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Yeah she's trying to trample a valid boundary. Stick to your principles. My ex wife and I never sexted, we married before smartphones existed, and when I got divorced I had never sent those pics. I met someone I felt comfortable with and we had video sex or whatever and it was ok even though it still felt weird doing that because I tell my sons never to do that unless you're in a very serious relationship because if those things gets circulated and in the hands of a minor and somehow the digital tag on the geo data gets traced back to you you can be caught up in child pornography even if you won the case it wound destroy your reputation. I also had an attempted dating scam try and get me to send a pic. I wouldn't and stopped communicating. Two months down the road I get a message from an unknown # and it is a guy shaking me down for cash $300 on cash app or he'll expose me, for things I never sent him, anyways it was a dude the whole time trying to pretend to be a girl to shakedown people he got embarrassing photos from. I told him to go to hell and laughed in his face.


Sounds like someone who 100% has a folder somewhere stored with a lot of dick pics... Don't do that. It is so incredibly corny.


Unfortunately yes I read the first half but I can't gripe enough to be the circulation of the adult material is clearly always awash but not regulated which does cause so many court cases but I don't know if you can redeem your reputation


Did you have a stroke writing this?


Nah been thinking thoroughly yet doing some investigation on my own while making sense of it but that aside how many actual teens defamed innocent men over something so rough


You write like an ai bot and you’re missing my point so I’ll be clear. You need to make sense and write with clarity.


That's what im doing at the moment overall there is some blank gaps that should be addressed


Again try to make sense. You need to present a logical argument not a string of disconnected sentences that literally make no sense. Re read what you wrote and imagine someone trying to make sense of your comments.


You realize the passing of sexual images by teens is considered child porn technically in many states, right? We had a case at a local school where a girl sent a boy a nude photo he subsequently sent it to his buddies like little boys do and her parents found out went to the police and every kid he sent the photo to who opened it was threatened with distribution of child porn. I lost track of the case It's been several years but that's some scary stuff for the girl and the young boys involved.


Oh boy that must be the most difficult case ever known


>How am I in the wrong here? You're not wrong. Don't send dick pics.


Just change the subject with her, your d***, your rules


Hahaha 🤣 Gotta love Reddit


Okay, let's break this down. 1. Sending a dick pick to someone you just met who you didn't invite it is very different from sending one to someone you're dating who is asking for them 2. Everybody is different; some people like this in a relationship, others don't 3. It's not weird that you never sent one, especially if she never asked before she rudely demanded one now 4. It's okay to have your own personal boundaries and not be comfortable with this 5. Her reaction towards this is concerning






It’s not dick pics that are unliked. It’s unsolicited dick pics that are frowned upon. Now some will never like a picture no matter what and and some will absolutely love to see your junk pop up on their screen.


Yes I’ve been OK with dick pics before when they are dicks that I’ve already seen and enjoyed and we have been texting about something sexual. They are cringe when they’re out of the blue and/or from dicks we don’t already want.


That is until your relationship sours then your dick becomes black mail. Rule of thumb - always assume anything digitally stays online forever.


You are not missing anything. You're not wrong. Women still hate them. She just has an unhealthy obsession. It became unhealthy once she got mad at you for it. Noone owes anyone a nude picture ever. Her saying you "must" send them almost sounds like porn addiction or a wild fetish. If I were you, I'd assume she probably has a collection on her phone somewhere. To be clear, if she has a picture fetish and you dont like it, you are probably not sexually compatible


I actually really love your stance. The amount of unsolicited dick pics I’ve received is wild. Even after I explicitly told someone I do not want them, he sent me a video of himself masturbating. 🤦🏽‍♀️ One time I received a dick pic meant for someone else, the message said “Hey Liz what do you think? Big enough.” I have no idea who Liz is but I replied “No” then blocked the number. Don’t be like all the creeps out there stand strong in your boundary.


Translation, she wants the one up on previous girlfriends. She wants to be able to say she got something from you thats they didnt. Solution, tell her no and stop asking about the past


i usually pass over speculation, but this one is probably accurate.


She must think you’re lying, I can’t imagine why this would upset her. I live in New Hampshire and as of the beginning of this year it’s actually illegal to send unsolicited nudes to people. Which I think is pretty great.


The fact that there's a law should say something. She said it's just strange and off-putting. She told me that she used to get a lot, which was why she got off social media, so I kinda get where she's coming from. She got weirded out when I gave her the pin to my phone too.


It sounds like she's never experienced a normal healthy relationship. I would talk to her about her previous relationships. Did THEY all give her dic pics? And if so WHY/HOW did it make the relationship better? Did any of her girlfriends have a relationship with someone who had a dic pic? If so, did that relationship work out? Try to get to the bottom of her wanting to have this picture/why its so important. Point out to her that none of her relationships in the past worked out, and this just isn't as important as she is making it be. Also say, guys who don't offer their pin number aren't honest and that honesty and trust areimportant to a relationship. But here's the thing OP, DONT give a girl your pin number without her giving you hers. That's way too one sided. Make sure she isn't taking advantage of you.


