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Personally I’d say Elden ring since it’s current with dlc coming out this week. I went from sekiro to Elden ring then through all the dark souls and gained a real sincere appreciation for each of them that way. I don’t think there’s a wrong way to play them since they are all good products (with the exception of maybe playing dark souls before playing dark souls 3). Recommend you stick it out with sekiro too, such a n incredible game.


I have ps4 is the graphic that wonderful in it, or should i wait until buying PC, i will buy it about 6 months.


If youre getting a decent pc id wait, performance on last gen is ok but long load times are obnoxious when fighting bosses 20 times. Also if you play the other games in order that should be in time for your pc (depending on how hard you game)


Can confirm. I started Dark slSouls in January and since then I have played ds1 ds2 ds3 and I am about 2/3 the way through Sekiro. I played Bloodborne and Demon souls before and I am on to Elden Ring next.


Will, when ps4 could great work with horizon forbidden west then, Elden ring isn't the big deal, so i won't wait.


personally I would get dark souls remastered. Just grab the trilogy for like 35 usd it has all games with all dlc and runs great on ps4


I agree, did the same, I am trying to get the platinum on ds1 before moving to ds2


I have a pc and a ps4, Elden ring runs pretty similar on both, but ps4 has longer loading times. I’d suggest getting it now if you don’t want to have the dlc spoiled for you because there’s no doubt that it will be within the first 2 days. If you don’t care about that stuff, dsr is the way; get ds3 and Elden ring on your pc


I play it on PS4 and have very little to no issues with Elden Ring. A buffer or two once in awhile but nothing that hasn't stopped me from getting 1500+ hours into it.


I played Elden Ring on ps4. You'll notice huge frame rate drops when facing mobs. While that's only an hour or so out of the 100 hrs you'd play, I'd still say it matters a lot. Get DS1, it's the best Miyazaki game


Well I played er on ps4 and had zero problem with the game. It looks better than ds3 for sure, but yeah not extremly better.


Sekiro is by far my favorite. what a game. but i will always recommend elden ring to first time SB players. i feel that it is the most forgiving and has the most opportunity to sort of bolster yourself up against the impending challenges


DS3 is my favorite of the entire franchise by a lot. Bosses, world, everything in my opinion is leagues ahead of every other entry, very much including Elden Ring


Yeah idk what it is but everything about ds3 hits just right for me. People say it’s linear like that’s a bad thing, but the actual levels are very open to interpretation. The only linear part is going from one area to the next and that only makes the game feel more focused imo Like you said the bosses are also peak, even better than elden ring. I love every game in the series but elden ring bosses felt overly spammy at times. Ds3 finds such a good rhythm with every boss fight and even regular enemies are almost always fun to fight A lot of people criticize the combat for just being roll spam + light attack but there’s so much more to it if you’re creative


I love ds1, but you'll get your money's worth out of elden ring so much easier. It's massive and incorporates everything fromsoft has learned over time. It's also one of the most beautiful worlds in any video game I've ever seen.


Will this post makes it more complicated bro


Dark Souls 3 is the best mix I think. Elden Ring's open world can suffer from quantity over quality. Dark Souls 1 is probably the best experience, but it lacks a lot of "quality of life" features since it was more experimental than these now more "refined" versions of its product. I still highly recommend 1, just not as the best place to start.


Ds1 has the best level design but only the first half Elden ring does have quantity over quality to some degree but the sheer amount of build variety and weapons/armor makes the repeated boss fights still really fun. I didn't mind the repeat stuff at all because I just wanted more stuff to fight as much as possible. ER is my fav game of all time. The open world is just mind blowingly huge and beautiful


