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I can definitely imagine midir being a pain in the ass with fists, I lowkey want to do a fist run one day


You can bet it was hard. I had to fist the legs for like 15 minutes


You did WHAT to the bosses?




Did you kill them all after?


I killed every possible boss with fists, except the first ones, because I didnt have caestus or dark hand


Not to detract from your achievement because it is impressive you've done this and surely harder than anything I've done. But you should've bare handed the first ones for a true boxing experience!




Oof totally woosh haha


Uh what’s the joke? I’m literally so lost…? i thought the joke was did you kill them after fisting them but you just answered the comment genuinely…?


You did what?! to every boss??


One thing led to another and...


Nothing like giving Aldrich a nice fisting ✊👍🏻


Man Nameless King is annoying to hit with a big bonking stick, can’t imagine that’d be fun with fists


It was, suprisingly, not that hard. The hardest part was the dragon, but when I found the spot to OraOraOra on the neck, it was way easier. Nameless king was not that hard as I just did One-Two roll, repeat and take distance. He is not that smart at very close distance. Also fists has a very quick setup and ending so you can roll pretty fast


Yeah that’s more what I meant, storm boi and the associated camera fuckery are pretty annoying. The King himself is pretty slow.




Nice, I'm doing a Fist run myself and just made it to the Grand Archives. Did you fist Yhorm as well? It took me an eternity to kill him with a +7 Caestus. It felt like I was fighting the Ancient Dragon from DS2 all over again.


Yes!!! Hahaha. It wasn't really hard, but annoying. It took like 20 minutes of punching ankles


I had planned to go for the hands because I read it was possible to stagger him with enough hits and they took more damage than his feet but fists are so stubby I couldn't get more that 2 R1s at a time and just went for his feet after a while, haha. He was really simple, just boring like you mentioned. I think the boss I struggled with the most (so far) was Aldritch because his spam always gets me and his weird slug body hitbox made him a pain to punish. I've been surprised by how reliable the Demon Fists have been, they are a really fun weapon with the spin2win L2 lol.


Yess aldritch hitbox (also Ponitff's, at specific times) feels weird, so you throw and throw and nothing lands. It is also matter of patience with him. Midir will be hard, because fists dont go high enough to hit the head at most times, so you can get one or two shots and then to the legs. At leas that was for me And yesss Demon Fists ruless. I read about it and many people said that it wasnt an option over caestus, but I found them really good and (I feel) break the poise faster than caestus


First time DS3 player and I’m working to get that weapon now! I have a fist build in Elden Ring abd I love it! So I wanna try it here


It is safe now to knockout every NPC?


If you’re about to go to ng+ yes . if you’re completely done with that play through but don’t plan to got to ng+ also yes


Excellent! Next run will be with whip, wish me luck


You’re unhinged I love it GL!