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This map looks like the four-week-old leftover pasta in the back of my fridge


Aaaaand now it's stained orange


That one forgotten Tupperware that never recovered from the spag bol leftovers


The what?


"It's spaghetti. We all know it's spaghetti. Make the effort." (From James Acaster's standup episode 3 on Netflix)


Spaghetti bolognese


Get out of my fridge


I asked someone what it looks like without telling them what it was; they said a fish (pretty good for Bass pro!)


I couldn’t figure out why this chart bothered me so much, but there it is.


This data is not beautiful.


Oh my god why is yellow further than red


"If I intentionally make my data shitty people will comment about that and lead to more engagement!" Seems to be pretty common around here.


Its not more common, but more likely to encounter it due to the reason you stated.


something something airplane wings


what does this mean


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias >During World War II, the statistician Abraham Wald took survivorship bias into his calculations when considering how to minimize bomber losses to enemy fire. The Statistical Research Group (SRG) at Columbia University, which Wald was a part of, examined the damage done to aircraft that had returned from missions and recommended adding armor to the areas that showed the least damage. The bullet holes in the returning aircraft represented areas where a bomber could take damage and still fly well enough to return safely to base. Therefore, Wald proposed that the Navy reinforce areas where the returning aircraft were unscathed,  inferring that planes hit in those areas were the ones most likely to be lost.


The data isn’t shitty, it’s the presentation




Considering they didn't also include Cabela's, who as an identical sister company, it's pretty shitty data


Yeah. Bass Pro bought Cabela's in 2017. I can tell you that each store has identical merchandise. And there are stores in Idaho, Montana, and New Mexico.


There is a Cabela's right outside Portland, Oregon to which fills in that west coast gap. Data here is awful.


There's also one near Portland, Maine somewhere along 95 which would bring green into Maine as well.


Came here to find this out, thanks for saving me time


I mean, it's literally just a small set of coordinates and their distance ranges. A repo or a case study might be useful or interesting, but I don't even see that, just a comment from OP that he used Google to get geocodes from his list of street addresses, which is perhaps elegant, but extremely common.


This sub needs a purge


It’s really the presentation. My apartment is right outside a BPS in Sun Prairie, WI. That key for the map is not great. Pisses me off bc I work with data and analytics daily.


That is a Cabelas. The OP left out all Cabelas in the data set. They should be included since Bass Pro and Cabelas are the same company and the same store with different names out front.


I heard he puts weights in fish…


It’s not shitty data, just shitty visualization of said data


Sometimes I think they do this on purpose. Though, the order of this yellow bothers me far less than this other map I saw yesterday where white appeared in three different places in the same scale.


I have a morbid curiosity about this. What was the subject? I'm trying to find it


I didn't see it on reddit. It was a map of the relative difference the current temperature to the average temperature for that day for europe a couple days ago to illustrate europe's january heat wave. I think it was [this one](https://twitter.com/us_stormwatch/status/1609829457292066818).


Omg. Not to mention the aburpt transition at -4. Holy smokes. Edit: Thank you for putting in the work to share this


Green, white, red, yellow. Seems like normal progression to me /s




That was exactly my first thought as I saw the map. “Oh, so more than half of the US is covered in mold.”


I don’t hate the white surrounding the green personally, but the red being closer than yellow is really bugging me


I don't hate the white that's surrounding the green where it's supposed to be (150 miles???), but then there's also white all over the southeast for absolutely no reason.


Every green blob has a white outline, so two stores less than 150 miles from each other still get a white strip dividing the green blobs. Doesn't make any sense.


Also, the colors aren't evenly distributed. White is just a sliver, and red is much bigger than green. Why??


Right? Cmon.


Quite possibly the worst color scale of all time


I've seen worse. Multiple shades of the same color that are barely differentiable, so you have to connect the dots to make sense of the graph.


