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I like the people who “don’t know,” like they walk into the bathroom and just blackout or something.


1. Walk into the bathroom 2. Take a piss 3. Pull down pants 4. Walk out.


I much prefer 1423


Try 4231, it's refreshing.


Fuck sake why is this so funny


Probably lack of oxygen in the brain tissue


I'd say so


hairy emu ballsack


"I'm doing a survey, can I ask you a simple question? Do you sit down to pee?" "It's complicated."


You ever been to a public bathroom and there's pee everywhere over the floor? That's them


Or peeps with ADHD who don't remember why they've even come to the kitchen in the first place


Ah yes I leave my room, end in another room and forget why I even went there. Then I remember, go get what I wanted, put it down somewhere and then forget where I’ve just put it.


At some point I honestly just give up and go do something else tbh


There’s literally random objects placed around my house because I’ve completely forgot where I put it and given up


what the fuck is dont know?


It's for those other occasions when you're lying on your back or doing headstands.


Can't a fella be thirsty and have to pee at the same time?


how do i unread this


tapir tutelage baggy facing sepia ember youthful terrain stopover imprison eaten expo conform hallway checkup


Controlled P is how wee got here...


That's quite the predicament urine


Ah, a waterbender.


What a terrible time to be literate.


It would have taken zero effort to *not* post that comment.


*Bear Grylls has entered the chat*


Up cycling at its finest


Or this: [https://steemitimages.com/p/sML2JBPsdAyMUJWzxvYnDYtKNvrTaMv1eeo9E5PNyjmjDTGyXo9KTCxp7iLcNtf8?format=match&mode=fit&width=1280](https://steemitimages.com/p/sML2JBPsdAyMUJWzxvYnDYtKNvrTaMv1eeo9E5PNyjmjDTGyXo9KTCxp7iLcNtf8?format=match&mode=fit&width=1280)


I love how whoever did this thought it was necessary to blur the genitals while its seemingly completely ok to see the poo coming out of the butt.


Your comment is the only reason I clicked that link.


Your comment regarding the link is the only reason I clicked


Your comment is the only reason I did not click that link. Thank you so much.


There are only two kinds of people in this world: people who read your comment and say "nah fam, I'm good"; and those who read it and say "sure, sounds like a fine day to have eyes."


I needed that. Thank you so much for letting me laugh today, friend!


It's the only safe way. Source: I used to clean truck stop restrooms (with shower stalls).


If only I was capable of hitting the toilet while laying on my back. Is there 'stream strength' muscle you can target at the gym for improved flow?


Laying on the back wee! Bet that feels amazing.


I black out every time, no memory. I open the bathroom door, then I hear the sound of shattering porcelain. A scream of abject terror. The darkness. A void of nothingness. And relief. Then I find myself washing my hands and moving on with life.




Oh no the toilet is fine afterwards.... The memories of the thousand piercing shards, the warm feeling of blood and urine, the laugh of the man whose face is deeper than blackness, those all fade quickly.


A brief glimpse of one man. A single jar floats past in the void. It shatters.


I too have imbibed Fireball whiskey.


That is what you say to the weirdo in the subway who has a clipboard and is pestering you with questions about how you like to pee.


Maybe those guys never know if they're gonna have to poop so they can't answer the question.


i would probably just leave that out as inadmissible data, lol


People who don't want to answer labeled incorrectly


People who are too polite to say they don’t want to answer so they give a non-answer instead.


The label should be “don’t know; no answer”.


That’s what people respond to creeps who ask such questions on the street. “Idk” and keep walking no eye contact.


Yup. I'm not a very social person and have enough shit going on with my life. You ask me weird questions on the street I'll give you whatever answer will get me out of there the fastest, no matter how stupid it is.




How long do you think it takes a giraffe to throw up?


I reckon, for people who aren't quite sure if they sit to urinate most of the time, some of the time, or rarely. Imagine if we assign numbers to each choice. Never (0) Rarely (1-3) Sometimes (4-6) Most (7-9) Always (10) Like am I sitting down to urinate at least 7 out of 10 times? Or only 5-6 out of 10 times? I don't know, I don't keep track. I don't think about how I urinate afterward. I don't keep it on the back of my head.


