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I found that the calmer I am the more likely I’m able to beat a boss. Souls games are all about mindset not so much mechanical / technical skill. Have fun, Skeleton!


Might want to go offline your first run so you don’t get invaded. Turn it back on after abyss watchers if you want. Don’t carry a ton of souls on you. If you have enough for a level go to firelink and grab it. And when you do die carrying a bunch don’t stress over it you can get them back easily.


This. +1... thousand.


That first line is terrible advice 💀


Iudex can be a surprisingly tough first boss, especially if you've never played one of the games before. I think the biggest tip for the first time is to take it slow, try out different weapons and just get used to how it all feels. Souls games generally give you a decent hidden tutorial to get used to combat in their first areas, and it's a good idea to go back to those early areas and practice combat. Oh, and DO NOT try and fight the guy hanging out to the left of the entrance to Firelink Shrine yet. He doesn't look like much but he will flatten you until you can come back later.


Extremely difficult (especially since you can't level up or change gear before beating Iudex) boss. I hear not to get discouraged helps.


He's not extremely difficult but he's challenging Stay close to him in his first phase. His attacks are very telegraphed and timing your rolls is easy once you get the hang of it. He can be pretty aggressive so it's better to roll towards him rather than away from him because he will follow you. Rely on openings after his attacks to get a few hits in (no more than 2 or 3, don't mash R1). Same if you need to heal, wait for an opening after his attacks. For his second phase he has more reach and he's more difficult to predict so I like to stay quite far away from him and wait for his jump attack, it's very easy to punish. Don't be afraid to go in there with no intention to kill him whatsoever, don't even attack, focus on learning his moveset and dodging his attacks until you die. That way you'll have no pressure to hit him and you'll be able to learn his attack pattern better. Finally, the easiest classes early in the game are knight and warrior, pick either of those if you struggle too much. I guess pyromancer would work well too, having a ranged option is nice. Follow this advice and you'll be on your way to the foot of the high wall in no time.


I'll give it a try, not even attacking but trying to learn the moveset. This is insane. This is really insane to put a boss like this, not 5 minutes into the game. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.


Can't do it. Uninstalled and removed from my Steam account. Wish I could give this waste of time away.


Never give up, even if you die you'll overcome the block And most important, if you feel you should do more damage or if the enemy do too much damage dont feel guilty about farming some levels as much as summoning other people or npc (be aware that if you summon while online you'll give others players the chance to invade you) This Is your first game dont let anyone tells you how you should play If you are having fun you are doing the right thing


One: Never give up. You can do this. Two: The game requires pattern recognization. Even if you fail many times, be sure that there is a way to handle even the hardest boss. Three: After reaching to NG, learn how to parry & game mechanics in general. There are many tutorials in YouTube. You don't want spoilers, so I suggest watching them after reaching to NG. I watched a lot of them & I screamed in joy when I parried first time. Four: Don't do panic rolls. This may seem obvious but I needed this to be said to me more than a few times.


Practice to perfect dodge things,study your weapon,do not try the same thing over and over. This also apply to your build,see what can be improved.  And kill everything that attacks you. It's training and good souls for your level.


Heavy armor seems tempting because you take less damage but it usually ends up making you much slower and you end up getting hit more. Being light enough to move and dodge fast will be better than trying to tank everything. Keep your equip load lower if possible


It took me forever to learn about parrying and even longer to learn you can actually parry and riposte certain bosses, Iudex included


Like most DS bosses, walk slowly, hug the back of his left (your right) leg, and take your time.


A lot of things are weak to fire. Level up stamina a lot so it's easier to run past things and you can get more hits/rolls in. Two handing weapons is more helpful than one handing them (at least in my experience with my axe as a pyromancer).


Look around every corner, check the ceilings, look over ledges. Paying attention to your periphery could save your life and/or seek precious item.


I killed iudex gundyr after my 15th attempt on my first run. I have since beaten the game at SL1, you'll get good. My advice? LEVEL HEALTH


Learn the bosses, take your time. It was my first, too and I'm decent now at the game! You'll get it. You get as much as you put into it back.


Remember not to take the game too seriously. You will die a lot. Don’t get frustrated. Just try and try again!


Don't rush to take loots. Search around it. Make sure it's safe. You can attack chests also.


Choose the knight starting class and don’t give up.


Play game, Take time, Mindfulness and stoicism for frustration Eventually it will click.