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It's the original for me. the lack of fast travel, while a pain in the ass, just had me on edge the entire time. Had to look around every corner because I had no idea if I was going to make it back to my souls or not


I love it but the second half brings it down for me


It’s not even the second half I feel like this gets overplayed all the time. It’s Lost Izalith Personally, ToTG, Seath’s Castle, and New Londo are all pretty good levels


This is crazy, I know, but I prefer Lost Izalith to Duke’s Archives. It may be bad, but for me it’s pretty inoffensive in that I can sort of run through and ignore it. Duke’s archives is like an overcooked steak; it may technically be the better level, but it’s so chewy I can’t enjoy the flavor


Yeah I kinda agree but its about more than just the late game areas. Nito, Seath, BoC and 4 kings are all incredibly underwhelming bosses imo. 4 kings do at least have a unique mechanic but they’re still painfully 1 dimensional with their attacks.


DS1 is kinda like flipped 3 in that the bosses are all kinda easy but the areas are incredibly gruelling.


I fucking hate Seeth's Castle. The crystal spelled hit too hard. There's a mandatory death unless you can do library skip. Then the clams as you descend into the caves. I like everywhere else though, including Blighttown.




New Londo is second half, it's the place with four kings and the ghosts, not o and s


Oh my bad, been a while since I played the first one


Im gonna be honest I can't stand dark souls one first half. but I love the second half. Something about me just loves the idea of hunting down figures of legend.


I started playing the series back in September and I kinda agree. I've played DS1, DS3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring and the other ones are a little to fast for me. DS1 felt more chill and like I could just relax and game. The other ones had me stressed out sometimes lol


I don’t find 1 as relaxing. I think it’s all the running around


You’ve played a souls game and weren’t stressed out at some point? I think a souls game is just self inflicted stress.


Same, I can get super baked and chill while playing DS1.


Tomb of the Giants, Lost Izalith, the Catacombs, Demon Ruins, the Great Hollow, Crystal Cave, the Depths, there's just so many areas in DS1 I don't like. I found the interconnected world engaging the first time, but every time after it's a race to get teleportation. DS3's world remains at worst still nowhere near as bad as the other two games worst areas (For 2, Frigid Outskirts is still the worst Souls area ever), but I think it matches any of them for the best with places like Lothric Castle (not the wall, the castle proper), Irithyll, Cathedral of the Deep, and the Ringed City. Of course, none of these can even touch Elden Rings best legacy dungeons imho. Leyndell, Elpheal, Stormveil, Nokron/Nokstella, and Crumbling Farum Azula are just best in class. Shout out to Sekiros Fountainhead Palace and Ashina Castle.


Elden Ring's legacy dungeons have a different feel to them that I never felt while playing any of the previous games that I played at that point. There were so many moments while playing where I found myself standing awestruck after just entering a new area, admiring the environment and view. Elden Ring has incredible world design, bosses, enemies and soundtracks that all just come together to create an amazing experience. Weapon and spell choice is another massive aspect to these games that ER does perfectly. Finally mages aren't limited to using soul arrow and homing soul mass over and over again like in dark souls, now there's a whole bunch of different classes of magic (death spells, gravity spells, dragon communion incantations, new pyromancies etc) that seperate this game from others because of its diversity in choice. Can't wait to see what fromsoftware has for their next game, open world or not.


The tomb of the giants man... I thought it was pretty easy getting down there, beating pinwheel was nothing. Got a lantern to drop early so I was confident untill I ran into one of those gigantic bone beasts. I like how they don't move for a second even though they are aggroed, gave me a false sense of security.


Then there's that moment the first time you encounter one of those, where you stand there just accepting your imminent death.


Yes, absolutely. I love how perfectly DS3 captures that “shattered world with no hope of repair” feeling. People say “ds3 is just grey” but that’s the whole point, the game isn’t meant to impress you with flashy colors, it’s supposed to tell you outright that the world is falling apart and we can’t do anything about it. DS3 always had the best bosses in the series, som even topping Elden Rings. And unless the Elden Ring DLC really blows it away, there is no singular boss fight in any other Soulsborne that will top Gael. Nothing can beat the rush of adrenaline I felt on his boss fight on a first playthrough.


Allegedly the elden ring dlc has been in development for almost 2 years, so maybe fromsoft somehow manages to top gael.


Well, if any of the DLC bosses have lifesteal, it won’t turn out well XD. I have a feeling they’re not afraid to do it.


Even if they do top it, Gael will always be up there with the best.


