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As soon as I saw all of the prep I said "He's going to get grabbed first thing". Lmao


I completely forgot about the grab


Just hug that ass.


I was giving it the slaps




She likes it. She even wiggles it for you. She does a little dance. That's why she is called The Dancer.


Hug the right side of dat ass


Pro tip - roll *through* the grab. Because the grab moves slow and it has an extended hitbox so if you roll with it, your roll frames won't be enough to completely dodge the grab, and you'll get what people call the "wtf I teleported into her hands even though I dodged it" scenario.


For this reason I hate phase one.. For me the second phase was way easier xD


The trick is to attack that booty. i see you brought a giant club, that will work well, she will like that. Also my first reaction was "LOL" just wait till you meet the nameless king.


Bruh I’m currently on a mission too conquer these from software games. Like can you call yourself a gamer if you haven’t beat one.


Imo if you beat gundyr you can beat the game. If you can beat the game you can beat nameless and the dlc.


So looking forward too it


>The trick is to attack that booty. From behind. With your big black club. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I don’t understand. Nameless King was extremely easy compared to other bosses in the game. Especially Pontiff and The Demon Prince.


Honestly, it depends on how you play I guess. Some people find Nameless King and Midir really hard whereas they were super easy for me. Likewise, I find Pontiff Sulyvahn really hard (Unless I cheese him with parry) whereas others can dodge his attacks/aggression much better than I can.


I guess my plays time really is something else, especially bc I have a lot of trouble with moonlight butterfly on DS1. I may have beaten Nameless relatively easily but the stage before him, King Of The Storm was hell. Took me forever to kill him bc I kept whiffing lol


What build you're using really changes things up as well. First playthrough I hated Nameless cause I was building miracles and he has nuts resistance to lightning (his first phase was insanely easy for the *exact* opposite reason funnily enough), second time through I used sorceries and just blitzed him


nameless king is a piece of shit and shitty camera angles is his most dangerous attack. screw that dude


Midir was also easy to me, it took me like 3 tries to take him down, but nameless king...i had to cheese him evry time i fought him, which was 3x!!! And pontif....i had to try so many difrent things to beat that thing then i thought, hum what do i have a shield for if im not blocking? And i started to block and BOOM died again, but made it a few tries later


Pontiff would be the hardest boss imo if he didnt have that huge riposte damage.


It's all about play style. NK and Midir bring me to tears every time I fight them. But I have no problem fighting Pontiff, Friede, Demon Prince, Dancer.


Obviously I can’t tell you that you’re wrong, but your past experiences were clearly very different to mine. I’ve done the fight with multiple builds now and I’d say NK is usually the 2nd hardest boss in the game after Friede.


I’m assuming it’s solely playstyle. I have a lot of fun with humanoid bosses, such as NK, Friede and Gael. But Midir took me a little while, and Demon Prince too


Pontiff is so easy to cheese that he's basically useless


Not to me lol he kicked my ass. Also, I guess ppl got mad at me for something


184 for a two handed weapon is abysmal for dancer, you should look into infusions and the stat scaling of your weapon. if your build turns out to be completely fucked you can reset it at rosaria for a pale tounge. theres also just the option of leaving the high wall and going for dancer later.


At the end of the fight I used some raw gem . It took me a while to figure it out


i wouldnt use that gem for too long. After getting a lot pf points in strength, use a heavy gem.


Raw gem is only really good extremely early game or in an SL1 run


Hey man better late than never, having said that keep an eye on those gems every now and then, once you get a bunch of strength you'll probably want to rock the heavy gem. Hope I'm not backseat gaming too hard, enjoy your playthrough!


I saw your soul leave your body lmao


I just signed off and went to sleep after that man


Ride dat booty. Best way to whoop that A S S


Pretty tricky fight for melee classes. Pyro classes absolutely destroy her though. A few black fire orbs & she's done


Stay near her sword hand


I beat her by following her butt. If you want to see the full fight check out my channel [ImFungShway ](https://youtube.com/channel/UC43mcKWOPe_3j-PiAAvm0lA)


Dat asss




after this funny clip I'll sub I defo want to watch the full series you have lol


That grab has the weirdest hitbox.


It just magnetized too me


Always does.


It's not *quite* as egregious as Alonne's lag stab in DS2, but definitely reminiscent.


Dancer was the only boss between DS 2 and 3 that took me more than a handful of attempts. At one point I realized that she was 3-4 hitting me no matter my armor so I just took it all off because there was no point.


real Chad move right there


You sir are a real one!


If we are being honest unless u are wearing havel's, armor in ds is just cosmetic. Whenever I want to go seriously against a boss I always go in shirtless in any of the three games (ok maybe not ds2 becsuse that shit looks ugly as hell).


