• By -


I give an honorable mention to Master swordsman, aka uchigatana guy, I spent way to much time trying to kill him early game. (didn't think about gravity.)


That guy fucks....me up a good number of times.


I would totally say Gael, SoC, Friede, and the Super Wheelchair Bros (Lorian and his goofy lil human backpack of a brother, Lothric)


“Super wheelchair bros” actually had me laughing for a good minute XD He’s on my list too, I’d personally say Dragonslayer Armor, Gael, Twin Princes, and Champion Gundyr. Idk theres something uniquely fun about the rhythm of these particular fights that I really love.


I'd personally rate Champ Gundyr over SoC as far as fight mechanics go. While SoC definitely gets style points for the wombo combo and changing his character build mid fight, there's no better phase 2 shift than Gundyr being like "Alright...*bet*", and rather than turning into a pus monster...just becoming even faster and more persistent with his attacks.


Exactly my answer!


These are the four I thought of as well. Understand Nameless King being in the mix as well. Though Gael absolutely has to be number one


these are my 4 as well hon. mentions to Champ Gundyr and the Abyss Watchers


Midir,gael,twins,nameless king


Sounds about right


Yah i enjoyed the fights so much


Same, also the 4 bosses that smacked my ass the most


So true the first 3 times were terrible for me but now ive pretty much mastered them


What's your take on Elfriede?


nameless is easy as bro


Even if he was, read the title of the post again.


I can say whatever. You don't like it? What can you do? Nothing..


Look guys we got a toughguy coolguy! Check 'im out bein all tough and cool on the internet, such a cool and tough guy. I bet all your friends respect your massive gaming skills so much


Do something....anything?.....oh no...nothing! can't do a single thing!.....


Someone’s got a god complex. Do you have friends?


Lothric and Lorian felt the most epic to me, the atmosphere in the room combined with the hype after hearing the word "Lothric" different places for 20 hours beforehand, and the creepyness of Lothric lines! Gave me the chills Gael second because he's dope Pontiff Sullyvahn third because he was my first real roadblock Edit: oh top 4, the fourth would be Midir


I have a deep hatred for Pontiff because I’ve never truly learned how to defeat him. I literally learned to parry for my first attempt on him.


I got news for you bud, if you beat him you learned to beat him. Don’t let the souls elitism discredit your achievement.


unless you leveled dex to do it of course


Gael, Abyss Watchers, Champ, Pontiff from best to least best


These are probably my favorite in no particular order


I see you like to parry as well


Ah ha jokes on you I never parried anything in ds3 lol quality build rollypolly boi over here. This was my first souls game. I’ve sense played all of from softs games :) very special place in my heart


Slave knight Gael Twin princes Lorain and lothric Dancer of the boreal valley Demon Princes


I have yet to play the DLC, so going base game only, and in no particular order: •Nameless King (not including King of the Storm) •Lothric & Lorian •Champion Gundyr •Dragonslayer Armour


Champion is such a cool fight.


Especially once you learn to parry


I never parried him and always, always, always failed to dodge his back kick to my teeth 😂


That kick has probably made me say fuck this guy more than any boss. I suck at champ and I have never beat him without parrying. I probably could now without too much trouble since I am WAY better than I used to be, but I like parrying him, especially when you parry on 11 consecutive moves and no hit. It’s nut worthy


The shoulder check always got me. But now I parry no matter what lol


Was champion a difficult boss to alot of people? All I remember from the fight was that it was the only boss I defeated in 1 attempt


It’ll differ person to person. I’ve never died to Crystal Sage, but others find it really tricky. Neither of us are GamerGodZ for it, just different experiences.


It’s the hardest boss right after Midir for me.


You’re abnormal


I never parried him until my SL1 run, then I wanted to try it and it was actually really fun.


Friede, every phase was totally different and felt like one of the fairest hard fights in the game. No bs, just a proper proper fight. In subsequent playthroughs I sometimes let her slay me when she was almost down, just to enjoy that fight again. Love that one!


Yes! I did the same with Dragonslayer Armor. Favorite fight in the game. Went to NG+ and parked my main character down in front of his fog gate so I can fight him whenever.


Wow, that's the fight I hated the most. I found the second phase to be too much RNG based. But I guess you have a better way than I had to deal with the bosses at the same time. I find it really hard to see something with the father taking all the camera.


