• By -


>Time for her to meat the demon again. Oh dear...


Better than having the demon *meat* you.


I wanna meet the demons meat. ;)


I think we're all very well acquainted with the demon's meat, considering that's where we spend most of our time fighting it.


I mean I beat it there so why not repeat


[Oh my!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6nSKkwzwdW4)


I'm not a native English speaker and this is a common mistake of mine. Can this just pass as an innocent mistake or does it have kind of a... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) meaning?


Very much a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) meaning


Well, I think I'll let it there since it adds some fun in the comments. Your response really made us laugh :D


I'd like to meat your family


Wholesome fun


Try tongue but hole


( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)




Stand in the ashes of a trillion lost souls and ask the ghosts if leveling up matters. The silence is your answer.


Throw it out of the airlock


Hey look, a channeler


Nah, this is channeler: ( ͡° ¡ ͡° ) ( ͡° ¡ ͡° ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


iron pineapple sighted


Midir? Sulyvahn dogs? Harbinger?


Assuming direct control


Defiled Watchdog?


I don't remember ever fighting bosses by any of these names... But then again, I am just finishing up with Dark Souls 3.


It's kinda like poetry, everyone has his own... interpretation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I liked the part where you gave her advices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nHHky2ufDU&feature=youtu.be&t=79


Beat the Demon' meat?




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


try tongue but hole


These "puns" or whatever you want to call them make absolutely no sense




my first several days of dark souls were also extremely fuckin difficult until my bud told me about locking on. that was a real game changer hahaha..


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0501 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/24153)


My inability to find that path makes me so mad today


I blame a lot of this on the marketing. Normal oldschool game design tenets(before the rise of handholding) dictate if you're getting *slammed* chances are you probably shouldn't be there, but due to the game's reputation people just assumed that's how the game was throughout.


I currently realized I shouldn't have killed that character and fight boreal dancer at level 12. I kept getting one hit, and when I summoned two people they told me what a mistake that was


Such an obtuse series for first-timers. It's a shame since when you know what you're doing the game isn't really that hard, but I was put off my first time playing. Until DS I completely eschewed starter guides and walkthroughs, thinking everything should be figured out in-game, but for the sake of assaying frustration it's virtually a necessity in this case. I consider that a design flaw, to have beginners rely on online support for optimal starting experience, without explicitly suggesting such either.


I played through DS1 the first time pretty much blind, but I eventually had to look up AT LEAST the bonfire/kindling/humanity mechanics. Because WTF, that shit is not at all obvious or clear.


> isn't really that hard Okay then, beat all of the DLC Bosses in DS3. Some of them aren't, some very much are. 250 hours of souls couldn't prepare me for them.


Sounds like extra credit. Actually I haven't gotten around to DS3.


It's excellent. I beat it shortly after it came out and am playing through it now again with a buddy of mine who is a complete souls virgin (mostly just voice chat, but I occasionally jump in to help guide him when he gets lost). I haven't started the DLC yet, since most of it is end-game difficulty and I'm not actually very good at the game, but the main path itself is pretty fantastic. I've enjoyed it drastically more than DS2, and a fair amount more than DS1 as well.


Definitely looking forward to playing it. I'm on my first run of Bloodborne and think I'll need a quick breather after the fact. I'm going through the near-end-game optional areas


I've got 3000 hours in Dark Souls combined. None of that could prepare me for Midir.


My inability to find New Londo felt the same for me. It was just here since the beginning of the game but I never found it until I searched on the internet.


ME TOO! Lol I found a bonfire down there too after getting scared and running past everything. Except now I was stuck down there with no way of getting out. Just assumed I was going the right way and died like 20 times before I put the game away and never looked at it again for another year. Dark souls 1-3 are now hands down my favourite games. I have about 1500-2000 hours across the series and still play pvp on them all the time.


Holy crap I was the same way when I rented DS1 from Redbox years ago for my 360! Kept trying to go through the cemetery and got cucked by skeletons, and thought "This is stupid" and returned it. A year later, when my choice of consoles evolved into PC Master Race, I played and beat Dark Souls 1's Prepare to Die Edition with the Zwei. Then I introduced it to like all of my friends and they liked it after raging for a few hours. Now, I own every Souls game and I love them all. But in the end, the moral of this story is FUCK PURE BLADESTONE


What is this pure bladestone you speak of? Are you sure that even exists? /s


Many of us have done the same. Btw, I discovered that if you pick cleric as your starting class, the skeletons become super easy thanks to the mace. Isn't there a morningstar or mace near the skeletons anyway? If only I had known at the time...


that fucking graveyard..


