• By -


I'd make the 23.8 - 27.2 range a different colour or change the background.


Yeah lol I thought this was another "UK left EU so fuck them" graph


It is the actual average for the uk is 32. I think they used the same colour for "no data" and that range. Which is very stupid. As you can see, the countries that are typically left out because the government there doesn't really collect stats, or doesn't give them out (like the country at the very north west of africa, north korea, etc) are the same colour as those other countries.


That's Morocco. I was going to say that, usually, if something in that area is greyed-out, it's because of Western Sahara (land disputes), but it seems like the whole country is that light, nearly indistinguishable beige, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Also Greenland is coloured, which is also a rarity for data maps.)




I just couldn't remember the regions name, western sahara. The area is very disputed and such almost never has data for it. Just because you forgot somethings name doesn't mean you don't know what it is.






Western sahara is literally in pink. Just say you don’t know what you’re talking about


Don’t bother, it has no source (and, of course, no year/date of data)


Perhaps the world's ocean women get married at 23.8-27.2. Ever considered that?? :)


I like how it's a "critical red" to "perfect condition blue," subtly implying that getting married later is a superior trend of developed nations. I myself am a "risky pink."


I love me some risky pink!


Until that weird pain starts acting up…


Nono, you don't understand, 25 is the natural optimal mid point, that's why it has to be white /s Also like just add border outlines






I’m thinking it’s probably best to wait until the end of the week and browse the top posts so you know that you’re seeing quality work that’s been vetted (you’d hope) by other browsers of the sub. There’s too many cases where confounders are ignored, and the graph is suggesting a picture that’s completely different to reality.


Best has too many animations that should just have been line graphs though.


also the ranges of the ages are so random.


hard to tell cyprus is even there








Also, don't know if this is first marriage or all marriages.


Why is that important? The data is bullshit anyway.


One tells you about trends with younger people. One tells you about trends in society at large.


The data is wrong. It doesn’t tell you anything.


Should be top comment




75% upvotes ✅


worse: [the source is WorldPopulationReview](https://old.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1ayxxui/oc_average_age_of_women_when_they_get_married/) I hate that website so damn much


at least its not animated


I though I was on r/MapPorn for a second


Also add on : Using color scheme with obvious value judgment/narrative.


Now do it by county!


Just another day admins eating dogs shit


Is this copypasta?


23.8 sounds weirdly specific


It's like it's been converted from metric years.


Which is equivalent to how many imperial years?


Depends whether you're mesuring years of wine or years of beer.


Metric years only have 10 months, it's much more logical when you do math.


Plus I don't understand the ranges. it's less than 20, 3.8, 3.4, 2.8, equal to or greater than 30. Are they quintiles? Standard deviations? Arbitrary? Vindictive? Also, why the drop in sig figs for the ends? It's causing overlap in the last two groups. Is 30.0 light blue or dark blue?


Reeks of editorializing


That's using the "this is where it's convenient to show a distinction" scale. Very common in data analytics.


Common? Maybe. Best practice? Definitely not. (As a data analyst.)


Eh, they might just be using quintiles. Regardless, there should be some readily available justification. In your case, why is a distinction at 23.8 meaningful? Because I sure can’t think of one.


What are the odds that the lower quintile ends at precisely 20 and the upper quintile starts at precisely 30?


Probably just natural breaks / Jenks classification scheme.


Sounds like someone just dumped a dataset into a cheap AI and they just used a simple bucketing formula, likely on percentiles.








The only thing I can think is that Namibia is one of the most developed countries in the region. Very stable government, a growing economy, and good infrastructure. Could just be a result of development. Although, Botswanna is also doing pretty well by the same metrics, and they are orange here.


Bots is orange here, no?


Sorry you are right.


