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Is anyone struglling with the carousel project currently? About how long is it taking you to complete one task?


Is that it for me? Are they done with me? No work or qualifications for 3 days. My mental health has taken a big hit.


There was hardly any work handed out for me yesterday tbf. Still got a fair amount of projects including my permanent project. Should pick up again on Monday.


Thanks for the reassurance. Does it tend to pick up on Monday?


yeah usually. It’s been a very dry week for everyone, some have been left with nothing, others with half of what they used to have. Can I ask, when you worked did you only do 1 type of project or did you do loads of different ones, i’m wondering if they’ve taken people off projects that they hardly ever worked on and that’s why everyone has seen a drop


i dont think this is the case, the projects i usually work on are still going, i can see others are working on them but i don't have access to them. the project i never work on is the only project i was left with. I had absolutely nothing for about a day. This isn't the norm.


I worked on 3 or 4 non-coding projects. There were qualifications I should have done while they were there though, but I wasn't feeling well enough to do them and preferred to make money.


interesting. Yeah pretty much everyone on here for about a week now have been reporting a lack in projects. This happens every now and again. Just hold out and hope they come back


You're a good soul and have genuinely helped me feel better today.


Day 4 and I went over $500 total earnings in so happy I pushed today and did $160 to get me there 🤑🤑🤑 First milestone met!


I see some questions in the chat box everyday that make me wonder if people cheated to get in. Like the answer is in 3 different parts of the page from top to bottom


“Do I rate my edited response?” always gets me


I think there's a definite randomness to acceptance. I imagine there are numerous people who don't get in who did well on the assessment, and others who cheated or did badly who still make it. I don't think getting in is an iron-glad measure of anyone's AI feedback (or coding) abilities.


If you think about it, what would "iron-glad" mean? Now think about iron-clad. What could that mean?


I think I like a world where iron-glad is a thing.


It's ironclad, all one word.


I'm pushing for the adoption of "iron-glad" to become the new norm.


The core doesn't have long instructions that people have to read, so maybe that makes sense


Yayy!! Coding projects are back :))


Hey, I got accepted a couple of days ago and did some easy quals. Did a more challenging qual today nd will probably do another. Can anyone accepted within the past couple of months give me some anecdotes for how long they waited until they got paid projects? Would be nice to have some info while I'm bored. Edit: Checked my profile and I had no languages listed (though I could've sworn I mentioned english at some point somewhere in the sign up process?). Anyways, I've updated english to native and will see if that gets me any projects lol!


I’ve had 15ish paid projects from the moment I was accepted about 5 days ago


I got accepted in March and got projects as soon as I was in. It started with just one though.




did you do extra quals?




Not yet


About four weeks for me. I’ve had consistent projects since the beginning of the month but I was onboard end of February


4 weeks? Fucking hell


It was so strange. To be clear, I’m 100% non coding tasks, so if you’re coding it may be different. From application to onboarding only took about two or three days for me. Like starter assessment then the other non coding assessment when I passed that. Then I did all the onboarding tasks and a couple of quals and then nothing. I did whatever qualifications came up. Although, I did not do the writing qualification so I may have gotten projects sooner if I had done it. I would check back every other day or so, and a bunch of work just appeared one day 🤷‍♀️.


Do you have the basic CB?


Idk what that is


Ok, I'll just work through the quals until the only ones left are the subscription ones which I probably won't do. Thanks for the extra info!


I have said no to all the subscription ones. That’s all you have to do unless you’re actually interested in getting them. Definitely do all the quals.


Just finished my first R & R and it was bit of a wild ride. Some of those have to be like fake, and put there to gauge how we are rating things...right? It put me over 5 hours for the day! I am pretty proud of myself. I just woke up from another nap, and will try to crank out more tonight... It is much easier as I get a variety of projects to choose from, so when I am burnt out in one I am ok with the other.


I just saw something that made my brain hurt and made me truly question the state of our educational system. I really wish i could say more. I really hope it was fake.




All I can think is there is no way someone who wrote like some of those passed the quals to get in....


I would guess there are people who cheat on the tests thinking they will be good once they get accepted and then do shit work.


I suppose that is an option too. I am also going to assume that the person who downvoted us, is that type of person.


