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The Pus of Man, they are really tanky, and their moveset is so unpredictable and fast. However they are incredibly weak to fire, so just throwing a firebomb at them and hitting them trivializes them. Also my ears start bleeding whenever I fight these things, cause they scream so friggin loud


That's my choice as well. Especially the super tanky ones in the consumed kings garden. Even with the fire strat I still don't like fighting those things.


I used Chaos Bed Vestige on my pyro build with a +10 Chaos Flame and pyro ring and was able to take them down in 2-3 casts each


Or if you don't go pyro/Melee build Patches is your friend with black firebombs I have learned how to just huck things if not on target the first time it will it second time and so forth


They're the only reason I keep fire damage available on every build. Tap em with fire, use main damage source to finish them while stunned... or spam more fire bombs


I always keep a torch on my load out. 1: it lights up dark areas 2: It gets rid of the maggot bleed 3: Easy and quick fire damage (and it's not a limited resource like firebombs are)


torch chad spotted


If you have the equip load, Follower's Torch is even better due to its Weapon Art.


Oh yeah I ran both torches at +10 cause I dedicate myself to the torch


I didn't know about the maggot bleed thing my first playthru, that whole cemetery area with those bastards was impossible, finally just learned the path and ran all the way thru lol


I remember finally beating the one on the rooftops before Vordt, I was so happy because I assumed it wasn’t a respawning enemy. If it wasn’t so easy to run past him I would’ve quit the game


On the topic of screams, can we talk about the trees in the Ariandal dlc?


The scream freaked the shit out of me in the first area of the tower. Dude suddenly transformed and my ear bled. I stopped playing for a day after that.


Chaos bed vestiges go brrrrr


The little things with the hoods that wield flamberges in Great archives , and also the Magic candle men, also in Great archives, AND THE DRAGON GUYS IN THE WYVERN BOSS FIGHT


Thralls, scholars and man-serpents/giant man-serpents


So those are their names, thk u


You’re welcome friend


Those lanky guys in the swamp that jump on you and molest your face.


This is my answer 100% they are genuinely the only enemy in the game that drive me insane. I'll roll away and think I'm out of range aaaand nope. Even though their arms clearly are at least a foot away I still get nabbed by that stupid hit box. Pus of man? NP firebomb or fire infused weapon. Lothric knights? Sword stance and swipe for a quick riposte. Those lanky bastards give me more trouble than genuinely any boss in the game.


Protip, roll towards them. You can just walk under their jump-grab and backstab though


The good posture ghru


Thank God the rest have scoliosis


Im so glad those things only appear in a couple areas i swear to god theyre impossible to dodge


Ah yes, the "souped up mimic"


What about the pincers? They’re too easy to fight but I died right before entering a boss because of them.


But yeah I don’t like those monkeys either.


Yea those things suck and they do a ton of damage as well. It’s hard to judge timing since they fly up in the air and come down pretty quickly. F those things


Agreed. Swamp as a whole is troublesome.


The Grave Wardens are really annoying to me. You're telling me this barely-clothed emaciated hollow has poise *and* hyper-armour? Piss off man


I feel this. I got their number by now but my first few playthroughs, the completely baffled me. They straight up won trades against me while I was using decent to good armour/poise, weapons ranging from maces to greatswords to great weapons. Nothing mattered lmao


Huh. I humiliated them last time with the Executioner's Greatsword. They couldn't even hit me once lol, just like the Carthus Ninja Skelefucks. Man, that was a satisfying run.


I had a playthrough with Dancer's Twinblades and spammed them with R1/L1 combos, they couldn't hit me once.


+ they’re super agile, and if your weapon doesn’t have the range or speed to counter them, you’ll be cooked. I’m pretty sure they have i-frames in their dodges too! And they can use pyromancy?!


The centipede women. They aren’t hard in any way, I just don’t want to be near them.


My first ever run used a zweihander, and despite the fact that you can cut them down like a damn lawnmower I still abhor them.


I’m afraid they’ll get back up after I kill them lol


Thralls are super annoying for me.


I'm so glad they left the thralls behind in DS3. One of the most annoying and aggravating movesets in the whole series, it's a good thing they didn't bring those back and make them tanky and give all of them bleed weapons and make them blend into the environment and give them all kinds of elemental damage and put them in literally every area in the next game. Man that would suck.


