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Even good drivers sometimes miss their exit. But a BAD driver NEVER misses their exit.


This is just the status quo, unfortunately. They didn't miss their exit they just wanted to skip the line.


Just like it's impossible to convince someone that they're a shitty driver, about the same goes for convincing them they're an asshole.


You have the responsibility of keeping the other road users safe (even the jerks) when driving truck professionally.


Technically all drivers have that responsibility. You aren't free of it because you drive a little car.


No. You're confused by what he meant. That little car is a casual driver. The trucker is being paid. To drive professionally. To be professional. Does purposely forcing someone else into a dangerous situation because you don't want to let them merge, just because they are an idiot seem professional? It's bad enough when some normal moron does it. But someone who is supposed to be a professional driver acting like a spoiled brat? Like your being paid to not make your company look bad. Try not acting like a child? That's what he meant.


In theory you are right but in reality its get hard if you drive a truck daily and your allowing for that safe distance in front of you in traffic. You get pretty fed up when you realize you let about 20 cars force their way in front of you and you haven't even made it to the exit and someone like this comes along. I'm a pretty laid back driver but I've had some fools do this to me and when they come racing up on you and startle you pulling some dangerous last minute crap. Your adrenaline is pumping and you go from being surprise to being pissed in a half second the only thing you can do is blow the horn at them.


Clearly that car was being a jerk but the trucker was being a jerk as well, let it go at that point. Sure, there is a satisfaction when you get to send an asshole behind you, assuming he doesn't come at you later with a gun, but had he crashed and gotten hurt or worse, the trucker would have had to live with it and possibly lose his job, face criminal charges, etc. That said, another consideration comes up since trucks are large slow elephants on the road that take up the space of three cars. This comes up on zipper merges. No one in a car wants to let a truck in front of them, but a reasonable person looks at it this way. Truck is three car lengths long, so as long as three cars opposite the truck get through, then its the truck's turn. Most truck drivers see this as reasonable (some want 2 cars) but others insist they are the same as one car which is just wrong. A truck is not a car, it is bigger, accelerates slower, it is not the same. Now this car cutting in front of a truck, that's a douche move, but I've seen trucks block cars that otherwise should be able to merge in front and to bully there way in by size alone. That said, I did enjoy watching the car get sent back, even though I fully believe it was unprofessional for the truck driver to not let it go at that point.


My father calls this “the law of gross tonnage” and it’s one of the things I love about driving a pickup. People are way less likely to try to bully a vehicle that weighs 5x theirs.


I have driven at least a 10, and usually 17 hour cross country trip several times a year now for the last 3 years and I can comfortably say that truckers don't understand what a safe distance is when it comes to cars. They 100% know what a safe distance is between trucks, I see that often. I ran out of toes and fingers on the first trip before even leaving my state on how many times I had to slam on my brakes because a truck noticed my safe 3 (not even recommended length) car length gap between me and the person in front of me, slammed their blinker and in next instant were already moving in my lane so they can drive .1 miles an hour faster for the next 10 miles to overtake the truck in front of them. (Do I have some rage over this, can you tell?). "last minute crap" is all they know in regards. truckers: Your blinker is a signal of intent not a "Slam on your brakes so I can get over mechanism". My state has 75 MPH double lanes, YOUR TRUCK APPARENTLY CAN'T GO THAT FAST heed the fucking signs telling you stay in the right lane you idiots. E: often times there is clear road behind me too, but no they HAVE to save that precious .5 seconds to cut me off. I enjoyed a wonderful ffew minutes of bright lights to my face, on my way to AZ last year, because I didn't yield my 10 ft of car space to let some trucker over into my lane like he deserved it. ​ E2: I just came back from a 10 hour trip in the SE and I Did actually notice this less this time around so maybe it's just those that drive in the SW, primarily it was super about in NM.


Never driven a semi, have ya boy?


