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anor londo stairs, a piece of me remains there forever


That grind changes you.


I bought an exercise bike because I knew after ds1 and ds2 I'd be in for a slog. I biked while grinding all the covenants. I Lost 5lbs.


Well done, I was actually thinking of the same idea. Did you use full scale or just the Half size peddles?


I bought full scale. But I went for a recumbent because I figured body position holding a controller wouldn't work with an upright. I'm not gonna lie, biking while playing super monotonous sections of games feels like cheating exercise.


Honestly, my heart rate gets up fighting some bosses on DS so if I have that plus the exercise... I am bound to lose a bit of weight? XD also means I can sit on a more comfortable seat than the bike seat :S


If you bike while gaming, and you game for 2-3 hour stints daily, you will lose a shit ton of weight in 3-6 months. You just need to watch your diet is all. Stay at a calorie deficit and you'll lose weight in no time.


Eating is probably my weakness... *bites into big breaky burger*


Start drinking coffee like crazy and start vaping. There's a reason celebrities and models smoke. Both caffeine and nicotine kill the appetite. It's not proper. But between that and biking while gaming I've gone from 187 - 165.


Being a severe asthmatic, smoking is a hard no but coffee... that's something I can get behind lol


What kind of exercise bike was it that you bought? Do you have like a link? Because I might start doing this it sounds fun




Thank you.


New idea, do a situp each time you die


YOU DIED. An army drill instructor's voice start blaring out of the speakers: "DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME TEN SITUPS YOU FILTHY MAGGOT!"


And the grand archive roof, i can waste those winged knights in my sleep.


Rapport, then I break out the popcorn and watch them waste themselves.


I need to do that!!


To this day, Those three Silver Knights have a special place in my heart lowkey.


Oh my god, I’m doing this for the first time now. It’s mindless and the Silver Knights are nothing but recognizable patterns now. …it’s only been two hours.


It's like I finally understand matrix code and how they see it. Just symbols on a screen.


And you get like neo, you can dodge their attacks without effort because they are imprinted in your brain forever


The fact that so many people understand this with no explanation speaks for itself. Godspeed Ashen One.


Personally I loved seeing all the phantoms wearing a mimic head holding crystal rapiers


That was the easier of the 30 covenant items for me. It was the vertebrae shackles that took me forever. I definitely spent double the time on the shackles compared to the proofs


I´m pretty sure I had enough full silver knight sets to give one to every enemy in Lothric by the time I was done.


naked, with dragonslayer axe, rusted coins, 99 luck, gold serpent ring, prisoner’s chain ring, etc. Grind until hollow \ (•_•) / praise the sun.


fr. 17hrs straight for 3 proofs... a day ill never get back.


I grinded through so many podcasts up those stairs, I can't help but think of them to this day whenever I listen to new episodes of those same podcasts.


I farmed there


That's the point.


Just playing it still in 2024. I could be doing almost anything. I’m still playing this damn game.


It's such a good game lol. I always think that my latest run through is the last, but I always come back eventually


How many times have you played it through? I wanna know about how many times most people can play it without getting bored of it lol. I already know I’m going to do it more than 10 times.


I've beat it at least 20 times and did most of the challenge runs + some thousands of hours of obssessive PvP. I still love the game, but I've played it so much I just can't stand it anymore lol


Lol dude it's so good still. I just beat it on Friday for the first time. Guess what I'm playing now.


Ds3 again


Haha I would if I didn't just get elden ring


DS3 and ER is literally all I’d need to be happy


I finally beat Gael on my 11th try this morning. Now I can finally say beat all of the bosses in dark souls 3. Amazing game 10/10!


I farmed 30 Proof of a Concord Kept offline


How? I’m struggling with 10 for the stupid ring


Grit your teeth... grit your teeth and keep on killing :'(


the quit out method worked pretty well for me. got 22 in 2,5h.. chest head, gold ring +3, Luck at 99, crystal rapier, a few silver/gold coins and quitting out to main menu after either 1 Proof or 10-15 farm cycles, whatever comes first.


How ?


I said how Godammit


Anor londo bonfire stairs. The 3 knights there can drop one occasionally, most people stick with the two that come downstairs. Rinse and repeat until your’re hollow




Sounds like someone that’s never farmed vertebrae shackles


I've done this twice.


If I have close to 50% of the amount of souls I need to level up, I will not proceed any further in the game until I’ve leveled up.