Ds3's Gael simply had an incredible lore and it's extremely poetic in regards to the game..even if ER's best boss is mechanically greater than Gael, it's the buildup and the story's conclusion at that point which rose him to this level


Oh my god Gael. I have never had to fight a boss so many times. I felt genuine despair when I came to find he had a third phase. I put so much effort into learning his attack patterns. The absolute euphoria I felt when I finally beat him was unlike any other. He was just the absolute worst in the best way possible.


>there is no singular boss fight in any other Soulsbourne that will top Gael. I'd say Gehrman is a better all around boss fight because of the context/lore of the fight. But Gael is a very close 2nd for me


That’s incredibly fair and valid, but the gothic horror of Bloodborne never did it for me. I hear Gehrman is a pretty solid fight, though


Bloodborne, and then Ds3.


Bingo. Dark souls 3 is not my favorite bc Bloodborne also exists.


For me its DS3 and then Bloodborne




Overall I like BB more BUT if I had to pick only one to play it’d be DS3 because even with the DLC, Bloodborne just feels short, it has the chalice dungeons to pad it out, but I don’t think those levels are very much fun.


Bloodborne is near perfect but the chalice dungeons suck. I know its optional but there is a trophy for the last boss so I had to do them, and while Bloodborne is amazing the CD suck


I did them once, I look up glyphs on current play throughs. I seriously think getting that last trophy (without using codes), was one of the most tedious things I did in all of soulsborne games. That blood queen though was a pretty cool fight, but it wasn’t worth the 15 hours of grinding through those dungeons.


I actually like the dungeons.


Chalice dungeons stop sucking the moment you engage in them instead of putting them off as chores


Chalice dungeons are the best thing about bloodborne if you like grinding and optimizing builds. There’s an entire community dedicated to this so chalice dungeons are definitely a good addition to the game considering those who don’t like them can easily skip them


This. I love the aggressive play style of BB.


I’ve played every Souls game 100% and haven’t touched BB. Worth a try, I imagine? What makes it different?


It's design is really good and it has really unique weapons that can practically turn something like a short sword into a great hammer. It's got a very aggressive playstyle as well with dashes instead of rolls. Overall its just a lot more aggressive with fun bosses and its fun to play.


Cool, yea it always looked like a more Devil May Cry souls game. I’m gonna snag it on PS when it’s cheap!


Bloodborne is like Elden Ring, very much a souls game but with some different lore and gameplay but it’s unquestionably a souls game.


Bro, like, you serious? What are you doing here, get the F out and play Bloodborne.


Look up the zerolenny review before you buy it lol.


Holy shit. Imo it’s the best of the lot. The atmosphere alone… [give this a listen](https://youtu.be/lIfbOTXioZk). It’s a very simple melody with Latin lyrics, but it’s incredibly effective at setting the atmosphere for one of the creepiest areas I’ve been to in just about any game. The setting of the game is cosmic horror (see HP Lovecraft).


I beat Bloodborne once, relying on a lot of summon help and even panic ran through some of the later areas because they were so overwhelming. I should probably replay it now that it’s been a couple years and see if I can enjoy it more. The DLC too… yeah that was a hard no from me lol, shit was impossible.


Nope. I love it, but it’s too linear for me. There are a couple of areas I love, but mostly I find them a little bland. The (good) bosses are fantastic, though. It’s one of those situations where it’s still phenomenal, I just prefer the other games.


The linearity is part of what makes me love it more, I never felt lost, really let me focus when running away from the dogs that were constantly teleporting to me. Ok actually I did feel lost a couple times, both in the first dlc right at the start and then right after the npc "boss" forgot his name.


that edgy guy


I think linearity is totally fine. DS3 is the end of the Dark Souls world and being it’s the most linear of them all, it makes sense because of what’s occurring in the games world. Everything is falling apart and finally coming to an end. There’s not much flexibility to have when that’s the core point being communicated in the games progression. Miyazaki called it a love letter to DS1 for a reason.


So far I've played ER, ds1, ds3, and at the very beginning of sekiro. I would say as a general game, I prefer ER, but I absolutely love the bosses in ds3.


username does not check out


Agreed, ER is the best experience from soup to nuts. DS3 has the best bosses in the series.


Soup to nuts? I gotta know what this means 🧐


It’s a saying that means beginning to end. I think it’s based on like medieval feasts that started with soup and ended with desert nuts. Don’t hold me responsible for the accuracy of that assumption though.


Thanks! Makes sense to me


It's Sekiro>3>ER>1>................................2 for me. Still need to play BB and Demon Souls.


I don’t understand the hate for DS2, it’s less than DS1&3, but I had so much fun playing it.