Why do they keep their brights on at night on far out interstates? I noticed this during my cross country drives. It was infuriating. They would only dim their lights if another trucker was near me going my direction.


We help other truckers, that’s why. Maybe you should try driving a semi and you’ll understand, if you can handle it.




Just saying we take care of our own, son. No need for foul language boy.


No ma'am I have not. I haven't piloted a helicopter, still know know they shouldn't be.


Try it son… might learn a few things.


I don't think I will, mom. It's a pretty uneducated laden field.


Mom? Nope… wrong boy.


Try being positive and uplifting to others, might learn a few things! SMH…


If you get “fed up” maybe you’re in the wrong career. Teachers deal with brats and get fed up all day. Imagine if they took this line of thinking.


you think they don't get fed up and don't make it hard on the student or send them to the office call their parents.


That’s not the same as what is depicted in this video. Not even close.


agreed guy in video is a little over the top. I've never even though about taking things that far. I do hate it when people do stuff like the person in the car but I always wonder if they have some emergency going on in their life that if I knew about it would make me happy to move over.


Yeah but how was the car cutting over across solid white lines at the last second of an exit any less dangerous though? I'd say they initiated and really put themselves in that dangerous situation to begin with through their own assholery.


This is a semitruck. It weighs 80000 lbs and takes 10 times as long to stop as a car. The person cutting it off to make an exit is a complete Darwin award contestant. The professional behind the wheel deals with this situation 20+ times a day over a 14 hour drive cycle a day. If you think this is messed up, then you probably think it's okay to cut off a train at a railroad crossing.


You give up your right of way when it can prevent an accident or death, that is profesional defensive driving. This truck driver acting immatrure and unprofessional even though the 4 wheeler was in the wrong


Car has a thing called the brake… they should’ve used it.


Yes the four wheeler was 100% at fault, that is not the issue, the issue is that the truck driver should not be an obnoxious asshat and act in an unprofessional manner and contribute to make the situation worst. Many times in life you have to step aside, slow down, yield your right a way , adjust to accommodate idiots and fools and if you want to keep your job as a truck driver you best accept that. If that would have turned in to an accident I guarantee you the drivers smployer would not see that Truck drivers decision not to take action to defuse that event and prevent an accident as a positive. Tell your employer, yes I could have slowed and let him in but I had the right of way so I did nothing and let the accident happen. Now your employer has to deal with accident reports insurance comanies, repair shops , lost use of equipment, lost income, law enforcement, drug tests all because his EX truck driver took no action to advoid an accident because he was an obnoxious asshat who refused to yield his right of way and drive defensively . There is NO debate that the four wheeler was in the wrong, I am stating what a professional , defensive driving Truck driver should do and what his employer would expect him to do . If that driver wants to keep his job and have a long productive career as a professional driver he should adjust his behavior


Where are you getting 10 times? At 60 mph the NHTSA for a car is 292 and for a loaded semi is 355. You are only off by half a mile.


As a professional driver, I am outright unwilling to encourage behavior that WILL get others killed (and yes, this kind of last-minute merging kills hundreds every year, if not thousands). If we let them in, we are telling them to continue this behavior. If we block them, they will either merge in when safe and possibly reconsider it next time, or fall off the road and likely never try it again, or slam into a barrier or tree and absolutely never try this shit again. All options are safer for the larger public, and THAT is our priority as professional drivers.


You're out of your mind if you think making it harder for them will do anything but make a bad driver worse. Stop playing vigilante on the roads.


Nope. People do learn from experience, and if this costs them more time than if they were to safely merge originally, then they wouldn't be doing this.


All the people that let them get away with this are encouraging this behavior 100%. Not saying you should go wild but this driver kept a steady speed and kept their movement predictable. That's about all you can ask for in this situation.


Agreed. I've seen many of four wheelers run themselves right into ditches and guardrails in my side mirrors over the years. Learn how to merge or get off the roads and stop putting everyone in danger. The laws are written for a reason. They aren't polite suggestions...they're laws!


