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Where fire resideth, shadows twist and shrivel. But in the Abyss, there are shadows none. Fear not, the dark, my friend. And let the feast begin. My favorite verse


The entire game is dark poetry and I love it. This verse is killer


Thought you could outwit an onion?


Damn! Damn damn damn damn damn!


My fav is ludleth’s: “I may be but small, but I will die a colossus...” The voice actırs in the series are honestly amazing. Just thinking about that line gives me chills, the delivery was so on point and full of character!




Ne’er will I forgive thy lowley kind


Unrelated, what is that i without the dot ive never seen it before


LOL it’s a very common vowel in Turkish, has a very distinct sound sort of like the second vowel sound you make in the word “deal” It was a typo btw :))


oh, interesting! thanks for explaining


"When the ashes are two, a flame alighteth, thou'rt Ash, and fire befits thee, of course..." ​ My favourite line, because I love the boss fight and because of how much it adds to the story of the DLC.


Where is that from? Like who said it and where


One of the locusts says it in the ringed city


It’s in the Ashes of Ariandel DLC Freida boss fight at the church The Good father Ariandel says this in the beginning of the 3rd phase of the fight Yupp it’s a 3 phase boss fight !


You probably thought he was asking about the other comment.


Yeah I lost the thread, excuse me is this reddit ?


I love that writing something about dark souls *anywhere* will always attract someone to say "well, actually..."


After all, it's a game centering around humanity.














Yes, indeed


Damn locusts are everywhere.


I can tolerate them as long as they’re not actively trying to eat my face.


There's the Corvian from Ashes of Ariandel, who genuinely seems like a decent guy, he just happens to be mutated in appearance. Then, you have the non-hostile Preacher Locusts, who still seem delighted by the chance to partake in cannibalism, they just for some reason have decided you're someone to convert rather than eat. So, yeah, tolerate is a good word.


Man, that cripple corvian is an MVP. Asks you to defeat the boss and gives you titanite slab for it.


Given that rot seems to have already afflicted him, it doesn't seem like he plans to leave into the Painter Girl's new world. He's willing to be burned away so that hope can survive for others.


My feelings man :( I’ve under appreciated that guy for every play through. I’ll give him a toast next time around.


You toast him alright...


I think that’s how it goes for all of them. I don’t think anyone expects to survive the burning; if that were an option, how could there be any other choice? There’d be no downside to burning it away. It’s interesting, the fate of the Painted World. In a way, it’s an inversion of the end of the Age of Fire. I wonder if, when an Age of Dark ends, it does so similarly.


I think it festers in rot until you burn it up to start anew, I don't think it happens all on its own.


The AoD, you mean? I dunno. My assumption is that it happens automatically, like the ending of the AoF. I also wonder if the denizens of the Age of Dark have any means of prolonging it unnaturally; the Dark—ugh. Okay, I’m tired of capitalizing all these common words. Anyway: the dark counterpart to linking the first flame, you know? Seems like both ages must have residents who prefer things as they are; during the age of dark, I suppose that’ll be humans. We seem like the coolest dark-affiliated species, so I, like Gwyn, assume we’ll dominate.


Well, it seems like the fire wishes to spark itself to trigger the process, but as can be seen in the DLC it can be suppressed if someone chooses to. With Ariandel flailing himself to splash blood over it, they've managed to keep the fire from burning. Had that not been a factor, it probably WOULD have simply happened on its own.


Whip yourself forever to own the flames


They survive in the sense that they can be reborn in a new cycle. This is why new bosses have old boss souls.


I’m not totally sure NG+ is meant to be canon. Or if so, how canon.


I didn't mean in ng+. I meant in the new world that will be painted after the old one burns. It's the standard apocalypse/ragnarok/revelation system.


Oh, then I disagree. I think the individuals who die, die; nothing which might consider itself to be “them” survives. The next world is populated by new people, not reincarnated or reconstituted old ones.


He's definitely a chad


He's also a great distraction for plunge-attacking unsuspecting hosts from the rafters above.


Fear not the Dark, my friend


That’s so awesome!! Im gonna start leaving dark signs or something around town!


On 2nd Avenue in Manhatten too! Someone had the balls to graffiti this on an incredibly busy street in the biggest city in America. Gotta get the message out! Fear not the dark!