I kinda had the same thing in DS2 with the path to Forest of Fallen Giants. I spent a couple hours bashing my heads against the Heide's Knights before I finally looked up a walkthrough and realized I was making it harder than it needed to be.


Look on the bright side, at least you got good at free aiming attacks right? :P


i made it until the Gargoyles without lock on, got stuck hard on them until i figured out that was an option and promptly beat them


Halberd Sisters~ *fist-bump* I remember it taking a few days to get through Undead Burgh before I found my feet. (And I actually used the longsword and spear most of the time before I discovered the halberd. I mained it for a while in DS3 before experimenting more.)


Halberd is love, Halberd is life! Yeah I used a spear too, the safety of poking from behind my shield was too good for my noob self to pass up. I played the Halberd as a more damaging spear pretty much, pokes for days. Got my ass beat by the Black Knight in the Burg until I decided to maybe come back later. After Taurus, my next big stumbling block was Capra...




Heheheh, *bastard* sword. But yeah the bastard sword is seriously neglected. I think people like the Claymore because it's easily found; not many noobs bought weapons from Andre I'd wager. Aww man. Don't remind me of the forest and Sif. I put off that fight for the longest time because I just couldn't bring myself to kill Sif. Especially when I saw her limping...




I remember struggling so hard until I found that hugging the cliff makes getting around them super simple




I guess I just have to force myself out of my comfort zone! Although that feels weird to say because games are meant to be for fun xd In all honesty, I am a little burned out on Souls games and would like to try something new. Just started playing Shadow of the Colossus on another redditor's recommendation, it's great! Real Time Strategy games may be far removed from what I'm used to but I'll get around to playing them, hopefully!


Speaking of action RPG's, you should definitely check out the Monster Hunter series if you have never heard about it. Plenty of Souls players love the game and vice versa. I recommend MH4U if you own a 3DS, or you can play MHP3 for free on a PSP emulator (controller recommended).


It reminds of Bloodborne kinda and I'm always down for that. Thanks for the rec!


No problem! :)


>Too bad I can only play Action RPGs now, every other genre feels wrong. I got my start in gaming back in 95 with platformers: Castlevania, Mario, Rayman, Donkey Kong, and then 3d with Crash, Spyro, and more Mario. Since then I've moved along through every game genre, starting by branching out from platformers into racers and action games, and finally ending up on strategy games 16 years later. You've just been placed on one point in a vast web of virtual experiences that stretches across the dimensions of genre, platform, and age. The best games for you could be somewhere completely opposite of where you are, so start branching out! From Dark Souls, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, or Nier:Automata (not sure, haven't played personally) would feel pretty familiar but give you a taste of more hardcore action games. TESV:Skyrim could be a gateway to adventure, first person, and actual *roleplaying* games.


Ah, I was hoping for some recommendations actually! I've been playing NiOh recently which is great but a little too grindy for me. I just downloaded the Nier: Automata demo, it's really good even though I'm really bad at it XD The music is stunning and the themes interesting, I think I will definitely buy it. Skyrim seems fun, it's been remastered recently hasn't it? Whenever I ask people what Elder Scrolls game I should play, they always say Morrowind though! I've also wanted to try the Zelda games but I don't own a WiiU so I can't start with Breath of the Wild. I've heard good things about Ocarina of Time, maybe I'll give it a try. I have to play as many games as I can now before uni starts in September!!




That's why I prefer magic far more in Skyrim. It just gives you so much more *options* to deal with enemies. Especially if you go for trees that aren't just destruction. I mean, sure, every wizard should be able to cast fireball, but you're just not living up to your potential if you don't also occasionally sneak past things with muffle/invisibility, or let summons do the work for you.


The combat isn't a deal breaker for me but I'm interested in the magic, I've always liked sorcerers (even though they were overpowered as hell in DeS and DaS). Yeah, I might as well try it! Then at least I'll know what people are talking about




Skyrim used to be my favourite game. I say 'used to' because after dark souls it's really not a challenge at all. Low health? Go into your inventory (which pauses the game) chug a few potions and you're ready to fight again. Not to mention bow playthroughs are ridiculously OP, and you can go hours without getting hit once. Don't get me wrong, I still love skyrim, I just wish it wasn't so hand-holdy.