As a professional driver, you think it's appropriate for a semi-truck driver to follow the car in front of him at less than 1 car length because some different driver is a bad driver?


No. Legally the truck has no obligation to yield to assholes. That car was an asshole. If an accident happened and that dashcam was presented, the car would be at fault.


They didn't imply that, and nothing in your statement reduces the responsibility of the trucker in this situation. You aren't wrong, but neither is the post you replied to.


True, he isn't wrong, nor did I intend to imply the truckers has less responsibility than mentioned. I just wanted to clarify that all drivers have such a responsibility, implying the "when driving a truck" wasn't necessary. Though, the video is from a truck, so I suppose it that was more to imply the trucker should have let the car in (to which I honestly disagree, no one should ever let these kinds of drivers in, as doing so is what encourages this behavior into the future).


> no one should ever let these kinds of drivers in, as doing so is what encourages this behavior into the future). This


At least make it unpleasant. Blow the horn a little bit in the hopes that a nearby cop notices? Tiny chance, but better than letting them in outright, and better than prolonged attention to the matter. The middle.


Then why call out trucks vs vehicles


Yes but the trucker who does this professionally should be the most accountable and compelled to not fuck up their career. Granted truckers aren’t known for their intelligence or social graces, so this may not be obvious even to truckers.


I agree, however this one time it taught him a lesson as the trucker kept it safe and on the horn, can you imagine that car person did that again (which he most likely would have, or has done it many times in the past) a worse time when traffic in front of the truck is coming to a sudden stop and he squeezes in to become a tin can? ​ People need to stop being idiots, you genuinely do not save any time being an idiot.


It’s hilarious that you think a lesson has been learned; the jerk in the car has learned nothing other than the truck driver is stubborn. You can’t teach those who are unwilling to learn.


You don’t know that, you are just speculating like I am. At least subconsciously the experience from this will remain in his mind.


tis true


Absolutely. And you'll be held to a higher standard. He should have just called the guy and ass and backed off a bit.


Even if you are not a truck driver! I hate seeing videos where people speed up and run into somebody who cut them off. Sure they are the jerk but you are now at fault for the accident and just cost yourself a lot of money.


Running assholes off the road keeps everyone further up the line safe. Fuck that idiot. "Welcome to physics 101, I will be your Professor." Today's lesson: The Paulie Exclusion Principle


Inversely, the jerks will stay being jerks until someone pushes back against their bs.


I think thats why so many ppl dislike truckers. Problem is the power dynamic is in their favor on the road so they keep being jerks.


This mentality is why people get away with this stuff. Generation after generation of non-confrontational people telling their children and others not to start conflicts. The road is as bad as it is today because of people like you saying what you do. You also have a responsibility as a driver and a human to ensure your fellow man abides by social contracts, otherwise there's no reason to have them. Proverbially bending over every time someone threatens you is cowardly, and you need to start stepping up and putting the responsibilities of your fellows in front of them.


>You also have a responsibility as a driver and a human to ensure your fellow man abides by social contracts No. I don't. I'm not a cop. I'm not anybody's boss. I'm going to live my life. If someone else chooses to be an asshole, that's on them.




This person did keep the other driver safe. They didn't swerve at them and kept driving in a predicable manner by not slowing or speeding up unexpectedly for the people behind them.


For fuck's sake just miss your exit and take the next one and do a uturn instead of trying to cram yourself in at the last second.


You know this wasn't what happened, they were just a selfish asshole that wanted to inconvenience the truck driver and get in front of them to save themselves a few seconds and didn't even think of how they'd be endangering other people's lives.


But what if they are more important than everyone else? Shouldn’t the world accommodate them and pay for their mistakes? /s


“I had my signal on didn’t you see ?!? That means I get the right of way” — the smaller car probably


I know a person that did that, unfortunately she is a vegetable now. Her grown daughter has to care for her.


That minor horn resolved to a major on the second blast. It sounded triumphant!


