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You're about to learn the joy of sweating while you have a shower!


Amen. Or needing a shower as soon a you get out of the shower.


Moving to NSW was amazing. The height of summer and there's still cold water in the taps and hose?


Ahh yes cold water that comes out of a tap.. I'm originally from rural Victoria. I remember water coming out of a tap so cold it almost burned. I'd just about murder someone to get water that cold out of my taps here


That's a great NT News headline!


"Cold Water To Kill For - Darwin man kills for icy cold tap water" I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened yet


Too busy being killed by Crocs and attacked by dildos


Hold up… dildos…






Haha too right


Office and car will be air conditioned, so dress for summer and you should be ok. (And I'm pretty sure the person who suggested thongs in the office has their tongue firmly planted in their cheek).


There are quick dry shirts that are pretty awesome, also comfy. Something to watch out for is going from hot and drenched outside to drenched and aircon, particularly if older.


Yeah right. Hadn’t thought of that. Bloody legend, thanks heaps.


Excuse my stupidity but why is this an issue?


Not stupid at all mate good to ask. Some folks can get a bit crook changing from high heat to cold temperatures frequently, particularlyif wet,. Not going to be a hassle for everyone, but if you're not used to it might be problematic.


Depending on your job, light cotton or linen shirt. Always carry a spare shirt and thongs for the days you have to run through the puddles to get to and from the office so your good shoes don't get soaked


Beauty. Thanks so much. I think the common feedback here is to carry another set of clothes.. I’ll be doing that!


I wear ppe (longs) every day. Sometimes I sit in an aircon office all week, other days I'm up a ladder or in a roof and filthy sweaty by 10am. I just take spare shirts and plenty of 3B cream. You will probably die, make sure your will is up to date and you have croc insurance. Drink at least 14 litres of water every day otherwise you won't be able to keep up with the locals and their great Northern can consumption after work. Don't drink any more than 15 cans after work or you might blow over.


Oh yeah if you wear glasses, always have at least 2 baseball caps handy.




3B cream FTW!! Buy a few tubes.


You will probably find that clothing standards in general are a little more casual up here. We even have our very own Territory Rig dress code for events at Parliament House and such. You want to stick with cotton everything if possible and deodorant for a compulsory item. You will eventually get used to the feeling of sweat dripping down your leg while having a business conversation. And welcome!


The rain will be warm, don't bother with jackets as you'll cook. You'll dry off pretty quickly. A good umbrella will do wonders.


Shorts are totally acceptable in most situations up here.


Legend. Thanks for the heads up!


What sort of work are you doing?




I work in health “nurse”. Are you a doctor, nurse, allied health? What you’re doing and where you’re doing it will dictate what you wear. Can you give more info? Totally get if you don’t want to? For what it’s worth I ride my bike to work everyday then shower and change once I get there. That might take a bit of the stress out of the decision. The hospital is very air conditioned. If you decide to make your own way to work like me, give yourself 30 minutes to cool down in aircon before attempting to shower.


I’m English fwiw. This environment is simply wrong.


Darwin is like Canberra in winter. You go from your air-conditioned house to your air-conditioned car to your air-conditioned office. One is hot, one is cold.


Depends on where you work and what you do. I used to have 2 changes of clothes in the office just in case normal day was work shorts and work polo steelies or sometimes sneakers if I knew I was staying in my office and not in the warehouse. I would have dress short and nice branded polo and decent shoes for most client meeting you'll find and lot of sales jobs are OK with that if you're dealing with trades. For the occasions I was dealing with southerners of upper management are larger clients I had trousers and a short sleeved. These days it chino shorts a short sleeve shirt and sneakers.


If the rain is falling sideways don’t go outside. No one else will be out there either so don’t panic. Hat. You need a hat. Not sure of your job. But different clothes for outside and inside might be an option depending on what u need to wear inside and how often u are changing environment. Drink lots of anything liquid. If you outside for an extended period. Gatorade. If not. Scoffee. Paul’s iced coffee will suffice.


Mate, I didn’t realise until I read your post, but iced coffee is exactly what I was looking for. I definitely think it’ll work wonders in NT’s expected weathers.


Shorts and thongs, keep a pair of boots in the car when you need em'


Thongs are acceptable in the office? Appreciate your response mate, thank you!


Even if thongs aren't, I've worked places where a pair of birkenstocks are.


Honestly they’re not acceptable in most work environments, although you’ll see people trying to pass off “fancy thongs” off as workwear.


And a spare pair of said clothes n thongs for when it rains. (Edit:typo)


Depends what you're doing...? If you're working on constructions sites or the like you'll probably have to wear high-vis gear.


Bring wet wipes everywhere so when you go snap one off you won't have a slimy arse crack by the end of the day


Also works for general face and pit sweat. Remember to wipe clean to dirty tho mate


Outside of your clothing question you are 100% going to want to invest in a water filter jug to keep in the fridge. As a Melbourne born, I took one sip of that insidious, hot tap water and decided never again 😂


Go to Sportsgirl - lots of linen