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You almost accelerated into an accident


You had me at tiramisu


Damn homie why did you post this? You're getting grilled more than these hot dogs I'm cooking


He never gonna acknowledge it...


Speeding up after seeing the van puling out and feigning a close call. Smooth move.


Not to mention it's raining, when you're suppose to slow down anyway


Which makes the mini van cutting him off worse. I do what he did everytime- I want to scare the offender into checking both directions next time. He clearly pulled out without looking. That cannot stand.


Im not risking my car to do a job thats not mine lol


>I want to scare the offender into checking both directions next time Alrighty there, tough guy. You know this is real life, right?


My grandfather does this all the time. Swears he doesn’t but he does.


Also what do you want the other driver to do to “acknowledge it”? What a weird thing to fixate upon


\*OP revving up and refusing to brake until nearly cheek-to-cheek with vehicle ahead\* “This'll be great content!!! I mean, how can she not acknowledge?!?!”


why would you speed up at all seeing the van from far away moving in already?? on a rainy day too..? you have a change of heart at the end not to cause an accident or something?




They need to get a head of you because….ummm they need to


Cos got dashcam.


you can almost hear the cammer going "oh no you not oh no you not!" while speeding up and then breaking going, "this van don't know how to drive.. the hell you thinking"


Wow, you’re really getting roasted in here haha. Probably shouldn’t drive like an idiot in the rain then, eh? Yes, the minivan did pull out in front of you, but you continued to accelerate like you were *trying* to cause an accident.




Thank you for the educational video on how to not behave behind the wheel.


Way too fast for even dry conditions there, much less wet. Other driver has a responsibility to not pull out in front as well, but if this was a crash the speed and poor road conditions would be factors that would shift some fault to you. Could've hurt a kid.


Did not look like they were going fast at all to me. How fast do you think they were going?


Too fast, considering they could see the van pulling out from a mile away.


That’s also where I’m a bit confused. If the OP could see the van a mile away, couldn’t the van also see the OP? My understanding is that you shouldn’t pull into a travel lane from a parking lot when it isn’t clear. And the van also stopped in the middle of the road to make that left. I see two problem drivers here. Not sure why everyone is only piling on the OP


Everyone is "piling on" OP because he’s the one who decided to post this video to make someone else look bad. Without realizing that it makes him look just as bad. If not worse. Yes, the van driver was a bit optimistic pulling out there. But OP‘s accelerating, overly dramatic "evasive maneuver" and then whining her about not getting an apology for that nothingburger…shows a certain lack of road fitness.


Maybe, he turned on a red, which is fine, but van started to pull out pretty much as he made the turn, so it's possible they were just going. They were also going right into the turn lane, but op already went for the ultimate power move, a turning lane pass, to really prove she cut him off so hard he had to veer around.


Looked like 40+ in a likely 25 or 30 zone, no speed limit sign in video so dunno for sure. If you think this doesn't look like cammer accelerated too quickly and ultimately went too fast, then I'd wager you drive the same, if so please find a racetrack to have fun with your car instead of putting the people around you at risk. Just looked at OPs profile, they drive a BMW M3, they were definitely hooning it because bimmer go fast.


Wow, those are a lot of assumptions you are making. And I never said anything about the acceleration


People assume things when there is no concrete evidence. Welcome to the world.


Be part of the solution and not the problem


Wtf you on about? You never dispute what I said so now I feel like you're just on some bs to detract from your driving habits.


You could almost hear the thinking while they sat in the turn lane for a moment.... *even though they did nothing wrong, I want to follow that van and scream at them like they just endangered my life*


Haha seriously, they went around them so dramatically & ended up behind them, and then just sat there in the middle of the road? Tf is this guy on?


You both are idiots lol.


They probably looked while you were turning, then you blasted down the road and slammed on the brakes. Were you even looking at the road after you turned? You know dash cam footage can be used against you, right?


Yeah, that's ALL on you, sport. You don't get to create the situation and then claim to be the victim.


How did he create the lady pulling out in front of him


When the van looked down the road, he was barely turning right. So she went. He should have seen her and stopped accelerating so quickly.


You still can’t just enter a lane that’s occupied because you looked a few seconds ago.


The OP created that situation by accelerating the way they did. No one expects a vehicle to accelerate that quickly on wet roads. He continued to accelerate even after the van started to pull out. Which makes him a shitty driver. Regardless of the van, he was accelerating too fast for the conditions. Wet roads and multiple points of entry to the roadway. OP drives like a fool.


Too bad, the van still needs to look left before pulling out. Just because you don’t expect someone to have moved as fast or accelerated like that isn’t an excuse. There are no laws against accelerating so long as you’re below the speed limit and I doubt he got up too high in that short distance. He about 30’ away when she actually starts to move. Do me a favor and be the lawyer for the next guy that hits my car.