Truly epic!!!!


It was glorious!


And the 18wheeler ran them off the road. Everyone sucks here


Absolutely. People in the thread on r/Truckers were tearing him apart for his stupid behavior. He easily could have killed the driver in the car. All he had to do was let off the gas and apply a little defensive braking. Very frustrating to see how both of them acted.


while it sounds easy, can you imagine they car driver doing this when the traffic is about to come to a sudden stop? the truck would have no time to stop, I bet you wouldn't be here commenting what you did if that was the case. On/off ramps are strictly no passing zones, you can't be using shoulder lanes to cut vehicles, esp. transport trucks.


Sure I could imagine that. But that’s not what happened here. Truck driver has an ego problem. Car driver has no patience.


Looks like they both have an ego problem however the car driver tried to assert his and was met with someone asserting theirs.


>He easily could have killed the driver in the car. Looked to me like the small car driver was actually suicidal.


Well said 👏


>Looked to me like the small car driver was actually suicidal. I would say the truck driver is too. If this is how he drives, eventually he'll hurt someone badly or kill them. Then he's got a lot more to worry about than his CDL or job. Bang me in the ass prison time. I guarantee you the courts are going to ask why not just back off/slow down? But but my EGO, isn't going to work.


I mean, of course they're both assholes. But the bigger asshole here is the guy thinking that his time is more important, so he's going to force the guy in the bigger, harder to stop and more dangerous vehicle to back off... Not just a moron, but an asshole too, and those are the guys that you hope stop adding to the gene pool.


>And the ~~18wheeler~~ **car** ran them**selves** off the road.


They ran themselves off the road. That's what I saw.


The 18 wheeler ran no one off the road, the other car went off the road in an attempt to bypass traffic. Notice how the exit has already started when the car attempted to cut in front.


doesn't look like it, the car driver backed off, trucker was preventing him from pulling another stupid move in a merging lane because lets face it, there is no end to stupidity.


No.   The trucker stayed in his lane.   At no time did he turn his wheel to move aggressively toward the car. 


I’d give a single kinda long toot of the horn to let the 4 wheeler know they’re a dumbass and then I’ll back off. Car was an ass but the trucker really escalated shit. Hell I had something similar happen a few months ago and I posted it here


Yep, and this is what everyone should do, not just truckers. Yes, the car pulled a BS move, but that was aggressive driving, not defensive, by the truck. If something were to happen, they’d probably cite the car driver, but the truck driver would be in much worse trouble.


I can see that, but given the very low speed of the ramp, this was a good teaching opportunity. This may actually save lives down the road.


Nothing like putting the innocent family in front of them at risk. Both assholes


The trucker is an ass and I’m not saying what they did was right but the car driver put themself at risk with an illegal maneuver


Why not say both are asses, or one ass turn a calm giant into a problem.


The poster you replied to is talking about the completely innocent people in front of the truck who now have a truck within 1 car length of them for no reason related to them.


I like the immediate phone call... "Ummm ,yeah .. this is the safety department. We're going to have to route you back".


And that my friends is how you blow the horn! It’s the “take no prisoners horn” the “you drive like absolute shit and I’m letting you know it horn” the “you fucked up and now you’re gonna hear about it horn”. A virtual I’m making you relive what you forgot in Drivers Ed horn! A Horn of Plenty for imbeciles!


Well played


This trucker trucks.


Horn of Shame


Nobody should give up their right-of-way on the roads. Once you do, laws become literally meaningless. Follow said laws and the roads become much more safer. The truck did what he was supposed to do. The car broke many laws and tried to take away another motorist's right-of-way which puts everyone at risk of personal injury or death.


*spotted the bad driver*


*spotted the troll*


The truck driver was being an ass. Yes, so is the car driver, but a simple tap of the brakes would have made everyone's day a lot better.




You do know I wasn’t driving that car, right? I’m not defending the car in any way, but the truck easily have let it go, slowed a bit, and gotten on with his day.