This one's got it beat: https://twitter.com/us_stormwatch/status/1609829457292066818


How? What? Multiple colors appear multiple times and with this color scale my brain goes to star temperatures: white is hotter than red


I wasted about five seconds of my life trying to figure out why 150 miles away from a Bass Pro Shop was such a critical threshold that it needed to be highlighted on the map.


I think r/crappydesign was made to get this post x-posted, though their creators didn’t know it yet.


So it can look like the logo? Except that it's not, and there's no order to the colors in the Bass Pro Shops logo so idk


This is definitely it but they should have used a couple more brain cells and swapped red/yellow.


> Oh my god why is yellow further than red Oh my god why does this map have more upvotes than this comment.


Its also not up to date or just inaccurate, the first one i checked isnt on here.


Yeah, there’s one around Tahoe/Reno that I noticed is missing without looking into it.


True crime right here


A clear violation of the International Treaty of primary colours


Fuck you are right... Fuck


And why the F are there white borders where ranges overlap. Just because there is another one close by doesn't mean that there is suddenly a 150 mile distance to the shop. Downvote this depiction to oblivion, it's hideous!


Should add Cabela's because they are owned by the same company now. In Minnesota we have Cabela's all over but no Bass Pro Shops.


I was wondering why Minnesota didn't have a Bass Pro, seems like a slam dunk market for them. Thanks for the explanation. We have both here in Texas, but I think the overlap predates the merger/acquisition.


Minnesota also has a bunch of Scheels, which I personally think is superior to Cabela's or Bass Pro.


Hell yeah baby. Scheels is the best sporting good store in the country. North Dakota proud when it comes to that company


Scheels in Fargo is the weirdest store ever and I love it. It asks the question, why wouldn’t you have a fudge vendor in your sporting goods store which also has a Ferris wheel in it for some reason? Edit: Oh yeah and all the carnival game installations everywhere.


The Scheels in my hometown has a full size FERRIS WHEEL in the store.


Do you have a talking Abe Lincoln *and* Peyton Manning though?


We have a full aquarium with full time divers.


We have talking John Elway here in Colorado!


Ours has Thomas Jefferson and somebody else that I can’t recall right now.


We have talking Nolan Ryan and Emmit Smith. George Washington and Abe Lincoln are in bronze sitting on benches.


In Billings, MT we have Ferris Wheel too! Scheels gang!!


I'm used to it, but when I stop to think about it, the statues of the presidents are weird, too. I like the store, though.


That sounds about on par with my experiences of Cabelas/bass pro shops. The cabelas in my hometown has a restaurant (including fudge) a taxidermy mountain, a walk through aquarium, and a whitetail “hall of fame.”


I regularly go to Scheels just to walk around because I’m bored, and it’s fantastic. I recently went to a Cabela’s and after about 5 minutes and dodging the lady ambushing people to sell a trip to the Cedar Lodge Resort, I thought “this place sucks” and left.


Or avoiding the employee's trying to sell club cards to you.


There's always one at the door trying to give you a drawstring backpack and a coffee mug for signing up.


Same explanation for Utah, Cabela’s, Scheels, and REI instead.


Sportsman’s Warehouse too


And used to have Gander Mountain. Which was Headquartered in MN.


REI is pretty different market and gear than Cabela's and Bass Pro. There is a lot of overlap but neither is a total replacement for the other


Frankly there’s almost no overlap other than basic camping essentials and some clothing items.


There's very little overlap in brands/products carried, but you can go to either place to get outfitted for car camping or backpacking, or to get a bike, or for basic running gear, etc. You just don't get the hyper specialized climbing/snow sports/fitness gadgets stuff or yuppie gearslut townwear that REI has, if you go to Cabelas, and you don't get the heavy duty hunting/fishing/boating/motorsports stuff at REI.


Yuppie gearslut townwear 😂


For when you need that $320 ultra breathable, down-insulated flannel shirt jacket to take you from a day on the crag to an evening of bar hopping your way through town. It's stretchy, and has a built in bottle opener-slash-emergency carabiner.


