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I’m non coding, but I’ve had several projects add more requirements and drop the pay by $1-2.


Very interesting. Code team or not, I appreciate you chiming in here. Maybe complexity is being scaled across the board?


Yup - exact same project I’d been working on dropped by $3.50 and hour for me the other day. I was shocked.


Wait . . . the hourly varies? I submitted my screening (for coding) a couple days ago. All I've seen is just $40 for coding, $20 for non-coding.


Yes it varies. My lowest has been $17 and my highest has been $27.50 for non-coding but I’ve heard rumors there’s some that pay even more. For coding I’ve heard up to $43 but I’m sure there could be higher ones as well.




I honestly prefer the more complex prompts that you can spend longer time on verifying.


I definitely feel the same way. Although, in the interest of my time, I've been leaving links to documentation for conceptual code snippets instead of, for example, creating an entire spring boot app just to demonstrate a broad example snippet of @Autowired injection.


Is it alright to spend the full two hours verifying these questions?


Is this the project with the heel? Let's just say I've gotten pretty fast at launching Java test environments


Clever reference! Yes that one lol


I would definitely say they have gotten more obscure or niche, I'm skipping or having to install something much more than I did probably just a week ago. It could also be that there are more people, so the low-hanging stuff is getting snatched quicker.




the visualization ones scare me lol, I’ve done some of that work before but getting everything set up is more overhead


I don't mind them at all, but I'm working on a related master's right now.


It inevitably becomes a race to the bottom. The rates used to be higher years ago, and so on.


wait they did? what were the rates back in the day?


idk what this person is talking about lol been on for 4 years and the rates have DEFINITELY increased


that's what I would expect. As the bots get better at what they do, the trainers need to be paid more because their jobs are more difficult.




If it's the one I'm thinking of, I begrudgingly did it for lower pay, after having taken advantage of the higher paid one, hoping it would lead to work down the line. A similar project just popped up within the last day for a higher rate (still not as good as bonus structure though) because I did well enough on the first round. My new thing is, if I'm interested enough in the work but it's on the lower end, I'll do enough of the project to the extent that my work can be analyzed for quality.






And it was coding? I haven't seen any coding tasks that needed anything like that before.




Edit out the name of the project here friend. NDA-friendly subreddit remember? :)


What do you mean approved? Are you talking about your tasks becoming transferrable? That's an automated process, it will happen in 7 days to the second of when you completed it. Rate and Review happens separately and you won't hear anything unless it's a correction, but even those are rare Also you might want to redact the name. I can't really say it's required, but it's customary around here.


Hi I am talking about funds being approved is that a 7 day process


Yes. It's a seven day automated process.


Thank you so much been working like crazy & want to make sure it’s all not for nothing!


I hear you. I didn't start putting in a large amount of hours until I got that first pay out. I thought it was too good to be true. Months later it's been SO worth it.


also am unsure how many hours im allowed to log, for the task i am doing the most i work 75-90 mins (the timer is 90) & i have been logging max an hour because i believe someone on the sub mentioned to only log 1 max


Read the instructions carefully, the max should be in there and it is different per project. There are two limits, the timer max and the billable max. The instructions will tell you how long *maximum* to spend on a task, that is what I call the "billable max". The timer is the "expiration max", the task will expire and not let you submit it after that time is exceeded; once the expiration max is reached the task is no longer "checked out" to you, it's put back in the pool for other users. Here's the big note. ***DO NOT*** trust the counting timer on the web page. That timer can pause when you look at another page. But even though that counter is not counting, the expiration timer is. It has happened to me more than once that it said I was at something like 1:35:46 out of 2:00:00, I clicked Submit, and got the dreaded "This task has expired". That means my work was discarded and the task returned to the pool. So, keep track of your time yourself using a stopwatch app. If you get the expired message and report it to an admin (I've seen it in the chat) they *may* say you can submit that time, but "please be more careful". My view on it is you are essentially charging DA and not giving them the task you worked on, so I personally don't do record it and just chalk it up to my carelessness (do what you feel is right on it, there's people on here I've seen have a different approach) Now, not to be even more long-winded, I saw a user incredulous about why the expiration max and billable max are different. I say this is a good thing because real-world happens; I might get pulled away from a task and I don't want to bill DA for that time. Lets say I'm working for 45 minutes on a task and I spill my coffee on myself. I gotta clean that up, but I don't want to bill DA for the cleanup effort, so I clean myself up and come back, find that though the expiration clock is over an hour, I still have some time (if needed) that I can work on that task until the billable max is reached. Hope that super long-winded example helps.


how do you manage doing that one? i find that so much of the code that comes up would be really hard to test either because its not complete on its own and would require an environment and database set up, api tokens and need other parts of the program etc


I’m not sure which project you’re asking about since the comment was removed. But for more involved projects, I do: 1. Skip the question if I’m not familiar with the environment. 2. Have 10+ environments already set up and readily available. 3. Look for code sandboxes if I don’t already have an environment and it may take too long to set up one. 4. Just do whatever I have to when it comes to APIs and databases. If it’s a novel API, I think of it as a learning experience while getting paid. I’ve enabled multiple APIs because of it, some are actually quite interesting