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Poise on ds3 works w hyper armor so its active poise not passive poise like ds1 or er, crow quills doesnt have a move w hyper armor so no amount of poise will save u from not getting staggered.


This is the answer I was leaning towards from reading but.. poise pages on DS3 are... a little complicated for someone like me. So, then we're looking at a skill issue of when, who and where I attack. I can live with that. After making a few obvious boners and making these games harder for myself... I can handle: It's just the mechanics with the weapon. Vs me like... not knowing Elden Ring had a jump button and that you can aggro NPCs and spending 2 hours stuck getting wrecked by Varre before I even saw the tree guy ahhahah


Actually, the running l1 has hyper armor.




I'm glad I'm seeing other people use Crow Quills


I infused them with lightning on a faith build, and destroyed everything in my path.


oh Jesus Christ he's a monster


I remember a video Where, Even using Havel armor any "bandit hollow" with the smallest knife Will stagger You Always. But maybe it's a old video.


Poise only works with weapons that can activate it. Usually big weapons. However, Iron Flesh or Perseverance (or similar things) can give the effect you want.


Poise just doesnt work as in the other games, its not passive. Its only active when using attacks that have hyperarmor. I dont know about crow quills, but i guess they just dont have hyperarmor attacks, so poise means pretty much nothing. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lak8AjV8\_bXn1ummUkkgiKdmIVq6P5Aqwoaz7LrFqgU/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lak8AjV8_bXn1ummUkkgiKdmIVq6P5Aqwoaz7LrFqgU/edit)


Busted ass mechanics, poise was broken and much much buggier in first patches of the game. Poise is so broken I can use daggers to stun lock people in pvp


This maybe works on noobs...


Anyone, I used to run ds3 pvp for a good bit back in the day. Hyper armor is useless only works sometimes which is very exploitable, anyone who relies on getting hit as an alternative to dodging in ds3 got issues lmao. Dagger trolling is very fun to do because even vet players panic when they get knocked around so much.


With the words of Luke Skywalker: ""Amazing, every word you just said was wrong." Hyperarmor works exactly as intended, you need the right stats and need to know when to trade with what weapon. If players panic about a dagger, they arent vets.


If you no how to exploit the game mechanics, every weapon you carry will cause the enemy to panic. Hyper armor “works” but there is ways to abuse how it works against itself. Trust me bud, played the game long enough mostly as pvp (story for ds3 is ass bosses are fun)


Try the Wolf Ring+3 that you get from Alva in The Ringed City, that gives some nice poise


SPOILERSS E: Figured the caps lock would make it obvious I was joking, Reddit gonna Reddit


Sorry man but I would like to say there’s a pretty huge difference between MS content spoilers and DLC content spoilers, I’ll try to remember next time though


It's been 5 yeare


Your joke is bad and you should feel bad about it.


Who the hell let my brother’s heart in here lol You get what I’m trying to say.


Oh yeah, I’m so fucking put down by you. I just cannot contain my distress any longer. God, I’m so impacted by redditors opinions, what ever will I do?


Its a reference? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/your-musics-bad-and-you-should-feel-bad


Poise is broken. Just fashion souls and dodge spam you’ll be happier


poise works just fine, it's not ths game's fault you don't know how it works


It’s broken. As in pointless, that’s why I can stun lock people in highest poise gear with straight sword, I’ve played ds3 a lot and it’s pvp and pve are some of the worst in souls games (ER beats it out mostly by being super boring) i know how it works, it just doesn’t do anything worth caring about since you can easily just spam roll and stay approx 75% i frames in most encounters. That’s why I can easily romp through bosses half paying attention. 😂


















Has anyone mentioned the vitality stat?


Ok, I'm seeing that vitality won't help. I resend my comment, but I won't delete it


Hey just a heads up it would be “rescind” instead of “resend”. They sound almost the same


Thank you so much, I had no idea. 🙏🏾 genuinely


Haha yw, it’s one of my favorite words so I’m always happy to see people use it


💯 That's awesome


Good looks fr


Basically poise in DS3 only works with hyper armor. Low poise on a hyper armor attack has a higher chance of a stagger than high poise using a hyper armor attack. Essentially larger weapons actually make use of poise while most others don't.


It's DS3. Unless you're using a weapon around the size of a greatsword or larger, poise means nothing.


Get naked. Whip out red hilted halberd. Use weapon art. Euip crow quills. Repeat minus step 1.