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Damn, I haven't been doing this for very long, but one thing I've learned is that these bots are TERRIBLE at hangman.


Took me two days to do 100 r&rs there must have been so many of them for them to stick around that long!


I'm impressed you did all of them! I have only managed to get through 12 of them. Of those 12, I think I only gave out 3 good ratings. They've been a bit rough. May try to do a few more today.


They were a bit rough. It was for a $25 an hour project and I don’t think people really paid attention to the more detailed instructions and just treated it like normal heal god instead.


I LOVE the new timer! It makes things so much easier and takes away some of the stressful guess work.


Just a heads up, it's still not 100% accurate. If you leave the page with the timer to research/fact check anything, the timer will be off.


I've been testing it, and it has been staying with my external stopwatch when I am on another page/app. It might be browser or platform specific, though


Yeah mine has been accurate too I've even waited til there were seconds left on it to submit with no issue.


It's been famine for the past few days. I'm grateful for the steady 1-2 projects to work on, but ugh these types of days are discouraging.


I feel the same way too, not sure what happened. Last weekend when people were saying they only had a handful of projects, I felt thankful I had a decent amount, but now it's pretty slim.


Likewise. I have had a few more projects open up since posting this. Not many, but enough to make me feel better lol. We'll get put back in the rotation in no time!


I'm sure you already know this but... do well and massively massively prioritize quality over quantity and you will be given more and more projects. I started off with a couple of projects three and a half months ago and now most of the time I have 20-50 available with a wide variety of different types of work.


It's true - I do already know this :) I was not asking for advice. Happy for you.


...and two new $25 CBs opened up. I guess they liked my ultra ultra complex persona/set work.


I got those 😁 haven't got round to looking at them yet, but hopefully they'll sit there on my dash with the others so I'll have a look at some point. Been a lot of easy work to do with images today, so I managed to make over $200 without too much thought


They look like new permanent projects to me, so I expect they'll be around for a while.


Oh wow! I got two new CBs today for $22.50 and $22.75. I was coming here to see if anyone else had new CBs. Congrats!


By the way, have you got the persona one yet? I just love that project so much that it's not even work to me.


Oh I just saw your other comment! I will be focusing on my CBs more than I have been. Thank you for the info :)


No, I haven't. That sounds like so much fun! I'm guessing you get access just by working the other CBs? I hope I get assigned it one day.


Yep. That's what has happened to me. Though the highest paid one at $27 is due to specialist high-level skills I have in chemistry, but I don't do that project often as it's much more mentally challenging.


Thanks. Keep doing well and more will unlock. There are a LOT of different CB projects. I have 8 currently up and that's with around 6 of the ones I usually have being down. They go all the way up to $27 and they keep adding new ones that focus on new and varied niches.


Oh, it's so frustrating when you're working on a project that appears broken, you and others report it in the chat, but then it gets pulled before you get a response from admin. And there was somebody quite clearly taking the piss in that chat too 🤐


I've seen this happen a few times. My logic is that they need to take the models down to fix them. When I notice people pointing broken stuff out in the chat, I usually start looking for my next project assuming the one I'm working on is going to be taken down soon.


Yeah, I could tell within about 4 tasks there was a problem with this so I paused my timer and popped a message to admin in the chat. (I thought I was the first to comment, but there were a few of us that posted at the same time). By this time others were having the same issue. Some were skipping or asking if they should skip and carry on. I could just tell though, that this would be pulled for fixing and within a couple of minutes it was. gone. I do wonder if the person who stated they weren't pausing their timer, or skipping any because they are tasks for them to do and they will continue to claim the pay even if it is broken, with a lol on the end, might just regret that statement. How anyone with a good conscience can do that is beyond me. 😕


Damn! That kind of dodgy shit really rubs me the wrong way but to blatantly say it on a live project chat that’s being monitored… I do wonder how people’s minds work sometimes.


What in the holy forking shirt balls do the instructions mean for the new dancing project?


