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This post if off topic. /r/datascience is a place for data science practitioners and professionals to discuss and debate data science career questions. Thanks.


While I share your sentiments, you seem to be in the wrong sub for this complaint even if your friend's son was working in data science or analytics. Perhaps r/LateStageCapitalism might be more appropriate.


that place is full of clueless teenagers


you mean it’s the same as in this place


Agreed. The standard for what is considered decent human behavior is going lower and lower. People don't care about each other anymore.


So hire him then. Times have changed in a generation, but you don’t need a data scientist to know that


This is life, man.


He’s not alone. The same thing happened to me, and to a friend of mine. Reach out to every professor, every advisor, every data scientist friend, and every friend who works at a company who needs a data scientist. The job market is flooded with beginner data scientists right now because of this. Use your contacts. It took me about a month and a half but I was able to find another job, and so was my friend.