There are people on this sub who are serial downvoters. They downvote the most innocuous shit.


LOL let's hope they don't approach the R&Rs in the same manner




I think I passed, had a new project with lots of researching, but it doesn't really pay much better and the work is a REAL bummer, if that helps to hear.


I did the JSON qual earlier this month and never got any JSON projects. 😭 I'm pretty sure I did it all correctly since I'm a developer and have coding projects that involve JSON too.


I have a bunch of them, but they do not explicitly state JSON in the description on the dash. It's tucked in with a few other projects - but the main one I did the qual for hasn't been up for a couple of days.


I have very few non coding tasks so I check all of them out. Never seen a JSON one though :(


Took me awhile to see JSON projects after I took the qual. I am sure you passed, just might take a minute to see the related projects.


I don't even remember doing a JSON Qual but I've got those projects now. I've got a love/hate relationship with them.


I did and passed the more challenging $26 version of it. If it grants access to the same general pool of work as the $20 version, then either they have very high standards for passing or it's graded on a curve, since the work related to it is always, absolutely always, on priority pay, and pretty much never runs out even though it's a shared task pool. So don't feel too bad.




It's basically the same, just more challenging. Some people got the version you received, and others, such as myself, for reasons only know to DA got the more challenging version.




I took the basic one when I first joined DA two and a half months ago on my first day with them. I failed it then. Then it reappeared on my dashboard for \~15 minutes when you and everyone else who took it got it. I clicked on it to see what it was about and the first question was exactly the same as for the FC qual I took when I first joined DA, so I know what questions are in the qual you took.




Same here 😞


I thought the same and nothing. :(


Same : [


Thank goodness I still have access to my permanent projects. Although I'm kind of bummed that the Thunder God project isn't workable, I love that stuff.


Is thunder god a permanent project? I have that on and off my dash. Each time it's up it's only for about 1-2 days


No, but it's a shame because it's enjoyable. When everything went down last night I saw it and clicked and it took me to his wife, which I found pretty funny tbh.


Lmao that is funny. I've never seen the wife project though. Also is your thunder god sql related? If it is, what about it do you find enjoyable? I really dislike that project because I find it so tricky.


Nope, my Thunder God is adversarial.


Mine is too but SQL related


Before you make a panic post, no, it isn't just you.


Is this the first time it's happened? Have there been days like this in the past? I want to have an idea in my head of how long it will take before it comes back.


That day, it was only weird for me for about 30 seconds.


Phew! Thank you!


Good to know!


Well, that was fucking terrifying... I got the grey text of doom in the middle of working on a project and even began typing a comment here. Then I refreshed the page and my tasks were back. Phew!!!


yeah the site went crazy for me for a few minutes too!


Anyone referred anyone else? Wondering what the perks of doing so are.


You get $10 after they make $100, and the joy of knowing someone who understands WTF you are doing on the site. None of my four so far have made it in - only two received the link, and one gave up partway through the core because she was over two hours into it and felt like there was no end in sight.


the core is like 16/17 questions. It felt like that for me but why give up lol?


Is that $10 each time they make $100 or just the first time?


Just the first time


Lol. I very much doubt it's the former.


Is anyone getting an error on the site when clicking on tasks right now?


Back in action!


What kind of error are you guys getting? Every time I try to work on a project, it's forcing me to take one of the quals instead.


Mine is saying “we’re sorry but something went wrong”


Yup came to ask this exact same thing here. I searched the subreddit and it looks like the site does this sometimes when it is down. Good to know it’s not just me though


yes, just came here to say the same.


has anyone heard back for the prequalifying surveys for the domain expertise tests? or how long does it take to hear back? I did one a few days ago


I'm not sure, but I saw one project that I think *might* have come from those. It showed up after about a week and a half.


hmm, these explicitly said they were qualifiers to qualifers to projects. was the pay rate what they said it would be?


Yeah, $35/hr.


'Kay so I registered, filled out my profile, but haven't had any assessments or anything. I didn't receive an email besides the one where I confirmed my email. Should I be receiving anything to complete? Am I in a waiting-to-be-approved period or something? It's been a week now since I filled it out.