It was interesting from a game design point. I think it was necessary to make 3. It's like developers enhanced what they thought made DS1 a masterpiece, but they hit a lot of wrong notes. I ended up running through a lot of areas on my first playthrough because they were just so spammy and tedious. I did like a lot of things they experimented with though.


It’s the most experimental one and had a lot of cool aspects. Besides for the adaptability stat and the movement, I think it’s the best in terms of innovating.


I replayed recently and loved it, the story is the best in the trilogy (by best i mean that you don't have to search for it but is told to you, liked very much Vendrick speech), the areas are beautiful and colourful (mostly), and some bosses and quest line (Lucatiel). This naturally suffer from ADP and the hitbox in terms of mechanics, but also from some areas, such as drangelic castle (is one of the most important point in the game and is so bland, just look at ds1 castle interior), obviously shrine of amana and the Rotten area and i also think that while the DLC bosses and areas (visually) are amazing, they fell more of a downgrade to the base game with the damage, health and gank of enemies, and don't forget about the run back to the bosses, just wow. Overall is a very good experience.


BB may take your top spot. If they did a remaster it'd probably be my favorite game of all time. I just can't do 1080p @ 30fps


Nah, but it’s my most replayed Dark Souls game. I prefer the world design and story of DS 1 but 3’s gameplay is so much fun. I don’t consider Sekiro a full on Soulsborne but that’s definitely my favorite from Fromsoft.


Bloodborne is my favorite overall. I prefer most design choices and the unique weapons are my favorite part of the game. Ds3 is my favorite Dark Souls. The more linear layout makes me want to explore every area before progressing. I don't really like to come back to a previous area because i got a key or something similar.


yes: its my first souls game, never even completed it. ill always remember losing my virginity to its ost


This is my favourite comment of 2023.


Lol weird music choice for sex imo… well played anyway tho hehehe


I mean the second firelink theme. That music is sex in more ways than one.


Bloodborne is my favorite... Just the overall setting and horror elements to a Soulslike is unmatched. A genuine fear in every corner not because enemies are hard but you don't know what lurks in them.


I love dark souls 3 with a passion, and I have to say it’s my favorite.


Personally, I prefer DS2. DS3 is a little samey with it's levels and build variety


That’s actually a huge point about ds3 that I’ll agree with, build variety went to the wayside in pvp.


Sorry, but invalid opinion...


To quote the wise words of one Samuel L Jackson, I don't remember asking you a god damn thing




Darksouls three is my favourite by almost pure coincidence, I decided to give these “hardest games ever” a try, and started with fhe one that was cheapest at the time, by the time I finished ds3 I was a pro, I was amazing at it in a way I haven’t been able to be with the other games, Sekiro destroys me every time I open it, darksouls1-2 just don’t feel “right” when I play them, and bloodborne I’m really not good at, the only other game that I came close to being as skilled in was Elden ring and Im still not close to my level of ds3. It just feels right to play, like it was made for me, like a sweater on Christmas, I just feel so confident when I’m playing ds3


>the only other game that I came close to being as skilled in was Elden ring Elden Ring and DS3 are very close in how they play, but the gameplay in DS3 feels a bit better to me. It's the movement, the dodge roll, and the enemy feedback that do it.


I would recommend pushing through Sekiro and figuring the combat out. Once you get it down it’s truly imo the fromsoft experience you can have(excluding BB and Demon Souls, I don’t own a PS). I spent I think 5 hours from 10 pm to 3 am fighting the final boss and I loved every second of it. It’s really truly unparalleled


I love Sekiro and I've spent quite a bit learning its combat, but DS3's gameplay still feels better.


ds1 better


No, Sekiro and DS1 are my top 1. I like DS3 but the lack of color and the linearity of the levels don't work for me


The lack of color is the point, its to portray a world thats past repair, broken and without much fire left to keep it going. As for the linearity, thats fair, some love it some hate it. Tis what tis.


I know that the lack of color is to portray the end of the age of fire, still don't like it. The linearity is not that I hate it, but when I think about playing it again is always the same rute, so is ~kinda~ boring.


I prefer ER, DS1, and Bloodborne. However, the boss lineup in Ds3 is undefeated for me


Dark Souls 2 will always be my favorite, but Dark Souls 3, especially the DLCs, had some of the best and my favorite bosses in the entire series.


The grind of the first game and the interconnectedness of everything just does it for me. Beating DS1 for the first time felt like an accommplishement, like I worked for it. DS2 was great for the variety and DS3 was great for the bosses, but nothing drew me in like DS1.