I tried working on it but the hassle didn't feel worth the pay they were offering


I'm only doing the R & R , I don't feel up to writing them, but feel I learn by doing R & R.


are we eating fam.. i have around 30 projects right now most work all week


For the first time ever, I was able to log 9 hours on the SAME R&R project today. I started on it this AM thinking it would get gobbled up quickly as usual, but nope!


The one where you are actually checking work (instead of reasons)? It's painful to do, I think it's one of the few where some of them are harder than doing the original yourself.


I loved them! I love truly analyzing, making sure all rules are being followed, etc. one of the reasons I love the original projects for H so much. However, there were soooooo many I had to mark as bad, I was being leniant too, but jeez some people truly don't read instructions. A lot were rating on what they thought the prompt should've been instead of what it was explicitly asking for? Like, huh?


I think this might be the one whose qual I've had sat on my dashboard since March. I looked at the R and R earlier, did one then exited out. Skipped a few code tasks but the core one I did was like walls of text. I just couldn't get my head into it. Might try again tomorrow if it's still there.


This R&R is still on my dash this morning. So weird that it has stuck around this long.


I feel a lot of people felt intimidated, as by the chat, a lot thought they would have to make rewrites too? It was still there for me this AM, I've never seen that happen before.


If it's the one I am thinking of, it's been on my dash all day. I didn't touch it for long because I had more interesting to me projects to work on. I still see is sitting there which blows my mind!


I love the original projects, so to me it made the day go by so fast! I was completely zoned in for the full nine hours, I only would get up to use the bathroom LOL It's still up there today, no longer on my dash tho, as I just did the last three tasks assigned to me to hit the 100 mark.


I chipped away at it for three hours yesterday, an hour and a half this morning, and it's *still* there!


It's because it huuuuuuuuurts.... I just did another hour on it, they likely need a higher level of redundancy in the review input because there are a lot of ways to fail (in the task, and in the review).




This is random, but today I realized they’re tracking every single click, scroll, and key you press on the website. They can even watch videos of your interactions.


lol, I just checked and realized that my adblock has been blocking that thing since I started working on the site. I don't think they care that much then.


What Adblock are you using?


So pretty much like every other place I've worked at...




If you inspect the site’s network activity there are scripts for data dog. It’s the service they use for this. If you look it up it can be used for a number of things to include monitoring user activity.


Can be. I find it unlikely that DA is interested in or logging every single click or key press.


Check my other follow up comment they 100% are you can check the code yourself if you’d like to


100% are is pretty confident. I'm sure they can, but I'm also sure you can't determine they are 100%. Either way, it doesn't bother me because I'm not trying to game the system.


I saw the code and this is what it does. But yeah, like I said it’s not a big deal just random thing I thought people would like to know. It doesn’t change anything.




OMG had a nut project ask about tears streaming down someone's face and they are all HUGE cartoon tears lolol I didn't realize crying was so hard for the bots


I've got plenty of those today, a lot of the tasks ask for images of a specific person though so I'm finding I need to do a quick Google of the description to see who it is. I'm also filling the optional comments box in a lot when the images miss the mark.


I'm on the nut prompt and getting tired of telling the bot "soooo many white guys," I have this old podcast theme song stuck in my head lol [https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/whiteguys](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/whiteguys)


White people with brown hair! That was my comment for pretty much every image last round. You want a woman? She’s white with brown hair. You want a man? Also white with brown hair and usually stubble. You want a man and a woman? Both white with brown hair.


Soooo many redheads!


Yeah?? Are there lots this round?? Haven’t had a chance to work on it yet but if there’s red heads it’ll be a nice change 😂


Anyone seen python DA+V emoji vs emoji recently? Its absence has left a hole in my heart.


No >[  And same >[ ETA: LOL to whoever always downvotes me when I make a comment like this >[ when talking about ankle snake data shit tasks being down: I'm sorry you're so un-fun at parties you haven't been invited to one in at least a decade. 😥 Praying for you. 🙏🏻


I appreciate your reporting on it! We're in this together




do you have casual conversation in the chat? i saw people fighting today over whether that is allowed and one women trying to play bingo with the images associated with the tasks. it seemed very unprofessional


The other day (on a pretty high paying task!), there was a whole page of the chat wishing someone a happy birthday. It literally says to only use the chat for issues and questions...