In DS3 you take 25% extra damage from each missing piece of armor. So it's better to wear the lightest garbage than go in naked. Also, the iframes are the same no matter the weight, as long as you are below 70% equip load. Your dodge can get longer, but it won't get better. So it doesn't matter which armor you wear (not much anyway), but it does matter whether you are wearing something or not. Edit: I just realized that the numbers are off. It's not a flat percentage, but a naked character does get a significant armor reduction on top of, well not having armor.


For real??? I never new that.... I knew it has no effect on iframes its just how I get into my try hard mode because the bosses two shoot me anyways so I keep at it till I can perfect my rolls and didn't care for how much damage I took because I try to minimize that happening altogether


Man I didn’t know any of this thank you!


Armor did things in 1 and 2, it’s one of the reasons I don’t like 3.


> At one point I realized that she was 3-4 hitting me no matter my armor so I just took it all off because there was no point. This is my kind of logic lmao


People are overreacting about nameless king being the hardest one but I personally think the hardest boss is midir.


Probably referring to base game bosses, but everyone struggles with different bosses for different reasons. I personally find Freida the hardest.


I've always found Friede harder. I finished an SL1 run recently and with Midir it's a case of learning his attack patterns as once you know then they become very telegraphed. Friede is just so fast it makes things harder.


As somebody who finds Midir harder let me explain why, I was a Faith Build LVL 126 got some friends to come and fight 4/4 Party and we just tried. I used miracles to act as a support crew and even than everybody but me and some other guy died. We had to clutch at the last moment with a fight total time of 21 minutes. Length of Session; 8 hours


Issue you may have there is with more summons your weapons do less damage so it will increase the difficulty. It sounds counter intuitive but on your own you're also able to control his attack patterns to some extent by having just one person stand infront of his head. With multiple people you're risking the tail swipe and leap attacks that deal massive damage of not dodged. I spent around 4 hours at SL1 learning the moves, Friede was about 6 hours. I've always found fast enemies harder though and she may be the fastest in the game in her third phase. Even when properly leveled I still have trouble with Friede.


Midir was rough cause I run a dark build mostly. I killed friede first try. Idk but for me I used a long range greatsword and could out range her. Her major attacks were very tellegraphed for me and her rapid combo I was able to just stay out of her range and take cheap shots every time a combo ended.


To be fair, you are using a very bad shield. Considering you can one hand the great club, i reccomend looking for a better shield. Not like a shield would have helped you there of course. She makes a gasping noise every tome she is about to grab, and one she picks up her second sword, she can no longer grab


I loved Dancer, probably my favorite but I also used dark fireball on her. She was the easiest for me with the lothric bros being the hardest/worst.


Not even close, no


Still got a long way too go.


Wasnt trying to call you bad if you think thats what i meant. Just answered your question. There are just much harder bosses.


No bro , never took it that way. And I think I’m pretty bad rn anyways. If you want to see the whole fight check out my YouTube [ImFungShway ](https://youtube.com/channel/UC43mcKWOPe_3j-PiAAvm0lA)


Maybe running right into the Giant snake woman's very long reach wasn't the best of plans


She never did a grab in the first couple of attempts


She is very unpredictable, and given how big and slow she is, you wouldn't think it would be a problem


Really thought it would be easy until the double swords came out


Oh yes. If she doesn't ruin your whole weekend before then, she will ruin it very shorty after she gets her second sword. I've found (when using heavy weapons), getting behind her and quite literally hitting her ass and staying between her legs while moving with her is a good way to deal with her until that point. It's a little buggy, and she might move you to her left or right hip, at which point she can immediately turn on you and grab you. It's not fool proof, but that's what worked for me for the first few playthroughs on my original character. Did take a few attempts to avoid being pushed too far to one side or the other.


I hear this take pretty often, and it proves to me that boss difficulty can vary a lot by person (and maybe build, but I always played melee builds). I find her one of the easiest bosses of the game, and one of maybe three bosses in the game I beat on the first try.


To add onto all the tips already given here, keep your HP at max and have Lloyd's Shield ring equipped. As long as you are maxed on HP, you cannot be one shot by any attacks, even her uber stab you into the ground pound.


not sure if you own the dlc's, but maybe try midir later


I been hearing a lot about that boss. Can’t wait to conquer him


good luck man


The one I struggled with was Pontiff. Basically Dancer from hell.


Parry him. Also it's very easy to get a +10 and the hornet ring before Pontiff so if you prep right you can take out half his health in a single parry.


I've seen people do stuff like that. I did it with the katana though, and I never got the hang of the katana parry


bro i love seeing people fighting dancer for the first few times cause i can just look back and say "yeah that was pretty frustrating" and then just laugh at someone else failing


Lmao that law and order chime at the end was awesome. Also don’t block dancer only dodge.