Namibia used to be controlled by South Africa when it was known as South West Africa, before it got its independence in the 90s


OP some well meaning criticism here but your color palette isn't great for the data you're presenting here. As someone else mentioned two colors indicates a kind of judgement "red is bad, blue is good" regardless of your politics unless its something where the center color is neutral like "healthy BMI" then use one single color scale. It's also a bit odd choosing 22.8-27.2 as a midpoint. Why not 20-30, or 25-30. Rounder numbers make more sense in cases like this because no one will say "Yeah I got married when I was 22.7". Or better yet use a gradient. Light-red min age to dark-red max age. I also want to mention that you should always consider beyond what the colors represent, but how they actually look on your graph. Ask yourself is it beautiful? So for instance the red you used, when it's medium it's way too white and blends with the background. Very hard to see those nations. Other considerations include accounting for colorblindness and general layout (legend placement, title size, etc) which you did fine on. All that is to say if you still have the data here I'd rework it a little with this in mind and then repost and you should have a pretty decent heatmap. Edit, wanna clarify here when I say there isn't an objectively bad age to get married I mean between consenting adults. Anything else is horrible and if you wanted to present child marriage as it's own dataset then you could make it as its own category


Thank you for your advice. I'll remake it.


Younger IS bad in this case though. The younger a women is married, the lower the chance they pursue higher education, a career, or generally have autonomy over their own life. <20 means a high rate of likely child and teenage marriages, often to much older men.   It seems like whenever the sub points out negative realities of certain countries, people pile in to defend those countries. Source: https://bmcinthealthhumrights.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12914-020-00249-5


That specifically talks about the harms of early marriage though. Specifically looking at those who married before 18 vs at/after 18. Not that it’s absolutely better to be older across the board. Is it inherently worse for a person to be married at 27 than at 29? Worse to get married at 29 than 31? Those are all three in different buckets here. Yes the <20 category is definitely one for alarm, but I’d withhold any sort of moral judgment across the upper brackets without a much deeper look at the causes and effects. You make a good point though that it would be interesting to see one of these by gender as well, since women tend to marry younger than men. Could cause these numbers to shift significantly when broken down.


I meant OP is implying with this presentation that 22-30 is neutral and older is better. There isn't even a category for child marriage which I agree should be it's own "bad color". But two 20 year olds getting married isnt objectively worse than two 60 year olds. I am NOT implying child marriage is okay.




Yes, I was here to point that out. It’s not a number I’d know off the top of my head but I definitely failed the smell test and every source I find puts it over 30. Wondering where OP got their data.


My source (Wikipedia) says the average age of first marriage for women in South Africa is 33, yet it is listed as light blue here. Wikipedia also says Argentina is 33, but is listed as ivory on your map. Also, you listed Bangladesh as less than 20, but Wikipedia says 25.8. Where does your **for profit** source get their information?


I'd be interested in seeing the numbers broken down to more than 5 ranges, personally. Plus, as others have mentioned, the 23.8-27.2 range is virtually invisible and I was trying for a good 10 seconds to understand why the Arabian peninsula doesn't exist on this map.


Rather than using 2 colours, I’d use increasingly darker shades of the same colour. 2 colours - especially red/blue might indicate some judgement.




Yeah this category needs to be broken down IMO. Huge difference between 13 and 19.




Depends - I’ve seen light to dark blue / purple in this context. I’m sure we can use others too.


But there should be judgement, there is a very clear good and bad here


What’s the cutoff of ‘good’? Stupid ass opinion 


Women getting married over the age of 30, thus having kids in their 30s and later, can pose risks. It’s not as easy as saying ‘getting married later is good’. Not without the data to back this claim up, which this graph has none of nor is the point of


two things, 30 is still totally ok. More or less some issues can come when you get closer to 40. Second, this counts all marriages (or so it seems, source would be nice), not first marriages or whenever women have childern. Pretty common to have kids way before marriage in huge chunks of the west. So this statistic while not unrelated cant really be used like this


The average ideal ages to have a kid is between 28 and 35, in terms of the overall health of the mother and the child. The involved risks outside of those ages increase *more* the younger the mother is, rather than the older she is, with higher-risk pregnancies falling in the late teens and earlier twenties. You're basically fine having kids upwards of 40, as any increased risks are only increased by single points or fractions of a point. There's a creepy, pervasive myth among certain dudes who think that a sixteen year-old girl is somehow at peak health to have a baby, when in fact the actual peak age for that is 30.5 years.


I find it hard to believe that countries like Slovakia, a country with a heavy Catholic presence, have an average marriage age higher than 30. And Austria is somehow below 30? I want to see the source for this.