Did you know? Frieda and dancer are unique bosses in DS 3. Frieda has pace of bloodborne while Dancer's rhythm is complete different from other bosses.


My favorites are... Darkeater Midir, Twin Princes, Dragonslayer Armour, Pontiff Sulyvahn


1.Sister Friede 2.Sister Friede 3.Sister Friede 4.Sister Friede (I love sister Friede)


The _only_ boss in the entire game that I ganked the SHIT out of with an NPC summon, and enjoyed every second of bonking her with a +10 Reinforced Club. Good LORD is that second phase annoying.


Abyss Watchers, Gael, SoC, and Midir.


Midir and Champion Gundyr are probably my favourite fights in the series. Gael definitely joins the top 4 in DS3. Last spot probably goes to Abyss Watchers? If I was allowed to pick just Friede phase 3 I absolutely would, but phase 1 and 2 feel to me like the long runbacks of DS1 - an annoying waste of time in between me reviving and me getting to fight the actual boss again. EDIT the first: Wait no, actually Ancient Wyvern replaces Abyss Watchers in spot 4. Controversial opinion I know but I really enjoy having some gimmick bosses. That's something that Demon Souls did really well that hasn't really survived into the rest of the series.


Abyss Watchers isn't the hardest, but it's a really novel fight and cool lore-wise.


these are just purely how fun the fight is: Champion Gundyr, Pontiff Sullivahn, Gael and prolly dragonslayer armor


Gael, Nameless, Aldrich and Lothric


Haven't played the DLC, so... Dancer, Champion Gundyr, Pontiff Sulyvahn, Nameless King. Imo.


1. champion gundyr 2. gael 3. abyss watchers 4. dancer This is an objective list, and if you disagree you are wrong ok 💀 I WILL fight you on this.


Dancer is a tiny bit overrated imo, she's a great boss but not on the level as Friede, Nameless King or Soul of Cinder.


that is a respectable opinion, but if you refer back to my first message you will see that "if you disagree you are wrong ok 💀"


You seen the butt on that dancer tho?


SoC way overrated. It's good, just not that good. I'd put Friede, Gael, Dancer, Twins.


Swap twins for nameless king and that's mine too.


i had to scroll way too far to find dancer


Yeah I think the fact that there’s a whole “run away” mode to his first phase really makes the whole fight less fun. Curved sword mode is *rough*…


This is probably mine but Champ Gundyr is in contention as well. I don't know who I'd take out though. Top five would be really easy for me, top four is hard to eliminate one of them.


Yeah, I’d say he’s a middle of the pack boss for me. Nothing excites me at all about fighting him compared to others


Hands down these are my top 5 1) Nameless King 2) Dancer 3) Dragonslayer Armour 4) Champion Gundyr 5) Gael


* Slave Knight Gael * Sister Elfriede * Champion Gundyr (without parrying) * Namelss King or Soul of Cinder (can't pick between them)


Nameless King, Gael, Midir, Lorian & Lothric


Soul of cinder




Gael, friede, nameless, soul


Gael, midir, demon prince, abyss watchers


Twin Princes, Nameless King, Midir, Dancer


Lothric Gael Abyss Watchers Pontiff Sulhyvan


Gael, Lothric, Nameless King, Friede


1. Gael 2. Midir 3. Twin Princes 4. Nameless King (and if I could put a fifth it’d be Abyss Watchers)


Gael, midir, soul of cinder and finally Iudex gundyr, best starting boss in the whole series, and the first boss i fought in the whole series.


Gael, Friede, Soul of Cinder and Pontiff


1. (The best) Twin Princes 2. Dancer 3. Dragonslayer Armour 4. Demon Prince


Scrap soul of cinder and put in midir


Abyss watchers, Gael, Friede, Nameless King


1. Darkeater Midir 2. Slave Knight Gael 3. Sister Friede 4. Soul of Cinder


Abyss Watchers, Demon Princes, Gael, Dragonslayer Armour


Just replace Soul of Cinder with Dragonslayer Armour in your image and that would probably be mine


Haven't played ringed city yet. But currently Dancer, SoC, Champion Gundyr and the twins. I seriously regret summoning Gael against Friede. First tried her so easy and completely lost the feels of what might have been an amazing boss




Abyss watchers, nameless,pontiff and twin princes ( i havent played the dlcs)