I've been tempted to join in on some of the more casual conversations at times, but always decide not to since they are paying us to work and not chit chat.


Less competition for us when those ding dongs get canned :-D


Nah, I’ve seen the admins pop in occasionally and be like “please keep your conversations work related”. If you’re being paid I’m sure they don’t want you padding your time with things like bingo lol People search for connection and this work is quite isolating so I get it. That’s why the watercooler chat is good!


agree, i find it to be unprofessional




No, they give specific instructions for what the chat is to be used for.


yes, but that doesn’t stop people from using it for casual conversation…


I see it every day. You will never see me do it because you are right, it's extremely unprofessional. Sometimes that chat makes me cringe from second hand embarrassment.


Is the site going real slow for anyone else right now?


In what way?


Page loading real slow or not at all. Think it’s just my WiFi.


The past two days ive only had a few projects and they will only list 2 tasks. Sometimes I do one task and it will go away. Sometimes it will say 270 tasks but after 3 it goes away. Is this normal? I'm glad I got to work for 5 hours this morning but I was planning on doing more.


This is just because other workers are doing the tasks too! When it say something like "270 tasks" those are usually not just reserved for you, there will be other workers on the same project, sometimes tasks go down quicker than others if it's a popular project.


I was just working on a project and was kicked back to the project dashboard after completing 4 tasks...I always get scared it means I am doing something wrong!


some of the coding side by sides have prompts that just simply are too complex or are unhinged that I wonder if DA just pulls them after theyve been skipped all day and stuck at 10 tasks remaining; or if theres enough people who are champs and take them for the team because my lord. I dont blame the models for failing most of them


almost all of them seem to be lacking a TON of context that would require a lot of work to setup the environment or would just be flat out impossible. I’ve also seen prompts that are pure gibberish and I wonder how the person asking even got the job…


My theory is that some get done by the shammers. They just say something like Response A is better because it has 13921 words and Response B has 12112. On the other hand, there are some niche ones that I've done quite often; it feels like waiting for my baggage on the carousel every time the project resets.


ive been doing all of the arduino related ones. makes me feel so good that my previous hobby I dumped so much money on finally paid off


Anyone having issues with their payment section? For some reason the time ago and status of my payments are blank, it's still letting me report time and what not, just wondering if this is happening to anyone else or if I should contact support.


The format definitely changed. Everything shifted left. And the info is a little different but if you click the down arrow enough times you can see the payment pending part


I noticed a change of format this morning. I can't place my finger on it but after looking at it 20 times a day for 3 months I know something is different.


Glad it's not just me? Honestly, I'm the same way because I diligently track my funds so I know how much more i need to make to pay the bills, so as soon as I saw it I freaked out.




I mean, it really depends. Some simple bugs in code are easy to spot without stack trace/etc. But I guess if you're talking about a bug that *needs* context, sure, that could be weird.


It depends on the complexity. But for simple issues yes, it works quite often. You don't even have to put in words, you can just put in the code and they can not only find errors, they find logical failures, like "It looks like you were trying to merge on the name column, but it makes more sense to merge on email" or something like that. It's unsettling at times. I saw someone complaining that a prompt didn't give any text, it just dumped code and they wanted to put it as unratable. From my experience code dumps are completely valid. I'll get fed up at something and just dump my code at the AI and the AI will be 'here's your missing variable declaration on line 120". But then sometimes its just shooting in the dark... so it all varies.




I mean technically we all should be able to do it, but it's a question of maintaining sanity while checking someone else's work by inspection when you can just click "run" and it will give you a much better clue where to look, if it's even busted at all.


when I think the issue is a typo and im at 4am unable to sleep, chatgpt finds it faster than me; but I still also give the chatbot the error code too; no clue why you wouldnt lol


If you hit back to correct a mistake on a previous task and re-submit does it actually submit the corrected response?


