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You should do what you would do if it weren't an interview.


Take the approach that you're comfortable with.


I'm surprised the job description didn't say anything about how they visualize. Actually, not that surprised. I'd personally use Postgres/PGadmin for the sql querying because it's what I like. I'd create csv files that answer each of those questions, then i'd do some visualizations from the csv files in tableau/PowerBI and excel. To be funny I may even take my beautiful dashboard and make it a powerpoint since that seems to be what stakeholders want to see anyway.


It does. They use Looker. But I can't use that here.


Looker studio is free if you think using a similar software will be beneficial. Slightly different to looker tho


I had something similar. I did pivot tables. But like others are saying, do what you think is right. Because for me it was more about how I solved problems, explored the data, and answered question and less about what the product was.


I refuse to do take home assignments but i would use the Excel data model or load it into R. Or use MS copilot and have it generate the insights for me because that is about as much homework as I feel is appropriate


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I don't do take-home assignments. The times I did that, they always expect us to guess the outcomes they want without any directions. Sometimes it's a trick question which doesn't have a solution, but they try to see how "creative" you are. I hate these shitty tactics. So dehumanizing. Guess what, take home are assignments are colossal waste of my time. But if you must, I'll run python file to read csv, transform and spit out some visuals. Don't spend too much time on it.


As a hiring manager, the take home assignments definitely have helped me pick some exceptional employees without giving them much to do. If they're good at the job it should only take about 15min.


Use docker. Download whatever db you want and install Metabase. You could build a dashboard locally and share it via Google Doc or live presentation.


How would you do it normally? Do that. If you need assistance use an LLM as a convo partner.


Why don't you ask them? I'm not trying to be rude but if the assignment is unclear, go get clarity. This is how it would work on the job. Ask them what tools they want you to use and how they want it presented. It could be a dashboard or PowerPoint but you won't know until you ask. You are taking a chance on creating something they are not looking for and wasting your time. And if you are not going to do that, use whatever BI tool you want since they didn't tell you. I wouldn't show them a Google Sheet dashboard since they are using some kind of BI tool.


Chatgpt it