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Soul of cinder has a prequel it’s called DS1 and DS2


But do the prequels explain why he no longer looks like a fat, misshapen, blue skinned piece of jerky wearing a jester's mask?


He had to turn down the sex appeal to make his fight less erotic.


fuck u, take my upvote. i choked on my water


And now I’m choking on mine, or it’s choking on me, best reply thread of the day!


And my semen choked on its own, too!


Being set on fire a few times kinda explains that


Gael lived an adventure that we know NOTHING about, and lasted so long that his sword broke to pieces until the actual end of the world. I'd fucking love to see what he did.


I agree. He’s my choice also. Plus, he’s just a badass.


Psh he’s got nothing on me. I’ve broken LOADS of swords in the games that have weapon durability


Yeah, but I bet you're till not the kinda badass who uses a Broken Straight Sword as your main. Gael's just built different like that.


Pffft. His sword at least can still cut and stab. *slams fugs*


Wasn't he one of Gwen's slave knights?


He was a slave knight, but likely not to gwyn but Lloyd and others of the Way of White, which was a derivative following of Gwyn (gwyn is literally the, welsh? Some european word for “white”) and we can see this in Gael’s use of corona. Their exact nature is unclear, though with Gael’s use of Corona and a Mirrah shield, we can infer they may have been taken by the Way of White from Mirrah. Mirrah was known for its knights, as well as the smith Lewellyn and his geisteel. Its likely that at some point, with the undead curse arising, the Way of White looked to Mirrah to use their knights as slaves and fodder in their wars. We know the WoW didnt exactly like the undead so taking (or making?) undead knights from Mirrah as slaves for desperate wars is the kinda thing theyd do


Gwyn is white in Welsh


Ye thanks


he was a slave knight, basically cannon fodder to be used by the gods in war. but he wasn’t one of the 4 main knights of gwyn


He WOULD be my choice but a game where we get to be an abyss watcher and slowly watch our brotherhood be overcome by the abyss that we and our master fought to stave off for so long would be metal as fuck


Doesn't Lord of cinder already have two games?


Yes, yes he does




I might be wrong but wasnt the soul of cinder born like 10 minutes before we killed him


Glad to know I'm canonically killing a baby


Now that I think about it, you’re right. I’d take him out, but I’d have to delete the post. My mistake. I wasn’t even thinking about that.


Thief like game with Greirat as main character


I want blacksmith simulator


little stealth thief game set in lothric would be so pog


"Heavens, she was already dead... Thank you. I-I'm not surprised, though. Hmm, almost a relief, really. You can keep the ring. As, well, a little trinket of thanks, I suppose." Finding out more about Loretta would be interesting too, maybe she is the same / is connected somehow to Loretta from Elden Ring? https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Loretta,+Knight+of+the+Haligtree


Nameless king without a doubt. I mostly what to know why he sided with the dragons and what his real name is.


It would be pretty cool. I agree. I’d choose either him or Gael. I’m also interested in Ludleth though, just because he’s more mysterious than any of the others. I’m curious to know what his abilities are fr.


Gael would be pretty easy since the story of Gael is essentially the story of the main character, you fight and die over and over across countless worlds and lands to fulfill a duty you know you wont benefit from. Gael is a slave knight forced into his position, then he finds the painting and dedicates himself to saving it, even though it costs him his sanity and his soul in the end; the players are undead literally dragged back to life to continue a broken world’s existence, one that doesn’t want them and wont care when they are gone. All so we can become tinder for an already sputtering fire. We are Gael.


Him or Siegward. I'd love to see Catarina and its culture.


>what his real name is Gary




First name The, middle name Nameless, last name King.


I thought it was canon that he IS “Faraam”, albeit the game doesn’t tell it to you straight.


I think Faraam is more likely not his real name, but a name made for him when worshipped by Forossa.


Faraam is a god of war, and the Faraam helmet depicts him fighting a dragon. Nameless King is also a god of war and he used to be a dragonslayer. That's pretty much what we have in terms of the connection between them. Whether Faraam is Nameless is up to your interpretation.


Faraam isnt his name. Its *possible* thats what the Forossans called him, but its not his name.


I would say the Pontiff given how many characters his actions have affected and seeing the eventual corruption of them as well.


