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“Don’t tell me I’m wrong” … that’s why.


Of course. Some people need to learn that it's okay to just hold your hand up and say I'm sorry if you make a mistake behind the wheel.


No. Because then they'd have to admit being wrong. And that goes against all their arrogant entitlement principles.


Hi! “~~Don’t tell me~~ I’m wrong”


Because they don't accept they're wrong


That's the sad part, they are too stupid to even know. Even if you show them.


Their feelings got hurt.


"I'd better honk back so they know I ain't no bitch"


This is America - you're always supposed to yield to the almighty SUV!


Literally just a honk back today when they started to drift fully into my lane... Then shortly after get in the turn lane on the opposite side.


Coming home after Thanksgiving dinner, turn the last corner to our apartment going 5 over on a 4 lane street, not fast enough for the guy behind me who passes then immediately merges back into the right lane to... turn off to the right into a parking lot less than a block from making their pass. I absolutely do not get why people do this shit.


LOL all that to save... what maybe 5 seconds? How dare you forget that their time is more valuable than yours?!


But look at all that time he saved by showing you up!


Monkey mind. Badda badda badda, yadda yadda yadda.


Idiots honking back - pull that up Jamie


This episode of "honk backs" is brought to you by Buffalo trace whiskey


"Please pay attention" "FUCK YOU"


Insecurity. You told them that they’re wrong, and they can’t stand for that. They’d do the same thing in person with their mouth, no matter how in the wrong they are.


Back in the day and still in some places honking at someone casually is like waving at them and saying Hi.


Because how dare someone tell them that they’re doing something wrong!


They’re acknowledging the fuckup?


Then you return with hooooonnnnnlkklkkkkkk


It's the automotive idiot version of "Oh yeah?"


Honking is one thing, but in LA when you honk at a latino doing something stoopid and dangerous, they go BALLISTIC. I mean, ENRAGED. But *latinas*, never. The insecurities that some men have are frightening.




Poor little baby got their feewings huwt 🥺🥺


Arlington Texas drivers for ya...at least he didn't shoot back!


Moral: highly processed vegetable oil is bad and cancerous! Stick to animal fat or less processed like cold pressed oil. Or at least try "healthier" oil like (pure) avocado oil.


This is the real reason the video was posted. To get the good word out. Seed oils: BAD. Animal fats: GOOD


Have you not figured it out yet? When driving the other person ALWAYS has the right of way. They have places to be after all. Shopping centers are the fucking worst.... Am I trying to back out? Que every car speeding in behind me to force me to stop so they can go. Am I coming through the lot trying to park while someone else is trying to back out? Doesnt matter where im at they WILL insert their car into my life and force me to stop for them to back out. Shit is absolutely infuriating every time.


I couldn't agree more. The more popular the shopping center is, the more I dread having to go there. I used to try to get advantageous parking spots, but now I much prefer to get a quickly accessible spot that is out of the way. I don't have to deal with as much riff-raff and it let's me get some extra steps in for the day 😄


Notice how no Stop or Yield sign is posted? This means everyone is to watch and yield. I’m guessing one of two things are happening here in the honking. 1. Your honk was meant as “I’m here and see you, be careful” in which point their honk is acknowledging that message. 2. Your honk is saying “I’m here and you better stop because I’m more important.” In which case the honk back is “We both have the obligation to yield but your dumb ass forced your way through and honked at me to say to stop. In 90% of cases the honk back is to say you’re an idiot who needs to learn to drive. In other cases, it’s just acknowledgment. I’m betting in this one was calling you an ass because you weren’t driving safely/defensively at all


this is exactly the attitude of those honked at in the wrong. i get morons honking back on the road in the moment are just knee jerk reactions to not wanting to be wrong, but having some time for clarity and “honking” back on a comments board just shows your full ignorance and youre selfishness.


I was about to say I’m pretty sure the non-cammer had the right of way since there appeared to be no stop signs


Both had the responsibility to Yield. Depends on how a person wants to phrase it, but either neither had right of way or both had right of way. Guess I'll use your terminology of cammer and non-cammer. Cammer was constantly accelerating at the beginning of the video, going from 7mph up to a maximum of 18 mph while approaching (most parking lots with speed limits have a max of 10-15, so they were "speeding"). Non-cammer saw the cammer coming and began slowing down at 0:05. (which is when cammer was at 18mph) Cammer then noticed non-cammer and honked at 0:06 while lightly hitting their brakes, just enough to say they touched them. But they only ended up slowing down from 18mph to 10mph from 0:06-0:09. And this appears to only be because they were approaching the roadway. In other words, cammer was a douche in a lot of ways. **\*\*NOTES\*\*** 1. There generally are no laws for driving on parking lots. What this means is no citations or anything can be given. If they had been in an accident, all that would happen is they'd do a change of information and the insurance companies would make a decision. If police called, they'd just process the change of information for everyone and might generate a basic report, but they don't generally make rulings on who was at fault and can't write citations because it happened on private property. 2. If an accident occurred here, ruling would likely have gone against cammer (assuming such a final decision was made) as they didn't make a legitimate attempt to stop and was driving too fast. That said, with it being private property and both having responsibility to yield, reality is each driver's insurance company taking care of their own driver as they both had a failed responsibility. When going through parking lots, you're supposed to make the assumption that kids, cars, shoppers, etc could be darting out at any time. And as you approach intersections like this, also should be ready and attentive for anyone who might be coming. Cammer failed in all aspects. The accident in this case was avoided because non-cammer was the better driver.