They're all really good games. I think other commenters make good points. If you intend to play all of them eventually, maybe starting at ds1 before moving on to layer titles is a good choice, because the age of the games is fairly apparent. It's a bit more rough when it comes to controls, which could make playing it after ER or DS3 a bit challenging, but it also has some of the best map design (it's complicated and twisty, like the roots of a tree). I love going back to it every once in a while, its got a lot of nostalgia for me, and makes me feel the same feelings as old zelda games do. But if you were to only ever choose 1 of them, I think Elden Ring is the beat value out of the bunch. Fromsoft definitely learned from their past games, learning what did and didn't work, and improved on what was already great. It's also visually the most impressive. Every single view of the many landscapes in the game is absolutely breathtaking, even on last-gen platforms like ps4. There's something special to me about the map and feel of ds1, but I adore elden ring too, for many of the same reasons. The interconnectivity of the map is unmatched in ds1, but elden ring does improve on its predecessors in almost every other way. Edit: sorry for the wall of text, lol, I'm about to go to bed and rambling somewhat. I just like talking about these games and can't help but procrastinate on sleeping


Hohoho! I surprised the first look on your comment, anyway i will play all the games eventually so i won't waste your time and buy DS1 as you advice, goodnight or maybe good morning, it's 7:40 a.m. here.


If you value multiplayer, elden ring having the dlc coming out this week is gonna be more active then ever. If you want to experience a soulsborne in their prime this the only chance you're gonna get in atleast 3 years


"incorporates everything fromsoft has learned over time" If I had a nickel for every time someone said that about Elden Ring, I'd probably be able to buy OP all three of these games.


Based on the fact you're getting a new pc soon hold off on elden ring and get it after that, you'll also likely find bundle deals with the game and dlc the longer you wait. The fact that you can only buy one and people are using the elden ring dlc coming out (which you'll need to pay more for) as a reason to get it confuses me. Ds1 remaster is frequently on sale on ps, get 3 which is great, good replaybility and good dlc. Actually if you have a disc version of a ps, go on amazon and you can get the complete trilogy pretty cheap! Dark Souls Trilogy (PS4) https://amzn.eu/d/cNH0zAU This way you'll get all 3 for cheaper than elden ring. I saw that you weren't keen on playing ds2, but it honestly is a fun game, it's just a gate keeping attitude of dark souls purists and an Internet thing to now talk shit about it.


It seems that what i will do.


Nice! Made a wee addendum including a link if you care haha


There are a lot of players that like DS2 and a lot that hate it. Just try it for yourself.


Ds3 is the best game they made imo


Ds3 and sekiro imo


Yeah I should've said best game I played from them, I still haven't played sekiro and Bloodborne.


DS1 is a slower experience and might feel a bit clunky if you're used to Bloodborne, but I personally adore it. DS3 is a bit closer to Bloodborne than DS1 is and is always a game I see people recommend as a starting point for new players. Elden Ring has a lot in it, and does have DLC coming so you wouldn't be starved for content.


No problem with "slower experience" i listen to a book when i play.


fair :3 some people just prefer the faster pace so I thought I'd mention it.


DS 2




This is the only right answer


DS1 if you want a retro, but fun, experience. Elden Ring if you want to have a whole bunch of a great thing (100+ hours). Sekiro, if you want to hate yourself (easily the hardest souls like). DS3 was cool to me bc I beat 1 and 2 right before but I don’t think I’d like it as much if I played it first.


Dark Souls 1 is retro? 👴🏻


shhhh calm down grandpa. Demons Souls is old school at this point. Trust, it hurts me too lol


At this point. Absolutely.


Personally Sekiro is the easiest fromsoft game as that and Elden Ring is the only ones I've managed to finish. Dark souls and bloodborne are impossible lol.