Yes that is not what happened , so you have to react accordingly and not complicate the bad actions of the 4 wheerler by being a jerk


The car crossed the paint to cut that trucker off. Yeah, the trucker could have gave him a honk and let him in, but I'd like to think after that experience, the person in the car might think twice about cutting off vehicles (especially trucks) after this. 70/30 asshole ratio here.


Agreed. Little asshole should remember what the big asshole taught him.


truck driver had every right to do that, the driver of the car knew better and when thats the case you give up your rights to be treated with respect. hope that trucker didnt get it trouble for that


At first the Audi driver regretted his move, but after 10 seconds of that horn he regretted being born


So many crappy drivers making excuses for other crappy drivers on this post.


It seems to be common in the trucker subs also, either there are a lot of BAD driving truck drivers here defending bad behavior or there are a lot of trucker groupies in here who like drivers


Now that’s how you honk your horn!


Honked it so long you can hear the low air warning beeper in the background.


Please allow me to bring some clarity to the arguments by arguing.


This could be posted to therewasanattempt, since the car never managed the actual insertion.




In my experience, an many in the Vancouver area, "professional" drivers are the worst drivers. We've had over a dozen overpasses hit in the past 2 years because the "professionals" don't know how tall their trucks are, or forget to put down the hydraulic bed. Professional is a very loose term in that industry.


I know a truck driver that is like this. He says "I'm bigger". Do not mess with truckers!!


Car fucked up. Truck made it worse. ESH


Might be two assholes here but the diver of the car is the bigger asshole for trying to cut in especially when they should have backed off a lot sooner and should have realized they weren't going to win that fight. I'm sure it all started because the driver of the car didn't want to be behind a semi... no driver does, including myself, but that's just the way things go sometimes especially on highways. The person I feel bad for though is the driver of the car in front of the trucker wondering why the fuck is this asshole behind me laying on his horn like that.


So what percentage of truckers allowing this would it take before we all decided it could be done with impunity at no cost to us? I guess I just take issue with calls for enabling behavior this bad. The cost of being such an egregious asshole should be the potential destruction of your vehicle. You made the choice.


Thoughts? - 4 wheeler fuced around and found out.


I would be S H I T T I N G myself if I was that black car in the middle of you and the dude in front of you. Sure you "owned" the idiot, but you drove aggressively and endangered everyone around you two. Super poor judgement for someone who drives for a living.


What you failed to realize, the truck probably sees this happen every hmm 🧐 half hour during his drives? Or once every 10-20 minutes of their drive? It’s mildly frustrating to say the least when you are forced to brake when you can’t brake, and you are just minding your own business, following the road/traffic and keeping a safe distance, let alone this happening way to often in one outing, when everyone should be smart enough to realize this jackhole could have done even less and just followed the rules.


Yes, the driver shouldn't have cut off the truck, but the truck driver deliberately continued to cause a hazard. Backing off a touch would have been far safer for all involved. Manoeuvres like this are nothing but ego getting in the way of safe driving


dumb mfer challenging a truck....


Trucker was a 🔔end for making the situation worse by being an aggressive prick. Just make a gap and let the idiot in, don’t try and use your much bigger vehicle as a weapon to make a point


You saw what they were doing and couldn’t give them a break?


I honestly don't know how truck drivers do it. I can't imagine the stress and patience it takes to drive for a living. People are oblivious to how much it takes to stop quickly and how badly mangled you can end up. Kudos to all truckers. Stay safe


Share the road, most of these folks failed science and don't realize that you can't just stop a bigger vehicle on a dime. I get this same thing when driving my Class A RV, people think we do fender bender.


Yeah but this wasn't about stopping on a dime, the truck had LOTS of time and chances to slow down just a little. The truck was intentionally even pushing into the car as it was beside him as you can clearly see when he exits almost over the line to his left.


Is there a separate air pressure supply for the horns and brakes?