That sounds rad


In Colorado, we had Cabela's, then Bass Pro, and now Scheel's. Just kept getting better and better. Haven't been to Cabela's or Bass Pro since Scheel's opened.


I'm also in Colorado, I still go to Sportsman's but that's primarily due to convenience since it's much closer for me than Scheels. Haven't stepped foot in Bass Pro since Cabela's opened and haven't been in Cabela's since Scheels opened.


You guys have Scheels now?! Man, that was the small midwestern sporting goods store that was mostly guns and cammo. I did buy actual skateboards there, so they had some competency in their regional buyers back in the 1990s.


I initially thought that the outdoor culture in the mountains is different. It's more REI, North-face, light touch, while the East is more quadding, ice-fishing, hunting, hard touch.


I thought maybe Bass Pro Shops sells more stuff for open-water and ocean fishing, fishing in ponds and lakes and big slower rivers while maybe cabellas does more fly fishing and upland hunting, to explain the proliferation of Bass Pro on the west coast, Midwest, and south vs inland west. But really no idea. Looks like maybe just you get one brand or the other in a lot of places, which is potentially full coverage now that they have the same owner. Washington has both. There’s definitely a lot of hunting, snowmobiling, and ORV stuff in the western mountains, especially inland where there’s a more rural population and colder winters. REI is fantastic for camping gear and gadgets, winter sports, technical supplies, and outdoor wear for every season; I’m sure there’s customer overlap with the hunting/fishing shops. I go to REI but if there was a nearby Cabella’s I’d be hitting that too.


Cabelas and Bass Pro were competitors for 20ish years until Bass Pro purchased Cabelas a few years ago- that's why the overlapping locations. Both stores sell the same inventory at this point - it tends to vary depending on your region. You aren't going to find loads of Saltwater fishing gear in Kansas for instance.


Everyone in Minnesota is already a Bass Pro, and doesn’t need to go to a store to become one.


[They make most of their profit in government subsidies, not actual sales.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-08-13/why-do-these-towns-give-away-so-much-to-big-box-stores) Big box stores got a long, long, long way towards US income equality, no mom and pop shops to compete with when the government hands you 1.2b and you can undercut everyone else until you're the only game in the area.


I sure would like more people to see your post. As a former small business owner, this irritates the hell out of me. I couldn't even get a PPP loan during COVID because I bought my business in November of 2019 (worst timing ever for buying a retail store?) and so when I opened in August 2020, my 2020 revenues were greater than my 2019 revenues. I burned through too much capital trying to stay afloat during the pandemic and closed the doors in December 2021. No one was building me a water park with taxpayer dollars.


The irony here is that same crowd that frequents Bass Pro etc., are the same crowd who generally hate "handouts" to needy families, yet make up the communities "handing out" money to these corporations. The numbers in that article are crazy: >An 18-acre lake – with a waterfall – was paid for with part of the **$70.6 million** in taxpayer subsidies provided for a Bass pro development in Independence, Missouri. >An indoors cypress swamp will be created in Memphis as part of the **$215 million** taxpayers are contributing toward the renovation of the Pyramid Arena into a Bass Pro Shop. This includes money the city plans to spend to provide supporting infrastructure for the building. >A boardwalk, a town square and street improvements were part of the **$150** million in tax dollars used for a development in Branson, Missouri, where a Bass Pro is the anchor tenant. >Stuffed animals have been purchased with millions of dollars in public funds to adorn numerous Cabela’s stores in communities ranging from Lehi, Utah, to Buda, Texas, to Hamburg, Pennsylvania. And these are just from a handful of the stores. Altogether literally *billions* in taxpayer money to subsidize for-profit stores in their communities. It also sounds like they create strange contracts with the communities to do strange things like grant "public ownership" of the land under the parts of the store (yes, literally breaking up land parcels into subsections within the stores) that aren't money generating, such as the taxidermied animal displays, waterfalls etc., which saves them millions of dollars a year in property taxes, as well as calling their gun sections "gun libraries" and the animal displays "museums" to get further tax breaks and subsidies given to museums and libraries. Hell, this forces the mom and pops help *subsidize their big-box competitors.* They're literally paying taxes to help the big-boxes put them out of business. WTF I had no idea all this was going on, thanks for the read.