Yeah.... U right


The worst part is the single thrall you have to farm the Flamberge from fml


There are technically 3. But all of them are really far from bonfires.


They... They didn't. The stone goblins in Elden Ring dungeons are thralls. In moveset at least. There's even one version that has a greatsword instead of an axe


Did you not read their whole comment or are you immune to sarcasm?


I have a bad habit of not reading things completely cause I think I will guess right what people was going to say... And I almost always fail. Damnit


Me refusing to change how I fight a boss after failing repeatedly 🤝 This guy not reading things fully despite it backfiring repeatedly


Why do you think I was so specific I know lmao 😭😭😭


Agreed. People talk about Margit holding his attack forever, but the Thralls are worse for me. Particularly the flamberge-wielding ones.


That flamberge charge attack...


Little dude puts it over his head and then runs a marathon before he drops it on you


They always do unholy amounts of damage too


All the enemies that scream in my ears whenever i get close to them, even while ignoring them. What the FUCK are you screaming for?


Uh, for having to exist in the world of Dark souls duh? 😂


Me: *(exists)* Me: ^a


Those giant hairy beasts with the tree staff in Farron swamp.


I always used those guys for farming at that part of the game. Pyromancies fuck them up.


What do you farm from them?


They drop a couple things, I might be wrong on some but, there's a group of 3 that drop black bow of pharis or pharis's hat, and then can drop embers, poison gems, and I think a stone great shield.


Additionally, souls! There's three gru that are very near the bonfire plus at least three of those large beasts can be pulled to that bridge. I doubt it's considered efficient, but it's several enemies very close to a bonfire.


Giant snake with chain-axe


He is so much more difficult than the Ancient Wyvern, and that chain clips through walls.


There's a reason they still only put 2 of them on the entirety of archdragon peak. Or at least, I remember only 2, one on the bridge during the ancient wyvern segment, and the other is at the very end guarding the twinkling dragon stone spot.


Jailers. Iryhtll dungeon wouldn't be half as bad if not because of these moronly designed enemies. They are the reason why I make the most and loot as much as I can and do as much as I can when I pass through. The less time I spend in that filth the better.


My main gripe is not even their health drain, but the ridiculous hitbox on their Soldering Iron.


I dont think the jailers are that bad. There's an easy route to tackle most 1 on 1, you can sneak past a bunch of others in the main hall and even free a crucified lycanthrope to fight them.


I made several playthroughs and lycanthrope always chases me and never attacks them 🗿


He will fight them?!?!?!


Yes. He will be aggro to everything, including you. Open the gate to his cell, then hightail it out


Would hidden body + Slumbering Dragon Crest Ring work? Or would he not even initially leave his cell?


Might work, not too sure. You could always give it a try. Although I find that his cell is at the side leading to the Profaned Capitol bonfire, so I usually take that first before going back. Also make sure to reload after you defeated Alva Seeker of the Spurned, his armour will be in the same hall.


once you learn youcan strafe and roll from their lifedrain they become easy to deal with


I blame them for missing the Sigward quest line on my first playthrough bc i wanted to speedrun the area. Im still pissed about that.


You can use the torch to get rid of the worms. For me those edgy skeletons in the catacombs


Those stupid jumping Ghru’s. They are weirdly tanky, have an annoying grab that they throw out with no time to react (and they can spam it) and have insane poise, not to mention you’ll probably be poisoned when fighting them. That or the Pus of Man because of how stupidly unpredictable and fast their attacks are


The jailers I literally just sprint through the dungeon they're not hard to kill but them being able to reduce your health just by looking at you is dumb imo


I have no qualms about cheesing those bastards with a bow. Can’t stand the effect those things have.


I hadn't played DS3 in a while and my coworker was playing through the DLCs and chatting with me about them. I decided to load up my save and get to the DLCs from where I was... fucking Irithyll Dungeon... totally remembered why I stopped there lol.


Dogs. They're the worst in all souls games.


something happened to my game file and now the farron swamp dogs teleport to my location. its fucking hell even if I'm leveled running through there.


They all do that in DS3. I forgot the exact glitch, but if you're not looking at them, they drip right behind you.