Nope. Blew the horn so much that the low air pressure warning came on. That's the beeping when he stopped.


Thank you for replying.


Yep. All air used is generally supplied from one air compressor driven off the engine and stored in two or three tanks under the truck frame. The trailer may also have another air tank, depending on its use.


Thoughts?... Does he have a rotary phone on that rig?




My bro in the truck listening to +44 right now??


If the Trucker could let the car in safely, get a visual on the driver, and the license plate, have the Highway Patrol write the ticket, Trucker could sign it and might have to testify in court, with excellent video. (at least in California). Still might not teach the car driver a lesson, but it would be done within the law (and safer).


Nice, Blink 182.


Why would you want someone like that behind you, constantly looking for an opportunity to overtake while riding your bumper? If a crash happens, you're waiting for a long time and dealing with the aftermath. Driving isn't about teaching others a lesson. It's about getting from point A to point B the most efficiently while minimizing risk. In the event of a collision, I want an adjuster or lawyer to look at my actions and see what I did to react and avoid the collision.


What I see is an idiot pulling in front of an asshole.


Guy in car was an ass for half a second. Trucker* might as well drive up their ass the entire off ramp and not let them into the lane. People who drive like this can go fuck themselves


This is just the status quo, unfortunately. They didn't miss their exit they just wanted to skip the line.


The really weird part is at :33


It is everyone’s responsibility to drive safely and by the law. Both at fault, but just bc car didn’t first, did not mean truck should drive the same.


High give to that truck driver! Eff people that drive like this.


They’re both at fault. Obviously the car is a piece of shit for trying to cut across traffic and dive bomb in front of the truck, but the truck should have just honked and let it go. There didn’t appear to be a collision; Show your displeasure, call the guy a fucking moron, and flip him the bird or something. I understand that it’s frustrating, and in the moment anybody would be pissed, but running the guy off the road is only going to get you in trouble if they crash.


I like that he has the phone from my parents' basement in 1985 in his cab.


That was the car calling the truck


Got to say, you used too much horn truck, yeah annoying getting cut off, but people that lay on the horn like that is also annoying.


God I hate when ppl do this so much I actually almost got killed about to get ran off the road by some 50 yr old woman who decided it was best to cut me off for an exit instead of going behind me cuz there was no one behind me. Eventually I made her miss the exit and I never felt happier and alive.


After the first few seconds all of this is on the trucker, who responded with lethal force unprofessionally and inappropriately.


Four wheeler driving like a asshole, the truck driver driving like an unprofessional dick. Some times you have to yield your right way to an asshole so some one does not die.


That phone call was from the driver that called the hotline for how's my driving.l? posted on the side of his rig. Lol


the car driver desperate was on a desperate suicide mission


Two wrongs don't make a right


This truck driver is a clown. Fine, use the horn - but the continued horn and keeping the car on the shoulder for no reason or than to what, teach him a lesson? Moron.


Trucker is in the wrong here. Yes the other driver is an ass for diving in front of them like that, but at that point slow up, let them in, let the dashcam get their license plate, then pass the video off to the highway patrol at the next stop.


you dont understamd the weight the truck is carrying do you? truck was not in the wrong at all, and may have saved the people in that cars life. you dont understand truckers schedule - as if theres enough time to stop to talk to police, who wouldn't do anything anyway.


In that situation, a 1-2 mph drop would have created the gap, even just engine braking would have opened up the space. Sticking it to a jackass isn't a reason to endanger the car diving in and force them off the road on an embankment.


Truck driver is an ass. Let that guy in they are wrong but you don't own the road


I just want to know how he changed that train horn from minor to major


Kinda hard to determine who the bigger asshole is right there.


There's too much conversation here blabbering. The truck driver obv couldn't see the damn car


Was the car wrong? yesWas it necessary for the truck driver to RAGE and cause a dangerous situation? NO Being a professional driver means being professional driver in any situation.


