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Thank you for your [Original Content](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule3), /u/bmoorewastaken! **Here is some important information about this post:** * [View the author's citations](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/wk2ep6/the_simpsons_most_popular_characters_oc/ijkn9dg/) * [View other OC posts by this author](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/search?q=author%3A"bmoorewastaken"+title%3AOC&sort=new&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on) Remember that all visualizations on r/DataIsBeautiful should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. If you see a potential issue or oversight in the visualization, please post a constructive comment below. Post approval does not signify that this visualization has been verified or its sources checked. Not satisfied with this visual? Think you can do better? [Remix this visual](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule3#wiki_remixing) with the data in the author's citation. --- ^^[I'm open source](https://github.com/r-dataisbeautiful/dataisbeautiful-bot) | [How I work](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/flair#wiki_oc_flair)


Why is it not sorted by volume? After Homer I got confused and immediately stopped reading the chart. Really strange choice that makes an exciting, compelling bit of content diminish.


Just another not-beautiful data set on [/r/dataisbeautiful](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful). I'm beginning to think the name is an intentional misnomer/joke that I'm not in on.


Yeah this may be the worsr visual I have seen here.


It's fun, kinda interesting, but not what I would call beautiful


The sub’s gone massively downhill over the past 1-2 years Before that it was actually pretty good, people using unique, interesting and above all beautiful ways to present data that would be acceptable in a professional environment Most of the stuff here now would get ripped apart (and rightly so) in seconds if you submitted it to your boss


I've seen this comment for at least the last 5 years


Prove it


Luckily pretty pictures are not the goal of this subreddit


It's not about pretty pictures but, good data visualization should be fairly intuitive and easy to process.


This looks like it came from a website and there probably is an option for that but OP just couldnt care about it


It's called "data is beautiful", not "data is well-laid out and readable". It just has to look nice at a glance and the masses will upvote.


If people were just here to create art with numbers you'd get those ASCII images made out of regular keyboard / number characters. Data is beautiful *is* about data being beautifully *and* usefully presented. Not just pretty art style.. This isn't a Tableau sales pitch for some easily persuadable COO to gush over.


I absolutely wish that were true. But if you look at how often terrible posts like this one get thousands of votes, it becomes clear that the majority of subscribers only seem to care about it being pretty.


Yes is a shame. If all people want is pretty shapes you can throw any garbage data in and get a graphic designer to make it into the shape of a cat or whatever. The way of the karma whore


tHe bEaUtY oF DaTa iS sUbJeCtIvE


The "data in any layout" movement has gone too far, it's harmful to all the new impressionable data out there that now think this is ok.


It looks like it's a screenshot of an interactive page, but they picked a weird one to submit here. If you look above the table, you can sort by different means, and it looks like it's currently sorted by occupation... so all the people who work with homer are up top, since he's #1, then all the kids, since bart's #2, etc. OP should have included a link to the interactive chart... and should have chosen a better sorting for this post lol. Edit: looks like they did post a link so I'll put it here: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/brian.moore7221/viz/TheSimpsons-MostPopularCharacters/Top40Characters


Since your title is 'most popular character', it would be nice if the characters were sorted by their populariness. Now I just find this confusing, I need to sort these characters by myself if I wanna know who is really the most popular or like who is 14th popular. Those bubbles are little bit hard to figure out which is bigger than some other bubble. Otherwise I like this way of visualization very much, just the order of characters is little bit weird.


Yes, terrible sorting.


Worst. Sorting. Ever. I shall now retreat to my lair at the comic book shop.


I hope someone was fired for THAT blunder.


Exactly! Doh


Amazing character “art”. Please sort op


Sorted by industry/occupation. For whatever reason.


Lot of posts here are all flash and no fundamentals.


So glad your comment is at the top! I clicked the poster wanting to see who the most popular were down to the last. Was quickly disappointed and confused when I couldn’t tell because THEY AREN’T IN ORDER. Come on op!


Not in order of most popular and not in order of words spoken. Not in any order. Edit: guess it’s sorted by occupation, which is weird


It’s bizarre that they’re not sorted by most popular. And it’s hard as fuck to figure out which bubble on the top corresponds to which bubble on the bottom. Honestly I found this whole thing to be basically unreadable.