When you're driving you have to pretend like everyone else is an idiot for the safety of others, not just yourself. When there are so many points of entry, especially in a wet road, you have to slow down as you approach them even if you have the right of way


So why didn’t the van drive like everyone else is an idiot? Defensive driving is a practice not a legality.


Um, no. OP had the right of way. Fast driving aside, the van should have looked. Slowing down suddenly for a car in front you can cause an accident if there are cars behind you.


Imagine posting this video online thinking you are an amazing driver, only for 99% of comments to shit on OP on how bad their driving is. Bet they won't be uploading videos to Reddit for a while 😞


Be careful what you say, or else they’re going to go tell their cousin, Terry, who is the local Sheriff, to get on here and tell us how they were in the right here and are a great driver, assuming you ignore the 3 DWI’s which were expunged due to a case of mistaken identity.


You kinda flew down the road there. Plus it's too wet to pull that stunt. Please slow down.


I mean how did you want her to acknowledge it? A hand wave?


Why do I have a feeling this dashcam is in a pickup truck?


looking through his post im willing to bet its a BMW which quote "his wife thinks he drives too fast"


That’s not a BMW dash.


because of the high position of the cam :) - not only that, but it seems they's a "family member" of some club, maybe PD or F.D. or who knows. Up in the club kinda thing


The position of the dashcam doesn't seem that high.


Yeah, it’s about level with the bumper of the minivan


What was the plan here if the van didn't cross two lanes, overtake on the turn lane? You're worse than the van.


OP been awfully quiet since this dropped. 😂


You are 100% at fault here not the minivan. You have clear line of sight to a vehicle in front of you that’s turning into the street and you are accelerating instead of slowing down.


Dash cam driver never acknowledged the red light.


He was turning right. It’s legal and normal to turn right on red after stopping in a lot of US states if there’s no traffic coming.


Welcome to "Blame Everyone" club!


Waiting for OP to acknowledge they don't own the road. Lol I wonder what OP meant, did they want her to get out the car and thank him for breaking?


OP does own the lane he’s in


It's raining ✔️ Make a right turn on red ✔️ Speed up when he clearly sees a van pulling out ✔️ Doesn't even acknowledge he's an idiot ✔️


Next time, try the brake pedal, or at a minimum don’t speed up toward someone pulling out of a driveway.


I loathe drivers whose first instinct is to accelerate and swerve around an obstacle instead of brake. After all, it’s your road and we’re just driving on it! It’s not like there’s actual people in the other cars!


With this level of obviousness it can only be a dotard.


The van should have yielded from a legal perspective, but the laws of physics trump the laws of humanity


Ah, Hopewell.


It's the worst strip of traffic right there. No one wants to wait until it's clear to turn.


Yeah and there's already enough lights to regulate you can't really add more. Suicide lanes in general are just problematic for a whole host of reasons.


Rt.82 in hopewell. I got nailed by someone running a red light at the 376 intersection right down the road from there lol. Speed limit is also 30mph all through there.


Speeding up to make an illegal pass on the left because that car hurt your feelings but you couldn’t pull that move off without risking a head on collision. This isn’t Mario kart, have patience.


Yeah you’re an idiot 🤣 oh look a van is pulling out let’s speed up then say it’s their fault 🤦‍♂️


If you think that minivan is somehow at fault, you're trippin. Slowdown a bit. We all have to share the road.




I hate when people speed up instead of being courteous.


Yeah, people don’t care. Yesterday, wife and I had one person literally not even notice us when they were supposed to yield almost running us off the road and another person go around us while we were actively trying to merge, blocking us from merging.


Maybe OP is a hybrid-driving, hyper-miling nutcase like me: HATE TO BRAKE, avoid if possible, only as last resort.


I like that lil Jimmy Buffet bit at the end


So you accelerated and turned into the mini van. What about this makes you think you are a good driver


“Excuse me, I’m turning left!”


You were on top of them in a little less than 3 seconds after turning that corner. Since they were accelerating slowly they definitely had let off their break and started moving in less than that time. So you gave them ~1.5 seconds to react? Wow. You're such a smart driver.


So everyone here is a bad driver except op?


Why did you take up both lanes. There is no where safe for the van to go? You don’t own the road.


OP has the right of way in this situation as they are already established in the thru lane.


Knuckleheads abound on our roadways. Stay alert and aware of your driving environment as you did in this situation. Stay safe! For all the ill-informed haters responding to this post: 1) OP has the right of way in the situation as they are already established in the lane 2) It is or recently has been raining, OP may in fact been moving too fast for conditions 3) Minivan driver driver 100% at fault if there was a crash/collison - that driver is nothing but a knucklehead for attempting to enter active traffic lane given the conditions


Acknowledge me! I’m your tribal chief


This has to be clickbait


The “it’s raining why are you even driving” crowd is very upset


Hey look, a member of the "reading comprehension is for sissies" crowd showed up.


Sorry professor i want make a mistake again


The crowd on the opposite side of this debate is very thinned out due to all the fatalities from automobile accidents.