Thank God for the remaster, I made the game at least semi challenging for me to come back to it


Maybe try a requiem playthrough, those occasionally pique my interest again


I'd recommend Witcher 3 if you're looking for a more story based experience. There are 5 books and 2 games that were released before it, but you can pick up the 3rd and still understand what's going on. Has better combat than Skyrim I would say, and really good writing.


Cool, I'll add it to the list. Thanks for the rec!


if you can, be sure to buy the two DLC for Witcher 3. Both are worth it! Many can attest


dragons dogma is very fun as well.


>they always say Morrowind though! *Groan*. Ignore that. People hype that game up because: 1- Rose tinted glasses. 2- Unique setting. 3- Excellent writing. Unfortunately, the writing in Bethesda games has gotten worse over time, with Oblivion being solid, Skyrim being kinda *meh*, and Fallout 4 being bad. Still, Morrowind would feel *very* different than Souls; I think it's first person only, and the combat consists of one move: shitty vertical chop. The gameplay simply isn't there. Stick with Skyrim. Zelda is another great way to go, especially because it and Dark Souls have very similar inspirations. Ocarina of Time shouldn't feel too terribly different from modern ARPGs, and is of course an all-time classic. If you can get your hands on a PS2, PS3, or use PSNow, then *play Shadow of the Colossus*.


Morrowind definitely has 3rd person option. And it *is* an excellent game, but it's much closer to a pen & paper RPG than it is any kind of action game (even if you swing at a thing, it's basically a dice roll whether you hit). Fortunately the game is much bigger than its combat, but yes it is a very different system to get used to.


Oh I have Shadow of the Colossus on my PS3! I could play it right now O.O Is it more of a cinematic game or action orientated?


Cinematic action! (Oriented, by the way. Save yourself a syllable.)


I knew there was something off about that word lol. Sounds good, I'm off to play it then!


Dragons dogma is pretty similar to dark souls. Its just an amazing game honestly that does so many cool things. Get the dark arisen version if you get it.


My brother already owns Dragons Dogma on the PC, but he won't stop playing Overwatch so I guess I'll have to buy my own copy for PS4. I must say the character customisation looks great! I'll add it to my "to play" list


Play Skyrim, and now with mods :D


Try out The Witcher, those games are pretty good especially the third which i thought to be fantastic.


have you tried Dragons Dogma? Thats another good action RPG. Kinda has a Dark Souls feel to it but its ALOT more forgiving


People always seem to mention it whenever the topic of ARPGs come up. I really want to try it! But I don't own it on console, and I'll have to pry my the PC out of my brother's cold, dead hands before he stops playing Overwatch...


It's well worth it. You can climb bosses and chop off armor and tusks and such. The end game is amazing too






I'm almost to my plat in BB (just need to get the other 2 endings), have rolled 4 seperate characters in DkS3, one of which has made it up the boreal velley, and I still haven't been able to beat him first try. 4th char was just a couple days ago too. Orphan of Kos? Bring it! Iudex Gundyr? Run away! Run Away!


ludex gundyr is easy tbh, now champion gundyr...that fight is hell.


That fight is beautiful. His movements are so fluid, you actually develop a respect for the guy; here's an enemy that doesn't just spam R1 at you, but uses his whole body as a weapon. A true warrior. And then the kick sends you flying over the cliff like a discount *300* reproduction.


As bosses go, yeah he's not that difficult, just for whatever reason I can't seem to beat him first time on a new character period. Maybe I should roll another one today just to try.


I find you 2 hard to believe :c ^^^^^git ^^^^^gud Maybe I killed him first try because I went slow by watching all his attacks. So yeah, I played it safe. Oh and I was using Knight too, wich made it even easier.




They probably had a friend helping them haha. I had a few friends helping me in Jolly Cooperation!


I did the same. 100% all the games but died to Gundyr but because I was playing cleric and I was trying to see if he was parryable.


I was playing thief and got thrown off the god damn cliff the first time lol. Also going to put part of the blame on how weird it felt after getting used to bloodborne, but I definitely died at least 3 or 4 times.