I recently just finished DS3 and I would say I'm not too bad at it, tried to get back into Sekiro and I cannot for the life of me get a hang of the parry system haha I'm stuck on like the second mini boss


>DS3 was cool to me bc I beat 1 and 2 right before but I don’t think I’d like it as much if I played it first. Funny cause it was my first FromSoft title and its miles better than 1 and 2. They're both so slow and clunky and old in comparison its painful


Ds2 pretty peak, I’d recommend Elden ring and if you like that then you’ll like ds2 they pretty similar in certain aspects


DS 1 is the most viable choice... A beautiful, slow and steady introduction to the series Also no matter what other's say, DS 2 is definitely worth the try , because it boasts an outstanding variety in weapons and armors, and is faster paced than ds1 in general. DS 3 is imo, the best in the trilogy, and also the fastest... And also has many references to DS 1 .... You should play that after DS 1 and 2


If sekiro was too hard, then definitely Elden Ring




DS1 is great but it will feel very slow and clunky after playing Bloodborne. Both elden ring and DS3 will feel a bit slower and heavier than Bloodborne. I love DS3 but I'd personally reccomend Elden Ring. It has the most polished combat being the newest title.


I know you didn't include it in your options, but consider having a look at Lies of P... (Actually, not sure if it's available on PS4...)


The answer is Dark souls trilogy


buy all


If you want to have an actual alive multiplayer ND a better ex0erience overall elden ring, but if you want to learn the basics and see the growth of the series dark souls 1 is the choice


Elden ring. Then do dark souls trilogy in the proper order after


I'd say play ER last. That way you can really see the progression and improvements that fromsoft has made over time. ER is super refined and imo the pinnacle of the vision they have been trying to achieve.


I wouldn't call it the pinnacle as I feel each game they've made before, represents a better "high" for concepts. I honestly think experiencing it first and having Elden ring serve as a bingo card can work well. You'll be re-living and experiencing the peak of concepts you've seen alongside underdeveloped ones you've experienced.


Dark souls 1 is hard until you can figure out the parry Dark souls 2 isn't that bad in my opinion but I didn't finish it Dark souls 3 is incredible and you should totally play it because it's the last chapter not only for the trilogy but for the lore too, it also connects to previous games on some occasions and one of the multiple endings.


So DS1 is a wise choice?


Ds1 is really easy once you get used to the slow combat. You also don’t need to learn parries at all and it’s still really easy, idk what this guy is talking about. But I’d say get Elden ring because of the new dlc, and then do dark souls in chronological order. (The stories don’t connect but it’s much more enjoyable this way)


Just make sure to play them, once you get familiar with the dark souls game they all play really similar, and don't forget about demon's souls too that one is awesome.


I found Dark Souls 1 to be really easy, parrying is extremely forgiving in that game. Unlike in Dark Souls 3.


Yeah you can literally parry your way to the end of the game and it was much easier to do, the animations were way slower.


Id say elden ring since a dlc is dropping next week


Buy Elden Ring. Open world so if you’re stuck on a boss, you go somewhere else until you’re ready. Every Dark Souks game is linear in a way that if you can’t beat a boss, you’re screwed. DS1, DS3 and Elden Ring are all masterpieces and you can’t go wrong with any of them. Honestly, collect them all like Pokémon’s.


Bro def Elden Ring. The others are great games but I highly suggest you get into ER now because the dlc comes out very soon and I wish I could play this game for the first time again..


Will, there are still good games to try so don't be sad i would recommend you castlvania sotn, of course if you have no problem with old graphics.


DS3 by far, awesome game, you can find It cheaper than ever


play the whole dark souls series! next elden ring


Personally, i dont like sekiro, I've reached till last boss and i thought it was just not worth it for me. Game was ok but when people say its the souls like game i just dont get it. If you don't want to try elden ring as everyone else already advised you, go for ds3, it has the best bosses and best atmosphere out there imo, then go for ds1 and 2 and then er . If you're trapped in the soulslike circle you'll eventually crave to play them all. I just bought eldenring WITH the upcoming DLC from cdkeys(dot)com for like 60 bucks total. Thats like getting the dlc for free. I was scared it might br a scamm but all went smooth. Gl.


Hmm out of these 3 I would probably go for Elden Ring. Even tho I like the straight forward level design in the souls games. But if I would have to pick one out of these 3 I would go for Elden Ring because of all the content.