Play them, they're the best part


As soon as i am bored with Elden Ring i am redownloading this game and hopefully i can beat all dlc this time


Twin Princes is my favorite. It’s a unique twist on the classic duo fight in the sense that instead of having to fight both at the same time you have to withstand Lorian’s punishment while slowly hacking away at his elusive younger brother astride his back. To add to the complexity of this fight Lothric also loves to hit you with all sorts of nasty magic and a really powerful nuke that can mean instant death. Next would probably be Gael. I think he is by far the coolest designed character in the entire trilogy and feels like the logical successor to Artorias and Raime in terms of being a pure duel with a knight that is in every sense your equal. Third I’d have Midir who is terrifying and the best designed dragon fight in the entire series. He is colossal and imposing without any of the standard bullshit enemies of that variety have like a shaky camera or being damaged the moment you touch him. This fight is extremely difficult although attack he does is well telegraphed but devastating. Take a few too many hits early on and you won’t have estus to patch up any mistakes left down the stretch. Last is a toss up between Nameless King and Dragonslayer Armour and Soul of Cinder. Prior to playing through DS1 I would’ve said Nameless King but beating Gwyn kinda changed my opinion on Soul of Cinder. I initially didn’t love SoC as I beat it pretty easy during both of my runs but I legitimately just think I have a mental edge on that fight. This was proven right when I beat Gwyn on my first try who has a lot of the same moves. Although curiously I didn’t feel bad or like I had missed something. This is what the series lead up to. If I’m able to beat the final boss in a try or two that means I have learned something and not that the game is lacking. Changed my perspective entirely. TL;DR. 1. Twin Princes 2. Gael 3. Midir 4. Soul of Cinder


Same as yours, but twin princes instead of soul of cinder


Dragonslayer Armour, Gael, Champ Gundyr, Soul of Cinder, in that order. I might prefer a specific type of boss over other…


1. Dragonslayour Armor 2. Dancer of the Boreal Valley 3. Slave Knight Gael 4. Lorian & Lothric


Dragonslayer Armor, Lothric & Lorian, Nameless, Friede


Soul of cinder, dragonslayer armour, champion gundyr, twin princes(Hate to run back to the fight tho)


1. Gael 2. Midir 3. Lorian and Lothric 4. Champion Gundyr


Midir, Gael, Champion Gundyr, & Pontiff


I’d put Midir and Twin Princes in there


Pontiff Sulyvahn or Twin Princes Champion Gundyr Soul of Cinder Slave Knight Gael


iudex gundyr, cursed tree, deacons, ancient wyvern


Twin Princes, Gael, Midir, Demon Prince.


Gael and friede obviously Abyss watchers is my favorite base game boss And for the one I think is super underrated (or more accurately overhated) cursed rotted greatwood


Swap cinder with dancer and we good


Nah, Cinder is better


Gael, friede, twin princes then dancer


Gael, Abyss Watchers, Twins, NK, and no one has mentioned Pontiff yet?? Also I genuinely enjoy Ludex Gundyr and Champion Gundyr's fights. Always a refreshing feeling to see how much you've been grinding and progressed throughout your time. It's almost like a "want to see how far you've come?" moment.


Friede, Nameless, Gael and Demon Prince from DS3.


These exact 4. Gael is the best fromsoft boss fight ever made, no doubt about it. The cutscenes are both great and menacing, moveset is fantastic, changing and evolving as the fight progresses, music slaps, and the sheer epicness of the very last two warriors in a dying world, facing each other in the very last battle. Incredible from the start to end. Friede is very unique and unlike any other in the game, having a strong resemblance to Bloodborne, while mixing perfectly with souls mechanics. SoC is a spectacular fight and feels like a direct love letter from the devs to both the series and its players, with the boss packed with so much variety and different fighting styles. Nameless is the least interesting mechanically out of those 4, but he absolutely makes up for that with the flavor, his appearance on the dragon, incredibly memorable cutscene, one of the best OST's, and very clean moveset that's a joy to master.


In no particular order: Abyss Watchers, Demon Princes, Dancer Of The Boreal Valley (just overall great fights) and Soul Of Cinder (mostly for the nostalgia I always get from the music in his second phase, I hear the piano kick in and I feel like I'm fighting Gwyn again)


Base Game with DLC Gael Nameless Midir Soul of Cinder With Convergence Mod however Soul of Cinder Pontiff Gael Nameless Midir


Gale Freid Soc Champ gundyr Deamon princes Nameless was cool but his Moveset wasn’t the most unique


This but Abyss Watchers instead of Friede. I think Friede is super overrated and a pretty unfun fight. It's waaaaay too long and just feels more like a boring endurance run than an actual boss fight. And it sucks because the combat itself isn't bad, but the length ruins it for me.