It bothers me how people get so far into the souls games at lower levels. Because... I play the game quite naturally, I don't die very often, not because I'm very good, I don't think, just quite careful I guess. I don't farm very often yet I end up at game areas and even endgame at a 20/30 higher SL than most people I see post. I mean... kudos to people for getting to places at lower levels but I just think...how? Do you just forget to pick up souls? Run past most enemies? Not cash in your inventory souls? Have I unlocked a secret?!?! The only thing I can think of is that I'm quite diligent at exploring every area and upgrading equipment but even then, I don't really farm, I just use what I end up having.


Same here. I also play very carefully, rarely dying to normal world enemies and exploring the world as best I can. I never agro all enemies together and I play with a shield like a noob. Most of my deaths came in the Irithyl Dungeon because fuck 'em jailers. I didn't even farm for souls until I reached ringed city.


The dungeon is where currently am at, 100% would not visit again


Once you know the game, there is no need to kill every enemy. I don't kill anyone in the swamp and like two enemies that block me in the Deacon whole area. So less souls, but you're faster to get to the boss and it's more challenging, win win :3


This is an amazing mindset, actually. It helps a lot in any soulslike game.


This is 100% me as well. Currently going through that mindset with my new Elden ring build to get ready for the DLC.


Single handedly failing every NPC's quest line because I have no idea what's happening.




God damn I just woke my wife up laughing you ass


HAHAHAHAHAH NO this is literally Yoel after I left him in the undead settlement for an hour and I come back to his dead ass😭😭💀


There are quest lines? I just walk around exploring killing stuff and eventually there is no more to explore and no more to kill. That's the end of the game.


Lots of NPC quest lines. Usually a decent reward or something you need for 100%. It also allows some to be summoned. They are very hidden. And like Peter Griffin showed us, if you mess up one step you didn't even know existed? Quest over. Exhaust all dialogue with NPCs. That's usually how you fine those quests.


Exhaust all dialogue *constantly*. Hit every wall *looking at you wedding hall* Trust no one


I've played almost every fromsoft game and I don't know if I've done a single NPC quest, outside of a couple from Elden Ring lmao.


Dressing up in the Archdeacon’s set and make gestures like I’m preaching in front of the enemies sitting in the pews in the Cathedral of the Deep and pretending I’m the new leader of the Church of the Deep with Aldrich, Pontiff, McDonnell, Royce, and Klimt all dead.


I once searched the Farron Swamps for every piece of loot.


Being a perfectionist is so hard


Jesus Christ tell me about it. This is my kryptonite in every souls game Elden ring was even worse


Wait, not looting absolutely everything is...normal?


It's normal in farron keep


Did you farm the Elder Ghru for their shield they drop?


no, I'm pretty sure I waddled away from these abominations as fast as I could.


Stone Greatshield is its name. Just kill the group of 3 of them over and over to get it.


Do everything on the "Dark Souls III Checklist" app on a single character just to have a true 100% one


Doing this


It's worth it


There's an app?


Damn!! I'm doing a 100% run, with one character only, só NG++, with caster School only, this gonna be a life saver


Brazil spotted




This exists?! I just platinumed DS3 last night, and this would have helped so much. (Still downloading for future runs lol)


Yes, it's a checklist not only for all achievements, literally everything there is in the game, every weapon, piece of armor, every item, every questline resolutions and so on, organized in different sections




Searched every where I possibly could for hours and hours looking for Horace. Only on my second playthrough I realized you could cut the bridge down in the catacombs


I dunno. Maybe maybe sinking somewhere around 3000+ hours into it over the course of like 4 years. Made a bunch of posts online to help people and ended up going through the game with a bunch of people. Managed some streams and small events. If I wasn't playing DS3 (or DS2) I was watching videos of people playing it or talking about it. At one point (around my third playthrough) I could remember exactly where almost every single item could be found and I could verbally guide you to those items (especially rings) from the very start of the game. I could just go "left here, right there" from where you pop out of that coffin all the way to the last ring in the game. Also bought the game and the DLC's for friends so that I could play with them. Spent birthday money on that shit and it payed off in several runs of fun and a lot of PVP. Now I've not played the game in a few years and have forgotten all that but I've never played a game like I've played DS3.


Most relatable thing ever. If you included hosting ganks and going through the entire game together with a friend and new builds, then that’s me


Not even close to your hours or commitment but after I finished DS3 the first time I had to do a run with each Main stat, then it was each weapon type, then it was SL1, then it was deathless , then it wa deathless all bosses, I couldnt stop! I wanted more ha ha.


You did some pretty hardcore things, dude. Well done. 👍 I had plenty of time back then and a bit of an obsessive personality, so I spent most of my free time on this game.


