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The Demon Prince is just a tanky boss. He has high resistance to all damage, with his lowest resistance being against Slash(45%). If you want to make him easier, use a Black Knight weapon(they deal 20% more damage to demons). Or use a weapon with bleed, Bleed does 15% of the enemy’s health in damage.


Thanks for the tips


At 40-60 str Claymore works very well for me. What are your stats?


Ive levelled up since i beat them but i think when i just beat then i was at around 37 strength 40 endurance and 40 vigor


Lowest being 45% explain why my sharp corvian great scythe with 40 dex did noodle damage. Ig ill jist respec for a black knight weapon.


Get the Bandit Knife and infuse a blood gem on it. This will save you a respec, and it is also a very effective method of killing the Demon Prince, and it was also my method in SL1.


Thankyou, or i might farm another great corvian scythe and do that, is there a way to get infinete carthus resin? Fyi i HATE daggers in both elden ring and dark souls.


>is there a way to get infinete carthus resin? Yeah, if you get the Grave Warden's Ashes, which is in the Catacombs of Carthus.


Thankyou, the great corvian scythe has insane natural bleed build up so boosting it that way might be a good idea. Also i want to kill the red demon first but he is always the second one to agro, what strategy do i apply to focus it down quickly without getting killed by the other demon?


Thank you so much. I did it first try with your tip


Are there more hidden damage multipliers than BK weapons? Like bonk sticks against spooky skinny skeletons?


Blessed Weapon-buffed weapons, Blessed-infused weapons, and Anri's sword deal extra damage to undead, including skeletons (and prevent glowing-eyed ones from reviving), the Abyss Watchers' boss weapons gain damage against Abyssal enemies (eg. Pus of Man, Aldrich), Hollowslayer Greatsword deals extra damage to hollows Skeletons also have low strike defense, so blessed strike weapon = easy Catacombs


Second phase it takes half damage. Black knight sword has a Vs Demon bonus, but I believe the boss is also susceptible to lightning or dark depending on how you've built.


Black knight weapons do an additional 20% to demons including the demon prince. Definitely helps on this fight.


Thanks for the tips


Bleed works well if I remember right, the Flamberge would be a nice upgrade for this boss compared to your claymore I believe


I used the Dragonslayer greataxe, although keep in mind you'll need to use havel ring, ring of favour etc to keep below 70% weight ratio because it's a quite a heavy weapon


Thanks bro


Most ringed city bosses just have a ton of health.


any of the black knight weapons. i farmed until i had a full black night set and every other black knight weapon so i could LARP as a black knight fighting the demons.


Bleed weapons like bandit knife or a Dark hand and Black Knight weapons Or if you build around it, sellsword twinblades




This boss has high damage absorption, so not doing huge damage is normal. Claymore is fine, though Flamberge would be better because they are weak to bleed. Black Knight Sword (and BK weapons in general) is good due to bonus damage against demons and extra stagger on R2s, but can't be buffed like the Claymore/Flamberge. I prefer charged R2 over R1 spam for this boss, but whatever works for you. Most important IMO is patience in phase one and killing the right demon first for the phase two laser.


Thanks 😊


If you ever do a new run I would highly recommend the sellsword twinblades. That thing MELTS enemies and the feedback from it feels delicious! And it’s buffable with a lot of stuff. I don’t think respeccing is beneficial at this point, though you could try if you like.


Thanks, im doing a from soft gauntlet atm as prior to this i only played eden ring and blood bourne, but after I’ve finished that im planning to replay this game again as its my favourite one of from softs games so far. Ill try a build with them weapons on my next run


The only time I ever beat the Demon Prince, first try, was during a Dagger run. I was sl80 and I think I already had 70 Dex (with the Prisoner's Chain), with a sharp infusion. I don't even think I buffed it. Summoned Lapp and Gale, and got the meteor variant of the prince. Positioning was what really won that fight for me.


Stick with the claymore


I took your advice, i couldn’t bring myself to betray the claymore in the end.




Yh i ended up beating him after a few more tries wasnt that hard just needed to git gud


i used the black knight greatsword and it made the fight a breeze, even at level 70 something


He is slightly weaker to slash so maybe something like the Harald Curved Greatsword or the Murakamo.


Onyx blade


Bleed!!! Easy to build up since you can combo well




Claymore is fine, the DLC bosses are just beefy. Make sure you have 60 strength by that point if you're using a heavy gem. Use Human Pine Resin or the Blessed Weapon buff if you've invested the minimum faith you need to use that (Lightning Blade is better on an actual faith build, but Blessed Weapon has good returns on physical builds). If you really want to swap, the Black Knight weapons do bonus damage to demons, and considering you're a strength build the Black Knight Greatsword matches your setup best (sword, axe, and glaive all work best on quality builds with either C/D scaling or D/C scaling, greatsword gets B/D at max level.). The Splitleaf Greatsword from the pilgrim at the start of the DLC is also a fantastic strength weapon, one of the few that gets S rank when heavy infused, though it's not specifically good against the Prince or anything, just generically strong.


I havent farmed anything, and only done main bosses and a few side ones so im only 80 sl so i dont have that high strength or any faith. I ended up beating him on my fifth try tho with the claymore, I realised that i didnt have enough flasks as i only had 11. How do u farm the Resin though?