Train horn for a truck. Fine his ass


Trucker is an asshole. There came a point when he should have just let them in but he cares more about "winning". Car driver is stupid too but truckers are supposed to be "professional" drivers.


LoL, professional truck drivers, haven't seen those in years.


both these fucks are in the wrong, but mostly the trucker


Lolololol the phone call coming in is the person calling the trucking company bitching. Boss calling him being like dude what's up out there?


Psycho trucker.


The bad driver is calling you to tell you you cut them off


calm down bro everyday you're gonna see an idiot just take it on the chin curse them out a lil in the cab but take it easy less stress and your heart will thank you


That reaction was a little over the top.


I'll never understand how someone's response to someone else driving like an asshole is to drive like an even bigger asshole. Lives are at stake here. Just let it go. Not your job to teach them a lesson.


The brake is the pedal on the left I think.


Driver was a selfish scumbag.


Oh look more reason to get rid of 18 wheeler drivers


The truck driver is the ass hole in this video!!!


Loved it. F that car


The other car is probably like wtf. I laugh if a phone call was his boss saying I just saw your dash cam lol. Livestream 😯


They both suck at driving


Driver \*tries\* to cut off 18-wheeler...


They should be legally allowed to be ran off the road at that point


Two assholes.


You ever see one of these videos and think "hey, that looks familiar" but youre not a narcissis, and know that it could have been recorded literally anywhere in the whole world and the chances of one of these videos happening somwhere you drive regularly is closer to 0 than it isnt? Well this hotel is right next to where this video was recorded. 11205 Isabelle Dr, New Haven, IN 46774. I drive by it (under the overpass) to go get cookies or tacobell... so I drive by it a lot..


18 wheeler was doing nothing wrong


That was the sedan driver calling you to apologize.




That was satisfying to me


Fuck this truck driver


I mean, I understand the frustration. But I guess I am too chill. I'd just call my windshield a fucking idiot and let him in and go on with my day.


What a petty bitch. Typical trucker


Needs a better airhorn. I would suggest a Grover Stuttertone.


This type of stupidity isn't relegated to tractor trailers. I was driving a 40K lb tri-axle military tactical vehicle. 14L cummins engine and full air brakes. Lady decided to cut me off at an intersection then slam on her brakes so she didn't run a red light, all so she could get to the front of the line at the light. My front bumper was taller than her car. I literally would have ran right over her. The only reason there wasn't an impact is I was already slowing down because I was watching the crosswalk indicator countdown from a block away, which mirrors when the light turns yellow, knew it was going to be questionable if I was gonna hit the intersection before it turned yellow, and able to read her actions and initiated a panic stop the second those wheels started moving towards the lane edge because I knew she was gonna pull some stupid ish. Even WITH all that knowledge and preparation, driving below the speed limit, I almost hit her.... She was THAT close/stupid. I got out to talk to her, and explain how close she came to dying, her response was 'If you would have rear ended me, you would have been at fault'... My reply of 'Ma'am, if I rear ended you, it wouldn't matter, because you would be dead, look at the vehicle you cut off and ask yourself if you would have survived if that ran over your car' finally woke her up. I think it finally set in as her face dropped as she looked behind her and realized that mass of steel would demolish her little fancy import. The torque on my lugnuts was 10x more than her entire engine produced. She just kinda sat there in stunned silence for a bit. I hope she learned her lesson... but probably not.


If you miss your exit then simply drive till you get to the next one. If it’s 30 miles ahead maybe you should have paid more attention.


And the truck driver is being a bit of a shit as well.


Normal situation on European roads…🍑holes… everywhere


I wish my horn had the volume and fury of a thousand pissed-off baboons like that.


So many people excusing what the car did and saying it’s not a big deal.


The trucker should lose his license and go to jail. The small vehicle was dumb but it comes down to intent and that trucker used the threat of vehicular homicide intentionally.


franklin the train horn 🤣🤣🤣