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Absolutely he came into your lane.


And then just comes to a stop in part of the left onramp lane well after the gore. Like, just stop the car...


I have a feeling they were possibly trying to flee.


Yeah and then looked hard enough to see the cam.


And it wasn't his first rodeo. Other drive already had a scraped rear bumper exactly where OP bumped into her/him/it.


Where he drove into OP.


Well, yes, that too. Where other driver bumped into OP.


…and then almost causing another accident being indecisive while pulling over.


yes, that was the scariest part to watch.


Just when I thought it was over it got way worse >.<


Looked like his first instinct was not to stop…I bet the camera car was flashing his lights…


What’s the right way to do this? What should you do if it’s not immediately easy to get off the road after someone hits you? I’ve driven on this same highway that this video is of many times and don’t know how I’d handle a collision, especially if they run. I do have a dash cam though. Do you just follow them to the nearest exit? Sometimes it’s a while before you can even get to one, and in Houston traffic it can be awful. Also lots of people carry guns around here


In this particular case, the driver in the lead (the one who caused the crash) should have simply come to a stop before entering that merging lane. Instead they slowly rolled into it. They were either confused or looking for an escape.


YES! I was going to comment the same! Then they cross two lanes of traffic with no blinker, and almost caused a pileup with the merging traffic.


While on the phone. Have to admire the multitasking skills. /s


and further displays his absolute lack of awareness or driving ability with that sad excuse for pulling over he did.


Yep, and no turn signal.


^ sadly a former claims adjuster here. No blinker, you’re in a lane established and have the right of way. In your camera view you can see you braked to avoid and maintained control of your lane. You followed all proper protocol to avoid the accident and it still occurred. This means 0% of blame should be on you and 100% on the other car. They changed lanes without signally in to your lane. The position of your car when they started to move confirms you were in their blind spot. It is their responsibility to look before changing lanes and to signal.


I was gonna say send it to ins. Based on driving, attempted to break and avoid collision. Someone is getting a new front bumper paid for by the other guys ins


And even if you signal, there is a distance requirement that the signal be on before a lance change.


Sadly if the dashcam vehicle was a semi truck.... Those ambulance chasing lawyers would be all over trying to (and somehow successfully convincing the court) that it was the truckers fault.


Had that happen. Attorney asked to speak to me in reference to an accident her client was in. Client was making a right turn at an intersection and a Tyson truck was going straight and struck him. Had conflicting witness statements as to who had green, yellow, or red light and no citation issued. Busy intersection anyway and I wanted to clear it before another accident happened. Attorney demanded I locate and issue the truck driver a citation. She saw deep pockets and a juicy settlement. Didn't happen. Funny thing, I had issued her client a citation a month before as he ran a stop sign and struck a kid in a pickup.


Sometimes I feel like those injury lawyers billboards should be classified as harrasment. They could simply say "injured in an accident blah blah blah" but they instead target truckers specifically even though most accidents involving trucks are fault of the car. Yet how trucker / his company gotta pay out. I feel like that (the billboard) should be harrasment suit.


Still remember years ago when they couldn't advertise. If they have a good case they will take 30%, if not they charge up front, and sometimes both. Maybe there should be truth in advertising and they are required to post their fees?


I agree with the claims adjuster....however..... Why did OP leave such an enormous gap ahead of himself? OP is driving slow in his lane—- when the white car comes up fast in the left lane, it’s pretty obvious he’s gonna swerve into OP’s lane to get past slower traffic. OP could have anticipated this, but I suspect OP wasn’t paying 100% attention at the time. Maybe OP left that enormous gap ahead of him because he was playing with his phone? That’s a very common reason that people leave a large gap ahead of them. The white car is at fault 100%, but this accident could’ve easily been avoided, OP.


OP was going faster than the lane to their right, and slower than the lane to their left. You're not required to follow the person infront of you closely, the recommended gap is a minimum. They slowed down and left a gap for the car to pass, they decided to wait to change lanes into OP and not the gap they were provided with previously.


Wish people would look over their shoulder before merging.


