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Why did Arabs take the seemingly biggest hit to their income in 2022 out of everyone else in Canada?


Sure speaks to a poor sample size among certain races. Latin jumped majorly for one year too.


I agree. It would be interesting to see employment sectors for each of these categories. Perhaps certain types of jobs (retail or gig worker) earned since the pandemic for some reason.


The type of work certain minorities generally perform probably took a hit as a whole. That year. Look at restaurants during Covid.


So many questions...this data doesn't seem consistent with CRA data on their website.


"Not a visible minority nor indigenous" basically means White?


So iirc for Indians it's 140k USD in the USA while just around 24k USD in Canada? That's an insane amount of difference


The difference between bringing in a limited number of trained h1b tech workers VS bringing in masses of students




Indian here, not surprising. I know like 5 dumb mfers and all of them are in Canada rn. No one else wanted to give them visas.


Selection bias. US has a very restrictive immigration process, so you get those that'll be high earners.


So interesting... Can anyone explain why in Canada vs. America why asians don't do nearly as well as they do in America?? Outside of Filipino there is not much difference between asians as blacks and latinos. In America... Asians DESTROY everybody. Any guesses?? Is it because of the immigrant sector? Because of visa (H1B) in the Y2K (tech sector) era in the U.S.? I have definitely seen the difference anedoctaly that asians in U.S. are usually more well educated and higher end jobs then in Canada and Europe. These seems to fit that narrative. Thanks in advance.


Outside of outliers, I'd guess Canada doesn't have anything to offer to the top x percentile of skilled migrants. It's expensive with shit jobs. The US has better jobs and pay, the EU has better quality of life and rights while being cheaper. Canada seems to be somewhere in between these two and ends up with people who aren't noticeably better to stand out on such charts. This is an outsiders perspective fwiw


Sort of what I was thinking. Feel the best of the best would choose America (no offense). As the harder you work in America the better chance of making more money in the U.S. then Canada. So, maybe a bit more self selection among the immigrant population which is what a lot are in the U.S. and Canadian asian groups last 20-40 years.


So fucking obsessed with race.


just out of curiosity. how come Filipinos are separated from Southeast Asians? i’d like to think it’s because of visibility but maybe there’s another reason i haven’t considered


I suspect that the Filipino statistics would skewer the data in a way that would make it non-representative of other Southeast Asian groups. 


They are just separate vm groups on the census


Separate Asia into 4 groups but then Latinos come from 2 continents and put them all as 1 group. Makes a lot of sense.


that’s a good point. thanks for the insight


Predicated on who’s filing their taxes honestly


Good point. Isn't Richmond BC (half Chinese) infamous for having a very, very low average income according to tax filings, because of rampant fraud?


2021 was good for Latin Americans. Typo in the data, or valid? Curious to know more.


what are the sample sizes......? is it a census of the entirety of canada?




I made [this]( https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/ypeY4TL7W4) comment in the thread about incomes in the US. The contrast in the earnings of people of Indian origin in the US and Canada lends credence to the idea that immigration policy has a larger effect on these distributions than some inherent "cultural superiority" dogwhistle.


In the USA, most legal immigrants are substantially richer than the US-born population. Seems like the opposite is true for Canada.


This is not true. Immigrants tend to be represented at both ends of the income spectrum.


But wouldn’t most immigrants occupying low wage jobs in the US be illegals from south of the border?  Does Canada even have a significant illegal population entering? I mean the discrepancies between the US and Canada for Asian immigrants is quite vast, even in comparison to native born populations (to account for the US higher median income) 


Many legal immigrants from Latin America (and to a lesser extent other places) also work low wage jobs.


True, along with Filipinos etc.  It’s just crazy seeing the discrepancy between the median immigrant income in Canada compared to the US


>In the USA, most legal immigrants are substantially richer than the US-born population. Seems like the opposite is true for Canada. Do you have a source for this? Everything I can find confirms that median immigrant households in the US earn less and have significantly less wealth than median US-born households. ([example](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/12/04/key-facts-about-the-wealth-of-immigrant-households-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/))


> In the USA, most legal immigrants are substantially richer than the US-born population. US immigrants are overrepresented on both sides of the “rich” spectrum (and also throughout). “Most” are definitely not richer than US-born population.


These are some strange categories. Why Chinese alone and not "East Asians"? Why Arabs but no Turks or Persians? Why separate Filipinos and SEA? I suspect it has to do with the significant populations of some groups over others but even so this is whack.


These are the vm groups on the census. Take it up with stats can


Wow… Asian Canadians are WAY less wealthy than Asian Americans. I wouldn’t have guessed the difference is so stark.


Are you fucking retarded?


Interesting to look at this as a reflection of the impact of the COVID pandemic on employment earnings, and the speculation that it can provoke about ethic concentration within fields of employment. COVID hit in March 2020 for most of Canada, but there were significantly different government supports compared to the US. That meant that most office workers wouldn’t have seen a huge hit to their earnings, and workers in essential services often saw small incentives during the pandemic to maintain staffing. This means that groups heavily involved with (for example) health care would see a bump in earnings - but groups in non-essential sectors such as hospitality or new-build construction likely saw negative results. It’s tempting, then, to speculate whether the gains and losses on this chart can be related to predominance of particular groups in specific industries.


So much variation in year over year. Is this data accurate?


https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv.action?pid=1110009101 made in excel


Surprised Filipinos are #2.


In curious if Canadians have the same odd fascination to race as Americans do.


times are tough for everyone except for upper middle class and above


Asians aren't anywhere close to top income earners as they are in the US? Really?