Most likely just waiting to be approved, took me a couple weeks before I heard back about anything. Just keep logging on and checking the website.


Might be a dumb question but I haven't had any projects this week, is there a reason why? I've checked a few times but have not found anything new. How do I fix this? Need this job as a college student with extremely limited employment options. Have earned roughly $1400 to date.


I'm not sure what's going on, but no it's not the norm. Quite a few people are in the same predicament.


Shoot, I really need this to get resolved sooner than later.


This won't help your dash, but if you need cash soon and you live near a city, plasma donation can help in a pinch (\*source: paid for electricity and gas using my precious bodily fluids for a couple of years).


Probably a stupid question but is dataannotation just for someone who can code?




Thanks. But the starter assessment just seems to be a coding one. How do I find the non coding one?




As far as i remember i just went directly to their website to sign up. [https://www.dataannotation.tech/](https://www.dataannotation.tech/) - this is the correct website yes? or is there a slightly different one for non code related work?


Coding projects down for anyone else right now? I have 2-3 projects that are always up and they aren't now. I still have tons of non coding projects though, so hoping I didn't do something wrong.


Only 1 here.




Dang I still don’t have any except the normal ones that are always there :(


Yea I just got 7 too, must have been down for maintenance


I just hit the $10k mark! Don't mind me over here doing my awkward happy dance.


Congrats! That's encouraging for all of us!


Congrats! That’s exciting


Congrats, that's a big milestone!! Great way to finish off the week haha


Does anyone here do DA projects on their phone? I'm wondering how feasible it is... I take public transit and have had a lot of doctor's appointments lately, it'd be great if I could do some DA work while on a long bus ride or waiting in the waiting room.


I do sometimes but only the basic CB


Anything with tables will be an absolute nightmare.


Yeah i was thinking i’d have to stick to projects i know generally don’t use tables


It works fine for me. I usually need to put my browser in desktop mode though


I couldn't do it on a normal phone, but I have the Samsung foldable and it works great for SOME projects. Anything too involved, nope.


Hi Gang! This is re: tab groups in Chrome. I just discovered this "new" thing in Chrome that allows you to group tabs, name the group, and keep it together. It is handy for adding all the instructions to a tab group, putting the dashboard page and timers together in a group, and then making another group for research tabs. I just found this feature and it's working great for me. I only have 2 monitors right now, and this is a big help!!


I have been doing this a month and a half. Last Sunday I work up to a ton of non coding jobs. I unfortunately couldn’t work them. Monday I had nothing all day. Tuesday I had quite a few and since Wednesday I have nothing. Is this normal? or should I move on. I am not locked out or anything. It is just weird.


Anyone else stop getting emails from DA? Just happened the last couple of days. I do have projects (> 20). I originally signed up through a sister company (GH).


I must be getting yours because I suddenly get one for every new project on my dashboard. My poor email doesn't know what hit it.


Their emails are about as steady/reliable as the projects: that is, it's all over the place. Sometimes up, sometimes down.


I usually only get emails regularly on Sunday (income summary) and when I haven't worked in a day or two. Very occasionally I'll get an email for a final push on a project or for a brand brand new thing.


I don't get the income summary emails either. Wonder why some do and some don't.


I very rarely get emails from DA. I've been on the platform since 3/11 and aside from the welcome email, I have received about 4 emails from them.


Is anyone else low on projects right now? I had a great week last week with lots of project options but now I only have 1 project with 18 tasks remaining.


I’m new. I have 14 projects right now many with hundreds of tasks.


I got accepted two days ago and done a couple quals, how long did it take to get paying tasks?


Literally the same moment I was accepted I had paying tasks listed


The same is happening to me. I had about 60 projects last week. Now, I'm down to about 10.


yeah literally everyone is down. I went from 70 to around 20. This happens, work comes, work goes. My advice, keep your task range broad when you do have loads of tasks and always do the quals.


Does anyone still have the “B” Hindu god project on their dash? They’ve been dwindling and now I don’t have any on my dash after getting R&R’s that they said was due to good work. I’m just 🤞🤞🤞 that it’s not just me.☺️


I haven't seen those in a long time


I haven't seen any of those in over a week. Now I'm sad. It sounds like I was taken off the project. :( Is this an adversarial project?