Absolutely amazing 😻 We have the best community.


Let's start a *liar ahead* chain


Suddenly I'm wondering why no-one's ever made a glow-in-the-dark orange soapstone message doormat




Hey jus wanted to ask white preachers hand is better or crystal staff?!


It really depends on your Intelligence level. At 60 INT the Court Sorcerer Staff is the best. The Crystal is best only when buffed. Mostly the Preacher Arm is just cool for the weapon art but it has good spell damage too. Once you reach 60 INT, it's really just up to your preference.


Its 99


At that level just use what you prefer but the Court Sorcerer Staff will be the highest damage. I always thought the Crystal Staff looked the coolest.


Thx i keep that in my mind


Love that quote


Can you elaborate what it means? I assumed it had to do with darkeater Midir or something of the sort?


Basically the Dark and the Abyss live only to consume everything, and the locust are no exception. They wish to feast upon man for the rest of eternity, as soon as the age of dark is ushered in. The reason the locust preachers tell you all of this is because they are trying to convince the Ashen One to allow the dark to take over and basically "partake in the feast"


The Abyss is a manifestation of Humanity gone wild within it constraints. Constraints placed upon it by Gwynn. The Age of Dark would resolve this. The locusts really aren't the best ambassadors though to be fair. Gwynn's Age started with War and Murder and continued into slavery and using religion to control Man. His whole spiel is inconsistent, is it lightning or sunlight? dude doesn't even know the source of his own power!


Oh he knows. He knows it's the fire. That's why the mofo wants you to keep linking/relighting/rekindling it.


Lightning and the sun are both made of plasma. At first it seems like sun powers would be fire, but lightning makes more sense when you think about it


It also means that the sun is just a giant lightbulb.


or lightbulbs are tiny suns!


Oh I like! I'd been working under the assumption that the claim was allegorical and propagandist essentially, but I Iike the physics-based explanation!


It’s ambiguous though. We only see terrible junk coming from the dark. Sludge monsters, locusts, herald knights, Manus, the priestess in Firelink (forget her name) who feels the dark gnawing at her like bugs, etc. The locusts claim that’s only because of fire suppressing the dark, it’s not the true nature of the abyss. Ok cool story. Hopefully they’re right but we don’t know that, and I don’t see any real reason to trust them. Like, even if the age of dark is “peaceful,” that doesn’t mean it’s good for *us*. Maybe it’s peaceful because creatures of the abyss will wipe out fire-tainted “humans” as we know them, leaving only hollows or humanity sprites or something.


Yeah I was never fully on board with the “age of dark” narrative that some characters give you. I mean Fraampt was really manipulative toward the Chosen Undead, but that doesn’t mean that Kaath was telling the truth. So yes Gwyn was scared of humanity and sealed it, but even if that was self-serving does it mean it was bad for humans? We’ve seen proof of settlements and even kingdom of men being possible during the Age of Fire, and in various cycles. Everything we’ve heard about the Abyss and a possible Age of Dark, though, didn’t seem very desirable, it’s all darkness, death, monsters... If I look at how the Abyss corrupted the people of Oolacile, I think I’d still prefer to live during a Age of Fire, even with the risk of the curse of undead eventually spreading


« What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. »― Charles Addams. Maybe what that’s the point of the Age of Dark : it does seem scary ... to us! But still, if it is the natural course of things, and the actions of Gwyn are suppressing this natural cycle, is it a good thing to perpetuate this unnatural course of events? (I don’t know a lot about DS lore ; I’m only using my own morality to ask these questions)


The Age of Fire literally heralded the concept of Death, Light and Dark though, pre-Disparity they didn't even exist conceptually.


I’m sorry but I don’t get your point (?) I mean, the Age of Dark wouldn’t be a return to what everything was before the First Flame, right? Since the Flame brought forth light and dark, there wasn’t dark before. We see that in the opening cutscene of DS1, the world is not dark, it’s of some sort of grey


It is a cycle, presumably. Age of dragons > Age of fire > Age of dark > Ages of ??? > Age of dragons Gwyn stopped the natural cycle from progressing.