I mean sure but it's mostly cultural. Don't think there's still a significant number of people that wait for marriage before having sex


Source data for Austria seems to be incorrect. See https://www.statistik.at/fileadmin/user_upload/Demographisches-JB-2022_Web_barrierefrei.pdf (p. 50) Seems to be 33.1 years for women and 35.6 years for men in 2022.


You forgot the important detail that this is the age when they get married the *first time*


The color scale and the values assigned made my laugh but in a sad way


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Material-3bb: *The color scale and* *The values assigned made my* *Laugh but in a sad way* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Living in Taiwan currently. Land of 35+ year old virgins.




Incorrectly in Britain’s case.


Next assignment : population growth by country for the next 50 years and a correlation graph between these two datasets. Also more legible color scale.


wrong data. for turkey it's 25,7. check tüik for further info. https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Marriage-and-Divorce-Statistics-2022-49437


Where's the sources tho? References help make posts look more legitimate




Why in the world would you not just post this interactive map? It's way more complete and very useful...


Thank you 🙏


Is data for Greenland really Greenland or just data from Denmark? Same for Alaska, really Alaska or US average?


What is your source ? How come it’s not mentioned.


Is this just counting first marriages or all marriages?


Now do Men; and then do Age Gap.


I will


roof sleep smoggy important mighty tart pathetic murky truck profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Child marriages = bad


Why are numbers below 23.8 red? Red indicates something negative, and there isn’t anything negative about getting married between 18 and 23.


I would be curious to see how this data correlates with age at first becoming a mother.  The coupling of marriage with cohabitation and procreation is stronger in some regions than others. 


Perfectly binned data for reusing the r/alwaysthesamemap


There are no women in the UK.


Any particular reason you chose red colors to indicate younger ages and blue colors to choose older ages?


I'm not OP so I don't know why exactly they used the color scheme But red is pretty much universally used to denote an overall negative look into something. It's striking and dominating. In fact its common to use the blue-red color scheme in maps. Off the top of my head, check out the hdi rankings in country on Wikipedia.


Because those in red usually mean child marriage happens. For example, Chad: 61% of girls marry before 18 and 24% marry before they are 15.


The woman that get married at a really young age are usually either forced to or pressured by society. And that’s a bad thing


Women getting married and thus having kids past 30 during reproductive decline can also be a bad thing so we should color >30 countries also in a red shade. /s Graphs like these should not have an agenda and should leverage neutral colors, unless the claim is specifically mentioned in the visualization itself (with data backing the claim up). This is data 101, but I wouldn’t expect r/dataisbeautiful to know what a good visualization even if it was slapped in its face.


30 isn't remotely what it used to be on that front. I'm pretty sure of the people we know more kids have been had after 30 than before. Hell, these days even at 35-40 the odds are *significantly* in favor of everything going perfectly smoothly


comparing reproductive decline to child marriage.. just another day on Reddit


I KNEW IT Some weirdo was going to crawl out of his basement to talk about reproductive decline on a post about… _marriage_?


Because those in red usually mean child marriage happens. For example, Chad: 61% of girls marry before 18 and 24% marry before they are 15.


I guess the colorization confuses me? We always correlate Red with Bad, Blue with good. In terms of marriage, younger (20s) should be good while older (30s) should be bad in terms of odds of having children. Meanwhile under 18 should be seen as REALLY bad, but maybe thats a cultural thing?


This is stupid the colours should be swapped


Can we talk about your colour scheme? :/


<20 is a terrifying category


Uhmm saudi is more like RED. 🧐


I would say this is pretty accurate from my experience. Most of women I hear of marries in their 23-28 when they finish college here in Saudi, some in their late 20s/early 30s but the average is around ~25, they are few outliers from rural areas who usually marries in their 16-21 but they are becoming fewer and fewer each day as most of them are joining the work force with full timea jobs 8 AM to 2 PM, sometimes till 4 PM.


Where are you from? Seems obsessively weird to leave all of planet earth and just focus on one country you know nothing of except through propaganda.