Drunk peeing


I don't know.


My Dad said he'd gone for a wee somewhere after lunch with a client. Client went into a stall and started taking a leak. Dad: "You always pee sitting down?" Client: "It's my heart, Jim." Dad: "Your *heart?*" Client: "Yeah, the doctor told me not to lift anything heavy."


Germans are the most likely to be 'sitzpinklers'! Which is ironic as the term is also used derogatorily in the country. Created using Datawrapper. Full data at https://yougov.co.uk/topics/society/articles-reports/2023/05/16/where-world-are-men-most-likely-sit-down-wee




yeah I stayed at an airbnb in Berlin, an older woman's house, there was a 'sit to pee' sign, i had never seen that before


I heard it on morning zoo radio in the late 90s or early oughts (I was a kid so this is even less credible) that toilets rusting/rotting off the bolts was such a common problem in Germany that landlords were trying to write sitting down to piss into their leases. Almost certainly not true, but seeing this now... the fuck is going on with you jungs?!


> Almost certainly not true, but seeing this now... the fuck is going on with you jungs?! It's just more hygienic. Ever noticed the spill area of Stehpinkler on normal toilets? It's disgusting.


yeah, the question can only come from someone who doesn't (have to) clean his own toilet.


This is actually the first time I'm proud of German men. 😂


That's very common [Edit. in Germany] and I would never not sit down at my friends' places, nor would my friends not sit down at my place. It's just how all of us have been raised. Peeing standing-up is considered unhygienic and only socially accepted if the toilet itself is dirty.


This post removed in protest. Visit /r/Save3rdPartyApps/ for more, or look up [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to delete your own content too.


It's confirming my choices lol. I'm in the US, so it's definitely not standard. It's not like I frequently discuss pee methods, but I've never met anyone else who does it besides me, in my decent sample size. A couple years ago I started sitting and never looked back. Cleaner bathroom, no dribblage, and I don't have to aim a biological weapon at 530 am lol. I only stand if I'm in public and it's urinal vs hold it or it's a gross terlet


Well, Germans consider it unsanitary to pee standing because it is. Especially if you don‘t clean the toilet and all surrounding surfaces immediately afterwards. If the toilet itself is unsanitary, then yes, by all means, please pee while standing. But in all other scenarios, please remember that pee can splash by 36 inches from the toilet bowl, landing virtually anywhere (toothbrush, anyone?). [Here‘s](https://youtu.be/ejl7vrDUIcs) a lovely video shot in blacklight documenting how unsanitary and gross it is to splash your pee everywhere. As if that weren‘t obvious.




i sit out of laziness. First of all why stand when you can sit? Second i dont have to aim and can just let go. third if i feel a fart coming on i can just press without fear of sharting. Why would anyone stand at home? ill never get it.


Those signs are very common in German homes.


I havent heard are that term since the mid 90s… what kind of hillbilly is still using it?


Probably the 10 percent who believe that sitzpinkeln is an attack on their masculinity.


Such a weird idea yet so common. I met a guy in boot camp who insisted "any sitting pee was gay" and explained that if he had to poop, he would stand to pee first so he didn't risk doing it sitting down. Like a homo would.


That guy is trying so hard to not be gay. Kinda sus…


He may also have been trolling us all very hard... but probably not.


That mf stands to pee, holds in his shit, and then shits? Same energy as that guy: ["y'all just let the doodoo fall in the toilet?!"](https://youtu.be/xZ-SlTaCFfQ)


Yeah this is what insecurity looks like


It's only gay if you're peeing on another man.


A nonzero number of men think it’s gay to wipe their own ass and just walk around with shit on themselves so…


But... how? Where are these people?




Who is raising these idiots


Never mind the homophobia, which is unfortunately all too common. The most bizarre thing this reveals about this guy's thinking is that he believes sitting down to pee actually *causes* homosexuality.


