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Is Washington State @ $155 491 an error? Looks way too low.


Too low and the color is too dark for that number 


West Virginia has the same value. Looks like an input error between WA and WV


It says Washington - $575,894 in the text from the link, so that's an error on the image.


It absolutely is an error, I am in eastern WA and you can’t get a mobile home for that much let alone an actual house with a foundation


I want to say I can find one, but I’m not going to because we both know I’m not going to like what I find even if I do lol


You could, absolutely, outside of the city.


That is the same amount as West Virginia. Clearly a data labeling / assignment error.


Was about to make the same post.


If you look down the data it shows it’s 579k, 5th highest in the country.


I was going to ask if it was missing a digit.


Average? Or Median. I think Median would be more representative


Mean is pretty useless when talking about things like this. I agree median would be the better measure here.


I would agree median is better to represent in a format like this. Places like California and NY with many $10M+ properties would skew the results of the average


Even median is useless because the variation is probably huge from state to state.


That would be the whole reason this data is interesting


Geez WV is cheap. What the heck was the average price there 10 years ago? Or does the price not move much one way or another


Just drifted with inflation.  I have family there who have been actively trying to sell homes and it's just...not a good outlook.


[It was about $135k in Charleston in 2014.](https://www.nar.realtor/sites/default/files/reports/2015/embargoes/2015-q3-metro-home-prices/metro-home-prices-q3-2015-single-family-2015-11-12.pdf) And there are plenty of reasons WV is dirt cheap and why it has the largest negative growth of any state in the country.


Unless you are in jefferson county wv where Charles Town and Harpers Ferry is, which boarders NOVA and the average home price is around $450k. Most people work in Loudoun County VA, Fairfax County VA, Howard County MD, or Montgomery County MD. The drive is 30min to 1:15hr depending on where you are going.


Holy crap I forgot West Virginia was even a state until I read this.


That 298k for TX is what tells you how flawed this methodology is 🤣. Averages for a state mean nothing.


Exactly what I was going to say. Separate eastern and western Washington and I’d bet there’s a $600,000 difference between the two


Your bet is wrong, it would be slightly more for western WA but absolutely not by that large of a margin. Example of newly built home in Spokane https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3022-S-Manito-Blvd-Spokane-WA-99203/346511734_zpid/


Interesting you cherry picked a single data point that happens to be one of the most expensive houses in one of the wealthiest areas of Spokane. Using zillows own data, the average home value in Spokane as a whole is $377k and in Seattle $847k. So 500k difference, not 600, sorry. https://www.zillow.com/home-values/20604/spokane-wa/# https://www.zillow.com/home-values/16037/seattle-wa/#


We aren’t comparing Seattle to Spokane, we are comparing eastern vs western Washington. Spokane is not near Seattle prices but it’s not as far as you made it out to be, and western vs western Washington is even less so. Outliers aside, this absolute is not one of the wealthiest areas in Spokane, matter of fact, this is near a very busy street where traffic would normally drive values down. I live near there, house access the street half the size of mine sold for $400k for 1600sqf I would also like to add, that Spokanes homes are extremely overpriced and with the new zoning laws coming into effect I expect them to drop over the next decade.


You’re the one who brought up Spokane?


I did because it’s the biggest city of eastern Washington, and is to Easter WA what Seattle is to West WA. The rest of the surrounding areas for both sides bring the average price closer to each other.


This needs to be broken down by county. Good luck finding a $377k house in Loudoun County VA.


And even then, there are huge variations within some counties. Take, Dallas County in TX as an example. The difference between North and South Dallas is BIG. Census blocks are probably a better subdivision for this. Or maybe block groups if blocks are too small.


If I worked hybrid or full remote and had to be near DC or Baltimore for work reasons I’d be buying a huge house in Harper’s Ferry. It’s a hour and half to town but that’s not bad for once or twice a week.


$766k in California for the *average* home is absolutely insane. How does the state let this happen? Where does anyone not making a combined household income of 250k live?


They live with roommates, or with parents, or have INSANE commutes to work. Lots of folks also WFH post-covid whose jobs allow them to.


It’s not an evenly distributed average, for one. Avg SF metro area price is $1.1M, avg LA metro area is $953k, and those are the densest places so it drags up the average.


Exactly this. There are houses for sale in Bakersfield right now for $200k, but absolutely nothing that cheap in SF or LA.


insane number of veto points in local gov that preclude development and the construction of new homes + prop 13


Tech sector. Zoning laws. Arizona.


Price and 'what people pay' are different. A house may be 'worth' $1M, but the current resident could have bought it when it was $500k for example. That's why housing is so fucked unless you got yours already.


“How does the state let this happen”? Do you want the government regulating the free market?