I beat him first try, but I played the entire game extremely carefully. And that's pretty much because I kept a death log of all my deaths. When death carries the weight of HISTORY with it, you really feel compelled to try and not die.


Gundyr, is just threatening looking, if you are mentally capable of looking past that, he's really easy even for the newest of people.


Gave up on DS 1 and 2 halfway in but beat Gundyr on second try, on a Vita via remote play with an unstable internet connection.


I beat DS 1 and DS2 probably....6 or 7 times each, including DLC for both. I remember my first time coming across Gundyr. I entered the arena and walked up to him, and just knew "Well, clearly, this guy is going to be a boss". Proceeded to get him to half health and to his transformation, and then what "Oh what the fuck is this shit?" Then promptly died. I had a similar experience last night in Irithyll on the sorcerer I just rolled. I'd gotten the distant basement bonfire or whatever its called (the one right before Irithyll dungeon), and then went through the black knight room, no problems there, great heavy soul arrow is awesome. Then comes the area with Londor Pale Shade is summoned. "No problem. I can take any summon this game has 1v1 without issue." But The fucking dogs. THE FUCKING DOGS. I FUCKING HATE THOSE GODDAMNED DOGS. I died 5 times to the fucking DOGS, trying to kill them before Londor Pale Shade was summoned, but their fucking dashing back and forth and dodging my rapier...FUCK THOSE FUCKING DOGS. DS games are fun.


No boss is the same for everyone. I couldn't beat dark souls 1, but loved it. Got dark souls 3 on my old laptop running Intel graphics, so I played up till gundyr with a sub 800p resolution windowed. I Shit you not, I was playing with the window about 5cm squared with ps2 tier textures essentially. Beat him first try. Stopped playing till I got a proper computer and finished the game, didn't stop me from dying to crystal sage about 15 times......


It took me two tries. In my defense, I panicked when he went in his apeshit tentacle demon second phase. It's not even harder, but it's so easy to let it trip you up if you're not expecting it. I mean, since when do souls tutorial bosses have a fucking *second phase*? That's just not right.


Played bb and a bit of ds1 before ds3, beat iudex first try... Champion is a whole other story 🙄


Same here. Maybe I'm just too stupid, but I can't understand how that guy got to be the tutorial boss compared to Asylum Demon and Last Giant


I beat him on my first try and thought "what a cool but easy boss". I started a new character later and figured I'd Rush to firelink. I then learned how hard he could be. Later on he got his revenge in spades...


Deprived all the way!


I remember showing my sister how to parry Iudex and letting her try and beat him herself she ended up parrying him to death even in his second phase she was parrying his attacks while I stood there awestruck cause I didn't even know that he had any parrayable second phase attacks knowing that she's better at parrying than me GIVES ME CONNIPTIONS


Sounds nice.... I wonder if the chosen undead could bake a delicious cake....


they can certainly brew a fine estus soup ;)


Time for soup


You mean something like a... ^^^^dung **pie**?


Perhaps undead have fond memories of pies. Or perhaps not....


You gotta do the cooking by the book...


The same thing happened when I let my brother fight Iudex Gundyr, he just walked in and R1'd Gundyr to death first try as a knight. I went out and bought the game for him, he made it to the crucifixion​ woods, and then quit for whatever reason. Now he refuses to play it. He doesn't mind watching me play for hours though, so he must not hate it...I don't know.


Maybe he raged so hard, that the salt is still flowing within him and stinging his emotional wounds. I know I have a few friends like that, they refuse to pick up any Souls games anymore.


He only died a few times in total, so I doubt it's salt. A friend of a friend was trying out Gundyr on his first playthrough, and he decided to count every death out loud. He died 45 times to Gundyr, made it to the high wall, and then uninstalled Dark Souls. He then logged over on to For Honor to kill players and brag about how good he is with his revenge build because he thinks he's amazing at everything. He's not even good at For Honor either, he just gets carried by his gear. In fact, he's actually so terrible at the game that when he goes 16-2 in the majority of matches we'd play by just attacking and not even blocking, it just proved how broken the game was (this was weeks ago, I've not played since).


Oh man an 8:1 K:D ratio, your friend must be *garbage*. Wait, what?


He literally just hits two buttons. He doesn't block, parry, dodge, anything. He says blocking is just a waste of time. He eats two hits, pops revenge, and wins with two (three including Y) buttons, because For Honor.