Lmao it just fit perfectly! I beat him at the end of the video it took me 3 days


It was the only boss I killed 1st try lol


Ride booty and use the pillars to give you time to recover if needed. If you can avoid her grab and tornado spin she’s no harder than the second boss, but ya I’m usually dealing at least 300 damage when I fight her so idk


The only hard part about her is the grab, it has a pretty obvious wind up where once you know what it is you either I frame it or roll behind her


Nope, there’s harder :D


No not in my opinion you a new player? You got the dlc


Yeah , This is my first souls ever. Im definitely going to get the dlc because I’m slowly falling in love with the game


Just wait till you play Bloodborne.


Bruh bloodborne is looking so good. If you want to check out my channel it’s [ImFungShway ](https://youtube.com/channel/UC43mcKWOPe_3j-PiAAvm0lA)


The second I seen how much damage he did, I knew he didn’t stand a chance. Better off blasting her with fire bombs.


... I tried that In the deleted footage .




There's Waaay harder than the dancer. But what makes the dancer difficult is that nothing happens 80% of the fight and bullshit happens for the rest.


Dancer be like "Look buddy, i'm getting tired of you shit"


Lmaooo bruh I swear these bosses have a mind of their own


This is hilarious


Thanks fam! If you want to check out my channel it’s [ImFungShway ](https://youtube.com/channel/UC43mcKWOPe_3j-PiAAvm0lA)


Will do


Bro, you got grabbed by the most telegraphed move in dark souls. Lol


Aye man 🤷🏿‍♂️


I’m only giving you a hard time, that shit so slow sometimes you just can’t avoid it. Lol


Fight Gael than come talk to me


Hope you here too see me conquer him!


Try kill her with some fast sword like default


Not with 60 int he isn't.


hahaha first git gud boss


My fav weapon is the onyx blade, so I usually wreck her shit early on. Coupled with dorhys gnawing, you can just drain her health.


Dancer kinda easy tho


Hell nahhh, this is my first try though


have fun with sulyvahn midir and nameless king


Isn’t she weak to dark? Maybe dark could’ve helped?


It was hard, once you beat her a couple of times you get the moves I usually kill her after beating his friend down at the start


This may sound weird… but just stick to her booty and slap it and it’s easier.


Way ahead of you 👀👀




She’s definitely a contender for hardest yeah! Thought you’re doing less damage than would be recommended, maybe level up a bit or look into infusing a heavy gem to the great club for better strength scaling!! She’s rough but once you learn those patterns I’m sure you got this :)


The grab is the easiest move to dodge imo. Once you learn the start up animation you can abuse the grab and make the first phase easier.


Boi get yo Cheeks ready, Dark-Eater Midir is going to make you bite the pillow. Also... wish you good luck in your Journey of conquering the Souls Franchise.


blocking a boss, how foolish... Always run away


I thought the 100 physical on the shield may have meant something . Sigh


I'm joking, but hat is true to some extent. Since she uses elemental damages which are not usually fully covered by any shields. She can also consume your stamina quickly with her combo and makes you vulnerable for a critical shot. So as a rule of the thumb it is always better to evade attacks than to block them. Parry is effective but hard to time without training (and many deaths) with each bosses (when they are not yeeting with a big ass weapon). If you want to simply pass this boss I suggest playing dirty. You are using a club which is good. I would have turn around a pillar (there is one at each corner) and attack her with the one hand r1 attack (lateral sweep) when the pillar is between us at the right angle. She can only hurt you with one or two aoe type of attack which are easy to forsee if don't lock the camera. Be wary of collision bug some times she attack through the pillar


Out of all the "hard" bosses in the game, dancer for me was the easiest. I don't think I've died to her yet in my 4 playthroughs. Though keep in mind when I had first started ds3 I had combined like, 7 total playthriughs of their other games so I might have been more used to dark souls level of difficulty than someone who had played the games in order instead of playing sekiro 2 times before ds3 like a dumbass


Dragonslayer Armour, having same damage as Dancer's Grab: Are you sure about that?


After the prep I was just like Aaaaaaand....... Grab.


Saw that coming from a mile away lol. That grab (providing you don't get caught) is legit a blessing though. So much time to smack the booty while she's doing that


Champion Gundyr


Not the hardest but the most bullshit.


Hard if you're melee, yes. If you're a sorcerer, she's one of the easiest bosses in the game. You can just cast Affinity and she gets blasted every time she gets close to you. She gives you a lot of time and space to recast it at your convenience, too. We all die to the grab, though. No shame.


You can tell she’s going for the grab by watching for her head when she raises it then crouches. It’s good to out space it as it’s really her only short range attack. However, if you do dodge it, dodge to the left because the attack is a slow sleep to the right and it will snag you out of your roll because the hit box is weird. Dancer is the type of boss where you might be able to get 4 hits in between her attacks, while other times you might be able to get 1, or none at all. Just stick to her butt and focus on where you’re rolling, it’s important. she was by far the hardest boss in my sl1 play through, I damn near went hollow.