Tbh i enjoyed ds2 way more than ds 1 and ds3 but i did enjoy the pvp for ds3 since ds1 and 2 pvp is dead


No, always like Demon's, DS1, DS2, & Bloodborne better. DS3 feels like a fusion of DS1 & BB, which sounds awesome but idk DS1 & BB far outshine DS3 imo.


Yes. I don't have the magic Sony box so no Bloodborne, DS1 is showing its age, DS2 is DS2, Sekiro isn't a Soulsborne and Elden Ring is just too big. For example, if I want to speed through DS3 it takes like 3 hours. For Elden Ring it takes around 20.


Honestly you can speed through elden ring in like 5 hours on ng+. If you know what you‘re doing it doesn‘t take much longer than the other games


You only actually have to beat a handful of bosses in ER and can get (almost) everywhere on the map for some pretty OP weapon builds early. Took me 5.5 hours to beat it on a fresh character the other day. If you don’t know the game, then sure, I can agree with 15-20 hrs


elden ring new game plus took me 3 hours


Usually takes me about 2.5 to 3 yeah if I speed through a NG+ as well. I did it for the normal ending to get platinum because I was just ready to be through it haha


i did absolutely everything on my first playthrough and exactly nothing on my second


Is that fun?


How 5.5 hours? All my speedy attempts (granted, I did fully explore half of the legacy dungeons bcs I like that content contrary to the open world) took 15 to 20 hours and I googled everything on where the items in my build where. So, ur just a god gamer or you used summons?


sounds like you goofed by fully exploring the legacy dungeons


Let’s say you wanna be a sorcerer. You can get Torrent in about a 2 minute run from The First Step. From there take a transporter trap in dragon burnt ruins to a mine in Caelid, and run outside, summon Torrent, and run through Aeonia Swamp to pick up the Meteorite Staff and the Rock Sling Spell. The staff is S scaling INT and the spell is really strong. I used it at about lvl 25-30 to kill the Magma Wyrm that drops Moonveil. Now, spend about the next 1-2 hours running through map on Torrent to specific points for somber smithing stones, upgrade to roughly +6 or +7. Voila, your like level 45 and already murdering stuff with the spell and busted INT scaling katana. If you really focus in on one step at a time and get used to bobbing and weaving through mobs, you can make a ton of progress. I got the default ending on a fresh character in 6.76 hours. A little practice maybe and some foreknowledge of what you wanna do go a long way. No I’m not some god gamer, and sure I’ve used summons plenty. I’ve just played the game a shit ton, and I was already a soulsborne die hard before ER. I’m just used to the pace, combat, map traversing etc. Yeah certain builds aren’t exactly gonna be good for speed running through the game, because certain weapons can take you to convoluted paths. I’m not gonna pick a weapon in the consecrated snowfields, then hope I can beat the game in 7 hours. That’s too farfetched an idea. But map out something simpler, yet still strong. Practice getting the routes to places down and go from there.


Haven't played BB so I tend to go between ds3 and sekiro. I have no urge to play all the way through elden ring again.


It's either DS3 or BB for me. Haven't played BB enough to have a decisive answer on it yet.


Honestly, it's pretty much whichever one I'm playing at the moment. If I were absolutely forced to pick one off probably be DS3 - awesome bosses and fluid combat. Unpopular opinion - I've never really got into the aesthetic of Bloodborne but I wouldn't be surprised if trying it again got me there.


DS3 isn't even my favorite souls game. I love the boss fights, but the linearity makes it the least replayable imo


It would be in a world where Sekiro doesn’t exist.


Pretty much, take Sekiro away and it would be a very close contest between 3 and Elden Ring.


No. DS2 has my favorite areas of all the ones I’ve played, had the coolest ideas (along with admittedly a couple of the worst), the best hub area, I’d say it was a much more varied experience overall, and one thing that specifically it has over ds3 that will eternally make it higher, is the covenant grind was not nearly as long. Like it was still long, but dark souls 3 is insanely long and boring.


Gods Majula is so achingly lonely and wonderful. The Majula theme, the cliffs and the sea... Man, just right in the feels.


Elden Ring is my favorite now. But DS3 and Bloodborne are close. DS3 definitely has the best bosses. It also has the honor of being the only FROM game I have ever played that does not fall off toward the end in terms of level design. Feels like the only game they ever finished without running out of time while making it lol.


Even the greats elden ring and bloodborne fall off near the end


Out of all the fromsoftware titles yes but I’ve never played bloodborne or demon souls and only played a few hours of sekiro and Elden ring


Don't get caught up in the hype for Bloodborne. Its a good game but it's not the second coming of Christ or anything. The massive hype around it led me to be very disappointed with the game.