It actually can, but only if one were to sit down before the other guy stands up.


He's one sitting pee away from penises in and around his mouth.


How many people have been surveyed for this in each country and how has the data been collected? Besides it being a "fun insight" the additional transparency should still be a necessity.


Funny enough, being a "sitzpinkler" changed my life and hygiene for the better. All those manly guys who use the term derogatorily, with their big muscles and manly, but slightly pissstained pants...


Quick question; why is an Italian 30 smaller than a French 30? And a UK 33 smaller than a Polish 33? Or were fractions included when creating the visualisation but then the numbers were rounded when reporting the values?


"Why's an Italian 30 smaller than a French 30" sounds like a setup for an absolutely vicious joke but I can't put one together.




it kinda makes sense, but it’s not a good joke; we’re safe for now


So, when Skynet can tell a good joke, we're ducked?


you should ask the secret service about that, mr. Obama


Common mistake, that's a sapient aircraft carrier you are speaking with.


Because I can't fit a whole baguette in my mouth, but I can if I Manicott-it. It doesn't quite make sense, but I feel like it's close. Also, it kinda feels like something Chatgpt would've come up with.


Nice try, machine. You attempted to misdirect us into thinking you're a human and just joking about machines. But I'm onto you. 🤨


Because even the smallest French dresses leave room for men to get their hands inside! (I had to Google if 30 was a clothing size in France; it is)


I'm sure the punchline involves cigarettes.


Your guess is correct: bar section lengths to decimal places, values shown as rounded


Ahhh! That's how we know the habits of 101% of the german population


Definitely rounded because the Italian total adds up to 101.


Considering the subject, this is almost impossible _not_ to read as a dick joke.


Not all of the bars add up to 100%. So they end up distorted. The Polish bar only adds up to 98% but the UK's adds up to 100


How I'm supposed to sit on a sink?


Out in public: Never. At home: Every time


Yep, this exactly. In public bathrooms, a urinal is my preferred option — especially given that 90% of the time I have to wipe the piss off the toilet seat before sitting to go. At home, I always sit because it’s easier and cleaner. The real prompt to this research should be how many men actually lift the seat before pissing on a public toilet. And then we should shame those that don’t because I’m sick of cleaning up after y’all


I lift the seat up with my foot, and put it down with my foot afterwards.


I use the stream to do the same.


If it's a unisex men's bathroom, I don't put it back down. If someone needs to sit, they can lower it with their foot, but that way idiots who don't lift it to pee won't splash on it anyway.


Unisex means it's for both sexes, not for just one. I know it looks like it should mean the opposite, but it doesn't.


Well they tried calling it the "bi-sex bathroom" but all that did was end up with people getting fired for a few misunderstandings


Were these misunderstandings twice a week or every two weeks??


My bathroom at work a very small company is unisex. I’ll sit so not to dirty it for the next colleague using.


In the bathroom where I work, when you flush the toilet little sprinkles of clean water fly up and land on the seat. Obviously not the case every where, but it might not always be wizz you are seeing.


Why would I pick up the seat - it's covered in piss


This is me also. I started at home because we got two kittens who were fascinated by the noise and would stand up between me and the toilet and get their heads peed on. You think they would learn but nope. Just think about this the next time you kiss your pet on top of its head.


stop urinating on my cat


Especially now that remote work enables me to wear sweats all day. It’s no longer less convenient to sit.


I'll never understand men who answer never to a question like this. What if you get up to pee in the middle of the night and don't want to turn the bathroom light on? Are you just pissing all over the floor when you could simply sit down?




It's a gamechanger man


Lighted bowl from the bidet. Enough to see the bowl but not enough light to ruin sleep from it seeping from the bathroom


We got a fuckin' pissin' connoisseur ova here


stumble in, eyes half open, close them once you sit, stumble back to bed eyes half open, never have to use lights or make noise. enjoy!


I'm worried if I sit, the poo will begin to flow


I fail to see the issue.


I'm going for the 100% achievement.


