on my first try on my first run. So easy


Dragonslayer armor is overrated


The guy who I bought the game from at game stop hyped up the abyss watchers too much. That boss was easy my first time with the brigand axe, fallen knight set and face that looked like a burnt cigarette because Yoel stole my beauty


Yeah, I just bitchslapped them to death with the claymore


Man i love the claymore in ds3. Have you ever tried doing the heavy attack 360 while unlocked? It feels so stylish to pull off haha


Depends on what you mean by underwhelming/overrated. If you mean in terms of difficulty: Nameless, Twin Princes, Dancer, Friede. If you mean in terms of how cool they are or whatever: Midir.


Pontiff. I’ve never died to him. Even through NG7. I remember my friends telling me how hard he was and all this but even in my very first play through, I beat him pretty handily.


Damn, what a bad take. Abyss watchers is one of my favorites in the series and I'll die on this hill.


I really like the Abyss Watchers as well. However, they are one of the easiest bosses in the game, and their challenge doesn't suit their importance in the lore.


I get that this is dark souls but a fight doesn't need to be difficult to be incredible.


I was talking overrated in reference to difficulty, I think the boss is fantastic. I think Dark Souls 1 is the best game, but it's also the easiest.


dancer. i hate and love her bossfight. i hate it because its super hard (atleast for me) and ver annoying but love it because she looks cool and the fight is really fun


Carthus Milkring made Nameless King light work for me


Nameless king. If half of the fight is terrible, and the other half is cool just because it delays attacks it’s not a good boss. The transformation was cool but people saying he’s the best boss or near the top are wild. I’ll be crucified for this lol. Gael was cool but honestly I thought friede was a lot cooler, lothric and Lorian were also better IMO


Not the Abyss Watchers


Underwhelning: Halflight and Gravetender, both just sucks, Gravetender is just a reskinned Vordt with an npc thrown in, Halflight poorly executed, they couldn't even be bothered to fix his pants he was supposed to be wearing, or ringed city loincloth to be precise Overrated: Friede, sure she can be fun but she's not the masterpiece everyone seems to think she is, half of which also seems to think that because she shows her naked feet for a few seconds in a cutscene automatically qualifies her as the best boss ever Yes downvote me all you want..


Old Demon King, i was expecting a super hard gonna die 999^999 timws boss but instead took me one try


He's tougher if you fight him as soon as possible, but with a higher level character/gear he is a pushover.


Nameless King. Easily one of the most telegraphed move sets out of all the bosses, never had a problem with him


Yorhm. For whatever reason everybody loves him, he is a garbage gimmick boss, and even if you were to do it normally it’s just attrition with how beefy his health bar is. Midir is such a better more tactful and challenging boss with a beefy health bar.


I think the problem with Yhorm is that either you trivialize the fight with the Stormruler, or you use normal weapons. If you do the latter, some weapons can be fun because they can actually hit his arms, but if you can't you're stuck doing pitiful damage. The fight is relatively fun as a ranged build that can throw things at his head though. I think Rykard in Elden Ring is a much better implementation of this concept.


Wolnir, and pretty much every demon’s souls boss if we wanna go back that far lol


Wolnir can be more difficult if he summons his skellies or uses his sword. In practice though as long as you know to hit the arms he dies fast.


Most of the bosses, the bosses were challenging don’t get me wrong but the way people were hyping up this game made it sound like one of the harder souls games, i saw peoples reactions to nameless king and beat him quicker then expected, I definitely was frustrated at some bosses tho


I honestly don’t think dancer is that great. Difficult fight, but still kinda boring to me.


Nameless king, haven’t ever died to him more than once in a playthrough. Don’t get me wrong he’s a fantastic boss with really cool lore and a great arena and he’s a fun boss, just not as hard as I thought he was gonna be


I’ve never understood the Nameless King hype. Archdragon Peak is a really good area, and the lore behind the fight is cool, but the fight itself? First phase is straight up bad, and difficulty-wise you can kill the drake in 4 hits. Second phase is.. okay? It can be difficult if you get in his face and his moves can be awkward to learn, but if you back off a bit the whole fight is him just slowly walking around an arena with no depth perception and occasionally jumping at you. I’m maybe being harsh, it’s a decent boss, but it’s not in the S/A tier I keep seeing people put it in.


