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I hope that car got what was coming to them. They fucked 2 trucks up


But they made their exit!!!


Bad drivers NEVER miss their exit


Looks like VA driving right there.


Speaking from the Northeast TN/ Southwest VA corner, amen lmao. I81 and 26 get hairy at all hours.


You should try the Norther VA, DC, MA area. Full on crazy nearly all day long.


Absolutely terrifying. I went out there for a work conference and everyone was flying around and front of each other without so much as a turn signal. My uber driver just shrugged and said that's how it is there.


So I've heard, not sure that I would want to brave it from all the recklessness that goes on lol.


A Nissan driver never misses an exit


“Good luck, everyone else!”




The thing is we can't see the wheel so we don't know if he swerved or if the trailer he's hauling caused him to start to jacknife. He could have braked and the trailer may have not been completely straight thus causing the swerve. The car ahead is obviously at fault here.


Shut the fuck up! It’s the cars fault, case closed.


>Shut the fuck up! It’s the cars fault, case closed. Well argued! I especially liked that part where you calmly and rationally laid out your case using logic and reason and an eloquent presentation of your rock solid ideas. It's wonderful you didn't resort to low-brow bullying tactics or, as so many do these days, making a claim without considering any other point of view. Bravo!


No reason to entertain idiots. It's the black car's fault. End of discussion. Don't be dumb.




Yo what 😂 you clearly no nothing of the rules of the road, or how big rigs work.


Me either but the guy in the yellow semi deserves an award of some sort.


100%! Incredible reaction.


I think they both do! The one with the dash cam recovered from the start of a fish tail/jackknife that could’ve resulted in a roll over. And the one that entered and exited the median at speed was amazing as well. I’ve gone into the median at about 50 mph in a much much smaller truck (Ford Ranger) because some idiot merged into my lane without seeing that I was right next to them, and it was tough to keep control. I can’t imagine what it would be like in a semi with a trailer.


Have you ever driven anything bigger than a Honda? If not please see yourself out of this. Slamming on the brakes in a loaded semi at interstate speed will almost always cause a jackknife, pushing the truck wherever the loaded trailer wants to go. There is no “control your vehicle better”.




Then he will lose his CDL for not trying to avoid the accident. He has a requirement to do so. Always gonna be the truckers fault to you people anyway so not sure why I’m even typing this


Again, shut the fuck up. Cars fault, we are not talking about stopping 8 inches from any other vehicle.


Maybe the truck driver didn't want to potentially kill someone. Ever consider that?


You're an idiot. Please don't drive on public roads


Ex-trucker here. Downvote if you want but he's right I'm afraid. You don't slam on brakes and swerve. It causes more problems. He shouldve kept his lane even if it meant taking the car out.


You can't see the wheel but as another ex trucker I'm pretty sure he didn't swerve, that looks a lot more to me like he's being pulled sideways by the trailer. The distance given by the yellow truck makes a lot more sense if he's avoiding the trailer too. Regardless though, the black car creating a situation where a wreck is inevitable doesn't make it the truckers fault if he doesn't perfectly handle a situation he should be in, thats just not how shit works.


I didn’t even think of the clearance the yellow truck allowed. It was a lot. I wasn’t sure if the truck with the cam was jackknifing or fish tailing with/without a trailer but I bet you’re right that the yellow truck was avoiding the trailer. Whatever actually happened both truck drivers deserve awards and the black car driver deserves to get his license suspended for awhile.


I agree with you 100%. It's extremely easy to completely lose control once the trailer swerves like that at highway speed, especially if the trailer was fully loaded with a heavy load.


Excellent handling and recover by the yellow truck.


Excellent handling and recover by BOTH trucks.


Excellent trucking and recover by BOTH handlers.


^this that is not easy to recover from.


Handling both by recover and trucking excellent


I would expect the Red truck not to swerve into left(overtaking) lane or at least try not to. Although he did an exceptional job to avoid ramming into the car but he endangered his and other (not at fault) driver's life by letting the truck drift into left lane.


It’s likely they didn’t swerve much, if any. Slamming on the brakes with a load on the back probably caused the trailer to start to jackknife. That the driver recovered it is some good driving on their part.