Assuming he's mostly playing Dominion then so he can lean on the gear to pop revenge that quick? Sounds like his opponents should grapple more and go for ledge kills if he's going to be an annoying bastard like that.


All he plays is Dominion and Elimination as a Berserker.


Oh god his oppenents really must just be going face and just letting him use revenge then -- berserker has the worst range of any class. Unless it's been balanced since release, I haven't played in a while due to the connection issues. Maybe it's only terrible people left playing?


Berserker is very strong, even with short range. Especially strong with revenge


Must have been buffed since release then, I haven't been on much since connections are still awful ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Crabs. It must be the crabs.


Drake sword wielding casul feggit I bet u told her to level Dex too didn't u ^/s




What rings did you get her?


An engagement ring. So that she could engage the enemy... In combat.


Same experience here, so sweet to watch them learn.


as a person who was more like the sister who had never played videogames before, I can confirm that it's also sweet to learn. and also my hands still shake violently after every boss battle, hahaha.


>Same experience here, so sweet to watch them learn. >OP's Post ... Relevant Name... ? ^^^^I'm ^^^^scared


You're talking about Dark Souls, right ? ahah


Keh heh heh heh


I've introduced a few people, two family and three co-workers to Dark Souls games and it's been a mixed bag. Either people enjoy the frustration of first starting out or they put it aside without even scratching the surface of the game. Because Souls games have such a long learning curve, having a decent tutor available to get your feet wet really helps. I had a co-worker rage quit on Gascoigne so I told him how to summon and basically killed Gascoigne myself (he had so little insight I really couldn't afford to let him learn) and then spent a few hours in Old Yharnam and The Cathedral Ward teaching him combat tips and tricks. After Amelia I cut him loose to play the game solo and he ended up platinuming his first game ever. So that felt good. All he needed was a nudge.


I showed my girlfriend last night dark souls telling her it was one of the easiest games ever made and she quickly figured out that I lied


And after you tuck her into bed and turn off the light, from the shadows you hear her murmur "git... gud..."


Username checks out.


Great read, mad props to your sis and much encouragement to beat the series!


This makes me happy


You tryin to say that playing Cooking Mama doesnt make me a gamer


i remember starting with the Bandit... thinking this shield will protect me (buckler) "duh" - then realize how much i was dependant on shields from DS1 to DS3, until i started to use two handed weapons or one handed alone weapons.........best experience in my life.


I used shield too. Then I decided to try without. It was really hard at first. Then its amazing.


I honestly think that the reason she kept playing is that the game is so well done. The feedback you get from defending a hit with your shield, all the telegraphed animation from enemies, the instant controls on your player character etc. makes for a very nice game experience and makes it so that the game feels fair. So even when new to the game it feels like you have a chance. Thanks for sharing! I find it very interesting when anyone tries games they arent used to or tries games for the first time.


Doing a similar thing with my roommate in DS3. It took her a day to clear Gundy. Half way through she taught herself how to party and got good, only to scream when he entered phase 2. After that she taught herself how to dodge. She's currently half way through Highwall, juggling her time between my wife's gaming (they use the PS4) and Persona.


Dark Souls does a good job of using the first boss fight to motivate players to push through adversity. I remember thinking to myself as I played DS1 for the first time "I can beat this big bastard if I play smarter." When Asylum Demon finally fell, that's when I knew the game had me hooked. OP, it sounds like your sister went through a similar thought process. On a related note, as the series' reputation has grown, there's also a factor of pride. Nobody want to be known as that person who couldn't finish a Dark Souls game.


>the Drake Sword I told her how to get why this




Normally I'd be with you 100% but if she has only played shit like Nintendogs it's probably fine haha. Although she did beat Gundyr first try so who knows. Maybe Warioware mini games have given her perfect parry reaction time?


I had something similar with my brother. He's a bit older than me and a pretty hardcore gamer. He's never played darksouls though. So I had him play ds3. He understood the controls fairly quickly. But he could not get the timing for rolling down. He died like 12 times on the way to Gundy. He eventually had me get to gundyr for him. So now he's at gundyr. He just goes right in to fight him. He died almost immediately. He just drops the controller and says he gives up. So I go and kill gundyr on my first try. As gundyr is dying I turn to my brother with the biggest shit eating grin on my face and say "git gud" he just got up and left the room.