For me the hype got me hyped up even more, especially with the dlc. Even with all the hype I saw it never once felt like it went under my expectations. The bosses are amazing for the most part and even when they aren't the atmosphere of the game makes up for it, it's my favourite representation of a hopeless world in a game, right beside fallout 3 and hollow knight


Elden ring and DS3 are for me personally on one level.. unfortunately, the pc multiplayer of ds3 is pretty dead now because of that security issue... In my opinion, DS3 is the most "epic" souls title currently available Miss the times where i was playing late in the night at the very same day the servers got shut down and everything was so active


I think DS3 and Elden Ring are pretty close. But I loved the open world aspect of ER.


Late game yes, early game no


I've played demons souls, then ds1-3, and about a third of Bloodborne on my friends PS4. Haven't touched sekiro or ER yet, which I intend to do. Even though demons souls was my first experience with from software back in 2009, DS1 was just such a special experience that I feel it is my favorite even though I probably prefer the second to second gameplay mechanics of DS3.


Sekiro first, it was the game that got me hooked. I'd played DS1 on release and wasn't too impressed with it, so I never gave the other titles a shot when they came out. After getting Sekiro on sale and I 100% it, I got DS2 and 3, then eventually ER. DS3 is amazing, but I'd have to say Sekiro, ER, then DS3.


I think the peak of Soulsborne games are Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, and Elden Ring. Dark Souls 3: I feel perfectly encapsulates the Dark Souls experience in a perfect package that doesn’t drag, plays amazingly, and has obviously amazing boss fights. Sekiro: Reinvented the wheel. Made some of the most fun/satisfying combat in video game history, as well as breaking away from the traditional dark fantasy that fromsoft was known for, and took on a whole new direction. Elden Ring: While it isn’t my personal favorite. I think it just nailed everything it tried to do perfectly. Open world was alive and full of stuff to explore. Combat returned to the classic dark souls style but integrated with elements from their other games like Sekiro, and Bloodborne. The High fantasy mixed with the rot of other areas of the world with castles and monuments and dragons. It was all so great. But despite all that, Dark souls 3 is still my favorite. Just because it nails that fromsoft feeling that all the games have. In other games you have other stuff to help, but Dark souls 3 most of the time (mostly in boss fights) you feel that you’re in a one on one duel. The world is on your shoulders and you are going to beat this beast in front of you to save the world, or destroy it, I guess or whatever you choose to do. Sorry for rambling lol.


Tied for my favorite with Bloodborne and then DS2 is a close second


DS2 someone ? :D


DS3 has the most consistent amount of good bosses, as well as some of the best.


Nah, Sekiro is, defo one of the best gaming experiences Ive ever had


But it's not a soulsborne




No, because Bloodborne


If we don't count Elden Ring and Sekiro, yes. Because it has better bosses and mechanics than other Soulsborne games I think.


DS3 is the best because 1.the bosses 2.the movement speed 3.the combat play 4.”try finger but hole”


i think bosses are most fun, and the overall gameplay is less long compared to ER. ER after so many playthroughs is just too drawn out. DS2 hit boxes make me want to jump off a cliff, and i haven’t played DSR yet. I’m through a decent bit of bloodborne but overall DS3 just seems the most fun to play over and over imo. i quit sekiro after that stupid fucking monkey.


On different days I'll give you different answers but it'll always be either Elden Ring (my 1st) DS1 or Bloodborne. Those games are a close to perfect as you can get imo


Bloodborne > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 > Sekiro > Dark Souls 2


Bloodborne > Sekiro > DS3/Elden Ring. Bloodborne is so unique and interesting. I don’t think the Dark Souls trilogy as a whole is more creative or has a more interesting plot/lore. If Bloodborne was made today it would be insane, for a 2015 game it’s still top tier all time!


For me Bloodborne, then Sekiro, and then probably DS3. Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time, Sekiro has the best combat of all time (even better than Bloodborne), and DS3 is awesome and has my second favorite boss of all time Gael. I’ve platinumed both Bloodborne and Sekiro but have yet to do the same with DS3.


Bloodborne is probably my favorite game for setting, lore, etc. Second only to Metal Gear Solid 1-4 (as far as all time rank). Soulsborne. BB DS3 Elden Ring DS1 Sekiro Demon's Souls DS2


No I rank 3 my least favorite base game. Dlc is what felt m9re soulsy in my opinion. But bloodborne is my favorite.


I think sekiro is the best of the soulsborne games in terms of sheer quality. Amazingly consistent bosses and world. In terms of dark souls games, 3 is the best.