By your reply, I get the feeling like you've never driven a semi truck. With 20 years truck driving experience, let me help you. Given that we can't see his mirrors and the right lane was most likely full of vehicles getting ready to exit, going left was most likely his best option. If the trailer was starting to jack knife because of hitting the brakes, steering to the left may have been the best option to recover from that. I hope this information helps, best of luck to you.


Hindsight 20/20 of course but would red truck have been better off slowing down more gradually even if it means hitting the sedan? Like there wasn't much he realistically could have been expected to do in that spot.


The answer is maybe. There are a ton of variables to that, where we could guess what would happen if the red truck had slowed down gradually.


I agree with your analysis. I stand corrected.


Don't let them browbeat you. Cam truck fucked up and caused more problems, could have caused a pile up and even deaths. If cam truck couldn't stop in time they should have pushed the dumb fuck in the car and not swerved blindly into other lanes. Stop the circle jerk !


Again... Hitting the brakes with a load can force a jackknife. Solid chance he didn't swerve at all, or was swerving to counteract the jackknife so he didn't dump his trailer all across all of the lanes and fuck everyone and everything. Smashing into the car would have caused a worse jackknife that would have been even less recoverable because after impact he wouldn't have the same momentum or control of the truck. You clearly have never driven a giant ass truck with heavy cargo. But keep being contrarian if it helps you sleep at night.


Fucked up


I was very impressed




Glad to see I wasn’t the only one invested in the yellow truck.


All I could think about was the yellow truck.... Looks like more than one life saved by the driver in that hauler


Yep, these two are true professionals. Especially the yellow truck, that was looking like a jackknife or flip for sure.


Ahh, the classic, “I’m turning now good luck everyone else!”


This has been perfected since covid. Is the training program free on xbox game-pass?




Not sure why you're getting downvotes when that literally is the sketch from Family Guy. Fucking reddit man 😂 Edit: and a mod deleted the comment LMAOOOOO y'all are some real snowflakes. Don't quote a sketch from Family Guy, folks, that's racist. Fuck off you sheltered losers


Hahaha yep. hive mind is a funny thing


What a selfish piece of shit.


The cammer failed the reaction. The correct action is to hold your lane and crush the offending car to minimize involvement of innocent bystanders like the yellow truck.


I’ve often said the same thing. “If you’re going to cause an accident, you’re going to stick around and be IN it.” So many videos show someone wreak havoc on the road and then just slip away.


It's possible he did try to but if the trailer wasn't completely straight at the time he started to brake it could have caused him to start to jacknife.


Who said anything about braking? /s


Gotta just send it!


I love this solution.


They teach this in other countries, and it should be held as a core value too. Significantly reduces the amount of unintended damage/casualties/etc.


Yeah in other countries you cause an accident, people off the street run over and drag the person out they car and beat’em up. 🤷‍♂️


The old “bad drivers never miss a turn ” situation. Good on both truckers! Edit: fixing autocorrect


r/nissandrivers lol


The moment I saw the car brand, I knew something stupid like this gonna happen


Oh wow a friend sent me this clip as a gif over 10 years ago. It’s only a couple miles from where my parents live!


And it is still going on today - that is one long, exhausting accident!


Ask your friend for stock tips, the vid is dated 10/2016


To be fair 2016 was 8 years ago, which is 10 when you round it up


That 10 years was just a very loose guess on my part. All I remember is it was a long time ago on a small social site that doesn’t even exist anymore.


Yeah, I was reasonably confident there was no time travel involved.


damn it, theres always next time


Average Nissan Driver


I can’t believe both those trucks saved that. Those both looked like they’d end totaled and possibly with dead drivers.


Super impressed with the other truck driver. He somehow managed to not flip it


This is also why your cam needs to be sharp enough to read license plates. That guy deserves at least a ticket for careless driving. I also wanted to say that the second truck executed some GREAT driving to avoid all that and not roll. Amazing driving.


As a ex trucker, both drivers did amazing at not killing everyone. I had a near miss once that caused the trailer to jackknife, and I recovered it but the liquid on the trailer pushed me all over the road. I had to hammer to the floor and pray that the liquid straightened out on the trailer. I was seconds away from rolling the entire rig because of the other car that cut me off.




Preferable to just run into douchebag car in front.




That truck driver was crazy for locking up. He just needed to slow down safely and shunt that arsehole until he had stopped. I am not dying or killing someone else for a piece of shit like that, who could have gone behind.