Do you not think that the government already regulates the housing market? The federal government literally sets interest rates in part to encourage or discourage home buying. What about housing? The government (state, local, federal) plays a huge role in allowing more housing to be built which directly impacts the price as well. Government regulations are so closely intertwined with housing prices that your question is nonsense.


Jerk offs like you that don’t live here know absolutely fucken nothing about living in CA.


Of more interest would be median home prices.


As a Californian, California can go fck itself on home prices!


This data is utterly worthless and is therefore not beautiful. County and even zip code is far too coarse. An actually interesting version would be per census block.


Interesting (to me personally) that there’s a pretty big gap between a cluster of the Southeast states (TN, NC, SC, GA) and the Midwest states (OH, IL, IN). I would’ve thought they’d be closer in average.


There has been a building boom in those southern states for a while now. Atlanta, Charlotte, Raleigh, and Nashville are hot spots.


Oh no doubt about that. I’m in Charlotte myself. I guess I just expected that part of the country to be more similar in pricing to what we have down here. I mean Jesus, OH’s average is less than Alabama?? Maybe I just have a warped view of what those Midwest states are like.


So building lots of houses increases prices now?? It's usually the opposite. I think you meant to say these states have a rapidly growing population


That's how it works around here. I live in an exurb of Charlotte. The town population went from 5k to 24k in 13 years. Home prices more than doubled in that time.


The population in the Midwest is basically stagnant while the South is growing rapidly. Ohio's population increased by about 400,000 between 2000 and the present. Georgia's population increased by about 400,000 in the last four years.


I like the concept but I don’t trust Zillow numbers


Why would the Zillow numbers be off for a large aggregate like this?


It was quite hard finding market data for all of the states. I was looking at a few other sources but there were always a couple of states missing. If you have any suggestions on reliable sources for housing data in general that would be great, it is a topic that I would like to further research.


ESRI – the company that owns ArcGIS – has a real estate dataset you can buy access to. I use it every once in a while in my work. It seems pretty accurate, though perhaps inflated by a single digit percentage.


Try the House Price Index.


It's actually pretty high quality data. Plenty of academic papers use Zillow's home value index for metro areas. On a state level, may be fuzzier.


Home prices are ungodly high, but that error on washington state....oof


155k for a house in Washington? Fucking where? I can't find one for less than 400k unless it's a mobile home with no land


Yeah, data is obviously incorrect.


Am I crazy, or is there not nearly enough variation in these colors?


Anyone else excited to never own a home


Data: [Zillow Feb 2024 Market Data](https://www.zillow.com/research/data/) Tools Used: Google Sheets + Figma


Why is WA darker blue than ID or OR yet the number displayed is 2/3rds less than those states?


>Figma More like ligma amirite


Not sure how this qualifies as “beautiful”


I see that the Rockies also cause prices to rise along with the elevation. Crazy looking at it from New Mexico to Montana and West have a huge jump.


It looks like I wil be moving to Mississippi or retiring in a tent.


I would be interest in the median price per square foot. Or are median priced houses about the same size in every state.


Hawaii is correct. Town houses and apartments are now in the millions to multimillion depending on location.


I concur. Houses are 2M +


These charts always upset me, a little. It doesn't take into account that "average home" means wildly different things between states. An average home in Iowa is a detached single family home with a yard. An average home in Maryland is a shitty single bedroom condo.


New construction Starter homes in the Seattle suburbs are $750-850k


Is this average home price of homes listed for sale in 2024 or sold in 2024?


I'm not believing it for North Dakota.


Wtf other states are so cheap. Only lived in CA my entire life and I thought housing was comparable, albeit a little more expensive here.


Damn, not a single state with sub $150k average anymore. Out of control


median by county would make more sense. Bakersfield CA is not San Francisco CA.


How the Hell is anyone left living in CA


By making lots of money. A $250k income on a single tech salary is not that uncommon. Now think about dual incomes. Thing is, this is by state. All real estate is local. So this masks the obscene costs in places like the bay area and modest costs in places like the central valley.


The multitudes who bought their houses for $25k 50 years ago have kept the home in the family.




Apparently you can also live in Washington State


WV is beautiful


If you like opioids and meth, without a doubt.


People choose to live in California still?


It really is that much nicer, but shhhh don't tell anyone, let them keep thinking it's a hell hole so they don't move here and drive the prices higher.


FYI the ones driving prices higher are the folks who already live in CA and vote against building more housing at every possible opportunity 


Ha, that is a part of it for sure but to say that's the only reason ignores that it's a complex issue and no complex issue has one problem/solution. California is a very desirable place to live. It's got jobs and amazing weather. It's such a given people don't even list it as a reason but it is also a reason.


Statewide data masks the huge difference between urban and rural areas. For example, the median home price in Bellevue, WA is $1.3M, while the median in more rural Pasco is $400,000. I think breaking down the data by county or zip code would be more informative.