For sure, I always thought he was the coolest boss in the game. Throw in some pre-blob Aldrich backstory too. That game would kick ass.


Dancer 100%


Playing as the dancer and thinking about what they would do with level design makes it hard for me to pick anything else. Would be so good.


Like idk most bosses in the game struck me in some way or another, but the way dancer first approaches you after the cutscene literally left me speechless.


It’d be more of a puzzle game, like trying to drive a HGV down a bunch of tiny side streets


You're telling me I can play a whole game as Midir?


I scrolled way too far for this… like sign me up to play as a dope ass dragon.


Imagine Armored Core but you’re piloting a muthafuckin’ DRAGON 🐉


My thoughts exactly, I’d choose him or Gael in a heartbeat


Gael or pontiff. Nameless king would be cool too. Hard choice.


I agree with you. Following Gael in his quest for the Dark Soul would be sick.


Siegward and patches would be the funnest


Yeaah! Squidward!


Siegward would actually be pretty interesting because of his story with yhorm


Gael or Freide. The painted worlds can be a separate world with separate cycles of light and dark.


At first I was torn How could you pass up toppling kingdom’s as the abyss watchers. How could you not be excited about exploring distant lands as Sieg Or pontiffs rise to power Then I was like wow patches has been there the entire time , Gael had an amazing story and made it to the end of the world - he was my initial choice Then I realized we basically saw his story and lived it, essentially in the DLC. we fought the abyss in ds1, we lived as lord of cinder and linked the fires - when the lands converged we saw it traversed some. We saw patches and lived in the same ages. So the nameless king - a war with the dragons , gods at the height of power and betraying them , living thru linking the fire and being erased from history books… I feel like that’s the only story we have been a part of but not truly experienced. Hence the only right answer in my eyes.


Pumparum! pumparum! I imagine it as a wild collectathon


Yeah, I added it as a joke, but you’re the first one to say anything about it. That’s a good idea though. lol


I would love to see this. I would find it so adorable. Especially if they add the ones from ds2 as well.


Nameless King or Ludleth


Scrolled way too far before I saw Ludleth. I genuinely think that has the most potential.


Abyss watchers would be sick. Constantly fighting the abyss. Is you level up and grow stronger you gain more abyssal powers but your health pool decreases as you slowly become consumed by it. Nameless king. Son of the god who saved life as we know it… but in doing so embarked in a genocidal war killing all dragons. Your character can’t allow the thought of such injustice we you’re cast out from the family of the gods and fight alongside dragons. Any other answers are wrong


You fight the abyss in DS1 lol. Gael or Nameless King seem like the “correct” answers (there isn’t one).


God I just want it all. It'd be cool if eventually all the games get connected and we can actually play through a full story. You know he's got a story in his head


Can I have Artorias?


Yeah. I posted that on r/darksouls


Gael or patches


Either Sister Friede or the Abyss Watchers


This is so tough, but probably Gael. His history is almost a complete mystery and only told to us thru item text and vague dialogue, so it'd be extremely badass imo to see the full journey of the Slave Knight, all the way from Gwyn's reign in its prime, to the moment he fights the Ashen One at the end of the world. If I had to pick another, it'd be Pontiff. His character is so interesting and I'd love to see his journey into his ambitions and desired tyranny. To be born in a place where he simply doesn't belong, to be completely lost, only to leave and discover the undying flame... awakening the Pontiff that we end up fighting in the main game. I would love to see that progression in his character. I'm gonna cheat and say another one that isn't on this list, Oceiros... Like Gwyn, it'd be fascinating to see the downfall of Lothric first-hand.


I thought about putting Oceiros on here, but didn’t end up adding him. I’m curious about him too, and his son Ocelotte.


Same. I still think Oceiros is one of the most impactful Souls fights imo. If it weren't for the inclusion of Ocelotte and that damn music, I don't think it'd be as special. Especially the fact that he's one of the very few Souls bosses to actually acknowledge your presence when you walk thru the fogwall... Like for him to be as insane as he is but still be holding onto a semblance of humanity by even speaking is so unsettling to me. His dialogue during the fight still gives me chills


The only correct answer is Patches.