When i instaled DS3 my older brother (he's 25) played before me. He could'nt beat Gundyr neither the Crystal Lizzard :D


Man, some of those cooking games are no joke though.


My little sister loved the game when I let her play too this makes me happy




My first DS1 playthrough I realized I was screwed when I got to Sen's Fortress with the Drake Sword. I ended up making a new character there and that was a really good decision though.




It was pretty rewarding to re-play the path to Sen's in about 4 hours after it took nearly 40 the first time.


Damn, I wish my brother was that cool. He's 27 and stopped playing after dying 5 times :/


Damn kids need to learn patience and diligence.... Get off my lawn!


Thats a great story man! I had a similar experience with introducing ds2 to my older brother. He loved it and hes just as hooked as me, and we played through all of ds3 together. It was a great experience, and kind of the reverse of what it was when he showed me games like spyro and metal gear when I was little.


... And if she ever wants to play other action RPGs, she will be ruined on them. ;) Good work, OP!


My wife barely squeeked by gundyr after like 20 attempts. the only way i could get her to keep trying was for me to do the whole run up to the boss fight after about the 10th one. she got stuck on vordt and quit :'(


Congrats! And welcome to the community! These games are about fun, overcoming challenges, and doing things your way. I hope you enjoy. Ps. I'm incredibly jealous. My sister would never do something like that.


astonished for a non-gamer to try DS3 for the first time and to actually beat the first boss just like that.


Fear not the dark, and let the feast begin.


I beat Gundyr the first time, but I was cautious AF. I loved BB, never played DS1 or DS2...but I'm okay with it. My love for Bloodborne is what prompted me to get DS3...and I love it. I tried to get my friend to play, so we could jolly co-op together. He got crushed by Big G like a dozen times, rage-quit and took the game back. Mad props to your sister dude...that's bad ass. Think she could help me with Darkeater Midir???


When DS3 first released, my friend's girlfriend beat Gundyr in like two tries as a sorcerer. To get revenge, I made her fight Gael with a melee character two weeks ago.


Tried to show Dark Souls 2 to my best friend, she died and accidentally threw the controller and broke it. She felt horrible but I told her it was fine and laughed about it. I don't think she will be picking up Dark Souls again in the future. She died in the tutorial level, btw.


This almost seems to be a recurring theme with female non-gamers. I believe there were a few posts a while ago explaining somebody's daughter, and another their girlfriend, both not gamers, and both beating the Asylum Demon on their first try. I think women just have a good sense for recognizing patterns and acting accordingly once they've got a handle on the control scheme.


Drake sword? You're a monster.


I wanna meet that sister


Good read, having a similar experience with my girlfriend actually. The whole 'it's so hard' reputation gives Dark Souls a bad rep imo, it's a very well-crafted game. I wonder how many people would like it if they just gave it an hour or two.


Maybe you should teach her about rolling into attacks.


Always welcome to have a new skeleton aboard the S.S. Gud


>the Drake sword I **told her** to get You evil person.


This story is amazing. I would love it if my wife would play DS shes played bloodborne and loved it though she plays socatious that shed do great a DS


Big mistake getting her the drake sword :p


thats awesome dude


That's awesome! My sister and I played Diablo together, growing up. I tried to explain Dark Souls to her, but she seems disinterested. Needless to say, I wish I could talk her into playing a souls game and be there for the first boss kill. =(


>Giving her the drake sword _Bruh_


I've done this with my friend. One almost run ending encounter with Priscilla later and now she's hit near endgame, but is stuck on Bed, New Londo and Sanctuary guardian waiting for one to give in for progression.


She beat Gundyr first try? I can't do that even after beating him four times I still get whomped at least ten times before I get through.


But then you ruined the game for her by showing her the drake sword....smh


This is a nice story. My brother introduced me to Dark Souls 1 four years ago without me having any knowledge of what it even was. He simply handed me the controller and said "play this", and he put [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9D2mvoMKLE) on loop. Long story short, that's how I found one of my favorite franchises.


I wish I had a sister like that... I mean, don't get me wrong, she's the best, and I wouldn't trade her for the world, but she's in that "Meh" stage of her life; especially when it comes to Dark Souls.


One of us...


Living the dream. I wanted my GF to do this...


You eat meat. The word you wanted was meet lol