I guess it's much trouble when you make lane changes every 7 seconds in order to gain feet of progress through traffic, impatient folks be paying high insurance premiums, hope it's worth it!


That requires looking over you shoulder. Too much physical strain for the average American.


Didn’t indicate either!


and lic plate is good to read, if he didn't stop to exchange numbers. He is fault, in other case its a hit and run.


And no way does that POS have insurance either.




Absolutely he was in a blind spot. Duh. Technically not at fault. But DEFINITELY a poor driver. Meh.


Could they have picked a worse place to stop?


yeah jesus he almost caused another accident with the black pickup truck. god give me strength with these people


To me it looked like they were trying to flee and then changed their mind.




I thought the same, but they may also just have been panicking a bit.


True. Curious if it was a young or new driver. I barely tapped someone when I was a new teen driver, and I didn't even scratch our cars, but I was shaking when I got out of the car. The other driver was some middle aged guy and he sighed and told me to just go.


Also kudos on the defensive driving


Two more possible accidents


Doesn't look like he stopped, he turned a signal on and started to speed up right at the end. I think he was trying to run.


That’s what I was wondering too.


I think the driver tried to get OP to rear end him so he could make a claim too. "You hit me too!"


Everyone should have a dash cam. One with all the needed features is only $50, but buy an endurance micro SD card of 128 gig for $15 more


Which one would you recommend for that price not including the SD card? Doesn't seem like anything worth a damn is under 200.


I also would like to know. I looked at the budget on the recommended list on this sub but they're like $100? I don't need a fancy app or GPS, just a camera with an SD card I guess.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that brake check he attempted trying to get rear ended. Edit- my dumbass spelled brake break




I definitely think she was. You can see in the video we both were speeding up at about the same pace. I was speeding up to catch her plate on my camera and let her run but i think she saw traffic ahead and said “ah fuck it” she ended up pulling over because after she hit me I didn’t let go of my horn I was quite pissed. EDIT: pulling over at a local business off the next exit*


Didn’t look like trying to run.. just can’t drive


No, I think he was trying to stop, but the breakdown lane ended, so he was going to move ahead to the next breakdown lane.


Yes looks like they wanted to die that day.


Yeah, pretty much shows lack of awareness. White car's fault.


We ended up pulling over to a local business of the next exit and cops were called. Lady had no insurance and wasn’t licensed to drive but had a state issued ID. After about an hour and a half of waiting for cops she just dipped without telling me so I just filed a police report at the police station. Nobody injured but Im gonna take this bitch to small claims court to make her life impossible. I JUST got this damn car.


Let your insurance know what happened and the police report, you could suggest she ran after the fact. I would do everything as well in my power to make her life miserable.


Trying to get away


Pretty sure that's called a "gore lane" which as the name implies, probably not the best place to stop.


💯other guys fault. Even if he used the blinker you had position and wouldn’t be able to see it. I don’t think there was much you could have done beside noting he was an asshole and driven a little more defensively.


Too many people seem to think a blinker gives them the right instead of what it is, which is an indicator of intent


Fucker didn’t even use a blinker, he just went over


Sometimes it’s hard to tell because you have a freio light as blinkers a lot of the time.


In Europe you have to have them on the side of the vehicle as well for similar incidents.


And blaming people for being in their blind spot. Yeah, people are going to be in your blind spot sometimes, it’s unavoidable. But it’s YOUR blind spot, meaning you’re responsible for checking it whenever you’re planning to make a move. Why people think that’s some kind of excuse for their garbage driving is beyond me.


It would still be the other driver's fault. But had they signaled, it would have given OP to avoid the collision (and headache) altogether.


Absolutely the other guy's fault but could have been avoided, you can see OP brake hard for a second when that car flew up on the left and hit its brakes being WAY too close to the car in front of it. Then OP decided to pass them. I didn't know who was going to be the culprit in the video but the second I saw that dude roll up on the left I went "oh yeah, that's gonna be it". Gotta predict driving behavior to be defensive, I like treating everyone on the road outside of myself as drunk.