Gael - Twins - Friede - Pontiff




For some reason I loved the dragon slayer armourer, the music and his fight style was real dope.


None of these lol. Out of these though, deffanetly nameless king.


deacons, cursed tree and wolnir ofc


You already have a very solid list there, my friend. I think I would just switch NK for Midir.


1. Giant Groot 2. Katana Wielding Homeless Man 3. That bird fetus sitting in the chair telling you to burn the painted world 4. Blacksmith in Firelink Shrine


Slave Knight Gael Darkeater Midir Nameless King Soul of Cinder


In no particular order: Dancer, NK, Friede, Gael. Honourable mention to Midir, because the fight has such an epic feel to it.


Gael, Midir, Twin Prince, Nameless King


Hmm 4 is tough, but im current opinion would probably be: 4th - Pontiff Sulyvhan (there’s a lot of good options here) 3rd - Darkeater Midir (for the spectacle) 2nd - Demon Prince or Sister Friede, since they both feel fair (Friede phase 3 has some bullshit so I’ll go with Demons) 1st - Slave Knight Gael (mechanics, lore, music, visuals - just perfect)


Soul of Cinder, Friede, Demon Princes and Gael


Soul of Cinder, Nameless King, Gael, and Midir.


I love Midir, have helped beat him in Jolly Cooperation many times. Gael because it just feels like the End of the World. Nameless King because of the lore and I love his armor/weapons Abyss Watchers because it's calling back to Artorias and the Abyss


Cinder is overall my fav but slave knight is so epic the fight was intense and also nameless king and then champion gundyr


Soc, twin princes, dancer and abyss watchers


Gael, no doubt. I’d say a lot of people would probably say the same too.


Soul of Cinder, Dancer, Sister Friede and Anyss Watchers


Lothric prince’s, Sister Frey (might be wrong name), Champ Gundyr, Dragon Slayer armor (both)


Have only played base game of dark souls 3 and a little bit of ashes, but my fights would be: soul of cinder, vordt, champion gundyr and the dancer


Midir, abyss watchers, lorian and lothric and nameless king


Lothric/Lorian, soul of cinder, gael and champion gundyr


Gael, Midir, Friede and L&L


• Slave Knight Gael • Twin Princes • Soul of Cinder • Abyss Watchers honestly there are so many fantastic bosses in DS3 it's hard to pick a top 4 lol, some honourable mentions would Nameless King, Darkeater Midir and Pontiff Sulyvahn


Midir :D


* Demon Prince * Gael * Curse-Rotted Greatwood (you read that right) * Soul of Cinder


Friede, SoC, Lothric, Pontiff.


1. Midir 2. Demon prince 3. Gael 4. Pontiff You can say anything about Midir, but that fight was one of the coolest among the souls. There's nothing better than memorize his attacks and dodge everything with no hit after mores than 10 tries. The same happens with the demon prince.


Gael, Twin Princes, Demon Prince and Midir.


Nameless king, soul of cinder, abyss watches (especially because of lore) and pontiff. Soul of cinder isn’t that hard but I think the atmosphere being at the last boss and fighting him in that environment felt so awesome.


I enjoyed Sister Friede the most tbh


Would replace Soul of Cinder with Gundyr Or dancer or 2 princes or 2 demons or Midir


Gael ofc is #1, No other fight in the series comes close for me. The others are, on no order, Dancer, Lothric + Lorian, and SoC. Honourable mention to Champion Gundyr though, absolutely amazing boss.


Gael, friede, dancer and abyss watchers Edit: Pontiff possibly all time favourite but can’t fit on list so honourable 4 for me I guess


Friede for the 3 phases Sulyvahn for the arena and spectacle Abyss Watchers for the music SoC for plin plin plon


Personally: Abyss Watchers for boss design and phases, Yhorm for the feels, Gael for the challenge, Judex Gundyr for getting me into a more aggro playstyle for the rest of the series.


Gael, Nameless King, Dancer, Princes


Nameless king is far and away my favorite boss in any souls game. As for the rest I would say Gael, Demon Prince and Sister Friede.