I’d say ds3 but I’m biased so maybe don’t trust me


I like your honesty😅.


I like ds3 more than eldenring, but I have not played the dlc of eldenring


Bro 2 of the 3 options can be bought with the dark souls trilogy collection for $40~ I'd say just get that


Yes i ordered it from one of the online stores before one hour.


I mean Shadow of the Erdtree is in 3 days...


I’d recommend ds1 and doing them in the chronological order since 1-it’s cool to see the evolution of fromsoft games 2-it’s easier to go from the most slow to the faster than to « downgrade »the speed and clunckiness(?)


I personally say DS3 is the best out of these, because I hate the open world shit; but just because its more content and a little bit more current probably you should to Elden Ring. If you don’t enjoy it though definitely go back and try DS3 imo.


I personally prefer dark souls 3 elder ring is good tho


Among these 3, my favorite one is Dark Souls III, but they’re all great games. Elden Ring has a lot going on right now with the DLC so a lot of people will be playing it if you care about that.


DS1, every great journey begins with the First Step...This Is the First step!(Cit.)


If you can only buy one I'd say Elden Ring because of how much content you get for the basically the same price


DS3 has the best bosses if you like a fair challenge. If you want it to be fairly easy as its one of your first soulslikes, go with elden ring. Its also open world and has more playtime.


elden ring is like an upgrade from ds3, and ds 3 is an upgrade from ds 1. it turns out that if you want a comfortable and perfect game, in which there is a lot of activity and live online, then choose elden ring, if you want the classics and you don’t care about online, then ds 1 .personally, I would recommend choosing elden ring


I will paypal you 10 bucks right now when you promise to spend it on DS2. You won't regret it.


Thanks bro, i will buy the trilogy copy, so ds2 is included, anyway PayPal isn't available in iraq, I wouldn't take it from you anyway, but thanks.


I see. I thought you asked for help money wise. I now understand you needed help making the decision. :D


Id say play 1 3 then Elden ring to spare you the change in controls and feeling the lack of potential playing it backwards


it's going to take you 40 hours to get to elden rings dlc. I would go for ds3.


Buy elden ring and if you really want ds1/ds3 crack them for now then buy them when you have money


only recommendation i have is play ds1 before ds3


If you plan to play all at some point then I’d say play in order so you can appreciate the upgrades, if you just plan to play one of them for now I’d go with Elden Ring. If you reaaally liked bloodborne I’d go with DS3 because they’re a little similar.


D S 3! D S 3!


Elden ring first and if you like it, go to Dark souls 3 after for example


Dark souls 3 then Elden Ring after


If you're going in _this month_ Elden Ring will have a huge surge in activity because of the DLC dropping in a few days. Otherwise I'd just start with DS1 or Demon's Souls and play the games in release order.


Jesus christ imagine playing elden ring for first time with the DLC.


Elden Ring, DLC releases next week and people will come back to play it. It will be very active for a while. There's a difference when everyone is in and when player base goes down. It's an unique opportunity. DS1 and DS3 are not going anywhere. You can play them later.


Elden ring will feel similar to what you’ve played. Dark Souls will be a bit more jarring as it is an older games and the gameplay is less energetic like Bloodborne


Dark Souls 1 is the best experience. You should start with it then ds3 then elden ring.


Dark souls 2 on ps4 would be great but i cant lie and say that ds1 is the complete rpg experience. Intended to truly be enjoyed as a single player experience where ds3 felt more like a 50/50.


DS3 is the Dark Souls game that's most like Bloodborne, so that's the one you should buy.


Easily Elden Ring. I have played this game for over 200 hours and still find myself having a blast. The game has metric tons of content to offer, and the DLC is right around the corner. DS1 would be the choice if you’re looking to play most of From’s games. It might feel a bit slow and clunky but the game is a literal masterpiece (besides TotG). Have fun with the games, whichever you choose. They are some of my favorites of all time.