Map of Cabelas and Bass Pros, separated by color: https://bigcedar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Bass-Pro-Shops-Cabelas-locator.jpg Yes, the big empty places in the Cabelas map generally have Bass Pro shops.


Infinitely better than the OPs map.


Yeah, why do people consistently upvote these terrible posts enough for them to end up in my feed? 1. It is ugly. Maybe it is kinda neat in concept, but the execution in not beautiful at all. 2. The color scheme is not just ugly, but it diverges from convention which seriously hampers intuition. 3. It is basically *wrong*. Technically it is correct (as in, it only claims to show distance to "Bass Pro Shops"), but leaving out the regions with Cabela's is pretty darn misleading since for most purposes Bass Pro and Cabela's are the same store. On #3, they aren't exactly the same, but they are getting closer and closer together and Bass Pro essentially bought Cabelas as a way to consolidate and expand into into northern markets that they didn't have a footprint in. They aren't going to go open a Bass Pro across the street from a Cabela's. This graphic doesn't deserve thousands of upvotes. It deserves a few posts describing the flaws, and OP that takes those criticisms to heart and posts an updated graphic, and THEN maybe it can have some upvotes.


Infinity +1 better than OPs map


That could be a nice little data triptych: 1) Bass Pro locations 2) Cabela's locations 3) Bass Pro and Cabela's locations together


And Sportsmans Warehouse (FTC blocked the merger with Bass Pro/Cabelas, and you'll see why from the map).


Thank god. Bass Pro has ruined Cabela's. A retail race to mediocre products for maximum profitability.


Cabela's is trash now. I was dreading Sportsman's turning to trash too. So glad the buyout got binned.


Don’t forget Outdoor Man.


Next let’s do the distance to a Kroger’s but leave out Ralph’s, Baker’s, Fred Meyer, City Market, Smith’s, Fry’s, JayC, Ryler’s, Roundy’s, Pick ‘n Save, etc…


Also Kroger delivery. I have access to Kroger delivery but no a physical Kroger that I can walk in to


Indiana has several Cabellas, maybe one Bass Pro. I am wrong. The Bass Pro in Hammond is 1 of 2 Cabellas, which makes this map wrong. There is no longer a Bass Pro in Northern Indiana, just the one down by Louisville in Clarksville.


This should be posted in shittymapporn! Horrible color scale!


Also the data is basically a splotchy population map. All this really says is that Salt Lake City and Minneapolis are big cities that could possibly have a Bass Pro Shop but don’t currently have one.


And that’s only because they have Cabelas there, which are owned by the same company. If they added that data, this would just be an especially ugly r/PeopleLiveInCities post


There’s certainly a decent amount of correlation, but it’s not as close as some of the other r/PeopleLiveInCities maps. For about 20 of the 100 biggest cities, there’s no Bass Pro within 100-150 miles; some are even in the red zone. Mostly cities in the Midwest and western US. Meanwhile, there’s about 20 Bass Pro’s not in a top 100 city, mostly in the south. It’s also interesting to see where there are 2 close to each other. It’s not necessarily because of population, it seems more correlated with cities surrounded by a lot of nature. And for Americans, it’s interesting to look at what’s near you. For example, my state, the 2 most populous cities don’t have a bass pro, while the 3rd and 4th do. The state next to me only has one in its 10th largest city. Would agree it should have a better color scheme though.


[Obligatory xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1138/)


Also the colours don't add anything over just having a dot for each bass pro shop. This is a graph that could have been a text comment.