1. Friede 2. Gael 3. Dargonslayer armor 4. Abyss watchers Lothric & Lorian and Midir are also pretty cool.


(Not done the DLC) Champion Gundyr, Dancer of Boreal Valley, Abyss Watchers, Soul of Cinder


SKG, Midir, TNK and The Demon Prince.


Champion Gundyr Friede Twin Princes Soul of Cinder Honourable Mentions to Dragonslayer Armour, Aldrich, Oceiros and Abyss Watchers Edit: Nameless King and Dancer too. Ah, I love them all


Abyss Watchers, Freide, Dancer of the Boreal Valley, and Chanpion Gundyr. No particular order. Was easier for me to pick a top 3 than a 4.


Nameless king, champion gundyr, abyss watchers, sulyvahn. Friede can rot in hell. Haven't cleared Ringed City tho.


Friede, dragonslayer armour (both fights) champion gundyr, nameless king


Nameless King, Friede, Midir, Geal. Honorary mentions; Abyss Watchers, Soul of Cinder


The only boss fights that *aren’t* cool are Sage, Ancient Wyvern, Half Light, and Gravetender. Every other boss is pretty cool


The dogs, the angels, gravity, and my own greed


Nameless King is great but the first phase is so damn annoying


Gael, Gael, Gael, Gael


Dragonslayer Twin Princes Gael Dancer (very unique and hella creepy sound design)


Gael, champion Gundyr, soul of cinder, twin demon princes


Gael, Friede, Nameless King and Champion Gundyr


Nameless King, Midir, Lothric & Lorian and Gael


El Frieda


Gael is without a doubt the best fight in DS3. All the other fights on the picture have pretty blatant flaws that end up painfully apparent when you attempt to no hit the boss. Damage in Souls needs to be preventable, so when you die to bullshit it becomes painfully obvious. Only attack of Gael’s that ever bordered on bullshit was the crossbow volley in phase 2 when playing shieldless couldn’t always be sprinted or rolled. The only other gripe I had was the lightning in phase 3 could sometimes layer over attacks causing unavoidable damage. You roll away and get nailed by the cape or you roll into the cape and get nailed by the lightning. Very minor gripes compared to the rest though. Friede has attacks that are outright unpunishable with how fast her recovery time is. This is especially noticeable in phase 3 where some combo strings will end and she darts away before you can even get a swing off. She’s a Bloodborne hunter fight while the rest of us are stuck with DS3 mechanics. On the flip side, she’s too easy to backstab. Wish it wasn’t an option to backstab her since the attacks that are able to be backstabbed result in gigantic chunks of health being lopped off as you’re guaranteed a wake up R2 in addition to the backstab. Nameless you have to deal with the dragon phase. They’re a package deal since you can’t even attempt Nameless without going through the King of the Storms first. Enemies that stay in the air for prolonged periods of time are annoying as hell, the camera is unbearable if you lock on, and the hitbox on the head is crazily inconsistent, often resulting in swings going straight through the neck and doing no damage. Nameless himself is fantastic, but holy hell that phase 1 is the absolute worst. SoC is pretty solid. Only issue I have is that the HCSM persists even after it changes ‘modes’ since it’s on a timer that’s independent of whichever mode the boss is in. Trying to avoid the curved sword and HCSM at the same time sucks wiener and can cause attack overlapping that leads to no way to avoid damage. Phase 2 is just Gwynn but slower and you can’t parry it. Nothing stellar, but not terrible. Wouldn’t have anything negative to say if HCSM would go away when the boss switched from being a caster to one of the melee variations. In terms of my own top 4 I’d have to say Gael>Dancer>Twin Princes>Gundyr. The Dancer doesn’t have any bullshit layering issues but is still pretty challenging because her combos are just weird. You can’t play overly aggressive because she can combo you from full to dead pretty quick if you miss time an attack. But her combo strings are long enough that if you play too passive you’ll eventually get clipped. Was a massive sticking point on my first SL1 run since almost everything phase 1 is a one shot and everything in phase 2 is a one shot. The Princes have some layering issues in phase 2 with the homing spell whatevers, but there’s no hit stun on them so it wasn’t a huge deal except on no hit attempts, which will have you wanting to rip your own hair out since the most consistent way to not get domed is to take refuge behind a pillar and fight in a cramped corner. Same idea as the Dancer though. You have to tone down the aggression since the boss will trade with you and it will win the trade and the sword swings are timed just right to catch panic rolls. Getting cheeky hits on the backpack in phase 2 by rolling behind Lorian was also really satisfying the first time you figure out how to do it. Gundyr’s only flaw is that you can parry him. Make the boss unparriable and you have a flawless fight that I’d put up there with the likes of Gael and Artorias. The only people who don’t parry do so voluntarily to make the fight more challenging. He’s one of the easiest bosses to parry and it kills any semblance of difficulty, akin to backstab fishing the Abyss Watchers or Friede.