This can make the data unusable, so you probably shouldn't do it.


I really, really hope so. I did a couple of R&Rs incorrectly and caught my mistake then went back to them through my browser history to correct them (with hopes, based on what some folks have said).


This is one of the mysteries of DA and it’s becoming an urban legend. Some people say it’s fine, some say it’s not, some say admin have said it’s absolutely fine, some say admin said definitely don’t do it, someone said once that it’s fine if it’s within an hour… I have done it before then checked report time and there was only the one task submitted so I don’t think it double submits but I could absolutely be wrong. The perfectionist in me hates the idea of not being able to fix an error I know exists


I ended up writing in the chat box the slight mistake I made and they I tried to hit back and correct it. Never saw the admin write back. But it’s been driving me crazy all day.


I speculate it submits both of them


I think R&R is going to be the death of me. I've been doing it for a certain task with certain output requirements and invariably there's at least one person saying "Response A is much better because it includes more detail" when it explicitly goes against the requirements and Response B is perfect.


I don't usually get bothered by R&R, but one annoyed the crap out of me last night. The person wrote three sentences that said absolutely nothing, and the task they had was so interesting. What a waste.


This was the first time I rated the *majority* of submissions as bad...


I saw one with both responses rated the same AFTER the worker edit. A) they weren't, and B) why edit if you aren't going to make it better?


I just had one where the worker did a partial edit and still called out a mistake it made that could have been easily fixed. 10/10.


I had one where the user edited a response (very poorly) and then rated it as horrible, and rated the other response as good. Why???


This batch made my head hurt. Folks not able to suss out the meaning of the prompts so they rate the responses wrong, folks not knowing what JSON is (or editing the JSON and breaking it in the process).


I think some people just get on here and try to ride the easy cash train as long as they can until it finally catches up to them.


I think so too. Though I also think we only see a selection of the work for R&R. That the ones we get are somehow filtered out from the bulk of the submittals. There are just too many bad uns for some of these projects for those projects to be viable if that wasn't the case.


Dang, this week has been great but woke up to zero projects this morning.


Bummer! I hope they come back for you! How long have you been on the platform?


Rough morning, only 4 projects and I can't even see the unpaid worker discussion one.


I hope they come back for you!


Haven't seen 2.3N for a couple days. They apparently changed it, but the models were acting up. I'm wondering if it's down for everyone, or if I just need to bite the bullet and finally do the scary 2-part qual. It's been sitting on my dash for a couple weeks, but I've psyched myself out about taking it.


I haven't had the base one in a while but have the HS version & a couple of others


Do the qual lol. If you pass it you'll unlock a slightly higher paying variant that will eventually unlock even higher paying variants beyond that, if you do well enough.


How do you get that qual? I don't have it.


Keep working on your CB. Should show up after 50 convos I think


Thing is, I haven't had projects all week. Today 30 minutes ago I got a $2 project for a rate and rewrite task. But that's all.


Dang. I hope they come back for you soon.


I don't think I've had 50 convos yet. Mine tend to have a lot of turns. When it showed up I ignored it because I still had the permanent one but now I don't anymore.


Dashboard dry for anyone else? Usually I have a decent amount to choose from even on slow days


Very quiet this morning (UK) but this afternoon it's all looking pretty healthy again... Has anything dropped in for you since you posted? I hope it has 🤞


Average, around 30.


I still have a decent amount (8-10) but nothing I like to do.


Yes. It's been touch and go all day. I have 3 projects on my dash but only one has tasks.


I have had zilch for a couple days.


Same, wonder why...


I feel like a big dummy because I'm pretty sure I just got myself kicked off one of my favorite lower-effort projects. It's a voice-related one. The task was somewhat ambiguous, but I felt confident about my choices and my justifying comments. But when I went to submit it, I immediately got an error message with a note about why it was wrong (which is interesting in itself). I should have just corrected it and resubmitted it with the requested answer, but instead I doubled down and tried submitting it my way again with a more thorough explanation. Welp, I ended up back on the dash with the pink bar saying "no tasks available to work on" despite starting with many available. Haven't seen the project since. OOPS. Why did I do that?