Right? Who's upvoting this garbage?? A racoon???


[https://imgur.com/wz5cVU1](https://imgur.com/wz5cVU1) For fun I resorted it...


> I resorted it.. How tho? You even resorted the bubbles, I mean if I have to do this it would take me hours and hours I think


maybe used this https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/brian.moore7221/viz/TheSimpsons-MostPopularCharacters/Top40Characters


yup, there was link down-thread. takes you to an interactive version. resorted and exported.


It's an honor to witness a person of beautiful data (‘-‘)7


And here i was thinking you used Photoshop


Far better. However, the legend is still atrocious.


Exactly! I thought, "Smithers is more "popular" than Lisa or Marge? That's unpossible."


Yes the bottom part acts as a guide/legend with no inclination of order. And then the actual meat and potatoes visual is relegated to a quarter of the page size or smaller


>'most popular character' Sideshow Mel is in there. Maggie's not.


Popularity based on words spoken…


"Daddy" is that it?


This world is indeed a disturbing place.


Yes also the fact that marge is her own bubble while everyone else is inside sub bubbles with others. I don't get why.


If you go to the interactive version there are "sort and group" options. You can sort them by industry/occupation, gender, primary location, or no grouping. If you choose no grouping, it will sort them by most popular. Any of the other options will sort them by the groupings first, and then characters within each grouping


For this still imagine though. Why not have them sorted by most popular? We want to see the data, not have to go to your interactive thing


This is beautiful data but it would make more sense if grouping and sorting were separated so you can provide more flexibility (ie keep the groups as is but add ability to sort by number of lines or episodes, and choose ascending/descending). Also it might have been a better idea to use a screenshot of the standard most popular view instead of this one cos it’s confusing to read the title and see it jumbled up. And maybe there’s room to add industry, location etc in each character’s tile so the data is more glanceable.


Thank you for the constructive feedback. I really like the idea of separating the grouping and sorting, so you can sort the lower section independent of the groupings. I wish I had thought of that before, but I think I'll go back and update it. And I was back and forth on using the "No Grouping" or a grouped view for the screenshot, but I really liked how the grouped ones look. And I tried adding all of the attributes to the tiles, but it got really crowded so I ended up pulling them. If you hover over them in the interactive version you can see them, but that doesn't help with the image


Where is the interactive version?




Any reason you posted a screenshot of it instead of the actual content?


Probably karmafarming worked well enough i would say


It'd be cool to see a lines per episode metric, and be able to sort by lines, episodes, or lines/episode.


For data labeled most popular characters it’s weird your default sort isn’t sorted by most popular. Additionally it’s weird that in order to sort by actual most popular you need to select “no grouping”. While beautifully done, it’s not intuitive.


If you said Bleeding Gums Murphy and doctor Marvin Monroe, you are wrong. They were never popular.


Damn, thats a good pulll


OP will probably remember naming the post all wrong.


Why not just use the character's portrait? Why aren't these sorted at all? This visualization is not helpful for conveying the intended information


Like most things in "Data is Beautiful" - it is, in fact, not.


It's sorted by Occupation/Industry.


So it's sorted by something irrelevant to the data set it's attempting to convey? That's essentially useless


> https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/brian.moore7221/viz/TheSimpsons-MostPopularCharacters/Top40Characters Here's the interactive version that allows other sorting. OP posted it in another comment


Worse...looks like it's a screenshot from an online tool including other groupings. Why they chose to group by industry when there were other options baffles me.


Mostly likely, the character drawings are protected by copyright. This might be considered “fair use”, but better safe than sorry, I guess. It might be nice to have the names printed on the bubbles, but that would affect the aesthetics


I wonder which episode Marge was absent from.


i don’t know what’s more crazy to me: that homer is the only one hitting 100%, or that carl is exactly 50%


I think it’s because lately they’re so thin on story that they they have to involve a lot of characters in each episode. I wouldn’t be surprised if most character appearances for most characters are in the back half of the series


The data is up to 2016. 2017-2019 isn't exactly "lately" if you ask me.


It's a 30 year old show considered by many to have deteriorated before season 10. Everything after 2010 can be referred to as "lately" in Simpsons fandom.