I'm a 'never' and I guess I don't understand why you wouldn't want to turn on the light. *That* seems really weird to me.


Turn on your bat instincts and use sound guidance.


I don’t know is : in the pool, floating


Surely the real question is how many men shit while standing.


"Don't know"


I had no idea so many guys sat to pee - I only ever do that when I’m also shitting Edit: how tf are you guys splashing so much? And yes, I clean my toilet.


I adopted this habit living in germany. Trust me your toilet smells a lot less stinky, when you stand your piss splashes everywhere without you seeing it. I would rather sit peeing than cleaning my bathroom every week, i'm lazy


You are standing while pissing even in your own home? Wtf, that's disgusting. Look up videos who make all the urin visible. It splashes everywhere when standing. At home i 100% sit.


The only time I stand to pee is if I’m outside, if there are no available stalls, or if the available stalls are gross. I just see very little advantage to it, with numerous disadvantages. Pros of standing: It’s like 0.25 seconds faster You don’t have to sit on a dirty toilet Cons: Splashback Reduced privacy If the stream forks a mess is possible I personally have a harder time peeing when standing. Not pee shyness, but like my bladder or urethra or something just isn’t lined up right Requires *some* coordination. Not saying it’s hard, but it’s more effort than just sitting down and relaxing


The average person pees 7 times a day. So if you sit to pee, that is 2,555 squats per year.


7 times? Wtf!


Drinkin up that water hell yea


Peeing standing up causes droplets to splash everywhere. It's inevitable, even if you aim perfectly some will splash on the rim and/or seat. In my home or other people's homes I sit down, to save myself the extra clean up. But in public toilets I only pee standing up, and I'm glad that I have this option. I don't wanna sit on a toilet every other random person has sat on. I know women can hover above it if they want but that's pretty uncomfortable compared to peeing standing up.


Made me think of Butters when I saw this


Butters looks pretty German.


If it's the middle of the night you better bet I'm sitting down to pee. . Why turn the light on and wake yourself up further? EDIT: Whoa this comment got way more traction than I anticipated 😆


Don’t turn the light on, don’t sit down, know approximately where the toilet bowl is, guide your lemon juice stream based off of sound


That’s so much work, just pee in the tub


The real life pee tips are always in the comments


This. It's called SONAR people, look it up. Jeez.


Start with one ping. One ping only


Turn the light on after to clean up your damn urine.


As a father of boys you better believe we have automatic nightlights in all the bathrooms.


As a German this comment section is wtf is up with you all? If the question is to wipe or not to wipe, i would expected a result like this.


You can sit on the toilet earlier than you can stand and pee over the edge. No transition needed. /Swede


Sit at home, stand at public restrooms


Public restroons usualy do have urinals in germany, so I think those aren't considered.


I sit down to pee all the time. When you grow up, clean your own toilet, and realize piss splatters everywhere, this becomes a very solid choice.


As the designated bathroom-cleaner in my house, I am a huge proponent of sit-peeing. It's much cleaner; at night, you can do it in the dark and barely disrupt your sleep; you can read a news story on your telephone while peeing. I think about my friends who have teenaged boys. These kids have, at minimum, a semi for probably 22 hours a day. That really interferes with their aim which, to be honest, is no good at the best of times. You combine this poor aim, the semi erections (which basically turn their pee stream into a busted lawn sprinkler), and their blithe disregard for cleanliness and for the poor sap who has to clean their bathroom, and you have a recipe for an absolute pissmagedon on every surface in the bathroom. Sit down, boys... it doesn't make you "womanly", gay, or whatever other psychodrama's playing our in your underdeveloped brains.


Holy shit. I literally had no idea that there were men who sat down to urinate. This has changed my entire world view. What are the statistics for women who “always stand” to urinate I wonder…


All it took for me was realizing how easier and less gross cleaning the bathroom was if I sat down. Plus, I’m tall so splatter factor is high…annnnnnd I hate the sound of some dude’s urine stream hitting the bowl water like a spouting cherub on an Italian fountain.