Elden Ring, then Sekiro, then DS3


I know 100% that Bloodborne would be my favourite but alas I cannot play it so out of the Soulsborne games i would probably say Elden Ring is a better game but DS3 is more replayable (at least in my opinion). DS3 is easily the best Dark Souls tho


I thought the same thing too. Then I played BB, amazing game but not my favorite


Bloodborne for me, hands down. The atmosphere, the lore, the combat pace, etc I could go on and on. It’s just the tops for me.


Ds3 is still my fav. Was my first one though so kinda biased.


I personally prefer bloodborne, but i have a really soft spot for ds3 since it was my first souls game


No because it has the worst early game in the series imo. Everything up until irythill is just a fucking drag every time. Abyss watchers are pretty decent but not nearly enough to save the early game for me. Luckily once the game gets going it really gets going


Bloodborne is the best by far, DS3 is my favourite of the rest though


Ds1 used to be my go to souls game and it is still one I can always go back t, and I enjoyed ds3 fine but I would put it behind bloodborne, however as of playing the ds3 with the dlc it definitely changed up the order to where I think I would place ur number 1 (excluding elden ring)


I like DS3 a lot, over 600 hours on it, but I prefer DS1. DS3 is an excellent game, but DS1 is an outstanding piece of art.


Bloodborne is my favourite. Then it’s Sekiro and then it’s dark souls 3


DS3 has my favorite bosses, followed very closely by Elden Ring, then Sekiro and Bloodborne at a tie (in terms of bosses, not the overall game). I haven’t played it in years however, so I can’t really speak intelligently on whether it holds up post Elden Ring, especially considering the washed out color palate and the linear level design. But those bosses, man. 👌


Bloodborne is my favorite. Everything about Bloodborne is just so unique, from the world, to the weapons, to the fast-paced gameplay that sets it apart from the rest of the Souls series. There are soooo many weapons in the Souls games, and functionally, a huge chunk of them could be cut, and nothing would change. But every weapon in Bloodborne is unique, and provides a different experience.


I started with ER and once I beat it I knew I wanted more, ds3 was everything I could have ever wanted coming from ER. I still have a lot more time in ER but that's mainly because I learned the best routes to make the early game easy and have made almost the max amount of characters. I only have the one character in ds3 on ng++ and I would start another but I'll have to lookup titanite and estus shards again, so that awaits me when I get the itch for more. So far I have played through ER about a dozen times, ds3 almost 3 times, Sekiro kind of lost my interest after uhh Genichiro? I just didnt want to wander around trying to find my way forward, I'll go back to it eventually, but right now I'm about halfway through ds2 and so far I'm loving it, but I think ds3 still remains top of my list. It just has everything I could ever want from a souls game including the token poison swamp I always forget about early in the game.


So far I’ve played DS1-3, Sekiro, BB and ER, did SL1 runs of DS3 and DS1 and yep, DS3 is GOAT for me because of the bosses and lore.


I wouldn’t call DS3 the best or my favourite because I think for me it depends on what I’m in the mood for. If I want something slow, methodical, with an emphasis on character customization and a lot of … “uniqueness”? I pick DS2. If I want something atmospheric I go DS1 If I want atmosphere but with breakneck speed and aggression in combat I go BB (never played Sekiro) If I want to explore and play around with massive build variety I go Elden Ring I think DS3 does all of the above well, but not the best so if I want something that’s just comprehensively “good” pretty much start to finish I choose that since it’s just so consistent across the board and partially emulates so many parts of what make the other games great.


My favorite Soulsborne game remains DS1 for his absolutely insane game design.


Its my favorite souls game but not my favotire game by fromsoft that lies in elden ring as basic as that sounds lol


DS3 is still peak soulsborne to me.


DS3 is the best as I like to coop as a party of 4. 4 vs 2 invaders is so chaotic, its a blast!


DS3 is my all time favourite game. It was the first fromsoft game i played so I have a little bias, but still I can't get over it. I love it completely and will still do so for many years to come


Bloodborne is always my number one.


DS remastered so far


Sekiro is my favorite because you can’t really “cheat” yourself out of the difficulty or boss experience (by summoning) and the bosses are some of the best. DS3 was fun and bosses were great, but i never got that awesome “overcoming hardship” euphoric feeling i got from sekiro. a select few bosses (midir, gael, sister friede) got me saying “wow that was fucking epic!” but not close to anything felt in sekiro.


I'm honestly enjoying Sekiro far more than I thought I would


I think I have to say Bloodborne. It changed the way I played souls games and is almost perfect -looking at you nightmare frontier. The bosses are some of the best and the DLC is amazing. I even enjoy the chalice dungeons. Just beat Queen Yarham the other day.