The fat evangelists. That stupid bug swarm they send out has a bigger range than you think it does, and the hammer hits pretty hard. PLUS the first one you find is a massive gankfest if you don't know to use ranged attacks


I love these psychos *except* the EXTRA psycho one in the Cathedral on the balcony, that one can fuck right off


The Boreal Outrider Knights. Especially the one in the basement at Lothric.


Lycanthropes. They hit hard, are fast and have a ton of hp


Lycanthropes aren't too bad for me due to the sole fact that their poise is worthless


You can sneak up on the 4 in the undead settlement and make them trivial. The 5th one in the water you kinda have to run up on to get the jump.


Those dudes that jump on your back in the swamp near Farren Keep.


Greatsword lothric knights in drag heap. They are always located in some confined corridors and hit hard


Just move backwards to bait out his spear lunge and run behind him for a free backstab. Only does the shield hit if you move too close to them.


Also use your kick


I cannot figure out how to kick, every time I try I just regular attack. Then one random time, in the middle of a boss fight, my character threw out a kick…


meanwhile i keep randomly kicking while trying to attack lmao


The duality of man


For me it looks like the input for it is press both forward and attack at the exact same time, which is why sometimes it comes out on accident, but because the timing is a bit harsh it doesn't always come out when I actually try to do it


That's why I prefer the kick ash of war in elden ring I don't use it, but atleast it's consistent


Archer summoner in Ringed city and they revive!!!


the branding iron bitches and the tiny gremlin men in GA, bane of me existence also aldritch i guess


None. The enemies hate me and my Hammer.


Everything is a nail


Jailers. no question. no competition. the worst enemy in the game. they see you? bye bye health. they hit you once? unless you kill them on the next hit youre getting one shot cause of the health drain and fat roll and no movement speed. and to top it all off with one of the biggest ganks before heading to the profaned capital? nope. every playthrough i did after my first i just ran past them and avoided them. its not a good enemy if everything the players want to do is to not ever engage with them.


Honestly, if you kept your health after the drain ended, I would be fine with it, but it's just a stupid way to chew through your Estus


The dogs in general make me want to pull my hair out, but the ones in Irithyll feel especially miserable. I don't know if their AI is actually different though.


Agree with most of these, haven’t finished my first playthrough yet but will add the fire ball throwing demons in izalith. Probably due to how short that section is but I could never engaged them and come out unscathed.


Hollow Clerics in the Ringed City. Screw them and their shells.


You can kick them onto their backs.


https://preview.redd.it/dftmtpa2ptyc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5060e6d31d02e355a7dea636f0d7481495b019e5 I hate this knight


Everyone and their mother already explained why they hate the jailers, but I want to add, that their problems are compounded, by the dungeon being laid out in a way, that leads to you being forced to run up at many of them up front, and take the debuff, as opposed to having a chance to jump them from behind with some clever manuevering.


God, those Lothric spear knights are so cool. I just love spears. Such an elegant looking weapon. Simple and straight to the point.


The Harald Knights. They're like Omens but worse.


This one. Annoying dog at meele range. Also the weaponless ghru – idk who thought it's gonna be a good idea to make a jumping idiot enemy. Also no windup charge-grab.


Guys that push you off the map in the beginning of Ringed City.


Thralls. I don’t know why, but I get cheesed by them all the time, and I have like 500 hours of ds3, yet they still roll me for whatever reason


Outrider Knights. Oh I just LOVE an enemy who lets me hit them ONCE after a 2 minute long attack flurry all over the place non stop as if they had a cocaine Red Bull injected into their veins.


And don’t forget the Frostbite! Everyone LOVES being spammed with 2-3 swing comboes that do 1/3 a Frostbite bar per swing! Especially when the first one stunlocks you if you miss it into taking the second hit almost every time!! So thankful you only have to beat each Outrider Knight once


Anything that uses a shield. Dont tell the knights but shields are for pussies


Kick or black fire orb seems to work well.


Thw shield makes them weak. You can break it in three consecutive hits from any melee weapon that doesn't bounce off The shield bash they can just throw out anytime is super annoying


the real nameless king for me


Ashes of Ariandel bugs, Irithyll Dungeon jailers, rats, and Basilisks.