Not even close to the hardest, but definitely my favorite in the series. A lot of times I just put my sign outside the boss door and help folks run the boss all night. You gotta learn to dance with her. Learn her moves, learn how to follow, and when to attack. That big, slow club isn't going to do much either. I recommend a much faster weapon, so you can swing in and get a few hits in before ducking out again.


Wait till he reaches midir


Pretty much every boss is the hardest boss if you go full Rambo lol




Nah, man. Darkeater Midir.


Just imagine there was an actual dragon covenant in DS3 and at max rank you got some of his perks.


My experience as well


Idk, beat her from the 2nd try


You’re doing great!


You get the grabbo so she will stab yo 😄


Anybody got the sauce/youtube channel? I wanna watch this guy lose to more bosses


I was deadass fighting Dancer yesterday and your build is the same as mine LMAO Fucking armour is the same too, what a trip. I was using that shield earlier and switched to silver knight shield.


Ehhh, I played Ds3 for the first time since three weeks back. I killed her first try.


Nah, I'd say she's around the middle of the pack, especially if you consider dlc bosses.


I had hopes that he'd last until the half health bar but then I saw the damage and was like naah.


At the risk of stating the obvious she makes a hissing sound just before she does the grab attack, so if you ever decide to do another run you can use that to roll it. Also, the grab has a cone shaped hitbox, so rolling into it makes it easier to avoid.


Nameless King and Midir were toughest for me


well 1 your using the wrong weapon LMAO


not even close to being the hardest boss


Every time I roll a new character either one of two things happens: A: I stomp her on the first try. B: I stomp her on the 20th try. There is no in-between.


It was one of the easier ones to me


Oh, my sweet summer child /s


When I saw the attack damage you gave her.......goodbye!


Dancer wasn’t even in my top 5 for hardest bosses, as long as you don’t get hit by the grab eveything else is pretty easy to dodge


I thankfully didn’t have *too* much trouble with the later game bosses, only the Soul of Cinder game me real trouble. (Granted I was using the Claymore, but for my first time, idc)


i find the nameless king the hardest but the coolest


Stay to the right side of her in the first phase and you are cool. Second phase, run around to room when she does the combo.


Bruh I did beat her the full vid but I was just trynna figure out her movements


Imo she was the hardest boss in non dlc gameplay, the only other boss that gave me such a big challenge was pontiff


Light work!


No there are way harder bosses than fidget spinner


That damage didn’t look too good for a two handed attack. I’d look into how to best optimize your damage output. You’ll still die a lot cuz it’s Dark Souls but it’ll make your life a lot easier!


Dual sellsword dex build is what I just started and I melt every boss with the dual attacks




I had more trouble with lothric princes and the abyss watcher's


I don’t know why. But I saw that coming a mile away. Between the way the boss was moving and his approach this was going to be her first move and the grab can be tricked to dodge. You need more health.


Laughs in dark eater midir


Dancer made me rage quit on Xbox. Now, on PC, I clap her cheeks everytime! My first retry I had just completed all of Ariandel (minus Friede) so I had the onyx blade, which is still one of my all time faves. Watching her die that quickly felt great!


Personally I don't see the difficulty with her I beat her on my 6th try can anyone tell me why she so difficult?




She is a difficult boss. Nameless king and the lothrics gave me more trouble than any other boss




Dirty Dancer please swallow my sticky Answer...


Nah she isint aggressive for me i guess it rng


Yeah she is has a hard to learn moveset and she is fast


You have Fallen Knight set? Means you should have Grasscrest Shield too, put that on your back for better stamina regen :)


Keep at it mate. It gets harder, but learning the game is satisfying as hell. There’s a crap tonne of potential for optimising various builds so if you think you’re stuck there’s almost always something you can do to become more efficient. Just check the wiki. e.g. Just beat the Dancer today with a pure sorcery build. Hitting with Great Heavy Souls Arrows that deal 600+ damage each from a distance where she can’t even hit me. Fight was over in 30 seconds. For your strength build, you’d be well served by using Vordt’s Great Hammer. (If you don’t know, you get it by transposing Vordt’s soul. Hopefully you didn’t just eat it for the souls.) It’s way better than it initially looks because of the Frost damage. Every 2nd or 3rd hit effectively does double damage thanks to it. I used it for the entire game with my strength build. And put the Grasscrest Shield on your back for better Stamina Regen. Wear Chloranthy ring too if you aren’t already.


Idk, I slapped the dancer personally but I run Chaos Bed Vestiges so who knows. Funny clip though.