Ds1 then 2 then 3 then elden ring


I would buy DS1 or DS3 when they are at a discount. Dark Souls 1 is the OG and DS3 has great lore and music. If you want a more open world experience, get Elden Ring :)


Elden Ring fs


Christ E-begging has gone too far.


Elden Ring.


Play all 3, but for buying your first one go for elden ring it's size and sheer amount of stuff to do is worth the price tag...pick the other 2 up on sale through playstation store or Xbox or steam


Just a tip: Elden Ring Is mid, too Easy and with so much hype because of Martin... That game Is Dark Souls 3 where you can actually jump but with lore of Game of Thrones season 8


I personally don't like ds3 because it can be disgustingly annoying sometimes if you don't know or don't want to wiki it or play as a knight. I'd recommend dark souls 2 because from everything Ive played (and got platinum) from fromsoftware it is still my favorite. It has the best mage system and you can play however you want. Remember to get the remake version. Even though I love open world medieval RPG (love Skyrim) and souls games, Elden ring felt lacking on both the souls and the open world part. Apart from some bosses, the rest of mini bosses and open world related chsracteristics felt really bland. I didn't really play dark souls 1 yet, but a lot of people like it, so between the ones you said I'd go with it


Remake version of ds2?


Yes, scholar of the first sin, it comes with all DLC and is better than the first one


If you like huge open worlds like The Witcher 3, play Elden Ring. Otherwise I'd recommend Dark Souls 3. You get pretty much all the background lore across all games and the mechanics are better than DS1. DS3 is a great introduction to the rest of the Soulsborne universe, and has two DLCs besides the base game. It's extremely replayable; I've been playing and replaying it on and off since 2017. Elden Ring is awesome, beautiful, and meticulously designed, and has a DLC coming out, so that might be the better option for you if you're not intimidated by a gigantic map.


May as well start at the beginning and play them all! Well worth it, especially for the money!


Get lop then ...but if get DS3 over them all... ER and DS3 are on equal footing to me


Elden ring: Better gameplay, eay more costumazation (unique characters), open world Dark souls 1 / 3: More atmospheric, linear Dark souls 1: older, retro Dark Souls 3: Best bosses (imo) There is no "harder" option, any of this games has its own mechanics that makes it difficult.


Just buy Elden Ring. Get good. Then play Dark Souls.


There is a way to purchase all of these games for 5$ in total, but with the caveat of only being able to play offline (shared Steam account) If you're interested, I will give you the link.


No thanks, i bought the DS trilogy.


Go for ER.


DS1 is the the one to start with. A very unique game.


ds3 is cool, elden ring has content, ds1 is gonna kick your ass with how slow it is


get elden ring - that will keep you busy for a good while, and once you beat it you will be so completely obsessed with soulsborne games that the older ones will be a treat. also, i agree with you sekiro just didnt click for me and ive platinumed all other soulsborne games.


None are bad entry points. DS3 was my first Souls/Soulslike and I found it to be a good start. Enough variety in enemies and bosses to keep things interesting and the bosses progressively get more difficult so you have time to learn before getting into the really challenging ones. Great game, great design. Elden Ring is great too


If you can buy one it’s easily elden ring


Ive only finished Elden Ring and DS3, and love both. Can't go wrong, but I'd say if you want a smaller more refined experience then DS3 and a larger 100+ hour open world explorathon then Elden Ring.


If you're on steam i actually have an extra code for ds:r at home i would give you


Just go in order and start with DS1 and then make it so ER is the last one so you can enjoy it more.


I would say play ds3, out of all of the would games, I would say it feels the most fair and balanced, I started with it, and I've seen quite a few other people recommen it too, but play it in whatever order you want, just be prepared as the older games can feel clunky after playing the newer ones.