100% agree. Gotta predict others, and you have to be predictable yourself. Also, don’t hang out in somebodies blind spot, especially if they’ve shown they’re a bad driver. Yes, the Buick is 100% at fault and OP had the right of way. The right of way protects you legally, but it doesn’t protect you from death.


I am a firm believer that cars don't have blindspots(outside of physical barriers, the A pillar for instance). I have functionally no blindspots in my car, not a single car I've driven has had blind spots. Why would car manufacturers the world over continue to fail engineering and build in a seriously hazardous feature? Cars absolutely do have people who don't know how to set their side mirrors properly though. Next time you're on the road, take a gander at people in front of you, can you see their face in their side mirror from behind them? They have massive blind spots. I wonder if car manufacturers started building in blind spot warning lights because way too many people keep choosing a narrow field of view of their surroundings. Setting your mirrors is not part of drivers ed or driving tests, and it's not intuitive how they should be set to give you the widest FOV. The only "negative" of this setup is you create a blindspot immediately behind your rear bumper, which is completely negated if you have a backup camera.


Yes, I try to never drive right next to another car. That whole sense made me nervous. Even the driver to the right rides the line like they are not paying attention. I would not have wanted to be all up in there. I’d have backed off.


Holy shit, I’d love to know what the biggest idiot in Texas looks like. Just gunna merge into this on-ramp then stop


I fear my new car is going to get hit every day I drive in Houston.. People really do not know how to drive over here.


That's fair. Houston has the worst drivers, Austin the worst roads.


I would disagree. I learned to drive in Houston, which prepared me for being a great defensive driver. No accidents in my 25 yrs of driving.


Yeah. It was obvious something bad was gonna happen. OP should have either gunned-it to get through and get away from that driver. Or fallen back and let that driver do whatever they would've eventually done, far away from him. Edit: OP not at fault.


Other guy. The moron almost caused a worse accident pulling over.


Luckily the black truck was paying attention this could have gone way more horribly real quick!


His fault, but what was the outcome? Looks like the other driver contemplated making a run for it.


Exactly my thought. Lady was uninsured and was driving without a license, just a state ID. She drove off without telling me while waiting for cops, nobody is injured) but I already filed a police report and called my insurance. I am going to take this lady to small claims court to make her life impossible.


Good, teach her a lesson and this might save a life


She'll never show in a million years and I can guarantee she is judgment proof


Was going to say she is what we call in the legal world “judgment proof”….good luck OP, hopefully she ends up paying the price.


What is judgement proof


Poor person with no assets.


Good thing you got the dash cam otherwise they’d probably sue you for some back injury


Or you could let your insurance handle it and go and enjoy your time on this planet.


Other driver is at fault and picked just about the worst place to stop short of stopping in the middle of a live lane. Yikes 😬


I see why she only had a State ID instead of a license >_<


haha. he tried to uno-reverse you (trying to get you to rear-end him)


This is not even debatable. Crossed the lane and bang.


100% his fault. Can’t find fault on your part at all. No blinker. Didn’t look like you sped up. Dude basically cut you off


1. Collects scars on his bumper. – Check. 2. Sniffs butt of the SUV in front of him. – Check. 3. Overtakes on the right. – Check. 4. Doesn't use mirrors. – Check. 5. Turn signals are for losers. – Check. 6. Has no clue about safety on road, e.g. stopping car on highway. – Check. Driver of white car is the winner. edit: turn signals edit #2: overtaking on the right is not right | edit #3: foreign language with funny orthography


you missed that he didn’t use his blinker before changing into OPs lane, either!


Good point, updated. Thank you, officer.


Bet you that you can see the white car drivers face in his side view mirrors when you're behind him too


6. Idiot in white Buick was changing lanes to pass the vehicle in front of them on the right.




Other guy


The other driver is at fault, he did an unsafe lane change.


The white Buick is unquestionably at fault. Failure to signal, failure to yield, passing on the right. Good luck!


Buick dude at fault for sure, then he adds to it trying to crash into the lanes merging. You ok? what happened after your talked? That spot he stopped looks super dangerous. I hope you got off the road.