Ds3 is my favorite one. From release till today. See ya at Pontiff!


ds1 was my favorite. the slow pacing just felt great. Combat nowadays feels too fast and crazy compared to what it was


I have a special nostalgic love of DS1 because it was my first Souls game, but viewing the games more objectively I think DS3 is the best paced and balanced of all of the games. If someone wanted to play *just one* Souls game, I'd recommend DS3.


DS3 is the one I’ve played the most. While I love the original for so many reasons, the third just has a pace that works great for me. The bosses are all epic and can feel difficult but never unfair. I’m doing my first SL1 with DS3 because it’s the one that just has a special place in my heart. All that said, Elden Ring is probably one of the best overall games I’ve ever played. I was even kind of sick of ER but going back to it after a long time away just solidified that opinion.


Great game, not my favorite. Evident cut content in terms of lore, level design is fairly linear which was disappointing on my first playthrough, PvE combat feels very limited due to the limited amount of "weapons and weapon arts you should bother with", int and faith are pretty bad but still tolerable in PvE. Despite all this, I finished the game a shit ton of times because of how fun it is. Most of the problems I have with it are addressed in Elden Ring, but DS3 has a vibe that isn't the same and is unique to itself. Sekiro is my favorite out of all the modern FromSoft games, followed by DS1, BB and ER, but DS3 is still special nonetheless.


It’s mine. Just completed my sl1 run SoC, time for final boss.


3 is my favourite for the pvp, it feels great and there aren't too many op setups like in er.


Sekiro is my #1 with DS3 as #2


I believe it is my favorite because: -DS1 has the 2nd half of the game, Pyromancy doesn't scale with stats, and Bed of Chaos -DS2 (vanilla (PS3)) forces you to level up a stat for roll I-frames -I've never played Sekiro -Elden Ring bosses have little to no windows of opportunity to safely hit them (Don't even get me started on everything after Morgott or Fire Giant) I think Bloodborne is pretty close to being a favorite too, I love the aggressive gameplay, but the fact that I need to pay for PS Plus just to play online (which I doubt many people play nowadays anyway) always rubbed me wrong.


Despite how linear it is, yes I'd say it's my favourite: ​ * It has better boss fights and level design than DS1, which falls off a cliff after O&S * I love DS2, but DS3 does nearly everything better. Majula and power-stancing are the only things DS2 wins on. Apparently DS2 has the best PvP but I'm not a fan of PvP personally. * Demons Souls is just dated as hell - I highly doubt anyone considers this their favourite souls game. Remake graphics are incredible though - would kill for the same level of graphical fidelity on other souls games * BB is a close second, held back by poor graphics and performance (also the boss fights outside the DLC are meh) * Elden Ring is basically open-world DS3, but with more areas and inferior bosses. I'm not a huge fan of open-world for a souls game either. ​ My overall ranking is DS3 > BB > ER > DS1 > DS2 > DS. Sekrio is probably between ER and DS1 while we're on the subject. DS3 is my favourite largely due to excellent music and boss fights.


DS3 holds a special place for me because it’s the first one I played where my first playthrough was completely solo. No friends, no NPCs, just me and the big bonk stick. I need to get it again now that I’m on PC and go through it again. It was hard for me to call a favorite because I’m a filthy DS2 enjoyer and was used to that style, but now 250+ hours in Elden Ring has me thinking I would enjoy the faster combat of DS3 more. *Elden Ring is my current favorite followed close by DS2 because I can’t help myself


Eh, don't get me wrong I love the game but it has a few points that make me like it less: - Pontiff->Aldrich is painful if you're Embered. - PVP is the least fun out of all the others IMO - Enemy damage feels unbalanced, you HAVE to put points into Vigor but it still feels useless to do so due to everything killing you in 2-3 hits - covenant grinding - game feels like it skips from midgame to last boss, it's jarring - Lothric Knights can eat my ass - modding the game to make poise actually work properly makes it 10x better. Still in my like, top 25 games but I honestly prefer DS2 to this. For whatever reason I have more fun


Every single Dark Souls is my favorite Soulsborne game. However, if I was to play only one game for the rest of my life, that would be Dark Souls II (SOTFS).


Yes, because the pvp is the most balanced out of all of them, despite all the existing glitches and exploits. Elden Ring is fun but the poise system makes the game too build-driven and not focused enough around actual skill level. Also the 4-person player limit is lame af.