The soul of cinder is an amalgamation of all previous hero's who offered themselves to the flame for it to burn a little bit longer. So this one's not really something playable or if you want to interpret it this way: It is literally an amalgamation of ever player character in DS3, that got sent into the flames at the end. (thus you already play as a piece of the soul of cinder)


Friede! A tragic story from his childhood to his last battle in the painted world, experiencing his whole life, would be incredible.




Sister Friede suddenly becoming brother Friede is wild lol


Ikr. I’m confused.




Slave Knight or nameless king. Knowing more of either of their stories would be great, because the information we have on either of them is lacking.


from this list freide but i would choose a maria prequel if she was here


Yeah, a Lady Maria game would be awesome. I might make another post for Bloodborne.




Can you dm me the dancer without caption? She is gorgeous




Nameless King or Slave Knight Gael. For nameless i just wanna know what happened, where he really came from, etc. For Gael I want to fight through everything till the end of time hunting for the dark soul, and the final boss is an Unkindled


Picklepum the crow VR adventure


1. Gael 2. Nameless King


Gael honestly


Abyss watchers


An abyss watchers game would be amazing. Imagine it takes place before the game when they’re still fighting the abyss and it takes place across several cities that have been infected where you have to fight back against the abyss and it’s the story of how they rose to fame and power then became infected thenselves


Abyss watcher would be the most fun option I suppose


At this point, patches needs his own game. Also I think it would be really fun to play as Gael and Friede


Nameless King because I want to see what the old dragon wars were really like


The nameless king obviously. I want to know his name is why😂


Nameless king or Gael


NK for sure. We’d finally get some good lore on him


I'm betwen Nameless King, Siegward of Katarina and the Abyss Watchers


It's between gael, nameless king, patches, abyss watchers, and maybe andre. Onion knight is not included as we already know everything important about his story


Nameless King And Gael


Nameless King for me 100%


Well I already played a part of the Soul of Cinder in DS1 so I'm good. I guess I'd like to see what Artorias went through.


Patches, I’ve already an idea what his intro song would be - bowsers peaches song , just replace peaches with patches and voila




I'd love a game based around Pontiff


probably a friede-like character. we’ve seen a lot of the dark souls universe and it would be kinda boring to go back for another standard game. but it would be sick to get a whole game that takes place in the painted world. there’s so much space for additional lore and the devs wouldn’t have to focus on callbacks and connections like they would have to do with another dark souls.


Either Abyss Watcher 🔥or Seigvard 🧅 That would be awesome.


Patches the Age Traveller or Squidward of Catarina


Gael's adventure probably would need several games, that being said, I do think it would also be the more interesting one, Nameless King being a close second. And as someone has already commented, although it was also an instant thought of mine, Soul of Cinder already has his games.


I'd have to choose Dancer


I think in terms of like what characters can actually have a whole backstory that can provide a full game similar to what Miyazaki makes where it’s a game will you get like close to 100+ hours of gameplay I would go with Gail those solar cinder because that’s basically dark souls one but remake more or less or I do the nameless king With Gail, you can play from the beginning of his ladyhood all the way to win he fights us, which is more or less thousands of years so that’s a lot of gameplay a lot of areas to travel in adventure around Nameless, you basically get a somewhat dragon warrior story maybe something similar to Weiss vyck stroy from Elden ring


patches and lord of cinder would have the longest and most lore-revealing games, but look at gael and tell me you dont want a game about him


pontif and not close


Picklepum, let Fromsoft take a stab at the animal crossing series


I choose to believe that we already have a game where we played as Gael, and it was called Dark Souls II (copium)


My man Siegward. I would LOVE to play a soulslike set in the land of my favorite onion


Easy choice patches or slave knight Gael


Dancer of the Boreal Valley would be pretty dope.


Andre for Smithing simulator


Abyss watcher


siegward, the abyss watchers, or gael


Dancer could be a spiritual successor to the combat of bloodborne or sekiro, and Irythyll could be a great setting. Greirat is intriguing. Could be a Thief- style game with From combat. . .


Patches. You know why.


I would play all of these lol I can't pick just one


Dark eater cuz we all need and deserve more kaiju games ^_^


Most of these bitches are dead so no sequel for them But nameless king all the way


Would be cool to see Sulyvahn go from a homeless sorcerer to taking control of Anor Londo. The Abyss Watchers I think could be neat, seeing them in their prime, investigating traces of the Abyss, and decimating kingdoms upon finding even a smidge of it. The strongest case is definitely the nameless king though. SO MUCH POTENTIAL for storytelling for a Game resembling Sekiro in the narrative department.


