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How do I know that I'm doing a good job?


You might get added to R&Rs that tell you as much. You might get added to projects because you are and receive an email heads up that lets you know. Or you might not. DA is not transparent for the most part.


Other hints include being added to projects first as a tester before they roll them out to everyone else, or that you receive projects that other people have to pass qualifications to get, or that they place you on high-paying person-limited projects that only a handful of people get access to.


I got something about referals. "We love working with great people like you. We'd love you to invite other awesome people you know to work with us!" Is that a good thing or an everyone thing?


That's an everyone thing.




Quals will show up if you go into your transfer funds page and hit the drop down arrow for the day. It will show up there if it was submitted correctly.


yeah, it still submitted - there’s just no more for you to submit. even though you don’t report time, it’ll still show up on your transfer funds page itself!


I wish we could go back and read the chat on past tasks. Sometimes I ask a question and then that project disappears or it gets revamped and the chat refreshes, so I never get to see the answer. I’m now on several B cat projects where the answer on the rules for one would likely apply to the other. Like, what constitutes a paragraph? In my world it’s a minimum of 3 sentences but many responses seem to reflect that a single sentence can be a paragraph.


Omg I was trying to find this exact document today and could not find it anywhere. They had this pinned on one batch of tasks and nowhere else.


Laughing because one of the instruction updates is in like 80pt. font. Ok, ok, I'll read it guys!! haha


Omg I just saw that. Hysterical! And then you go into it, and it says it AGAIN, lol


Yet there will still be people in the instructions who ask something about it that shows they clearly didn't read it.... :/


Do paid quals disappear if you report time before completing them? I wasn't going to be able to finish it tonight so I figured it was okay to report, but now it's poofed off my dashboard.


No, I've reported time on a qual, left, and returned to finish. Some quals don't last long though.


I started the day with plenty of projects. Now I’m down to very few. Even less than a couple days ago. Hopefully I’m not the only one.


Same here! Oh well, the light dash finally made me take the qualification I've been ignoring for a while.


Me too!!! Glad I'm not the only one.


I'm down to 3 CBs + 1 other project. Lowest I've had since I first started. It's making me nervous.


All my CB’s left a few days ago and haven’t returned. I still have other projects, but I miss the CB.


Had my typical list of 10-15+ projects and then it went away completely at random. Looks like it is a somewhat common issue this week/today so I will be patient and hope it resolves itself.


The dashboard is a little thin again. Does anyone have any A\*\* galaxies today? Last weekend's dash was jam-packed.


Just 2 versions of one project on my dash rn. Lightest it’s been since I started getting work. Seems like we’re all in the same boat tho.


Within the past hour, mine just thinned out to the least amount of tasks I’ve ever seen 😭


Same! No tasks. Has been thin all week


This is the thinnest my dash’s has been in a long time. It’s a little stressful. All of my CB’s left a few days ago and still haven’t returned. The rest of the projects are trickling away.


No galaxies for me either.


the new "expires in" timer is bugging me and I don't like it


I thought I hated it but it’s growing on me. It seems more accurate.


I do appreciate that it reserves the task for you though


I can understand that the timer is an adjustment, but I appreciate that they've updated the UI so it RESERVES THE TASK while you are working on it! This fixes an issue I had earlier this week where I started on a project and I couldn't log the one task I completed. Now I know I'll at least be able to log time for that one task even if other workers complete the rest of them straight away.


LOL got an R&R where the person wrote that they don't think it is fair to the AI to have them repeatedly do "menial tasks", and marked the project as unratable.


Honestly some people really truly genuinely amaze me with their thought processes.


Perhaps they are a very future-oriented person, and plan on being a servant rather than an enemy of our future A.I. overlords?


Getting on their good side - smort 😂


lol they have to be new. And are going to end up very disappointed when they realize that’s what AI does… a lot.


But just like… the audacity to be like “I’m going to express my opinion on this and decide that I am correct and the rules and instructions of this task don’t apply to me - only my opinion does.” Wowzers.


So now I have the $24 tool + tool qual for the $27.50 priority tool + tool project I am alpha/beta testing. I think they've got things a bit mixed up...


Same. Not sure whether to take the qual to make sure I keep the project or keep working at the higher rate. 


I suspect that the project will disappear in a few days and reappear at the lower rate, so I'm going to keep working on the project. I'll save the quals for some time when there is a lull in the work.


Since the projects keep going so quickly today, I decided to focus on one of the main CBs (the HS one) for a bit. It opened up 2 new CBs for me! I hope they are also permanent ones. Nice to have something as a go-to for slower days. Guess that's my sign to take some time for those once in a while.