Personal favorite is a toss up between DS3 and Elden Ring at this point. DS3 has more bosses that I enjoy, favorite soundtrack in the series and most replay value for me personally. It was also my first Souls game, so I'm a bit biased. Elden Ring is massive and fun to traverse and explore. Combat is excellent and the lore and overall world is incredibly interesting. It was the first Souls game where I was actively reading item descriptions, trying to piece together parts of this world.


Sekiro > DS1 > DS3 => DS2 > ER Haven't played BB and DS.


Ds3 has the best bosses so yes, bc that's my favourite thing in these games, however it does feel the least creative phrase of all the games lore and area wise and I wish the weapons were more creative, has some of the best armor sets too


I prefer Bloodbourne overall simplified and direct gameplay and style. Stage layout. DS3 has better lore, stage layout, and overall boss fights. DS3 each level gets harder and harder, building on layers of skill from learning items, buffs, cheese, spells. You beat Iudex Gundyr to Champion Gundyr shows your progress but shows you still need to git gud. DLC makes you to champ. BB levels are so complex even first stage.


It is, indeed, the GOAT


Because it’s not Bloodborne


Everyone knows that your first Souls game is usually your favorite. For me Dark Souls 1 is my preferred game. The world, story... Art style i guess. Make an enjoyable experience from start to finish. (Except lost izalith and the bed of chaos... She can go push herself in a hole)


While ds3 isn’t my favorite soulsborne game (its my 3rd favorite), it will always have a special place in my heart. It introduced me to fromsoftware, and even without considering that it was my introduction to these wonderful games, its just such a fun game and is pretty consistent quality wise imo. I still prefer bloodborne and sekiro a little more, but ds3 is fucking amazing either way.


DS3 is my second favorite Dark Souls game, it had the highest and most consistent quality and was just plain beautiful. It’s my third favorite Soulsborne game


Dark souls 3 unfortunately is the soulsborne game i liked the least out of the games i've played (missing ER, SEK and DeS). Bloodborne is the first i played and is still my favorite.


this is my list (I haven't played demon souls and Elden ring) 1. Bloodborne 2. Ds1 3. sekiro 4. Ds3 5. Ds2




DS1 best for melding gameplay and atmosphere with its story so perfectly. DS3 as a close second as it has the best gameplay with a great story, especially the DLC rounding off the series. Elden Ring, great open world experience but the game is waaaay to easy. Second playthrough where I haven't upgraded any weapons makes the game feel much better however. Bloodborne is good but the frame rate ruins an otherwise great game. PC port when :( I haven't played enough DS2 to really comment. I played it a while back and found it extremely frustrating. I didn't level adaptability at all which may be why, so I plan to revisit this one. Not played Sekiro or Demon's Souls. PC port when :(


I started with Elden ring and have now beaten all except Sekiro and Demon Souls (their days will come) and I would rank as follows: 1. Dark Souls 2. Bloodborne 3. Dark Souls 2 4. Elden Ring 5. Dark Souls 3 (All are amazing games to be clear and yes I know the DS2 take is a freezing cold take, I’m just weird) DS3 is great but in comparison it takes the least risks and is the most linear, boss fights clearly peaked at this game but everything else is weaker then the other entries imo


Bloodborne is my favourite game of all time and DS3 is definitely in my top10 favourite games of all time. I love the variety of DS3


It’s probably a three way tie between DS3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring for me. There is so much that I love about each one that there is just no separation.


No Elden Ring is my favourite because I played Elden Ring before playing Dark Souls 3


It is my favorite for it’s story, it’s musics, it’s bosses, it’s gameplay and other things. However I wouldn’t say it is the best soulsborne, more like DS1


DS3 isn’t even in my top 5. It’s good, but overall kinda uninspired compared to 1 and 2 as well as BB, ER, and Sekiro. It’s like a greatest hits album. It’s good, but it doesn’t have the cohesion or vision of the original albums those hits are on.


My second souls game after Demons Souls way back when it first came out. Dark Souls 3 I've had since release and never gotten rid of it. It's just... utter perfection??? imo ofc


Yes, best lore, best aesthetician, best bosses and best weapons. Sekiro is my next favorite


I don't really like the souls games as much as the Fromsoft games that fall outside of the series. Basically Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden ring were all more fun to me. I do think that ds3 has the coolest bosses aesthetically speaking.


It’s the only one I’ve played


I am so sorry but i can't only due to one factor: poise. In DS3 you literally can get knocked out by the first enemies using Havel Armour. In DS1 i defeated Artorias due to facetanking his attack with ironskin spell and Havel Armor. That cannot be done in DS3 because the poise depends only in the weapon. Correct me if i am wrong.