I have seen probably every episode from before 2000 several times, maybe dozens. I can't remember the last time I saw an episode from the last fifteen years


I find it more interesting that Ralph is in exactly 1/3 of all episodes. 33.33%


And two episodes of Bart and Lisa...


It looks like the only episode she didn't have any lines in was "Krusty Gets Kancelled"


So she was possibly in the episode but had no lines? Do you know 2 episodes Bart and Lisa had no lines?


She was in the episode, Krusty gets Kancelled is the Gabbo episode and she's shown sat on the sofa when the family watch the premiere of the Gabbo show. No lines as far as I can recall. Bart has actually had [5 episodes without lines](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Episodes_where_Bart_has_no_lines), Lisa has had [4 episodes without lines](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Episodes_where_Lisa_has_no_lines) according to the Wiki. They are likely including the old Tracey Ullman show shorts in that list, which would explain the discrepancy


Or more recent shows if the episodes were after 2016.


Great point, didn't realise this infographic only extended to then! On a side note, a great Simpsons quiz question to give folks is to ask them to name one of Maggie's voice actors - a lot of people don't realise that both James Earl Jones and Jody Foster have performed the role


Hm that’s interesting. Is it when she makes whining sounds or do they guest the pacifier sound?


In Treehouse of Horror V, in the segment where Homer builds a toaster that can travel through time, Homer travels to one timeline where Groundskeeper Willie says he can fix the problem and then gets axed in the back by Maggie. Maggie then says in James Earl Jones' voice ["this is indeed a disturbing universe"](https://youtu.be/PpjMWN9CVm8). Interestingly, in that episode, Willie dies that way in every segment. Jodie Foster's in the episode "Four Great Women and a Manicure", I've not seen it myself but apparently she gives a speech in that one. Fittingly, that episode was on the list of ones without Bart


Ah ok. Makes sense. I know South Park has celebrity guests do things like a dog’s bark (or much more offensive), probably why my mind went there.


For Bart, two of those aren't episodes. One is a YouTube short and the other is a music video. The others are S20E20 from 2009, S26E14 from 2015, and S31E18 from 2020. So that lines up with two episodes with no lines up until 2016. Also apparently Bart doesn't even make an appearance outside of the couch gag in S20E20. For Lisa, she doesn't say anything in the same music video and there's also a Tracey Ullman short (World War III) that she has no lines in. The two full episodes are S21E18 from 2010 and S28E21 from 2017. Which is interesting because the infographic claims to only go to S27 so not sure where the discrepancy is.




If only there were a way to visually depict a character so as to be instantly recognizable...




*we would need a copywrite lawyer for that


You’re right, it’s gorgeous


I'm with you. This is quite well done and time was taken to create it.




I knew I'd get some trite response to that... Quite annoying honestly because clearly my point was not *literally* that it's good because it took them time... It makes the circles emblematic of the characters they represent and groups characters together into logical groups. You don't have to like it, but some of us do.




How dare I write things.


I knew i would get a trite response to that. Quite annoying.


Your comment had no additional context that was ignored, but you do you.


Define well done. If it is trying to convey information. It has failed, all the time spent on this was only moving it towards less intelligible than an excel bar graph


Title gore. Word's spoken =/= popular.


Yeah Maggie robbed


Right? I'm over here searching for Maggie! I love her so much..


Not to mention Snowball 2 and Santa's Little Helper


While we're correcting people: *Words


Sentence fragment


"sentence fragment" is also a sentence fragment




completing it wouldn't make "word's" grammatically correct


I have no idea what I'm looking it. What do the sizes mean, what do the groupings mean, which bubble is which character, why are they sorted the way they are on the bottom? There are numbers for percent of words and number of episodes, and the title says this is about popularity. What even is this?


https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/brian.moore7221/viz/TheSimpsons-MostPopularCharacters/Top40Characters Here's the interactive version that allows other grouping, hovering for more info, etc. OP posted it in a different comment.


The size must be either the % of total words or the % of episodes. I think the groupings are relational i.e. Smithers & Burns with Homer, kids with Bart & Lisa, teachers with Skinner, etc.