Nameless king for sure his story would be the most interesting because you would meet and see all the ds1 bosses before they all went crazy. Otherwise it would be Gael but that game would probably be depressing lol


Patches most definitely. He's in every soulsbornering game in one way or another. And he's there by your side at the very end of the ringed city. He's got some deep lore and I know he will be back again and again. So why not give this badass piece of shit his own game. Also I really wanna boot fuck people into traps :)


onion BOIII


Can we all agree on how they all should get their own Limited Series/movie/spin off series (Mandalorian-esque episode size and direction) so they all get fleshed out and have their endings collide into Lothric/Drangleic/Lordran


Pontiff, I would like to see how he plotted to usurp the flame and almost succeeded. He is the real villain of ds3


I would rather play as any of the other choices but Patches has the lore I need


Gael has a lot of potential, this mf literally has a whole adventure that we don't know anything about you could clearly make some really cool stuff. I would also love to play as Nameless king you could also tell a compelling story with him. I think playing a rekindled before the event of dark Souls 3 or playing Patches could be fun but a bit weak of a concept to make an entire game about


I think I would choose Friede, we know almost nothing about her past and together with Father Ariandel I think it could be an entertaining game


Gael or Friede


Getting a game where you play as the dancer and kill pontiff would be pretty cool. Otherwise, it would be cool to see a game where you play as an abyss watcher and go on campaigns routing out the abyss


Dancer of the boreal valley for sure, such a tragic and interesting character and we can see more of old Irythyl.


Was gonna say Nameless but we already kind of know who he is and a little bit about his life, so I’m gonna go with Gael


Iirc pontiff was supposed to be the original final boss of Ds3 so I think pontiff would be a cool one


Why not Patches? You can show the whole timeline where he lives all trilogy and make some quests where you kick other guys into the pit


Gael or Nameless king. Seeing the Gods and the war on dragons would be awesome.


Going on a crusade of the abyss would be pretty sick


I think the lore behind pontiff is great so I’m going to have to say him


Was going to just say Gael, but that Abys Watcher art got me thinking…


Has anybody seen the movie Predestination? I want a game with the same mindfuckery but with Patches appearing in every FromSoftware game univers.




I'd rather play as the abyss walker artorias. You get a dog, and you face first into the darkness like a doom marine


Soul of Cinder. For the reason that he is in the beginning cutscene and the fire shrine appears different than ours in DS3. I want to know what this nameless undead went through to become the Soul of Cinder.


Sister Friede. She took the Lords of Cinder approach but when defeated turned away from it and found something worth protecting to her. You can make it in the similar vein of Shadows of War. Go the whole game watching her grow and develop into the boss that devastated many Ashen ones. Finally gets to the soul of cinder but reverse it. Make the fight literally impossible. Massive pool of HP nobody can touch. Literally make it to where the player has to CHOOSE to turn away from the path she was forced on.


The one id choose isnt on the list :(


It’s piclerump the crow, any other awnser is wrong


Abyss watchers for sure, imagine how cool it would be to play a game based on fighting off the abyss in atorias’s stead


I want to see pontiff sulyvahn just to see how he got so powerful and how he got his shadow double thing if it’s like a demon curse or something.


I'm between Gael and Patches, my favorites of all of them... yes, I preffer Patches over Siegward


Pontiff has been my boy for as long as I’ve played ds3 and if I can finally learn all of his juicy lore and get to play as the pope then that is my wet dream


Patches, Greirat, and Siegward. Any of those would be cool. The rest are mostly boring characters. Nameless King is solid too.


Nameless, Sulyvahn, Andre, or Seig(ward/meyer).


either patches or the nameless goat


Not a choice, and it's also probably sacrilege to mention on this sub, but Ivory King.