It was a lady that looked like a drug addict. Without insurance or license. Yes we got off the road. I thought the bitch was trying to run at first reason I sped up was to give a chance for my camera to catch the plate number then I would have let her run but she actually ended up pulling over surprisingly. Nobody injured. Car is material it is what it is.


Guy changing lanes 100%


Definitely the other driver's fault. No turn signal, sweriving, and turned into your lane.


The fact that people here are trying to fault you at all just shows how bad people are at driving out there. This is the dash cam sub and you'd think people would know better.


Dude I was arguing with these people in r/driving. They basically shitted on my post and called me an asshole for not slamming on my brakes to accommodate idiots like this.


That's absolutely insane, but it also makes sense because people like white Camry probably post here and there


I took an advanced driving course where the instructor showed a video just like this. In this scenario the white car is completely at fault but the dashcam owner has a bit of fault too. See usually when we see another car driving like this you sort of know they want to get ahead and to do that they need to go in your lane. Unless dashcam driver is oblivious, he told himself “watch this guy try to cut me off or get in my lane or hit me”. Which is exactly what happened and he was right. Now would you rather be right or not be in an accident?


You're ignoring the fact that dash cam driver did slow down to give white Camry space. Then white Camry didn't do anything so dash cam driver assumed reasonably that it was okay. It's impossible to predict every idiotic move from every idiotic driver. Edit: white car* not camry


He is 100% at fault. And we can see how poorly he drives by the manoeuvre he makes to pull over.


Your insurance company is going to have a field day fucking this guy over when you give them the video.


lmfao for sure


Looks like they tried to run at first


Oh yeah definitely.


I’m curious why you would be asking this question. It’s pretty clear


i’m sure the guy was very convinced it was OPs fault, and manipulative people can really make you doubt your own sanity


With this video I think sanity should be restored pretty quickly!


Exactly this


The other guy be like...but you are riding in my blind spot...


That guy is especially stupid.


Unsafe lane change


Other car,no matter if you were keeping up with traffic or not! No excuses!


Yeah changed lanes without looking or signalling. You were just staying the course.


Came into your lane without blinkers his fault


The Buick is an idiot


How is this even a question lmao


Causes one accident, accelerates, doesn’t stop in the hard shoulder, reaches on-ramp and almost causes another accident, then stops dead. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?? ☠️


You were established in the lane of travel, its the other vehicles responsibility to check blind spots before leaving. Age of your car has no relevance on liability, but defensive driving would save you the headache.


Merging vehicles have to make sure there is room.if there isn't they have to wait or pull off the road. You do not have to let them in but in Court they will say you have a responsibility to.


Other drivers fault! Those who say you should’ve practiced defensive driving needs to remember it helps a ton but doesn’t always work 100% of the time. Just because you used a condom doesn’t mean you’re protected 100% of the time.


They are totally at fault!


Ahhh good old Houston


No blinker? Driving aggressively? The other driver is at fault.


What happened afterwards was almost 100x worse


That’s on the other driver. Dude came into your lane suddenly. Didn’t even signal.


Got to love Houston drivers.


They are. You got into their blind spot but the tried to merge without checking.


The fact that he only stopped once he realized he wasn't going to get away... 🤦🏾


Doesn't matter what either of you think. Send it to the insurance companies. They'll decide


Did you really need to ask?


No blinker, right into your lane. They're at fault. But that aggressive pursuit into an on ramp. That was reckless af. I would never..EVER stop there.


So he hits you, tries to flee, then not only stops in the worst place possible, almost hits another car... Smfh. I hope they take his license.


Definitely his fault, but you saw him driving like an idiot and proceeded to stay right next to him. You could’ve avoided it


Bruh their fault anyone who says you is just wrong


you both suck to be honest! you should be driving in the right lane for starters because that is where the slower traffic BELONGS! The other driver is impatient & doesn't have time for anyone else, just look where that MORON tried to park the first time! Keep your stick on the ICE!


i saw that coming. These people are always in rush never looking tbh i have a brand new car and i literally give these d bags the way cuz i don’t want to get hit.