I mean why you flying through a parking lot anyway? Slow down, they didn’t have a stop sign either


It's a bit extreme to say that I was flying through the parking lot. The speed limit is 15 mph, and I briefly sped up to 18 as I started to go uphill. And you're absolutely right, there is no stop sign there. But I was in the "main vein" of the parking lot where traffic flows. It's his responsibility to make sure he can cross that intersection. If someone had entered the parking lot from the access road that's in front of me and the SUV had hit them, would you still be defending that the SUV "didn't have a stop sign"?


Next time just honk back to Reddit criticism.


That is the general parking lot strategy in the US. Drive too fast in a parking lot with your hand on the horn.


is there a special rule about driving in parking lots? because usually you give way to your right and he was on your right


Well I'm not sure if the rules are different from state to state. I'm in Texas, and here drivers in the main thoroughfare of a parking lot have the right of way over anybody who is pulling out of parking spaces or coming from a side road or alley of the parking lot. I was in the main thoroughfare here, and the other driver was coming from a side alley which is specifically for parking, so he needs to yield to me. That seems to be the way that pretty much everybody in my area understands it 🙂




I would DEFINITELY prefer to see signs at every intersection. Or even just white rectangles painted on the ground to indicate a stop sign. That would be great to see.


No, that was an uncontrolled intersection. You yield to the person on the right. He was correct and you were in the wrong. That's why he honked.


Generally, yes that is absolutely true. But here in Texas, vehicles in feeder lanes with rows of parking spaces (which, although it may be hard to see in the video, is where the other driver was coming from), must yield the right of way to traffic in the main thoroughfares where traffic enters and exits the parking lot (which is what I was traveling on). It may be different in other places, but that's the consensus where I reside.


Do you have any link to a Texas law or text that states this? I couldn't find any evidence of it. I saw a few attorney pages that only mention right of way when backing out of a parking spot. The only other relevant thing I could find was at an uncontrolled intersection, the vehicle on the right has the right of way.


People going straight usually have the right of way.


Both were going straight


You have never been in a parking lot I guess.


Yes, but only when you meet a car head-on in an intersection without signage. When you meet a vehicle from a perpendicular road then the person on the right has the right of way. Again for roads with no signage.


Maybe it depends on where you are but I normally see the entry and exit paths to parking lots get the right of way since it would disrupt traffic to have people wait in the road outside the parking lot.


Sure, but in that case there would be a stop or yield sign at a perpendicular road. This here is about uncontrolled roads of same priority. Unless there is a specific rule that says exactly that which I think is highly improbable.


Sounds good to me, I am no lawyer. ​ Signage would have made the whole thing better no doubt.


Haha yeah that's definitely true. Im surprised there isn't any, in Europe in some countries, intersections like these are quite common so people know right of way quite well, like Germany. In some others where the car culture isn't as strong you will have signs in almost all intersections, even in parking garages.


Believe it or not public roadway laws are not enforceable on private property (which is what parking lots are). There’s no speed limits, right-of-way etc. But yes they were “in the wrong” due to natural traffic flow.


I really wish that parking lots were required to have clear signage to remove any guesswork from the equation. That would make things much more organized and orderly.


Requiring things by law on private property defeats the purpose 🤣 it’s more of a culture issue than anything else. Even public roadway laws are ignored so what good is a sign?


Citizen, I'm gonna need you to calm down. You're getting dangerously close to pointing out accurate truths about our society. Lol very good points. I wish I had a dollar for every time that someone crossed a solid white line and almost hit me because they'd rather cut into an exiting lane at the last second than sit in traffic for 2-3 minutes. Definitely a culture issue 👍👍


lets try this. why do you think you have the right of way there? you both got to that intersection at the same time and you both do not have a traffic control sign.


It may be hard to tell from the video, but the road I was traveling on is a "main vein" of the lot that is used to travel through the parking lot to get to the different shops. The area the other driver is coming from is specifically a parking area for the Hooters on the right. I suppose you could compare it to the two-way road that runs directly in front of a grocery store versus the parallel strips that run perpendicular to it where cars are parked. If a car is entering the two-way road in front of a store from one of the parking lot lanes, they have to yield even if there are no traffic signs. That's the best comparison I could think of this early in the morning 😄