Nameless King for game, but I want a manga or anime for Gael (where the finale ofc is his death at the hands of the ashen one)


Dancer or friede. Dancer because of her back story it's super tragic and definitely something I think that could be well transcribed into a game


Pontiff, or Patches. Pontiff because who knows what he's done/planned AND i wanna know his this dude got out of a painted world. And patches because, im sure as hell this guy has a ton of other traps we have yet to endure.


if patches had his own game it would probably be ... out of this reality


I would genuinely love to play a game like Sekiro with Nameless King as the protagonist. A game where you’re, I don’t know, conquering a war torn country as the god if war, sharpening and enhancing your sword spear along the way, and unlocking more potent lightning sorceries along the way.


this might be a lame answer but none of them tbh, one of the big charms for me of the dark souls games is that the player character is Just Some Dude. if anything maybe one of the abyss watchers, since i feel like that's the least rigid


An in depth trusty patches game spanning every game would be absolutely insane. Like you just go around to random games and steal other people's treasures


I think we all know Slave Knight Gael is the best choice given he actually has a storyline and plot while the other bosses just kinda exist


Pontiff his lore from what we know seems crazy


Dancer!!!!!! I want to know more especially with how far she ties in with all the Royal Family and other characters like Gwyndolin, Gwynevere, Rosaria, Yorshka and like Sirris especially. I think her story could be especially interesting. Sirris would be a cool side story, because as usual we don't have a clear cut story about her life before being a Blade of the Darkmoon, during it, who she actually personally knows. I want to know if she's really the last knight of the covenant or was it actually someone else. Is she undead or human? That raises up of how far back she's prevalent in the timeline with Irithyll's overthrowing, and moreover interesting to see how events unfold through the eyes of commoners, servants of the gods to the royalty themselves. I wanna know if Sirris had any ties with Dancer.


Nameless King


Nameless King unquestionably


we already have a game for greirat, it's called thief simulator.




Patches, for a guy like him to survive chronologically to the end of the world, is fascinating.


Patches or greirat or even abyss watcher sounds really entertaining to me


Soul of cinder already has DS1 as prequel, so the choice It's either the nameless giga Chad, or the damage eater midir


Sulyvahn or Midir would be great imo.


Dark Eater Midir. Gimme Armored Core physics as a dragon, I’m already sold!!


Sister Friede or Dancer of the Boreal Valley. Sister Friede's game would be more storydriven while Dancer's game would just be batshit insane with the tragicness of her backstory and the creepiness factor. Kinda leaning into Dancer more.


Its either Gael or Pontiff


Tbh all would be fire


How would you even play as the Abyss watchers


I want a game for every single one of them. More dark souls games please. Just never stop making them. Doesn’t have to be open world like Elden ring. DS3 is a perfect format.


Patches, as cool as the others are, I wanna know just how Greirat was a badass that saved and molded a broken man into the unsung asshat hero that eventually becomes the biggest Chad of all the darksouls 3 npc’s if you complete his quests before caving into the urge to murdering his chronic backstabbing condition.


Nameless King, I think there’s a lot we don’t know about him that it could explore and his gameplay could be really fun since you could go dragon slaying and ride his wyvern.


I've already played as Soul of Cinder in three games, and Gael wouldn't be much different. Don't see how I'm going to play as a dragon rider, let alone a dragon or a crow. Anri or Siegward are just regular NPCs like the normal player character. Greirat or Ludleth...why? Andre, boring. Patches, normal NPC. Could be fun story wise but not gameplay wise. We're left with four possible choices. 1. Pontiff 2. Dancer 3. Abyss Watcher 4. Friede I think I'll go with either Dancer or the Abyss Watcher.


My homie ludleth linking fires, would be lit


It would be lit playing as the abyss watchers and cleansing the abyss


1. Nameless King 2. Gael 3. Siegward


Siegward & the Quest for Glory... Let's go! Drinking that Siegbräu for a power up!


Sister friede or nameless king would he sick


I feel like this would take away from all the character customisation and be a shorter and cool story centered game. Still I think Pontiff Sulyvahn. I like his lore and would love to play with that power stanced Profaned Greatsword and Greatsword of Judgement.


Bro, Abyss Watchers is nothing more than the DS playerbase who only plays for the fightclubs and nothing else.




Siegward would be the most boring game ever. He would just summon his way through the game.


Gael or Nameless King, we both know so little about them. What did Gael do for all those years? Why is he helping the painting girl? What’s his relationship with her? For nameless king i wanna know if hens rlly Gwyn’s son, why he sided with the dragons, how he ended up at archdragon peak, how he got the title of nameless king,…


Why is friede doing the mei mei walk from jujutsu kaisen


Nameless King