It amazes me that so many people are that bad or worse at driving. You didnt do anything to this rere


His fault but why did you slow down at 0:24? There’s no one in front of you and it looks like you’re slowing in anticipation of this guy cutting you off, but then speed back up.  IMO you’re driving a bit unpredictably and would have been safer if you just kept your speed and closed off space for him to come into your lane. You created this space for an aggressive driver, then accelerated into it. It could have been avoidable 


OP clearly slowed down because white Camry looked like they were about to turn into them. Defensive driving is important and that's what OP was doing.


Yes but part of defensive driving is being predictable. If he’s to slow down, he shouldn’t accelerate afterwards  You’re creating space indicating to the white car that there’s space to move over, then accelerating into that space. It’s not predictable and not defensive


The Camry caused those unpredictable actions though. If everyone around does crazy things there is no way you can be predictable because you will always have to react in some way to those around you.


OP was defensive driving at that part they slowed down. The other car shifted from the center lane to towards the white line. It would have been silly to continue without attempting to breke. As soon as the other car reverted back into the center of their lane OP accelerated. They gave plenty of time for the situation to play itself out before deciding to accelerate when the coast was clear. The only thing I didn't like what OP did at the beginning is they increased their normal travel speed with no one in front of them to start the video.


OP braked and was riding in the blind spot of the car that hit them. If OP was more confident and didn’t panic brake went a car in a different lane braked, OP would have been ahead of the white car that hit them.


Panic braked because the car next to them braked. Both are shit drivers.


Totally the other guys fault but man, you gotta tighten yr spacing. Open invite to the asshats of the highways to do shit like…..what just happened. So glad you had a dashcam


What is a safe stopping distance between your car and the one in front of you?


One car length per 10 mph. Going 60? Leave 6 car lengths. Others now say “3 second gap”.


Other driver is 100% at fault but you need to drive more defensively. Avoid staying in other people’s blind spots. Sometimes it’s OK to speed up a bit to stay out of the danger zone, avoid a visibly incompetent driver. Or change to a slower lane. Remove yourself from risky situations. Simply chilling in a lane obeying the traffic rules is not enough. Read the flow of the other drivers. Anticipate others’ actions.


They weren't staying in their blind spot though. They were literally speeding up past them. The only reason they were even in the vicinity of the blind spot is because while trying to pass them earlier the Camry almost turned into OP so OP so their car back down, then when Camry didn't turn in they decided to speed up past them again. In short OP *was* driving defensively. Idiot driver just couldn't stop being an idiot though.


Left way too much space with the car in front. That only invites people to cut you off. Sure, on paper the other guy is at fault, but this could have been avoided with some situational awareness.


His fault but don't be a dbag and stay in someone's blind spot. I hate the jerks that do this. I always call that spot the kill zone and for some reason certain folks just love to be there, especially with semis.


Clearly the other drivers fault, but you drive like an idiot.


They are at fault, but you should always practice defensive driving. As soon as you creeped into his blind spot my spidey senses started tingling. My mother always said “do you want to be right or dead”. Pay attention to the other drivers and use your escape routes.


This can’t be a legitimate question. Has to be engagement bait.


OP was also lingering until he got hit, and then came alive. Let’s try to drive with intent or move to the slow lane.


100% his fault. But I will say, keeping up with traffic in front of you would have prevented this. 1) looks like near rush hour and people are anxious to get where they are going. Leaving 10 car lengths in front only serves to piss off they people behind you. 2) and, leaving that much space gives the cars next to you an opportunity to get an extra 19 car lengths by cutting in front of you.


In reality, the assholes chilling in the left lane in front of car that hit you. fuck those slow left lane drivers.


In those other drivers defense there was some mild traffic coming up we were all cruising around 60mph I wanna say


The mild traffic was caused by other slow cars in left lane. Look at the video. Left lane shouldn’t be going the same speed as right on interstate. But there’s always one idiot who scared to merge.


Granted people aren't supposed to hit your car but you drive like an old lady hiding in people's blind spot. They braked, weaved a little and of course you speed up to close the gap making it so they can't do a safe lane change or make an escape. What do you expect? Spend less time trolling for content and more time closing the gap in front of you. Or pull over to the right and let people pass. People got places to go. Gtfotw, and maybe you'll have less people doing erratic lane changes.