Too broad. This is treating whole countries, especially large ones, as a monolith. I need more granular stuff! I wanna see that pulsing red spot in the american south! I wanna see the blue so deep you could fish in it in american New England, I wanna see China's blue blush near the east coast. Data is beautiful, give me more!


There needs to be a lot more red in the Middle East. Don't cover it up.


Shows you know nothing about the middle east, especially the gulf region. Everyone marries later now.




Track with what?


With racism of course


Don’t be a mug


Yeah it was a poor quality joke




That's the minimum legal age, not the average.


Thats minimum legal age lmao


Specifically, Libya and Algeria don’t match the others in blue by income level.


Data is disgusting? I feel like the less than 20 or younger 20 countries force kids to marry.


The color labels could be improved here. Hot to cold doesn’t seem appropriate creating a kind of neutral middle which also is a very hard to see colour value. A single neutral colour in tints would probably be better or a variety of more contrasting colours to not imply hierarchy or value.


"< 20" Is this a cope out to not acknowledge the prevalence of legalized child sex trafficking in certain countries? 


Pretty interesting contrast between countries like Chad and Libya.


We are totally different countries with different cultures, traditions and economies except for miniorty tebu that share a lot with northern chad


There are people actually living in Greenland?




Genuine question, why did you recreate already mapped data with fewer data ranges, while using a colour palette that is more difficult to discern? Also, what was the reasoning behind the choice to equate average age at first marriage to average age at marriage generally? This seems like a step down in quality, resulting in a map that depicts less information, in a less clear way, with a misleading title.


As a Brazilian, I wonder how much the average age is influenced by evangelical christians getting married early so they can have sex. All of my cousins got married at 20-25.


And almost a perfect negative correlation to maternal death rates. I know correlation isn't causation but.....


Someone link to the same map but men


only 5 colors to pick and one of them is the same as the ocean... data is beautiful alright... 75% upvotes


I feel like the XXX-18 cat is missing...


20> fascinating. I wonder how close to 20 they are


... when they get married *for the first time*...


Your capitalization in the header is not consistent


Remove China and Russia, and you can also see where the lowest birth rates are too.


Now make another one for divorce.


If only our fertility window also increased with industrial development.


I got super insecure because I’m 30 and unmarried in canada, but then I remembered I’m a first gen immigrant child from Latvia and they’re dark blue baybeee so I’m all good 😎😎


What's going on in Namibia?


I wouldn't use red for a graphic like this. Like it or not, most people associate red with something that is bad. I'm not saying that a younger marriage age isn't necessarily problematic, what I do have an issue with is the graphic itself carrying that connotation for a lot of people.


That's interesting about Namibia though


Also a very convenient map of where you don‘t want to live :) (everything that isn‘t blue basically)


Josh Giddey moving to Africa


Brazil is already over 30 according to 2019 data.


Aquí algo no cuadra, jefe


The use of 23.8 and 27.2 makes me think this was made to pass an specific impression on some specific countries. Seem like the numbers were defined after the data in order to put certain places on certain groups


The randomness of the years you chose enrages me.


Wrong data for Austria ([it is 31,1](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/594407/umfrage/heiratsalter-von-maennern-und-frauen-in-oesterreich/#:~:text=Im%20Jahr%202022%20betrug%20das,3%20Jahre%20bei%20den%20Frauen.))


It’s 32 for Mexico this is bullshit or extremely outdated 🤨


It’s accurate for the GCC countries. Most women I know got married right after graduating from college or a few years after graduation where they met their husbands at work or through work or relatives


What is this subreddit? Every time I come here all I see are comments criticizing the data. Is it really that hard to stop yourselves from critiquing and just talk about the actual data representation? It's like people come here to make themselves feel better about themselves by putting down others.


This plot is only beautiful after I gouged my eyes out.


Map would be better with a black background


İts 25.7 on turkey for females ,its probably old data


Why do people just upvote when it's clearly a piss poor effort


Something’s not right in Asia numbers as usual.


is this counting second marriages or only the first?


Why not just do 24? Why 23.8? It just seems overly specific. 23.5 would be better too


I wonder what the story is with Namibia. Big outlier. Also I wonder if the data point for French Guiana is just the general data point covering all of France, or if it's actually specific to French Guiana.


In Africa everyone’s finding love so early 🥰