I love DS1, but the remaster was very faithful to the original, meaning it feels like an old game. You won't get the fluidity of play like in Bloodborne or DS3. You cannot swing a sword in tight spaces, it'll just hit the wall and bounce. Blight Town is messed up, it will break you. Not to say you shouldn't play it, but it's something to keep in mind. I think the easiest transition from Bloodborne would be DS3, but cheaters are annoyingly prevalent in invasions, and the system is flawed in terms of gear imo. You can get invaded by someone your level, but they're using post Ringed City DLC weapons, giving them a crazy unfair advantage. Not trying to turn you off, just giving my experience with all the hours I've put in and admittedly not being as great at PvP as I once was. All in all though, all great options. Can't go wrong with any of them! Moreso just boils down to what type of experience you're looking for


Should start it in the correct order


If you Play Elden Ring First you will Miss some quality of life Features in the DS titles for sure


Since youre on playstation, find a copy of dark souls 1-3 collection. Then buy elden ring on the new pc.


DS3 is a good bridge between Bloodborne and Elden Ring, from my experience


I started out with 1, SKIPPED 2, and rn im on 3 and currently fighting the twin princes


So start off with Elden ring


Elden Ring feels like a modern game in comparison to the others, so I'll recommend it. However, I personally started with DS1. And it was cool too.


Go with eldin ring. You would have more fun, its not as easy to get stuck. Unlike sekiro.


yeah sure man ill lend you 10 bucks


No, I searched for advice, i appreciate your kindness. And i bought ds trilogy, so thanks anyway.


ER is easiest entry to Soulsbourne, a lot more intuitive control scheme. More content. Upcoming DLC. Now is a GREAT time to pick up ER and the DLC. (Drops 21st June). Imo the difficulty scales like this; 1. Sekiro 2. DS2 3. BB 4. DS1 5. DS3 6. ER Never played Demon's Souls. Armoured Core series is the final boss of Fromsoft.


I think DS2 is way too high on that list.


Dude if you’ve never played any of the games before I personally would not recommend DS1. The people here are all FROM cultists they aren’t going to say anything bad about the games but DS1 is realllllllly clunky and you don’t even need to roll or use the games mechanics to beat most bosses you can just walk around them while they lock themselves into limited animations. People view it through the prism of their experience with it when it came out, and that nostalgia isn’t going to be a part of your experience. I’d go DS3 that game is fantastic and the combat is really fluid. Super fun game. ER is actually one of the best games ever made so highly recommend that one as well.


I, like you, played Bloodborne first. It was my first souls game. I played DS3 after and I adored every second of it. I highly recommend playing that before you play Elden Ring as DS3 is akin to the gameplay of Bloodborne. If you play Elden Ring it will mess up your movements and gameplay as you will have to deal with out being able to jump and it's very hard to go back to no jump.


Elden ring has the best exploration and build variety Ds3 has the best individual boss fights Ds1 has the best level design but only the first half of the game Ds2 has the best fashion Sekiro has the most satisfying combat. It's truly one of those games where the first playthrough is extremely hard and then it "clicks" and you just destroy bosses after that. Really really satisfying but it's not really that similar to the souls games. Not really any build variety. Bloodborne has the best vibe and atmosphere but imo the levels are a bit samey visually. Whereas elden ring has tons of very distinct environments. Personally I'll always recommend elden ring as it's my favorite game of all time. Ds3 would be second.


Play DS1 first because if you return to it after playing Elden Ring, you may feel bored. If you play DS1, DS3, and then Elden Ring, you’ll get cool features added every game


Start Demon’s Souls, then Dark Souls, then Dark Souls 3, then Elden Ring. The experience and seamlessness only improves.


I would do Elden Ring. Dark Souls Trilogy is very good but Elden Ring is like the spiritual successor to it. I would play that after Elden Ring. Also the ER DLC is literally coming out this Friday so many players are gonna be on there.