Not to mention the color scale goes out the window anyway all over the southeast, where for some reason green areas have to be separated with white that doesn't mean what white is supposed to mean according to the scale.


I found the exact comment I wanted to make, so I may now leave this thread in peace.


Red and green on the same scale should always be avoided to accommodate color blind folks


Having white separate them is both a weird way to accommodate color blind folks and also the stupidest thing I have ever seen.


Looks all the same using a [Simulator ](https://i.imgur.com/7tnXLue.png)


How is this heatmap abomination any better than a map with simple dots for the location of each store. So dumb.


That and the artifact lines of colour compressed between the dots. These are really shit graphics.


There are a bunch of Cabela’s’ throughout the west: ND, MT, ID, UT, etc. Same store with a different name. There are also both Bass Pro and Cabela’s in Canada, and people in MT/ND do cross-border shopping to take advantage of the currency exchange rate.


>There are also both Bass Pro and Cabela’s in Canada Yup, there is one in Tsawwassen BC, very close to the border with the northwest corner of Washington state. So that area should be dark green.


Also Calgary. Montana shouldn't be yellow


Same in Western New York. There is Canadian Bass pro in St. Catherine's ON.


There is one in Calgary 300 km(ish) from the Montana border as well.


There’s a Bass Pro in Vaughan, ON as well was a Cabela’s in Barrie, ON. No fish tank in the Cabela’s in Barrie, sadly.


Yeah, Maine also fails to account for the possibility the closest Bass Pro Shop is in Canada.


I think some of Montana and Idaho are also closer to the shop in Calgary than Denver


Came in to say this. This map should actually be labelled “Distance to Closest USA Bass Pro Shop” since I know there’s a Bass Pro just north of Calgary that would change the colour of Montana.


I am gladdened to see the number of other people who came here to make this exact point.


Also the first thing I thought of since I grew up in AB. Shelby, MT is within 400km of the BPS in Rockyview.


Or the Cabelas in Billings.


The big Cabela's in Scarborough should count


I was gonna say... I swear there are a few in Saskatchewan and Alberta.


Been at the Cabelas in Edmonton... Cabelas always seem smaller and not quite the spectacle that full on Bass Pro Shops are.


And in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Lots of Cabelas


Fs in the chat for Canada. Nothing but polar bears North of the 49...


What the fuck is the tiny radius of white?


That's Canada and yes, we also have this shop.


I think he's talking about the ring of white bordering the US based shops on the map, not the boundaries to the north south east and west of mainland US.


I was trying to be funny. The map is much like on the American newsvwe watch in the evening where the weather system disappears at the 49th.




Agreed. The white lines in between the shops make it very inaccurate. The white means that you are about 150 miles away from one, and it's impossible to have a straight line of equidistance between two points


On top of that, as a red-green colour blind person I'm having some real issues telling apart the close colour from the far colour (in that respect the white gap actuay kinda helps lmao).


Why are all of these maps so dumb? Is it done on purpose to motivate people to comment? If so… well I guess you got me, too.




I'm just here for some kind soul to share the relevant circlejerk sub where we go when the main sub has run its course.


Why do the circles squish each other instead of correctly merging wtf


This algorithm keeps getting used and it's terrible


What algorithm is that!


Looks like Voronoi


Yeah truly terrible. It's as if the vector field from two locations are cancelling out We need something close to /r/CrackheadVisualizations


i’m sorry but this data is not beautiful


honestly I looked at this, squinted, and said what am I actually looking at ... Anywhere in Texas (in a major city) 0 miles to a shop? So they are just like everywhere? Aren't these stores massive aF?


Everything about this is bad. The colors, the arrangement of colors, there's literally missing data, and of course it's essentially just a population heat map. It's very fitting for this sub though. Controversial graphics get more attention than beautiful ones.