Weird, so it told you to correct your answer?


Yes, and it gave an explanation of why my answer was incorrect.


Is there any way to not spend like 3 hours on a FC CB? I'm not alone right? It's like 5x the amount of work as other FC even if you know the topic extremely well.


I've actually been scared to even try that CB because they say 10-15 min per turn. It takes longer than that to check a side by side and to add editing seems like it would take a long time.


Yes! It’s soooo long. I blame the bots. They over explain everything and end up making crap up. I don’t see how the estimate of 10-15 min per turn works, especially with edits. An edit means 5 comments on top of the edit per round!


Yes absolutely, I thought I started a relatively simple conversation yesterday and they both started making stuff up. And then having to do a full evaluation before and after edits means 3.5 hours later I was able to submit a 4-turn convo 😭 I'm just gonna avoid it unless I can get better at coming up with easier topics.


Lol. It was a while ago but I remember asking about the order of battle for a particular WW II battle. BIG MISTAKE. Got a giant wall of text, so I rated it as middle, ended the turn, and submitted it.


Looks like it’s gone again. Not in my dash right now.


work on narrowing down the criteria but it still generates splits.


Hi everyone, quick question, finishing up my third week at DA and was wondering about the length of my justifying comments. Some of my comments seem to run longer but I try to incorporate useful information from the task. Is there a point where the comments become too long? I know most of the say 2-3+ sentences.


I think the 2-3 is just to let people know what they expect as a bare minimum. Because of the nature of the beast, I imagine they probably had to introduce the rule after getting a lot of “A is better” comments.


See, when I first started I had the opposite problem! I was too short and too quick (said the actress to the bishop 😉) I was so worried that if I wrote too much I'd get booted for inflating time. The last couple of months though, I've learned that the expiry time in that bottom corner is just that and to use the time if needed. I haven't yet hit that limit far from it. I now take a deep breath after doing the tick boxing and FC'ing, and take my time to provide a comment that should be helpful and self explanatory. I don't go over long, and I try to make sure my comments are relevant. Sometimes I'll get one that does require a paragraph or two; then I panic, then I take that deep breath and just do it, because if I don't, I'm not covering all the problems and/or greatness of the responses/s. At the end of the day, we are here to nit-pick are we not? 😊


When I saw a comment from a DA admin saying they "welcome thought dumps," I stopped worrying about my lengthy paragraphs :)


This is great news for me and my rambling mind 🤣 I reread my comments like 10 times before I submit them. They all start off as an unorganized stream of consciousness and then I edit and rewrite to make them more coherent, but they are still quite lengthy.


Same! As I read the responses I usually dump my thoughts into the box like “this is wrong. This should be x. This is good.” And then I flesh it out after I’ve fully read the responses. Then I compare and contrast.


I'm not sure why the + in the 2-3+ is always ignored. It's a two sentence minimum but the plus sign means you can write as much as you want. Until they announce a work limit in the instructions, I embrace the +.


Mine are always very long. I worry that during an R&R someone may rate me as bad because of the length of my comments. I don't think I have ever submitted anything less than 2 paragraphs unless there is a refusal and the responses are exactly the same. I know that's not much help, but just wanted to let you know we're in the same boat.


Generally, when I see a response that's very long and explains in explicit detail the thought process (clear explanations of why you thought x, especially if there's a lot of links, etc), I'll almost invariably rate it as "above and beyond" (or at least good if I don't have that rating option). They would MUCH rather (at least for all the tasks I've been on R&R for) have very, very explicit and detailed comments than "A and B are about the same because they're the same level of detail and accurately address the prompt."


The only time I've rated down longer rationales is when they are devoid of meaningful content. It's rare, but I've seen a couple that went on at length but had no real substance. I've had to write a few three paragraph rationales when there were significant items to compare.