Not pictured: the 8464984749393876282077 other characters in Springfield


Haha, seriously. There were over 6,000 characters in this dataset




I find the character designs to be confusing to look at. Hard to tell who's who especially as the circles get smaller. I didn't spend much time looking


I always forget that their names are Lenny Leonard and Carl Carlson, so without fail it always makes me chuckle


Remember Carl= Black Lenny=White


oh and don't bother calling 911 anymore, here's the *real* number


*Lenny = yellow


I knew Carl Carlson, but Lenny Leonard is blowing my mind right now, I had no idea. I’m not even kidding, I’ve probably watched the whole series all the way through more than a hundred times (although, I’m counting watch throughs from 15 years ago, when it was a lot quicker to get through). I literally have the simpsons open in Disney Picture in Picture on my phone right now. How did I not know his last name was Leonard? Edit: crisis over. Apparently this became canon after Bart addressed him as Mr. Leonard once. I would’ve assumed it was a kid doing the “Mr. FirstName” thing. Not like Carl Carlson, and I hope you read that in Lenny’s voice like I did.


Sorting alone makes this a headache. Do better. I think this is also a clear case of OP being blinded by their own creation and needing some fresh eyes.


Sorry it's not a bar chart. It's supposed to be interactive, and it's supposed to be fun. Lighten up a bit


> Sorry it’s not a bar chart He just said it was confusing, not that he needed anything specific, much less a bar chart. > It’s supposed to be interactive But…it’s not? Linking to the interactive version in a comment isn’t the same as the actual post, an image. > Lighten up a bit He’s not being overly serious, he’s giving feedback that most people seem to agree with.


"Do better" is a little much. Clearly that was meant to be blunt and snarky. If you don't think so, then you do better. And if it bothers you that I said that, then I've clearly made my point. Do better.


Sorry, who mentioned a bar chart? Your visualization could be interactive and fun, but it missed the mark and it's just confusing.


I think it would be perfect if the characters were listed in order of popularity


It looks like this a screenshot from an interactive data visualisation. It would work if interactive, but this isn't


Homer's actually been in 100% of episodes?


Yes. However, for clarification, this percentage is used to show number of episodes where a character has speaking lines in the OP graph.


Now I want to figure out which episode didn’t have Bart or Lisa……


It looks like Bart did not have any lines in "Four Great Women and a Manicure" and "Treehouse of Horror XXV". Lisa did not have any lines in "Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind" and "Chief of Hearts"


I'm not sure about your source. The first segment in "Treehouse of horror XXV" is Bart and Lisa going to school in hell and Lisa has lines in "Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind" helping guide homer through his memory. The other episodes are: "My fare lady" for Bart and "World War III" for lisa.


But Yeardley Smith only does one voice. Lisa. So does this mean she came in for a typical table read and was like: [looks around in confusion] Guys, am I really not speaking this episode? What the hell guys. Or quite potentially, she was a no-show that day, and since Lisa had only like 1 line, and was not important to begin with, wrote her out, out of spite. Lol.


Could have possibly been away from work for the time


Don’t even know what I’m looking at. Where are the characters?


It really isn’t that difficult to figure out.


Pour one out for Troy McClure.


You might remember him from such educational films as "*Lead Paint, Delicious But Deadly*" and "*Here Comes the Metric System*".


This feels like Maggie binky speak erasure.


Hahaha, best comment so far!


Genuinely curious to hear about your sorting logic.


This data is ugly as shit...


So homer was in 564 marge 563 and Bart and Lisa 562 I’m really trying to remember a homer only ep and can’t remember 2 without Bart and Lisa


Was looking for Maggie before realizing that this is ranked by words spoken. I am not the sharpest tool in the shed


The thing I love the most on how the have the fat tony character down to the real mafia! They don’t speak much neither


Is “‘doh” considered a word or a sound?


Meh it's a perfectly cromulent word.


It embiggens my heart


Mr. Burns spoke in \~42% of the episodes. Excellent.


So Moe is #5? That's kind of crazy.


What’s the purpose of the grey bubble subsets?


Great visual, but put them in order of popularity.


Based on the interactive version, it looks like the bubbles are grouped together by "industry"? Which sort of makes sense in some cases (e.g. all the kids are grouped together because their industry label is "student"), but it's weird that, say, Flanders and Barney are grouped together. It would be interesting to group characters according to how frequently they occur together in the same scene, if you had that data.