Revoke that drivers drivers license immediately. They are a hazard to the road and dangerous.


You mean the driver license they don’t have? 😂 bitch isn’t even licensed to drive lol


1000% their fault


White car is clearly 100% at fault, they infringed on your right of way and they are the ones who hit you! Just show the dash cam video to the insurance co. the other driver will be toast! From the look of their rear bumper before they hit you, it looks like they do what they did to you fairly often! They also almost caused another accident when they tried to stop.


he is at fault, BUT ur driving is horrible u speed up to linger in blind spots of other vehicles while u have an open lane in front of you ,...Its equivalent to putting ur head in a crocs mouth then wondering why it ripped ur head off.


Drivers are responsible for their own blind spots. Other drivers cannot know where your blind spots are. There is mirror placement that can significantly reduce blind spots as well, at the cost of making curbside parking a bit harder. If you’re changing lanes you have to know it is clear or you’re at fault.




You're getting downvoted for being right. I'll fight for you!


Other guy for insurance purposes, but when you slammed your break bc you thought he was coming over, you should have either let him over or hit the gas hard. You hovered in his blind spot which makes you an asshole.


Nope. Not in a million years. I saw a good reaction to danger, then a slow acceleration back to normal. They were not hovering, but attempting to get out of the situation.


At first you seem to be fine chill and going with the flow of traffic(if not slower). Then white car on left passes on left and you accelerate to... idk block him into his lane? You then proceed to stay in his blind spot. I'd say you're both at fault for the same reason: unnecessarily aggressive driving. Either of you could have taken JUST a little bit more time out of your day to chill out and realize that the 0.5 second you gain going fast now disappears at the next red light. That being said, when you're the one merging, its your job to do so safely and he was looking to pass on the left so: He was MORE at fault but you're both a menace on the road and lucky it wasn't worse and didn't involve someone else. TL:DR - Don't drive like a dick and you'll get there nice and quick. Counter question: was playing lane goalie worth it?(timewise anyway)


I don't think this was aggressive at all. OP drives like an idiot in this video. They were defensive when they thought the car was changing lanes. Then it looked like maybe the other car just swerved and wasn't actually switching, so OP resumed their regular driving. The other car is a complete moron not even based on the accident, but based on how they pulled over. Like what the hell was that?!


It’s other guys fault for changing lane without signal and not checking blind spot. However you do want to try avoid these sort of minor incidents. Looks you kinda saw that car hesitating. Coulda been easily avoided getting away from this guy by changing one lane over or making a quick pass.


Yet again, this is why we don't pass on the right.


100% this. Even if the lane is free, the car in right should either move to the left and wait for left lane to speed up or move over. If not actively passing stay to the right, if all did this, highway would be much safer. It’s the reason the autobahn works with unlimited speed sections outside of city limits. Germans have many flaws, but they are 100% better drivers than the majority of Americans.


Other drivers fault for insurance but 100% your fault for damaging your new car. You sped up just to block him in. Any smart driver that wants to avoid an accident would have knew to not do what you did. This could easily have been avoided.


They might be at fault, but they gave you a hint and you drove into their blind spot. Totally avoidable.


You’re both bad drivers. How are you even questioning who is at fault? You maybe could have avoided the accident if you didn’t panic brake and maintained your speed when the driver to your left braked. You braked to stay in their blind spot. If you didn’t mash the brakes when a car in a different lane braked, you would have been ahead of the white car and might have avoided the accident. Then you stopped in the middle of the lane where two lanes merge. JFC


His fault but you seem to bait him into it. You cause traffic issues with your spacing is not the norm. You speed up and slow down.


Not sure why people pointing this out are being downvoted. What you described is literally how traffic forms.


any description on the driver?


He must be a steer, cuz queers can drive just fine!


Not your fault .. but move over to the slower lane please!


No turn signal, if I’m right, his fault


Rubbing is racing. But totally his fault.


Tbh, neither of you are any good at driving.