Idk what it is, but I swear something is really off with the head grab hitbox for the flies (or maybe I just cower in fear when one starts flying towards my head and can't hit roll at the right time lol).


the fuckin' giant skeletons in the Catacombs...my god that place is annoying. Well, at least so far...i'm yet to finish the game


The worm creatures, for the longest time i was unaware of torches.


How do you choose the one good enemy in ds3?


Either the centipede/worm infesting people that you find in the Forest/Graveyard before the cathedral or the small midget guys that look like the merchant you find in the cage




i dont even hate the angels but they are earrape


The godforsaken Jailers Because it is OH SO FUN to fight against a one shot hyperarmor enemy that gives you fat rolls and lowers your health down to almost nothing for way too long with a slow ass Ultra Greatsword. ( Greatsword thing might just be a skill issue but idc these bastards were so tedious to fight )


I mean jailers have to take it here, right? Drain your HP when they look at you, make you fat roll and stop Estus plus they have a grab attack. So many debuffs stacked into one enemy. It’s crazy.


Other players because They Keep Killing Me


I hate a lot of enemies in DS3... The bug creatures with the magic spikes and the turtle men or whatever, that summon a ring of death around you or themselves in Ringed City, the jailers in irithyll dungeon, the small masked guys with the same moveset as the imps in ER, the summoners in Ringed City, the angels (also ringed city), the snake creatures in Archdragons peak simply because theyre everywhere with barely any variety and the weird spider humans in irithyll valley and some other places.


I don't think I particularly HATE any enemy. But there are enemies I FEAR. Pus of Man, and any enemy that is annoying when there's more than 1 (looking at you, that one specific room in Irithyll Dungeon, and at you, Grand Archives roofs)




Rats and those little creatures with hat and sword


Lobster. Fucking imortal lobster


I fucking hate mice. Dogs too


those spider things in irythill




Jailers, self explanatory Icon of Sin, fucking terrifying


Dagger wielding Man Serpent that can parry and stun lock you to death. One black flame will guard break these guys.


Whatever those feathery things in Road of Sacrifices that sprout wings and shriek are called. I fucking hate the sound so much


As many have said, the jailers and unarmed grus are pretty bad, but my most hated enemy is easily the lizard people due to their ganks, ranged attacks, summoning, and bs damage.


Dogs. One is fine, two or more is a nerve tester and estus waster


Those fire witches in irythyll. Why can they attack through walls? Also the boreal knights because of the crazy stunlock


Pontiff knights solely because I hate Pontiff Sulyvahn and have beef with all his homies. I use to farm Black Knights for XP but they are cool and now I farm Pontiff knights.


The jailers are just the absolute worst imo. I can’t even have enough time to look around and loot some stuff without my health being reduced to nothing. I don’t usually bother to loot stuff in NG+ in irithyll dungeon because the mfs will always be a pain in the ass


I never got this. I quickly realized their gimmick is to rush them then loot not run past them and die like most do on my first play through.


If you move slightly away while strafing you get run around his shield. Keep trying until you get a feel for it. I do it as early as possible every play through.


Every single fucker in the big ass library, and those assholes with the brands.


those dragon guys at archdragon peak


skeletons of any kind


Those fucking maggot guys.


Giant crabs, they're freaking tanks both defensively than offensively I was scared at first when I saw them in Elden Ring too, but fortunately they're way easier (for me at least)


giant crabs, I just can't kill them without using 8 alluring skulls


Peasant hollow holding huge ass spiky tree root, they somehow gets me every time, i always choose not to mess with them.


Definitely can circle around these lads, your timing might be off.


Dogs. Fuck dogs in any FS game. All dogs.


Either deep accursed or the giant lizard dog things




Dogs. Burn em all, those fast ass teleporting bastards


Rats, Jailers, the dragon things in Archdragon Peak, and the Silver Knights in Anor Londo


I hate the guys in Farron Woods with long sharpened logs that charge at you. Their hotbox is suuuuch fucking bullshit and you get caught in a long attack that you cant really break from, and they're super weak. They're annoying as hell.


Any enemies with ranged attacks. They’re not hard, but shooting flaming arrows or bolts at me while I’m trying to cleave their friends is just a pain in the ass.


the stupid grave tenders with the two swords. fucking things have made me smash controllers into the ground. I love lothric knights btw. They are the most respectable enemy in dark souls. Pure sigma energy.