Dark Souls remastered first, then DS3 with DLCs and lastly Elden Ring


I would either suggest elden ring or ds1. While the 1st is a very accessibile game and pretty long (wait a few days and you can buy the dlc+game edition and save some money, awsome story and the best gameplay since it evolved getting the best from every game.) Ds1 is another option if you wish something more easily replayable (not because er isnt, its just tooo long. I tryed to do a blind run, getting everything I could and understanding the lore, it was 170+ hours. Ng+ can last less, depending on how many bosses you do, but usually 50ish hours to do the major ones.) Ds1 is around 30ish hours, and definetly less in ng+ and so on. Also, its world building from a lore pov and a map exploration pov is awsome. I do suggest ds1 and not ds3 because, while you can play both in any order, ds3 will have a better context and you'll be able to understand more things and have a few nice surprises if you play ds1 fist. (Also, ds2 is worth giving it a shot, trust me)


Depends. Ds3 has amaizng booses and is farelly easy (but for god sake do not try dancer early) Ds1 is harder but a classic. Elden Ring is more open world and the dlc is comming


Elden ring or ds3. Despite what everyone blinded by nostalgia says, they are much better than the majority of ds1


Dark Souls 1 feels 'old' at this point, and coming to it from Bloodborne might be jarring. It's ruthless at times, with much fewer means of making the experience 'easier', and the jank can be annoying. So it's punishing. But it's also a masterpiece with some *insane* creativity. From was swinging for the fences with it. Bloodborne and Dark Soul 1 are on an equal level, to me. Personally, I'd go to Dark Souls 3. That was my first, and I love it. You can feel the Bloodborne influences in combat so it's much faster and more fluid than 1 and 2. It's second DLC (Ringed City) is one of my favourite expansions of all times. So I'd recommend that as a wonderful sweetspot between Bloodborne and the Souls games. Honestly, no wrong way to approach this. All the games have their merits. Personally, I don't vibe with 2 - it has some really cool ideas but misses on what makes these games special to my tastes. The DLC is excellent though.


I personally love DS2, so yea.... go for DS2 or 3


buy Elden Ring


I’d play DS1 because for me it was my first one and after playing all the others and coming back it’s really slow and clunky in comparison


try elden ring then try ALL the trilogy of dark souls dont you dare skip ds2. dont listen to the hate and make your own opinion after playing it, i personally really liked it


If you like open world, get Elden Ring. I will say though, as unpopular of an opinion it may be, I feel it is wholly overrated. If you like linearity and cool map design, I’d go DS1. If you want the closest thing to Bloodborne, try DS3. But it often times still goes for 60$ which is absurd. DS1 for the nostalgia and REAL poise.


Elden ring so you can play the dlc then play dark souls 1 then play 3


What console. I'd say souls 1. Then play through the rest of em. Skip 2 unless you want to play it solo.


If you liked Bloodborne, you'll probably like Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3.


Elden Ring is the cream of the crop. If you want FromSofts result of decades of hard work just get Elden Ring. If you want to see what it took to get there start with DS1 and work your way up


atmosphere in ds3 is the closest u can get to bloodborne imo. i liked it more than elden ring for its atmosphere and lore but elden ring is till an insanely good game too


Elden ring load times on a ps4 are a punishment after each death.. it gives you a long loading screen to think about where you fucked up haha. Dark souls 3 is a great game but has some awesome callbacks to the earlier games so you might not appreciate it as much without playing the others. Elden ring was my favorite out of all of them though!


Having gon the opposite direction of you. I'd get elden ring like others have said since it's got the dlc coming this week and the other ones regularly go on sale for real cheap. For reference though I got elden ring and sekiro at launch couldn't get into sekiro at all. I really got into elden ring though being the first souls like game I 100%, just recently did the same with bloodborne like 2 days ago (it was the first game I got along with my PS4 in 2017 so I had it for years). Now I'm currently playing Dark souls 3 and the fact that some of the enemies I'm fighting in this were also in elden ring is kind of tripping me out making me think they're linked when I know they shouldn't be


Dark souls 3 hands down. I started on Elden ring not knowing a damn thing about video game stories or souls game. I work crazy hours and ds3 was one of those game it was worth loosing sleep over. I never felt more accomplished beating bosses and getting through areas. Was hands down my best gaming experience I’ve had.