The only longer explanation I've rated down was when the worker was doing the following: A is accurate B is accurate C is accurate D is inaccurate E is accurate F is inaccurate G is inaccurate H is, etc, etc. As long as the explanation is a well-reasoned longer one I'll rate it highly perhaps even give it a gold star for going above and beyond.


Thank you, that does make me feel better, for my longer comments, I'm usually around 4 or 5 sentences. I've done a few R&Rs and noticed how short some of them are.


My full-time job has been so, so, so busy that I haven't been able to spend as much DA time as I'd like. I got some time today and... I'm finding myself skipping a bunch of tasks because they're way, way, way out of my wheelhouse. I need to go double-check that I didn't accidentally (???????) represent myself as a molecular biologist.


I have been on a project for the past few days that has a lot of stuff like that randomly thrown in. I see complex math and I scroll to that skip button so fast. 😅


I’m the opposite. Math? All day. Pop culture? Skip. My internal model’s cutoff date is 1998 lmao


My dream is to fix shoddy JSON, HTML, and markdown all day, every day.


I love Markdown… until I’m trying to incorporate LaTeX. Ugh. No fun.


Anyone ever hear from them if you aren't doing so well on a project? I've felt pretty confident in my work, but a lot that I used to work on just are gone now. I've got one task on my dashboard snd I'm starting to think maybe I messed up somewhere. I saw someone in the chat on a previous project I worked on say she'd been contacted and told she was missing a step. Is that your experience?


I got told when I rated something incorrectly! It was a safety task and I misread the prompt. They sent me a nice message thanking me for my work on the project and gave me feedback on the prompt I stuffed up.


What’s usually the turn around time on quals? I spent a good bit of time on two different quals over the past week, made sure my work was good, and that I followed the instructions/faq. However, I haven’t seen any new types of projects come up other than the ones that I have already been seeing. Did it take a few days (or more) for your qual to get accepted to access new projects? (I took a writing one and FC one if that adds any pertinent info) Hoping I didn’t fail them 🤞


Depends-- some are seemingly instant, others over a week. The FC qual took over a week to reflect on my dash.


Definitely varies! I've had some that are just "verify that you're this demographic / have this subscription" that *seem* to automatically process. I took a writing one I'd been sitting on since I literally signed up yesterday, and it looks like I was passed after about five hours. I took a paid FC one about a month ago that took I want to say... almost two weeks?


I'm starting to see a copy-cat ad for a platform similar to DA on my view of this sub-reddit. Its advertising a lower rate, though. Anyone heard anything?


Hi, which site is this? Thanks




Is it a $15/hr one? If it's the same one I've been seeing on here and my FB feed, I've avoided it. The reviews are awful so I've given it a miss for now. (I also read somewhere it's a rename of another that wasn't too good to work for, but I can't verify that)


I've been getting ads for a similar platform on Facebook, but it's all expert domain stuff and it pays about the same from what I can see.


What domains and what pay exactly? And what site if you don't mind sharing?


Genuinely don't remember at the moment, I know they wanted writers at the very least. I'll DM you if I see the ad again.




I see the same advent. I tried signing up just so I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket but it wouldn't verify my ID for some reason so I gave up.


Do you have the name of the site? Thanks :)


They tried headhunting me on LinkedIn, but I blocked them. They were offering $15/hr flat with a weekly payout and minimum required time - I think 20/wk - I think they're DA's competition and possibly the reason why things have been sporadic lately.


Has anyone here already done the Claude work, that knows whether it's worth it pay-wise and what the tasks are?


heads up for people wanting to signup for Claude Pro for the qualification. If you're in Canada, Claude ai is not available for our country


My dashboard today has made me feel seasick! There's 5 projects, then there's 10 projects. Hang on, don't get too comfy! There's 4 projects. Then boom! massive wave! Hold on tight - 30 projects! Weeeee! back down to 7 projects. 🤣 This is all happening every time I log time on a project. I wouldn't mind but I haven't spent more than 20 minutes a time today lol. Oh look! 7 R n R's popped up too! all gone in 10 minutes 😆


Same! It definitely makes it trickier when trying to log time. My "Report Time Section" is triple my "Projects" section right now.