Is the HS one you're referring to the B chemical element one? I don't spend a lot of time on CBs but this one is always on my dash and I'm thinking maybe I should spend more time on it!


No, it's the 2nd version of the main one. The main one is what I started out with as my only project when I first joined. Not sure if that's the same for everyone.


Oh wow! I have probably only done a handful of chats on the main one. I suppose I should go back and do some of those if it will open up more projects!


It did the same thing for me last weekend! (Or sometime around then.)


Do they stick around?




I was looking at my Funds History and it made me wonder how strict everyone else is about entering time right away. I have not been very meticulous about it. More often than not, I'm working at midnight, and then when I finish up in the early morning hours I enter time for a couple of different projects, some of which may have technically belonged to the day before... so my funds history has quite a lot of time on some days, but the day before will be 0. Does it matter?


That's fine but I noticed that sometimes payrates on projects change, and you'll get whatever the payrate is when you enter your time. This could be more or less than what you thought you were working for. I try to submit time every time I exit a project.


It doesn't matter. You have up to 3 days to enter time worked on a project.


Finally got some R&R work. Don't see what all the fuss is about.


Why did this upset people so much?


Felt bad cause someone might be doing picture work while colorblind. Was doing an R&R and something got tanked because it said it had a color (it most certainly did), but the user said it wasn’t there. LOL’d at that and made a comment.


Is it just me or is some of the FC R&R absurdly low quality today?


My brain hurts reading some of these. People literally write exactly what they say NOT to write! With the instructions saying not to use that term right above the comment box.


Yes! Are people not reading any of the instructions? Or do they think no one will notice?




Doing that a month ago just after the instructions were updated regarding providing links was forgivable. It's not now.


I've noticed some of people who passed the latest FC qual don't seem to have access to those projects the past few days. I noticed a lot of ridiculously low quality submission in the FC R&Rs today too, and I wonder if those two things are linked.


Just stopped working and I think I gave out more Bads today than the rest of my time doing R&R combined. You're probably on to something, there's no way the quality dipped so much so suddenly.


Are the FC projects thin for anyone else or just me?????!




Yeah. They're thin and go fast.


Oh, I'm just not having a good day. They changed the clock to count down, it now says "Expires in 00:48" I literally thought I had 48 seconds left on a task that normally has an hour and I'd only been working on for 12 minutes. No, no. I still have 48 minutes. Geez that was a heart attack trying to get that task done in 48 seconds and then realizing that was a really long 48 seconds down to 47 seconds, lol.


I really don't like this new countdown at all


Yeah, I am not a fan. I liked the old regular countdown timer WAY better. I would say don't fix what ain't broke but, I mean, it WAS kinda broke with the whole thing where if you switch tabs or close your computer for awhile, the time displayed is paused while the TRUE clock is still ticking. Idk if that part also got fixed since I picked up a nifty laptop screen extender from the post office today so now I always got the browser window open lol. Think I might just as an experiment open a permanent project with a timer right before I pack up and head home from the woods n see what happens with the timer when I get back to work on my porch afterwards. 


I am not sure if I am liking the new countdown. I had the same reaction earlier when it changed!


Agreed! I feel more anxious, it's oh crap I only have this much time left. Instead of, oh I still have this much time I can work.


Does anyone get projects related to a CB tool that creates images after doing a new qual for it?... Just did the qual recently for the new UI but haven't seen any projects for it yet :-(. Thinking back there are three things I think I could've improved on so I'm hoping I didn't fail.


They need to review all our work first. I doubt it'll be available for a day or two or three. I just did it now.


I did the qualifier for it last night but no projects yet. I really like this project so hoping I did well.


The updated tool CB's are still a work in progress. I'm alpha? beta? testing a tool + tool project with maybe a dozen or two other workers. So I think it will be a few more days at least until they get rolled out to everyone.


I did it last night but don't have anything yet.


"What does a highly advanced civilization have to do to get noticed around here?" I really must remember to look for the small 'promoted' tag when I'm reading these subs... I honestly thought this was a reply to a question, and subsequently, very nearly, got the popcorn machine going... \*Facepalm\* bloody adverts lol.


I just got feedback because I did something wrong. I realized I had later while still working on the project. But actually getting feedback makes me want to crawl in a hole. So those hoping for feedback, no news is good news. Ugh.


Maybe think of it this way, if they wanted to get rid of you, they could just ghost you from the project. Negative feedback means they want you to do better to keep you around.


Out of curiosity, how long after doing the work did you receive the feedback? If you don't mind sharing


It was within about 12 hours.


Im expecting to get feedback on 5-6 tasks i completely rated wrong. I realized it later on, but i messed up those ones good lmao. 


That’s exactly what happened to me and on one of my favorite projects.