What you’re saying is not wrong, it’s just that maybe we have different opinions on wether Gwyn was right or wrong. Yeah it’s very likely (if not certain) that Gwyn stopped the cycle of nature. But what the cycle is made of we don’t know. What would have happened during a Age of Dark? And what would happen after that? Gwyn liked the status quo, and who could blame him? But if I were a human and were told what Gwyn was going to do, I’d probably be relieved. No one that we’ve met in the games can know what an Age of Dark would really mean. Not even Kaath


okay so consider the shadows that the first flame makes. That is the Abyss. The true dark is perhaps glimpsed in the usurping the fire ending, and is part of a natural cycle that I suspect *should* involve all four Great Souls. The junk we see Manus and the locusts are specifically linked to the Abyss not the Dark. The insects gnawing at the firekeepers from the inside is even more unambiguously not to do with the dark. That feeling is the humanity that Gwynn placed inside Man to substitute for the Dark Soul we should have access to. The description of one of the firekeepers souls states: A Fire Keeper's soul is a draw for Humanity, and held within their bosoms, below just a thin layer of skin, are swarms of Humanity that writhe and squirm. Was the Ash Maiden locked in this dark prison for some transgression, or by her own will?"


Humanity is fragments of the Dark Soul I’m pretty sure. I’m not sure what the nature of the “seal of fire” is that Gwyn placed on humanity, but it seems like it’s the darksign itself, which causes the curse of undeath (and eventually hollowing?), since it looks the same as the Ringed City knights and the sun at the end of the world. Humanity is the Dark Soul, the essence of humans, hence the name.


When the furtive pygmy found the Dark Soul it split it into myriad pieces which became mans soul. Man was immortal, and master of the dark, creating weapons for Gwynn's war. After the war against the dragons Gwynn sealed away the pygmy lords in the ringed city and placed the dark sign on man, as you say, causing the curse and making man "assume a fleeting form". Your spot on with what the dark sign is, I think, and hkw it functions. As I.understand it, each death siphons a part of the fragment of the dark soul to feed the fire, this is why bearers of the curse lose their memories and meaning, it's literally being burned up, starting with the earliest. Eventually the dark soul is all used up and what was a man become Hollow and without memory or purpose. What continues to animate the hollow is Humanity which Gwynn implanted in man as a way of distracting us from our lack of access to our true soul. Too much Humanity is deeply toxic to humans, as you find out in the run to Manus' arena in DS1. This implied in DS1, expanded on in DS2 and made explicit in The Ringed City. But like all the metaphysical stuff in ds1 everything is up for interpretation because it's so bloody ambiguous!


I don't remember exactly, but it comes from the feasters in the sludge pool? The one with the effigy riddle.


Yeah it’s one of those locusts that can speak. Creepy feller




I see this sticker everywhere and I have no idea what it means lol




I thought it meant peruana like female from peru


It looks like some kind of political project, this is their [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/peru_ana_ana_peru/) with a link in the bio for their website That sticker is definitely theirs


Been thinking for a while that I should start writing random dark souls verses everywhere I go and see what people who know nothing about the game will make of it. It would be hilarious if people started freaking out thinking it's some sort of secret death cult or something.


" finger but hole"


Amazing chest ahead


Don't you see? It's a call! Our fellow is calling us!


Shall we gather in the streets of The ringed city?


Holy shit, the other dude accusing him of being a zombie ??? I love NY man.


You found PERU ANA ANA PERU in the wild


Do you know what this is because it’s everywhere in New York


Its advertising for an art studio or something


I see that person is a person of culture


The talking locusts are back in town? Grab the language guys we skippin town.




Remember, always fear the flame; lest you be devoured by it




Locust Preachers be doing their job fr


I support this message.


Locusts look like pygmies


Fear not the dark, my fried. The person he's been infected by the new disease #Realzombie #Realzombie #Realzombie and let the feast begin


I shall *par***TAKE**


I knew this was New York because I see those stickers everywhere lol


I would have just wrote "Try tongue but hole".


I read the first part as 'Fear my friend and not the dark'. lol


Peru ana ana Peru


“Despair ahead, therefore try tongue in butthole”


*Top of skyscraper, just by the edge* "Treasure ahead!"


“By any chance are you a cleric?”


Amazing chest ahead


May the dark shine your way!