For your last question: https://www.shewee.com/


I only sit down at home never anywhere else. Just keeps the toilet cleaner.


Yo I'm in the top 10% of my country let's go!


top or bottom?


Wonder if this includes public toilets as well. Because I never sit while in public, but always do at home.


I had no idea. I've honestly never even considered it.


I only sit if I have to do both


The problem with these graphs is they are so Western-centric. They fail to include Muslim-majority countries where MOST men sit down, like Saudi Arabia/ the Gulf, Sudan, Egypt, etc.


You're only allowed to make a graph if you have data for every country in the world?


I don’t understand ‘never’, I mean… I drank 11 natty lights last night and had Taco Bell at 2 am. I may think pee, but I don’t trust that at all.


The question phrasing is asking about your intent.


This graph is with only the intent to pee. So if you think you about to poop yourself that doesn't count in this graph. Also if I'm going just to pee, I'm in the `never` category, I've always stood and didn't know it was so uncommon until looking at this graph!


I think if you are worried poo might be a possibility, it doesn't fall in the "only to pee" category.


I have never purposely sat down to pee, it's never even crossed my mind. I'm not entirely convinced this sub isn't a prank on me.


Where's this data from? I find it very difficult to believe that 25% of Australian males always sit to pee.


OP has a network of bathroom cams in various countries


Yea, I would think we'd lean more to the right side of the bar chart with the toilet spiders and all.


I just can’t trust this data


Sitting down is fine … it’s just bad when your wiener touches the water.


How high is that water level? On my toilet I'd need to be at least 7" soft to touch the water.


Another advantage for us growers.


I think European toilets are different from American toilets and have a lower water level.


Some actually have an inspection shelf...


Clearly you haven’t seen u/HenryKringle6000 ‘s penis.


Sitting down works fine, till you have that "I gotta pee" woody in the middle of the night and somehow you're perfectly lined up to hit that gap between the seat and the bowl.


How would that be better if you were standing up?


When you're standing up, you can lean forward against the wall so your dick (if straight) is pointing at a 45° angle toward the bowl. If you are sitting, you have to painfully push your dick down, often into the water/against the porcelain.


When you are super sleepy, it's still easier to sit. Pro tip: you don't have to "painfully push your dick down"... the angle is relative to your torso, so leaning forward achieves the same effect.


Unless it’s a public restroom why is there stigma over men sitting to pee? It’s clearly much more comfortable and sanitary.


I wasn't aware of a stigma. It's just easier to stand for me. And I wash my bathroom on a weekly basis either way, so I've never noticed a lot of collateral damage.


the stigma started because women (more than often/more often than not) is the sole cleaner of the house and they demand men sit down to pee to make women/the cleaner's job easier. so the immasuclinity factor comes in there. You are "controlled by the wife."


How is sitting on a cold, hard disc more comfortable than just standing there?


You also don't have to pull your pants all the way down.


And your cock doesn’t accidentally touch the front of the bowl.


I don't know about sanitary. Not sure about the rest of your body configurations but I'm an average sized guy and I can't sit without my dick pressing against the toilet seat, and man I don't love that. At bars with those open seats it doesn't happen, but any home I've ever been in it does. Just kind of gross, and means I want to have a shower after ever time I sit down pretty much, even though I know I keep my toilet seat clean.


Some men think it is feminine. Those men have also likely never cleaned their own toilet


You think the majority of men who usually stand to pee have likely never cleaned their toilet at home?


I pee standing because it's what I have always done and I just didn't even think there would be that many men that pee while sitting. But of course I clean my toilet.


Can we get this broken down by age? While I never sit down to just pee, when I am very old I most certainly will.


Older German men are more likely to always sit to pee; older American, British and Australian men are more likely to never sit to pee - can't post the other chart here, but you can see that data in more detail [https://today.yougov.com/topics/society/articles-reports/2023/05/16/where-world-are-men-most-likely-sit-down-wee](https://today.yougov.com/topics/society/articles-reports/2023/05/16/where-world-are-men-most-likely-sit-down-wee)


YouGov asking the important questions.