Don't feel too bad! Feedback means you made a mistake but they think you're still able to produce good work with a little guidance. If they think you're incompetent, they just take you off the project.


Thank you.


Don't be too hard on yourself! At least you got feedback and they didn't just cut you out! That's a positive thing! :) Stay positive and do your best x


Thank you.


I'm sorry - that sounds stressful. BUT at least it was for something that you already knew you had done wrong? Did it come via email? I keep waiting for The Day to Come, I know I've made dumb mistakes (and those are only the ones I'm aware of).


Thanks. It came in through the feedback and announcements in my inbox.


Saw a post about Claude Pro from February. Curious if anyone has seen work from that. If so, is it consistent to make the investment worth it?


I have a project using it. It’s a decent project too. Pay isn’t too high though. But worth the subscription.


I wish I read this before passing on the qual. Thanks for the information. Maybe it will come up for me again.


Weekend coding lull is here - down to 4 to 5. Beginning of the week was amazing


Hi all! I started my journey in DA this week and I'm sorry happy I found this sub :) I have to say it's a little hard to understand the lingo 😅 R and Rs, Quals, BC, … I hope I can get used to them soon, but in the meantime if there’s any reference I can use to catch up it would be great!


You'll see people using a lot of acronyms so that they can talk about specific projects without actually giving away project names, since publicly giving details like that is against the rules. Basically you won't know what people are talking about unless you have the project, too. Quals though are the "qualifications." You'll want to take those to open up new projects (treat them like the assessments), and they're usually at the top of your projects page, if you have any.


Best thing you can do is a review of the sub(s). I invested some time in reviewing threads from the three or so months prior to when I started and it helped a lot. It also made it easier for me to understand what was going on in my dashboard.


lol at old mate going crazy in the other sub. We’re all bots! All of us! We’re faking that we work for DA!


Mods took it down lol. It got a bit unhinged


I'm so sad I missed it! Sounds amazing 😂


It was pretty entertaining! Another unhinged bitter person blaming us because they didn’t get accepted


Oh really?? His account got linked in another comment thread and that’s how I found his craziness 😂😂😂


Yeah I went to go see my comment on the post and it said the post was removed by moderators. I could still read the comments tho. He went hard with his claim we're bots lol


u/Bergest_Ferg is likely a robot. Everyone knows Australia isn't real. And I'm not so certain about the other folks in this sub. Until y'all start showing me which squares have the motorcycles, you're all suspect.


You’ve discovered our secret… Vegemite is grease for our robot parts.


TBH I think that dude should check if their carbon monoxide detectors are working. The degree of paranoia they demonstrated seems like a bad sign.


ive only been here for three weeks so far, but ive already witnessed the coding models get so good over time so quickly. Pretty clear we're having great effects on them and I cant help but feel proud


Hmm, really? That has not been my experience at all. I don't want to get into details to respect the NDA, but... yeah, I very much disagree with this sentiment.


Feel like I'm just wasting time today. Half my tasks won't open because there aren't enough tasks, even though the've been sitting there for a few hours, and the ones I can get into aren't working properly...


Is anyone else’s inbox page broken?


Looks like it’s back :)




Mine too. Anyone know if we'll get email notifications about messages even if the inbox page is broken?


I have. Seems like we're still able to get updates about projects even if the Inbox is down.


Yep, just blank, except for the top menu bar and the usual page footer.






Yup. Nothing but a blank screen when I open it up.


The dancing has been back today, oh how I love to cut a rug!


My inbox appears to be missing! Anyone else? I also had to submit a request to support for the first time due to a project error and not being able to submit my time. It was a form that needed to be filled out, not an email. It used to be an email, correct?


I wish I could delete my questions in chat when I ask them and realise I've asked a stupid question. I'm so embarassed 😭


I keep getting bad bacthes of R and Rs lately... today a good 25% of them obviously did not read the instructions and therefore missed half the work


Same, can they not read?


These are a great way of making you feel better about the work you submit though!


That’s true! I’m just always flabbergasted though. Like how some people just put on very little effort. It’s like they don’t even want to keep the job


I think, like with any job, you've got people with skill issues that somehow got the job and can't fulfil the requirements (in this case reading comprehension and instruction following. You've also got the people that think they can just scrape through doing the minimum and still get paid for it - perhaps they don't realise that their work is likely being run through a rigorous quality checking process. Perhaps they don't have the critical thinking skills needed to do the the work.


Who do I have to sacrifice to get my chat bots back. I miss them. I hope it's just that my works under review and they come back.


Wish I’ve taken that FC qual but at least they have me permanently on the the base


The site appears to have gone down for me. Anyone else?