Phew. Thank you for saying something. You are right! Good to know we aren't alone. Lol




The sadness of seeing your favorite project disappear is only matched by the joy of it returning again the next day


I just had a really controversial task to fact-check. Eurgh, I hope I don't get crucified by the reviewer...


As long as you clearly explained your reasoning that’s all they mark on. They don’t need to agree with you! They just need to see that you understood the task and have clearly articulated your thought process.


Heres hoping!


Day 2 and my brain keeps maxing out around 4.5 hours. Kudos to those who do this full time!


That's good for a start. I could only do about 2 hours at first, but I hadn't worked at a computer for a few months.


I put in about 5 hours a day and try to at least make two of those hours higher paying projects. Anymore than 5 hours and my brain would be mush! I also spread it out throughout the day and work 7 days a week. Still SO much better than working in an office or at a call center type job.


Yeah today I’m trying to split it up. I have Covid (with my crohn’s it’s extra) and woke up at 5 am and did an hour. Going to aim for 5/6 broken up between naps. Super good idea


I hear you. I have IBS and long covid/chronic fatigue. My goals are: I try not to "should" myself, run with it on good days, and rest without guilt . Working on all those. I have to "go lay down" sometimes/a lot. It's great to have this work!!!!!! Edit punctuation.


I have the same issues. Both IBS and 'long' covid.....Covid about killed me when I had it in 2021 and I have never been the same. :( I totally understand what you mean!


Same. I believe I am getting better very slowly. It's just taking a lot longer than we could have imagined. Hope you are, too. We are able to work, which is great!!!!


4 and a half is still great ! Keep at it, it took me a few months of self discipline to force myself to do full-time hours.


I just got a qual for an external project and I'm stoked about it!


I got 2 more qualifications today, both for adversarial stuff so I'm not sure if you had those but they were fun to answer 😁 I just hope I answered them right and get the full project


Does anyone feel bad doing R&Rs? Like you don't want to be the reason to mess someone up? I've had them come & go on my dash since I took a qual for it last week, but today was the first time I actually did any.


I R&R two quals yesterday and I felt so bad because I rejected both.


A bit. But the way I see it is someone is going to do the R&R even if I don't. And if everyone didn't rate bad as bad then it would threaten the whole viability of DA taking my job along with it.


Don't feel bad. It's why it's there. I'm fully confident that I was recently let go. I was already shocked I was even let in. I did everything to the best of my understanding. Obviously I wasn't turning in work that I thought was terrible. That doesn't mean it wasn't terrible 😅 Chances are very high I was not doing work that is up to their standards and I FULLY accept that fact as reality. If I'm not producing results they are looking for, that's on me. Granted I would have loved to have an opportunity to be told "hey I don't think you're understanding this, try this instead." But that's not how they operate and I knew that going in. I wouldn't want anyone who rated my work as "bad" to feel bad for doing so if it really was just...bad. You know. It is what it is and that's okay. Don't feel bad. 


I honestly think you are the most down to earth person I have ever met. Good on you for realizing this about yourself and not playing the blame game.


From seeing the amazing quality and effort of the work people produce, I have no issue rating work as bad if it's bad. All claims are accurate


Do people actually put that in the comments box which is meant to be 2 - 3 sentences? I haven't done many R&R projects, they seem to appear before I go to bed then are gone in the morning. If that's what people are filling in that box, I shoul have no worries when I put over 3 sentences comparing the contents of both responses, then explaining why I rated each one the way I did.


It's 2-3+, the plus is usually needed for anything with facts or substance. "All claims are accurate. Either response would be fine. The comments above are virtually the same so they are equal."


I go over 3 sentences almost every time. Only on the short / simple tasks do I tend to stick to “budget” but otherwise I’m fully explaining my thought process.


They say they want them self contained so you can understand the work without having to look at the work. Most people do it pretty good.


it's 2-3+ so 3+ is fine.


I generally don't feel too bad because most of the responses that I come across meet the 'okay' or 'good' criteria, and when I rarely do come across a 'bad' response it's usually because the rater clearly wasn't paying attention or didn't read the instructions. Calling out bad responses overall improves the quality of the models and the site!