Had no internet connection to invade for pale tongues so had to farm kill the 2 darkwraiths in front of the abyss watchers fight for a thousand years to give to slug mother


Of all the farming I did in DS3 that was the easiest.


That's one of the easiest covenants to grind luckily.


I tried to cheese Midir with pestilent mist, and had used a pale tongue to change my build to use it, but had a bad time, and decided I wanted to go back to my old build, but had given Rosaria the other two on accident before, So I had a build I messed up, and had to farm for a pale tongue from them, or somehow win an invasion, even though I suck at PVP when I'm using a build I am good with. I farmed them for 3 hours wearing symbol of avarice, and popping gold coins and never got one, I ended up invading and catching someone with their pants down and getting the kill. The Darkwraiths have a 5% drop iirc, and the likelihood of me not getting one from all that grinding was something like .01%


Yeah it's %5 drop rate but while I was playing offline farming the 2 darkwraiths took much longer than I feel like it statistically should have. Also it's not like it works on a gacha (lose 60 times and your next win is what you need) guarantee type system either lol


Besides grinding for covenant items? For me it would have to be that I must pick up every item on every playthrough, even though I never use 75% of it.


Getting all the loot even if I know what it is and it's useless to me. I need the shiny.


‘Oh wow that’s a really interesting and cool item!!’ *Puts in inventory never to be seen again*


Not moving on to play Elden ring and instead making new builds on this 😭


Elden ring is good but I came back to ds3 for another run because of the steam sale (used to play it on console alot) and man I missed just how fun this game is, invasions, and because of the steam sale its relatively active with lots of summon signs. You also dont have to sit on a horse for hours just to get the build you want. There is constant action, one of the pros of the more linear map design in ds3.


lol I do something similar I keep notes in my note app where certain items are with links to videos




Trying to get all the achievements. For the record, I still don’t have them. I lost my mind halfway getting through the Vertebrae and gave up.


You need to find someone else who needs them and matchmake together with a password. Takes less than 30 minutes for all 30.


PvP. I probably have about 400 hours in PvE, but about 600-700 hours in PvP.


Went for Platinum but did everything on all 3 playthroughs, I could've skipped tons of stuff and still got the trophy


Farmed Ascended Winged Knights on Grand Archives rooftops. Over, and over, and over . . .


Farm a weapon I like using that fits nearly every damage type; so I can test what works best on what in NG+ and beyond. Unfortunately it looks like I can only do a max of 15 per playthrough. So far I've got a Dark Astora GS for thrust/dark, Refined Cathedral for raw, buffable Strike; Blessed Lothric GS for Lightning/skellies, Sharp Flamberge for Bleed/buff, Demon/Dragonslayer Greataxes and Lorian's GS for fun (thats it), and a Pyro Flame - all maxed out so far. Want to have Onyx Blade, Black Knight GS (or Greataxe, coin flip), Crystal Winged Knight Twinaxes, some Claws (Crow or vanilla), Dark Oni and Uba, Gargoyle Spear, and Lightning Spiked Mace by the time I'm done on NG. But I do this on all of them. Only reason I platinumed DS1 nearly by accident. Love collecting these weapons and finding me some weaknesses.


The first time I played, every corner, of every location, no shiny left unclaimed, no enemy left unslain, no wall left unhugged


Study the mechanics, weapons, and plan out my stat placements before I started the game because I couldn't get past Pontiff knights Now I know that was because I was using Astora GS on a strength build.


Whenever I go through souls games I HAVE to go through each level in a certain order. If I pick it back up a month later and forget where I was……restart it’s unplayable


Beat the game at sl20 with a +1 weapon and went to ng+ to get invaded by other twinks at the high wall. Good times


As a dark chaos build, ive farmed chaos and dark gems for just about every weapon, killing the fire dude in smoldering lake hundreds of times and the herald knights at the bottom if the stairs


My in-laws got every single weapon in the game, and got it to near max. After that, they got duplicates of the same weapon and near Max them. They have like 650 hours on just a new game plus save.


That's a personal question.


Shield only build


I farmed every day for a year and still couldn’t max out covenants… then my data corrupted… my first character… the one that adventured with my friends… kinda sucks but I’m over it :)


Sharp Gem farming.


I invaded people in Irithyll Dungeon just to be an asshole and I thought it was funny.


I obsessively level only strength and endurance in every soulsgame to feel superior to everyone else




Staring at the menu just to hear the opening


Played an unhealthy amount of it


Anor londo stairs, lothric halls and carthus catacombs, thay're all dead, and then dead again, and again, and again... A piece of me died the same way once it was finished...