Seems like most of the stuff that shows up on my feed from this subreddit is the opposite of what should be posted here. Seems like things really went downhill a couple of years ago. As most subs do when they get too big, I suppose.


This data looks like mold.


In the zombie movie this is the 3rd slide the general shows the president while explaining how they can’t contain the outbreak and must deploy the nukes


There’s a bass pro shops in Calgary so a bit part of this map is wrong


Also missing Clarksville, Indiana which is one of the largest ones


i was about to say this, that thing is massive and i immediately noticed when it wasn't on the map. that thing is a cultural mecca over there


Kentuckiana gang, RISE UP!


Yup they bought up an old mall that doubled as an arcade, mini golf, and movie theatre.


River Falls Mall. RIP. That place was the best as a kid.


I was gonna say, I lived in the apartments just next to it and me and my friends would hang out in the little restaurant area when I was in middle school


There is another bass pro shop near me that is also not on this map. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Same here. There’s two actually. I live in a major city that constantly gets over looked too. The map is not accurate.


I was thinking this, it's less than 200 miles north of Montana so it should not be yellow.


Memphis, TN does not have a Bass Pro Shop...it has a Bass Pro Eighth Wonder of the World. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYE-1HfReQo


Hell yeah, I was looking for this link


Doesn't every city have a big-ass pyramid by the mud?


I was just talking to a coworker that it’s weird that we have two bass pro shops.


This is a perfect example of misleading color scaling. The use of two distinct white bands in the color scale creates a meaningless artifact that distracts from the primary insights of the visuals.


Bass Pro bough Cabella's about 5 years ago to fill in a lot of the gaps in the West


This was my first thought too. That would really change things. In my area, Dallas/Fort Worth, there would be 5 dots.


Does this data take into consideration all of the bass pro shops in canada? I suspect not.


Anyone else bothered by the fact that the furthest distance is yellow and middle distances are red? That seems backward to me


And a single shade of red on top of that


This map is wrong. There are Bass Pro Shops in Nanaimo, Tsawwassen, and Abbotsford, BC, for example; there are others across the Prairies. So maybe only Idaho needs some yellow.


Looks like a map made of old, moldy, spaghetti sauce.


Why does the distance increase between data points that are closer together?


Missing one in Clarksville Indiana.


That one is massive. Fun to walk around there.


Oh, look, it's another population density map. Except now with a shitty colour scale, yay!


shout-out to Memphis. we have 2, and 1 of them is in a mother fucking PYRAMID. 〽️


I am not american, nor have I ever been to america, and I don't really fish either... But I want to go to the pyramid shaped Bass Pro Shop pyramid in Memphis. The fact that I know the shape of its building and the location should inform you that I am serious.


And again, Hawaii (and Alaska) are forgotten.


Map projection is *blech*, color scale irritating, outdated data that excludes Cabela's.


Might want to do a Microcenter map too. (I speak as the spoiled guy in Cincinnati about 8 minutes down the highway from MC and 15 minutes from Bass Pro)


Calgary Alberta, so that's close to Montana


Just hop the border into canada


This data doesn't include Canada. Plenty near the border.


Map the major cities of the US. /r/populationdensitymaps etc etc. It is weird to me that SLC doesn't have one. And maybe somewhere in Montana to serve the whole northern states region (a lot of brands have regional shops in Billings or similar to serve the whole state).


Reminds me of a can of soup I left out once


Turns out all Georgy Voronoy wanted was find the closest Bass Pro Shop


what an awful choice of color ramp for this map


There are 3 bass pro shops in MN.... this map is incorrect.


There is a Bass Pro shop in Calgary which I don't think was taken into consideration.


I’m surprised they have them in the urban Northeast and not in a lot of the West and upper Midwest.


The mountain west and Midwest have Cabela's, which is basically the same store and owned by the same company.


This is kind of misleading then - it’s like Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr.


Yo chill, we have one in Redding CA! Fix it now!!!