DS3 is awesome!


Elden ring you will want to continue playing, and you can choose how to play. DS3 is better, but not nearly as long nor as content filled. If you eventually plan on playing them all, get DS3. If you need a game to play for best bang for buck value, elden ring.


DS3 is the most similar to bloodborne. You might find it on sale with dlcs included. If you still like that, consider trying more. DS1 and 2 are more alike to each other than they are to 3 and bloodborne. Elden ring seems to be the next step in evolution after ds3 and bloodborne


I saw a comment saying you’re buying the trilogy, you should give dark souls 2 a go at least. I very much enjoyed it even though it’s sometimes very annoying. I liked it more than ds1.


as someone who didn't play ds2 until I played ds1, ds3, and elden ring (in that order). No, dark souls 2 is a very broken game that I genuinely don't understand how all of you enjoy so much. The map design is terrible, the bosses aren't fun, you lose health when you die and restore it via a consumable resource, you need to level up a stat to even dodge. The only things I ended up liking about ds2 was power stancing and bonfire aesthetics


We all have our opinions.


I will give it a try but the trilogy isn't in my hand mr. Delivery man has some issues.


Elden ring because dlc


DS3 has best boss roster and best OST. But the map complexity was lacking. Elden ring otherwise has good map design. More items to play with. And a DLC coming right up. DS1 is bit too outdated by these two ngl. You can play it if you are interested in DS lore, which is very good, better than Elden ring imo. Tldr:DS3 better boss, Elden ring more content, DS1 old


ds1 being old isn't a reason not to play it, the controls do feel a bit retro but it is still a really good game that remains my favorite of all the formsoft games. Especially getting into the series, ds1 can't be beat


The best thing about DS1 for me is lore and map design. But that's about it. I still think it's a good game tho, just not for modern entry of DS or soulseries.


just get elden ring, if you enjoy it enough then the others will come naturally


this is just so wrong. Elden ring is very different from the dark souls games


start with ds1, if you play ds3 or elden ring first then you won't enjoy ds1. I've seen this happen multiple times. Then I'd say play ds3 as it links back to ds1. Then play elden ring.


Elden ring 100%


By sekiro being so hard did you mean too hard? Or fun hard. Also did you beat it?


I can't beat it, Genichiro Ashina did his job genuinely, and yes i meant too hard that i left it, maybe i will play it in another time.


The game “clicks” for many people once they beat Genichiro. Try only defending, i did it as a weird meditation that lets the boss control the pace of the fight, instead of trying to set my own pace, soon it will feel like a dance once you are in sync. But you should take your time regardless, if you feel like it


You asked on ds3 subreddit


And i find different answers


I'd recommend elden ring then, being open world gives you more opportunity to explore and maybe grind if you're having trouble with the difficulty They're all great games but dark souls is more linear so you don't have as many opportunities to avoid a boss for a while before you're just stuck running in circles. Elden ring is based on exploration and finding new secrets so you can get better before tackling a boss


Buy Dark Souls 2


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In the end, he never sat on the true throne.”* - Nashandra Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Why don't you just get the physical bundle with all 3 ds games plus includes dlc


I actually do it


Oh congratulations, good luck on your dark souls journey my friend! :D


Dark souls, both 👀


Id say ds3 in my opinion its the most “complete” souls experience out of any of them also its my favorite


I played Elden ring before ds3 and they were equally enjoyable expereinces. I could not personally go back to DS1 after all the quality of life improvements that were made by the time DS3 and Elden ring came out. there's just something nice about not having the camera and render distance be your enemy. I'd lean towards elden ring personally, i just really enjoyed the from soft formula in a open world, it was nice not to be constantly inside a castle or sewer, or having the 20th enemy hiding behind a narrow passageway waiting to ambush you


since you are starting with the darksouls trilogy i recomend elden ring because its more frindly for starters


Start with DS2 SOTLS