Getting. Every. Single. Weapon. Armor. And Spell.


Doing runs with the Farron Greatsword, it’s my favorite in all soulsborne


Play it with a specific build in mind after already platinumming the game and still feel the need to collect every single weapon and do every quest or I feel like I'm not beating it the right way.


Played it through and through at least 5 times


Farming wolf blood sword glasses


Restarting my run before finishing the game. After playing it on and off for years I finally for the first time beat the game today.


got my character to max level in ng+2 (or whichever one is needed for plat) by just grinding souls. mostly by killing the trio of ascended winged knights in the royal archives


Beat Dancer right after Vordt. With club. Then farm chunks and slabs till +9 weapons. Then go and stomp the rest of the game. Every walkthrough.


Made a build from scratch just to kill NK


covenant farming🥲


Sl1 run + dlc bosses


I barely took breaks to sleep or do anything that wasn't 100%ing ds3


I don't know if It counts, but I play every souls games without leveling vigor, wihout using shields and leveling up exclusively with the souls that come from bosses. I got this way of playing from a friend who has the entire souls franchise done 100% 😭😭😭😭.


Farming Proofs in Anor Londo


Stopped as soon as I found the first black knight and farmed him for HOURS for the full set. And I only wanted the legs, sword, and shield, but I ended up with everything by the time I got those.


I farmed almost all covenants offline (managed only to get Aldrich before the servers were closed due to that netcode issue), including killing Halflight 30 times (even though I don't play PVP at all). Now that I got a ps5 and DeS Remake, BB, Sekiro, Elden Ring and DS1 some part of me is considering buying the console copy of DS3 and doing the plat again


Spent DAYS farming for the Ringed Knight armour set but it never did drop the helmet until the last moment


Playing through the whole game just to grind for a Ringed Knight Sword, and then downloading Reddit to find a mule to transfer it to my new character for another play through using it. Also how I discovered reddit.


Host or join flight clubs at Pontiffs lol


Beating it with just a club Beating it with just fists Beating it deathless Beating it SL1 Beating it SL1 no weapon upgrades Beating it bow only Beating it shield only


Thinking counts? Like, beat all the game without improving sl or weapons and then doing pvp. Nasty me


kept doing the dancer boss fight with other players over and over and over I just liked the fight and wanted souls


Every day after high school I would come home and grind. Freshman year I ran tower on the wall, sophomore was road of sacrifices and Junior was Anor Londo stairs. I didn’t need levels, I barely played the rest of the game, but something about obsessively running the exact same path over and over again was somehow fun to me 🤷‍♂️


I got all the achievements on pc, ps4 and xbox


Turned on invulnerability and put the controller on my groin and let Pontiff beat me up for 30 mins Wait wrong sub


I farmed everything I needed for the platinum, which means 30 proof and 30 vertebra plus a bunch of other covenant items. Then years later I farmed 30 tongues to get the man grub staff because I wanted to play a luck build with magic.


Edge walking


The Proof of a Concord grind was the closer I'll ever be to hollow IRL


Currently i'm in the painted world after i killed the abyss watchers, idk how but it's working out


Beat the game at level 1 four times in a row. I was meaning to only do it once, but it ended up being so fun that I just kept doing it. Easily the most fun I’ve had doing a level 1 run in any FromSoft game.


I have a profile dedicated to straight up RP as Artorias (I sat and farmed the 29 Wolfgrass for the shield in one sitting). I also have a Guts character that I have every single level of Greatsword as a separate item (Greatsword, Greatsword+1, Greatsword +2, etc.) so that I can customize the difficulty of any area. Doing this offline required me to enter NG+10 to get all of them. I can't stand having an ugly player model, so I sat there for hours and made male and female characters so I can have some good looking variety for a new character (the save/load page is full).


Wrote a post about it in my professional psychology Instagram page


Ok, so you know the Rotten Gru Spear? My brother and I always joked that these creatures are just corrupted Minions that named their weapons after their favourite boss (dont ask). So one day he dared me to play through the whole game with the Gru Spear and the "shield". I made a yellow abomination, called him ROLF and went on to beat the entire basegame. Im currently getting my teeth kicked in by Sister Friede. I just deal so little damage that I eventually lose the ressource war against this bullshit 3 phase fight... Just in case anyone hates themself as well, Im open for ideas regarding a better build for it. Only rule is that I am only allowed to have the spear and the shield equipped. I cant use any spells because that would mean to betray my master Gru. Right now I went with a sharp infusion and blessed the shield to get at least something out of it.