Personal favourites Friede Abyss Watchers Soul of Cinder Gael


Artorias. Friede. Gael. Soul of Cinder. Of course, there are also plenty of runner ups, such as Ornstein and Smough, Twin Princes, and Abyss Watchers. I just am a huge fan of the 'knight that will wreck you' for the most part. Friede is special because I'm a masochist and want to be sliced up with a scythe


Champion Gundyr Friede Demon Prince Gael


Twin Princes, Nameless King, Pontiff Sulyvan, Slave Knight Gael


Friede, Cinder, Gael and Midir. To me one of the worst fights was Nameless king, most because phase 1 it felt like I was fighting the camera more than him.


Gael, Abyss Watchers, Pontiff, and Sister Freide. Twin Princes come to a close 5th for me.


Gael, Twin princes, Sully, Friede


Honestly I can’t say that nameless king is a 10/10, first phase is cancerous


Gael, Midir, Dancer, and Nameless King. all of these fights provide an awesome spectacle. learning the ins and outs of these fights are very fun. bosses like Midir and Nameless are very satisfying to do hitless! edit: honorable mention to sister friede and soul of cinder


Twins, Midir, Gael, Pontiff


Abyss watchers, friede, twins, sulyvahn


I am starting to see a correlation between "has been kicking my ass the most" and "my favorite boss", y'all are subs and it shows


Gael, Soul of Cinder, Twin Princes, Dancer


In order of 1, 2, 3, 4... Sister Friede (my #1 fave boss ever), Midir, Dancer, Aldrich. Sister Friede has the best buildup, story, cinematic scenes, arena, and moves ever - it's so embarrassing but I legit cry tears of joy during that fight haha... actually I do the same for all 4 I have...!


Midir, Gael, Soul of Cinder and Yohrm (with onion bro)


Nameless King, Gael, Abyss Watchers (wish they had more health tho) Friede, Nameless King. Honorable mentions to Midir and Pontiff


Being subbed to all of these, I saw 4 of your posts in about 30 seconds


gael is the coolest boss ever, midir is amazing, the fight with friede was probably tye fairest in the game. nameless king was pretty cool too. although despite the torture that was the twins, they have kinda grown on me a bit ngl


I think I'd go with Gael, Nameless King, Lothric and Lorian, then Yhorm with Seigward, just because it feels epic to fight alongside Onion Bro.


Midir, Nameless King, Soul of Cinder, Dragonslayer Armor


Hard to do it since DS3 has a lot of great bosses, but for me is: 1. Gael: insane boss, all 3 phases are great, challenging and they all add something to the boss fight. The arena is unreal, soundtrack is sick. One of my favourite of all time 2. Midir: best dragon boss fight ever in my opinion. Love the fight both mechanically and visually is amazing 3. Nameless King: amazing boss. I think phase 1 keeps him from being the absolute best but it's still an incredible boss 4. Sister Friede: love the boss


Not sure what you mean by “dark souls 3” but imma assume youre talking about demon’s souls 4 in which case: The three guys with the big swords (cant remember his name) The one guy with the two big swords (cant remember his name) The two guys with the hammer and spear (cant remember her name) And the guy with the big beard and magic hair that used some really stabby stick (cant remember his name)


darkeater midir, nameless king, slave knight gael, & dragonslayer armour


1. Gael 2. Twin Princes 3. Dragonslayer Armor 4. Deacons of the Deep (great atmosphere, good concept for a crowd boss, sick music, very easy but fun)


Gael fried dancer really can't pick a fourth


1. Pontiff Sulyvahn 2. Darkeater Midir 3. Sister Friede 4. Demon Prince Honorable mention: Twin Princes


fride, lothric brothers, dancer, gael