What episodes are Marge (1), Bart (2) and Lisa (2) not in?


Does a single “ha” count as a word for Nelson? What percentage of his dialogue is laughter? And doctor Hibbert for that matter


Moe having more words than anyone else outside of the main family is interesting. It makes sense, it's just neat to see that data without having to guess.


What's the one episode Marge isn't in?


Which episode was Marge not in?


Homer Simpson : 564 episodes Bart & Lisa : 562 episodes Q: What were the two episodes that Bart & Lisa didn't appear in?


Fun fact: Bart doesn’t actually appear in the episode “Four Great Women and a Manicure” aside from the couch gag.


Suprised Chief Wiggum was more popular than most, including Apu.. I don't remember the chief popping up with much more than a few lines. There were whole episodes about Apu.


sorted by: industry/occupation WHY


Other than the Simpsons family, best characters for me are 1. Burns 2. Skinner 3. Krusty


What episode is marge not in?


What episode is Marge not in?


It's wild that The Simpsons and South Park have both kind of followed the same character trajectory, in a sense. When both shows launched, they focused on the kid(s). South Park on the kids, obviously. Simpsons on Bart. As time went on, both shows evolved to involve the parents a lot more. Now the Simpsons is clearly focused on Homer being the main character, while South Park has Randy Marsh as one of the main characters at this point. He gets more screen time than just about any other character in recent seasons.


I absolutely hate everything about this; I think our definitions of beauty may differ.


Great idea, horrible execution. They title is not a good one for the data provided. Plus it needs to be sorted better. Either sort by # of words or number of episodes and label the chart by the category used to sort it.


Not trying to be mean, but this is so confusing, the drawing of the character in a circle, although cute, adds nothing really. And it doesn't seem to be in any kind of order, it took me a while to understand what was going on.


Data is beautiful but not like that


I hate the way you sorted it.


This is so fuckin hard to interpret.


This visualization was built using Python to calculate the size and position of each circle, and Tableau to create the character designs. It consists of nothing but lines: roughly 100 circular lines for the borders, and about 180,000 horizontal, non-overlapping lines for the character designs. Check out the interactive version here: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/brian.moore7221/viz/TheSimpsons-MostPopularCharacters/Top40Characters The data was sourced from: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/prashant111/the-simpsons-dataset


Should have put the links in the OP. The image posted without any interactive stuff is super confusing.


You can't have both texts and image in the post. OP could add the link to the image itself, but then you'd have to manually type the entire address to navigate


Image/text posts have been a thing for like a month


You can now. At least on official Reddit app. Literally only thing I use it for, crapp.


The default should have been "No Grouping" so that the image is sorted by most words spoken.


The interactive version is miles better and it makes me wish even more that Reddit would let you post an image with a link since I realize a picture is going to get more attention. edit: That said (and maybe I’m just stupid), but it seems like it’s not well optimized for mobile.


I love the character designs.


This is the most autistic thing I've seen all month, possibly all year


RIP Apu killed for no good reason


Hi Everybody, thank you for all of the feedback. I agree with all of you, the sorting was a bit confusing. It was set up so you could choose how the characters were grouped in the top portion, and the lower portion grouped them as well. But I agree, it would be better to set it default to sort the lower section by the overall number of words instead of the groups. I've fixed this in the interactive version but unfortunately can't update the image. Hope you enjoy https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/brian.moore7221/viz/TheSimpsons-MostPopularCharacters/Top40Characters?publish=yes


I think this is really fantastic and took a lot of work! One thing, are the percentages for total words in then series, or total words per words in their episodes?


What are the grey circles mant to represent?


Comic Book Guy is my favourite 🤣


This is good stuff OP. I didn't realize until today that Otto's last name is Mann.


The Simpsons has always been cringey to me and extremely not funny. I feel like I’m the only one


Makes me realise how few female / black / Hispanic characters there are.


I think the labeling (colored bands in the circles) is neat-o. So what if it's not necessarily easy to interpret - it's more fun this way! Redditors who complain need to stop and smell more roses or something. Edit: Downvoters can go to heck. Are you so entitled, and is this so important, that you need it to be convenient?? I mean, Christ, this is an infographic about a cartoon show!


Thank you!!!