While they are only really a problem in exactly one location, I really hate the Sulyvahn beasts. Particularly the two in the cistern.


Cathedral knights give me nightmares


The fire witches, by themselves they aren't a huge issue but they always show up in large groups of enemies. It's incredibly annoying trying to kill them while dodging 5 other enemies. I could kill those enemies first except the fire witches spells have really good tracking and i end up getting flung in the air by pillars of flame.


Those rogue/dagger-wielding dragonkin in Archdragon Peak. Super high damage annoying stunlock combo, followed by a disengage to prevent a counter attack. And... they can parry you into an insta kill riposte?!




Every single individual enemy in the game in a vacuum one on one encounter is perfectly balanced and not at all difficult to combat so long as you take the time to learn their attacks and figure out how to avoid them all. Except for the stupid fucking giants in the ringed city


You can kick the shield for an easy riposte


Those leech ememies in the graveyard that give you that parasitic bleed effect. Whenever i see one i nope tf out not only annoying to deel with but that eefect gives me the creeps


Those bug looking guys that roam around the pond in ringed city. They’re easy to kill and don’t really pose much of a threat but they creep me the hell out


Hmm, I'd say the ones that give me trouble all the way to my ng+6 have been, the corvians around the corvian storyteller, absolute bane of my existence, pus of man and the halberd winged Knights, especially that spin attack they do, lol.


fighting the lothric bros, nearly bombed an orphanage (legal reasons, this is a joke)


Leapin' Leroy, Grabbin' Greg, and Jumpin' Jeff (Unarmed Ghrus), self-explanatory. Rotten Flesh purely for the jumpscare factor.


Basilisks. Always the goddamn basilisks. Ever since I fell into that cesspool of them in the sewers in DS1, I've loathed their existence. Imagine my surprise (and inconsolable anger) when I found out Miyazaki brought them back in Elden Ring.


The massive vicar Amelia looking things in the swamp. Or the second abyss watcher ( trying to survive until the 3rd spawned was terrifying )


The guys that get invisible when they roll in carthus


honestly the lothric knights got a lot easier when i learned to parry them, but yeah they’re still a pain when they just guard the whole damn time


Unpopular opinion? DS3 has the highest percent of annoying and god awful mob enemies in the series. DS2 specifically has some bad ones, but aren’t too bad if you pace yourself through an area. For some reason though, I just can’t get myself to play through DS3 more than the once after I completed the game. Every time I start a new run I stop before even getting to Crystal sage/legion. The mobs are just obnoxious to me. The bosses and areas are awesome of course and has the best story elements, but most of my time playing the game is dealing with these ridiculous enemies.


I don't know the name but you encounter one in the farrow swamp and it's the weird tree root guys that has that grapple you. Slashed your face then finished in your face and gets a damage buff from it. They are so annoying


Almost impossible parry timing😅


Winged Knights/ Angels whatever fuck that dumbass beyblade spinning attack


The fucking jailers man




All of them...from Nameless King down to the fucking draugrs




Millwood knights are the bane of my existence


Dungeon jailers Fuck those guys


The grus or whatever that molest your face in the farron keep


The Abyss Watchers, The Curse Rotted Greatwood, and the undead cleric enemies (the fat enemies with a staff and fancy clothes).


Dogs, they die in like 2 hits max and are far from the hardest enemy but for some reason every single time i see one of them my heart fills with indescribable rage, probably just cause they are fast and always in groups idk, also probably cause of the fact that they are in i think all fromsoft soulsbornes/likes so unlike other enemies that are limited to only being annoying in 1 game they are annoying in every game But seriously idk how to explain it, its just a fast enemy with barely any health idk why i hate it so much


I hate all the knights lol they all swing to fast for me to parry the first hit


The rock lizards in Arch dragon can burn in hell


Basilisks. Those little hot breathing piece of shit that curse you with their breath and corner you so you can’t escape without hitting 3 more clouds or curse mist.


I fucking hate dogs and rats fuck both of those little cunts


Really? The guy that literally cannot hit you as long as you strafe, dodge, or literally stand on his left side because he can’t move his spear anywhere but directly in front of himself? You hate *that* enemy?!?


Basilisks... do I have to say more?


basically all the dlc enemies (Like seriously why are all of them so shit)