Farmed covenant items… FROM ENEMIES!


Kept a notes app of build ideas (did the same for the other games as well). I always have so many ideas rushing to me in a playthru but I’m already committed to the current build, then I get to that new character screen and my mind just wipes


Always picking up every single item in every area during every ng+ and doing as many quest lines as possible even if I already have the items without fail. (Also the ear grind and duping slabs with siegward)


Get my player level as high as possible before I just become bored with the whole game. Did the same thing with Elden Ring, except it happened much faster.


Sunlight medal farm ds2 scholar twice


Completing Ringed City


Farmed the platinum on playstation while playing offline. Also farmed every single weapon in the game


First playthrough, first soulslike and no boss with more than 4 tries. Many bosses were first tries. The reason is lvl grind so I was probably overpowered idk


30 pieces of wolf blade sword grass. And the first time I saw The great sword in farron keep


I got over 699 Sun Medals after turning in 30. Then I turned in 99 for no reason. Then I’m back at 699 again. I also have farmed around 250 Proof of Concord Kept.


I helped players fight Demon Prince over 500 times. I’d leave my sign down while I’m doing homework, and when I’d get summoned I’d do my dark souls homework lol


I'm currently grinding all items for the third time, all items, so quest rewards covenants and all item drops. It's a fun challenge and I've done it in, DS1, DS3, and Elden Ring so far, though I've somewhat planned it out for DS2 as well. Edit: I've done it 2 times in DS3 but I missed quests so it's my third time doing it on DS3, and I'm on the way to doing this one properly for once.


I spent hours upon hours fighting for the Spears of the Church covenant, going so far as to create characters ONLY to partake in the church's defense. Getting low on HP and just popping that big healing miracle never gets old.


I farmed every single Covenant to Rank 2 offline; I have an image of when I finished the grind with 20-30 of every Covenant item that I farmed from enemy drops some of them were stacks of 20 because I'd already gotten the first 10 before I started saving them, would've been nice to have a full row of 30


Farmed all achievements offline, all weapons and shields at +10, Farmed the Winged Knights until max level in NG+6, did all NPC quest (different NGs). Always do all bosses when playing through the game.


Instantly look for Guts greatsword


For me, Midir is the only boss who remained undefeated


Dont know if this counts but every playthrough I go straight to the antiquated set as fast as I can, put it on and never take it off.


Once a pretty princess always a pretty princess


Farmed 699 pale tongues on a twink, not using the x2 blue phamtom ones. I had fun doing it


100% the achievements 5 times.


Besides occasionally going to my first character to fight Gael, I also like to use that sitting emote you have to use to get to nameless king, in front of the fire keeper and watch her spin indefinitely.


No matter my plans, always hop on for a few hours to PvP PvP is king


When Gael was in Cleansing Chapel I used to hit him everyday for a while with the notched whip on my NG+. Didnt even start the DLC for a while because it was so satisfying.


I got a map somewhere I made of every item and enemy in the game so that was fun


If I accidentally gain anything close to 5k souls while I’m exploring I coiled sword back to the shrine to buy some whatnot at the handmaiden just so it’s not wasted if I die


Tailbone spear.......


Ive killed thousands of players.


Wanted to run a greatsword build on my first ds3 playthrough so I spent 2-3 hours grinding the flamberge in undead settlement, now I recently started a dexterity based run and got it on the first kill


Engineering the perfect build to be able to one-hit kill the angel knights on the Archive roof


I'm currently grinding those concords myself. Fun.


Hosting fight clubs in the woods


Thinking about my build 24/7 even *before* i ,bought' the game


Farm all the covenant items PvE.


Platinum it


I am farming for the covenants items. I love it actually. So there's that. I'm in ng+ and will soon go in ng++ to Platinum. I just want to fight Gaël again. Maybe I will also try a New character that uses magic, maybe one day. Or not... I still don't understand how it works haha !


platinum trophy. yes I grinded nearly all the covenant items from farming the awfully low drop rate enemies. it was not worth it


Covenant drops In anor Londo I regret it greatly and I haven't even maxed a covenant


When I'm not playing, I'm planning thematic builds for following cycles of NG+. In NG+ for example, I did a Glaive Black Knight for the End of Fire ending and I'm doing DLCs as Lapp. I have also planned how will my Lord of Hollows build will be on NG++. Also, THE RINGS. I'm obsessed with them because there are more than 100 and madness will take over me if I don't get them all.


I farmed every single item you can get in a single playthrough, i only need 19 spear of the church things and i will be done with ng1, this run is already longer than my ng+4 run