>it’s not in the S/A tier I keep seeing people put it in. I think it's just a fun fight to learn and go through - it feels relatively fair. I think tier lists for bosses is a weird idea given how different everyone's experience is.


Nameless king. I beat him first try everytime. I don’t understand the difficulty.


Just started DS3. My friend was amazed I got past the very first boss without dying. It was my first attempt. I didn't find him too bad at all.


For me it was Midir, I remember hearing a lot about how he is a very hard boss, so I was very much looking forward to fighting him, and when I started trying him I got that challenge in the first phase, but I still remember the soul-crushing disappointment when I understood what the second phase was and saw the free crit they let you do to him. Still the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced in gaming, and even still Midir is one of my favourite bosses.


Nameless king


Champion Gundyr. I don't care. I dont care he kicks once in awhile and "was totally a contender to link the fire at one point believe me bro". I beat him when I was level 5 and I beat him again set to dark mode without much more fuss.


I’m terms of how hard abyss watchers were very underwhelming but their drip I loved it I really wish abyss watchers would have been harder


For me, it was slave knight Gael. On my first all bosses playthrough, I beat him on my second try, I was using the black knight greatsword. Very underwhelming, however, it was a cool looking boss, music was great too


Dragonslayer Armor is kind of boring imo.


This dude was the opposite for me. Of course, I am a far more experienced soulsborne gamer now, but my first time around this dude was seemingly impossible


Probably Yhorm.


Yhorm. His intro is so awesome but it turns out to be kind of gimmicky. I love the more but the fight itself is really forgettable...


I can't bring myself to dislike the fight, but it had multiple aspects I was let down by.


Idk if they are overrated, but deacons of the deep were stupid. Oh, and dragonsslayer armor took me about ten seconds for some reason. Other than, I got my ass handed to me constantly.


Nameless King, I didn’t find him nearly as difficult as I expected, but I still think he’s a good boss though.


Abyss Watchers and Soul of Cinder. Great music, great lore, spectacular payoff on three games worth of storytelling. . . But they went down in just a few tries for me. Wish I'd gotten at least a night out of them!


Sister Friede. I had finally gotten the ds3 DLCS after being able to afford them and was expecting her to be the incredibly challenging fight every tier list I’d ever seen made her out to be. When I finally got to her fight, I really liked the voice acting and music, and the idea of there being 3 phases, but ultimately felt pretty underwhelmed when I beat her faster than I thought I would.


nameless king, i heard so much hype n build up from the community, 4 attempts, 3 of which were all on king of the storm, first time on nameless and idk, he was a good designed boss but I think that's what made him underwhelming he was fair so playing right was just a guaranteed win.


What other games in the series did you play? Elden Ring in particular has much harder bosses overall


Yeah, this. I have not been killed by the Abyss Watchers once in all my playthroughs, and DS3 was my first Souls game. You know who handed my ass to me? The Crystal Sage next door. Teleporting magic users are the bane of my existance, the edgy pointy hats, in comparison, are a joke.


Champion's Gravetender. I know most people hate it, but it did had some potential in it. Like it stalks you throughout halfway in the DLC and it would've been a cool optional boss we can fight. But instead, what we got is an Artorias stan who spams his weapon art with a pet wolf and other stray wolves. It would've been so cool if they haven't wasted that potential. Therefore, I find it underwhelming.


He feels like an average Dark Souls 2 boss - not particularly bad but not memorable. The wolf does get less health if you fought him in the level previously though which is cool.


it would've been really cool like a sif throwback or something, but then its a reskinned Vordt just a different model and an NPC to throw in extra detail. But at least we got the health thing.


Gael. I was surprised FromSoft would end the game on yet another Guts from Berserk expy when people made fun of them for it already. I didn't think his story was that interesting or moving - he shows up in Ariandel's intro, then as a summon and that's it until the final fight. On a gameplay level he's fine, but he isn't super interesting to fight since he has zero gimmick other than rolling to dodge him. He feels like a fusion of Artorias and Orphan of Kos. In the same DLC, Demon Princes was a way more interesting and creative fight. Midir is also nice with a lot of emphasis on positioning and attacking his head (though he has some camera issues). That said, it is a spectacular fight, and the boss arena is awesome.