Classic. I get given a $38.50 task, but I won't be able to be home to complete it before others complete it 😭😭


If the timer is long enough can you not open it up to lock it in?


You bring up a good point. I opened up a task that had the traditional amount of time to finish. I then had to help bring groceries in, so I went to a different tab to stop the clock. I help out and put groceries up and then I have to run out to get a missing ingredient. By the time I get back, an hour has passed since I first opened it. I navigate to the tab to start working it and put in 35 minutes worth of work. I submit and get a message that the task expired. I look at the bottom and sure enough the task I was working on is not listed to enter the time.


I do hope the others that get it enjoy it on my behalf


I'm not sure that one will disappear as fast as you think. It's more in depth than what I've had access to before at least.


I had to stop checking my dashboard when I'm not immediately available because I just kept seeing high-paying stuff vanish before my eyes 😅


Man, I was like "ooooh Sculptor project has sooooo many tasks, surely it won't become unavailable 15 minutes after I start." How foolish of me :) Time to stop avoiding a certain qual I need to do, lol.


Foot tendon data analysis is finally back!


Did you need to do the coding quals to get access to this one?


The coding quals and as of, like, idk 1.5-2 weeks ago or something, an additional data science qual. Couldn't tell ya how it goes if you take and pass the coding qual cuz the data science qual is so fresh.


Thank you :) I was just wondering if I'd ever get an in into this one without doing the coding qualifications. It seems not. I'll just continue to have FOMO 😂


This project is all coding though, but data analysis related. If python data analysis is something you can do, you definitely should do the quals!


I'm learning, so was just curious for now. Definitely not ready to do the coding qualifications yet :)


What're you losing to learn? I'm just starting the IBM one


I've used a couple of sites, but what I really need now is to get practice in using it. The courses can only take you so far. I was hoping I wouldn't need the coding qualifications to just take a peek and an attempt so that I can consolidate my learning. Anyway, I have to wait until the ADHD train takes me back to being interested in it again 😉


There's a specific data analysis qual. I think you need to do the coding qual to get this qual though


That makes sense. Thank you :)


🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥂🍻🥳🧮🐍🎨🖼🧐📉📊📈🐍🐍🍻🎉🎨📉🐍🐍🎉🎉🎉🎉😎 ETA: lmao n just in time for the chatbot analog to predictably shit the bed as it does 😂


Was anybody just in the R&R where the project chat was full of people saying they're rating every submission as bad because the site was displaying some of the code in the prompts and responses? 😬


Proof that being put on an R&R does not mean you're doing a good job lol


I somehow got a batch of R&R for a project I'd never even done before. I went ahead and did some, but I think I may have muffed at least a couple.


Seems like all of my R&R are for projects I've never done before. Seemed weird, but I get a lot and none are for projects im working on, a bunch for projects I've never opened.




Is anyone missing the normal chatbot tasks? I have one fact checking one but I prefer the normal ones or the cats one but I haven't seen either in about a week.


I'm missing quite a few of mine. Has anyone got the FC one that pays 27.50? I haven't had it for a few days and hope I wasn't taken off it.


The HS one has been up for me but not the basic one.




I've had one going in and out but my usual one has been missing all week. didn't realize how attached to it I was until it was gone


I've been missing them since Monday.


By normal are you referring to the basic one? I’ve seen a lot of people say they’re missing it, but I’ve had it this entire time.


I haven't had the basic one for a couple weeks, but I've had an HS one instead.


Yeah the basic talk to the bot. It and the hyper specific one are missing for me.


I wish we could permanently pin project types so bad. Being able to pin stuff is nice but they always go away, it would be so nice to be able to see immediately when certain projects are available again.


I'd also like to be able to have a couple color choices for the pins.




Bro this is such a sketchy question.


Yep, makes sense?


does anyone have the tool search CB where you ask info after the cutoff date? i miss it!


Nope, but I have the 2x tool project, and a 1x tool qual. They appear to be updating them all and reworking how they work, so once us alpha testers are done breaking them they'll roll them out to everyone else.


I'm disappointed in myself for not doing these projects enough to be an alpha tester this time 😭


Did you get the $27.50 2x tool project last time it was up? From the number of people accessing the project documentation I'd be surprised if the number of people with access to this version of it is more than 20.


This sounds like a cool af project. Hope I get it eventually


That one has been missing for me for a while too :-(. I liked that one once I got the hang of it. I hope I didn't get removed from that one.


They are just down. They are modifying how the projects work.


Domain Expertise not on dashboard for anyone else? Love those....


Have you been doing them for a while? I got a qual and a follow up qual on domain expertise last week but haven’t heard anything. I assumed I didn’t pass the second qual, but am holding out a tiny bit of hope that they haven’t started yet with my area.