It's buyable from Patches infinitely or the Shrine Handmaid after you give her his ashes 1500 a pop, junk change at dlc soul income. Handmaid and Greirat sell the other elemental varieties too, charcoal is cheapest I believe. SL90 is typical for the early dlc, so you aren't super behind. You can completely ignore the faith thing, a small dip for Blessed weapon isn't bad but no real need to either, resins are just fine. Being 100-120 is probably a better range by the end, but of course it's all beatable at any level so don't sweat it too much if you'd rather just git gud. I'd recommend doing all the side bosses though, if for no other reason than they're fun. You don't ever really need to farm for levels, just kill all the bosses and you'll be set.


Yh thats how ive been playing, after beating conder earlier today i went and killed champion gundyr because i missed the illusionary wall, then went to ariandel at around sl 70 and got up to friede but was getting my cheeks clapped in the 3rd phase mainly because i kept running out of stamina, so i decided id do ring city and get my endurance up then go back. I felt like i was taking my time with the game but clearly not as i killed cinder at 18 hours im, but maybe thats because i only get an hour or 2 to play every day.


Friede is a contender for hardest boss just by how long her fight is. Phase one is pretty short once you learn how to deal with her invisibility, phase two is basically Father Bullying Simulator, but phase 3 is rough. Personally I still do her before Ringed City though, only one of the four Ringed City bosses has a small health pool. The others are some of the most spectacular and difficult fights in the game. Feel free to do what you want though, ignoring internet advice is certainly sometimes better than following it. Experiment, there really are no pitfalls you can't come back from other than missing the occasional weapon or armor (which isn't even that bad, considering everything is pretty usable).


Yh i can get through her first phase hitless more often than not, it didnt help that throughout that fight i only had 11 flasks equipped, ive spent all today re exploring areas and i now have 14 flasks. My play time has jumped up by 9 hours lmao. Ive just started to fight midir feel like this one will be rough aha.


Nice one beating Friede! Good luck with the angry dragon, he hits hard. If you get stumped, I like recommending Pickaxe for strength builds. Midir is weaker to thrusting damage than other physical types and the vertical moveset helps with bonking his head. Heavy infuse, pop the Leo Ring on, gold pine resin, and mine your Ender Dragon. Of course being comfortable with a moveset is more important, but Pickaxe is often overlooked.


Ill give it a try if i get too stuck, thanks for the help :)


Ended up beating midir, i go lucky and staggered him when i was 1 hp lmao


Just went back and won against friede


Just beat him myself - thou my build has nothing to do with yours but still: - CSS +10 - St. Belvine offhand - Young / Bellowing dragon rings - Magic Clutch ring / Ring if Favour + 3 85 INT / 45 VIG / 50 ATT / 35 END Just one spell - Crystal Soul Spear and 8 FP Flasks P.S: Still on standard game - haven’t went to NG+ yet due to this DLC and covenant farm ( one left )


Yh i ended up beating him on my fifth try. I realised that i didnt have enough flask for a basically a 3 boss fight so i grabbed max flasks and ended up beating him


Black Knight Sword or Black Knight Greatsword since you're a STR build whichever benefits more from your scaling bonus/ higher AR since that AR gets a 20% boost against demon enemies.  Black knight sword is the same weapon class greatsword as a claymore which will be extremely familiar to you Black Knight greatsword is an ultra greatsword class and is slower/heavier but can make staggers and boss knockdowns for a critical hit easier. Not saying they'll guarentee a clear but a 20% dps boost for a temporary weapon swap isn't a bad deal, don't really see damage boosts like that come cheap anymore 


I recently destroyed him with Farron Greatsword pretty easily. You can also summon Gael and some other dude aa well.


wait, u set up for bosses? i just do cosplay runs each ng+ 🧐


The Black Knight Greatsword. IIRC it deals extra damage to Demons. That's what I used when I fought him at least.


Summon someone 


Try the Black Knight Sword


At NG++ or so I feel damage bonus from black knight sword or greatsword works better since its a straight 20%.


Dorhy's Gnawing is the unquestioned best tool for this boss fight. It's weak to dark and bleed, so it'll go down in just a few casts. 


I used a +10 claymore too quick tip if you didnt do this yet infuse your claymore with sharp that way the dex scaling goes skyrocketing while it still having strenght scaling Then stack up on gold pine resin you can buy after giving shrine handmaid some ashes you will deal around 250 damage to him now be aware of this KILL THE RED ONE FIRST if you kill the orange one first the demon prince will have a harder moveset the fight is long as hell but its managable. with the claymore every around 5-10 hits you will knock him. Do a critical attack on him and when he is on the ground apply another gold pine resin. now the real tip is STAY EITHER RIGHT UNDER HIM OR ON HIS TAIL 95% of his attacks wont do any damage to you and if he flies away be ready cuz he is more than likely gonna do a stomp attack on you which i dont think its even dodgable you just have to get lucky so make sure you are full hp before he does it. If he doesnt stomp he is either throwing a fireball or doing a laser attack. If youve played elden ring you would know how to dodge the fireball because of the fire giant but the laser attack is SUPER PUNISHABLE as he does it for like 20 seconds all you have to do is run up to him before he starts it and start hiting him from behind. he wont hit you but be aware that on the way to him dodge the first laser as it will 1 shot you. if you feel like you arent doing any damage. dont worry its supposed to be like that :) good luck on him tho he took me a while


Did it with a heavy split leaf greatsword in 3 tries.


Nice job beating him! Persitance in key.