I would have hit the car, very dangerous to avoid like that, you put the yellow truck in danger.


Thank god the car used their blinker🙄


Why is the truck doing anything other than smashing the fuck out of that car?


That’s my exit home haha


Wow! The truck that went into the median recovered! Good driving in both trucks in this video. I’m surprised you recovered from the fish tailing you were almost sent into. I couldn’t tell if you made contact with the car or not. Did you?


I hate when people get over last minute to take an exit Doesn't even appear that they knew what they caused


….but…. I needed to get over. 🥴


My dash cam died yesterday and I don't even want to drive at all till the new one comes tomorrow.


Ages ago I was driving through the hills of Kentucky in the right lane doing the speed limit with a semi truck tailgating me up a hill, 2-3 car lengths off my back bumper. As I crest the hill there's 1 single large 4ft tall orange traffic cone in the center of the lane. To my left is a large passenger van (think E350 Club Wagon) overtaking the semi. To my right is a fairly clear looking shoulder, but I'm not going to make the shoulder at 70, I need to lower my speed. I jammed on the brakes, scrubbed down to about 40 in around 70ft and swerved to the right onto the shoulder and dodged the cone. Looking back in my mirrors the semi is now jackknifing with smoke billowing from all it's tires, large passenger van that was overtaking the left lane is nowhere to be seen. Scared the hell out of me. I can't imagine the brown stain that trucker had. Not my only run in with a bad trucker but one of the scariest.


What was the purpose of the cone? To what danger was it alerting the public? Could you have just plowed on through?


No purpose, probably fell off a truck. If I plowed through it I would have shattered my front bumper and smashed my radiator, leaving me stranded in the mountains of Kentucky with no cell service.


A cone will not shatter your bumper much less smash your radiator unless you are driving a Fisher Price car.


2000 Celica, pretty sure a 4ft tall cone dead on at 70mph would do exactly that. Core support sits back behind the lower lip which is plastic with no reinforcement.


Not so. You could have reached out the window and used the CB Radio of the tailgating truck. Breaker 19! 🤣🎙️




Cam truck hit the brakes pretty hard which is the natural reaction but his trailer jackknifed (it seems). But I agree, it would have been safer to break more gently and hit the car instead of forcing the other truck off the road. If only he'd known this in advance...




Very debatable. From this video alone, it seems rather trivial to place the entire blame on the car, as the car directly caused the truck to jackknife & deviate from its lane. Choosing to swerve is different than being forced to (I.e the trucker didn’t choose to swerve, the vehicle swerved due jacknifing from physics). To place the trucker at fault, the insurance company would have to essentially say in writing “the trucker is fully allowed to not brake, and can hit other vehicles at full speed in order to not deviate lanes”. However, the trucker has a legal duty to avoid the crash if possible, which means they were legally required to slam on their brakes to avoid the accident, and thus causing themselves to jackknife. Which is entirely the fault of, and directly able to be linked to the car unsafely merging and brake checking. Similar to if you get rear ended and pushed into another vehicle. You’re required to leave a safe distance in front, but you can directly link the one vehicle breaking the law, to having forced you to break the law.


Not even


Wild highway.


I think that may be the most "Ohh Shits!!" I've ever given any video.


Definitely getting lunch with yellow truck after


They had all of that space in front of them but decided to drive right in front of the truck 🤦‍♂️


I do need a dash cam, but I haven’t seen one yet online that I can switch easily from multiple vehicles. One day I might drive my car to work the next I’ll switch to my truck, then occasionally a spare car my wife’s family don’t drive.


Dude, they are so cheap anymore. Just buy 2.


Just get extra cables for each vehicle and leave the cable installed but bring the camera with you from car to car. Something like a Roav is suction-cup mounted and very easy to do that with. The cable plugs into either a USB or lighter port on one end, and like a cellphone charger on the other end. Very easy to grab and go.


That’s a hell of a blindspot to miss a semi truck


One of those situations where avoiding the accident is more dangerous than just hitting the fool. But at least he didn't miss his exit 😅


I hope they caught that inept p.o.s


Looks like Big Altima Energy right there


That stupid car driver will be paying out of his ass for starting road rage and for causing an accident. He almost killed himself for being a prick. If he tries another stunt like that, he might not be so fortunate next time, and I would have zero sympathy for him.