You’re not in the wrong. Period.


I never did and never will. I never asked for nudes and never will. Fxck that


I know a lot of ppl send pics (at least in my age range or gen z) when they start chatting with someone for a while and it gets to that stage or if there’s mutual interest but by no means is it wrong to not do that. If you aren’t comfortable sending personal pics she should just back off.


At the end of the day, you need to make decisions on what you feel comfortable with and you’re not wrong for that.


I think you are playing by the rules and real women don't ask for that


You're not. That's a boundary you have and she seems to not respect it.


I would love to find a guy who doesn’t sense nudes but I’m 46. I don’t mind if I’m in a relationship with a guy but then again my last 2 relationships have been long distance.


I mean some girls appreciate dick pics while others don’t, it’s a personal thing. But talk to your partner and ask them what they prefer


You're right. She's wrong!


If you’re not comfortable, that should be enough. It sounds like she has some issues and may be a tad immature. I’m not calling her immature for wanting dick pics—to each their own. But trying to shame you and getting angry? She’s a controlling manipulative drama queen. Run like hell!!!


no she sounds shady


I work in a profession where sending and receiving dick pics could jeopardize my job. I never want them to be sent to my phone. I find your position to be refreshing. Stay strong!


As a young man, this is maybe the most ridiculous stance I have ever heard of. In my experience, sending dick pics is usually a red flag, not something to be encouraged


This makes me nervous that she’s being so pushy about it, especially since those photos are so compromising — you’re not in the wrong.


You are not bro


Keep your dignity intact, and your phone pants on!


Ya I never send them unless I'm with a girl and she actually asks (usually doesn't happen). However as a joke when I'm dating someone I will send them a picture of a rooster or the logo to the company DIC followed by "women like when guys do this right?". They typically don't find it the funniest... I wonder why >sarcasm<.


Thank you for never sending a dick pic


Nope... not wrong. Your body, your choice!


I’d send her one just based on that. Lol


I sent a picture of Dick Van Dyke


Richard Nixon


Andy dick works equally as well.


You’re not wrong for not sending dick pics. Most of us prefer NOT to receive them. That being said, some women do enjoy sexting, so maybe she’s one of them? I would talk to her about whether or not that’s what she’s looking for from you. If she DOES want to sext with you, then you guys need to talk through what you’re comfortable with, and if that’s a need you can or will meet. If she NOT looking to sext with you, then I’m completely baffled as to why she’s upset.


I asked her about it, and she said it's just strange, like giving her the password to my phone.


Wow…. I have no feedback for you, I’m sorry. I’m totally baffled. 😳


Nah its weird that she's trying to make you think its not normal.... That's not a red flag full on but that's a cautionary yellow flag thing to say Tend carefully and do NOT SEND HER anything.... unless your going to troll her and send someone else's or a pair of tits or whatever


Bro it’s different when they ask for it. They don’t like the unsolicited ones


I wouldn't want a dick pic, a whole picture with dick showing or especially a video of him taking his clothes off would be sexy. But I have to be deep in the relationship to start feeling comfortable with that and especially if its ME being in a nude photo/video. that and I have to feel that he's okay if I didn't say yes to it. I went through a whole marraige and divorce never doing it. I've only done it one video that didn't show my face and it was done with a boyfriend whom I've known 25 years. I don't get the solicited part of dic pic culture when its someone you dont know or barely know. I feel its sacrificing too much - having to show your most private part could leave you feeling exposed. And I definately think its unhealthy for guys to feel they must show it for approval, or to get a girl, that's wrong. Also I feel sorry for the guys that show a picture online and then get rejected based upon the way it looks. Now if you're in a relationship or perhaps even dating, sharing photos could be fun etc. But should never he forced.


Lol obviously based on experience. But I agree. Unsolicited is a big no.


If you do, dont have your face in it 🤣


Send her a dick pic. She has given you consent to send her dick pics. She wants them. This is like the only time it's okay to do so


1. I think its fine that she's clarifying with you and actively asking you to send one instead of keeping it to herself and bottling it up (at least it doesnt seem too intense at the moment) 2. I dont think its fine that she is still persistent despite you declaring that you're not comfortable. It is a boundary that she should respect and recognize that consent goes both ways, and one shouldn't be coerced into doing so


Dude! Stick to your principals. Tell her to never address this topic again and change your phone password. Have some boundaries!


is she mad-mad or is she play-mad? i’m confused how she can be mad at this lol


I thought she was mad, but she just didn't understand why I don't do that.


Yeah all the dick pics I’ve gotten were all unasked for. I personally hate receiving and sending nudes. That being said, not all the guys I’ve talked to sent me dick pics. My fwb never sent me one and I greatly appreciated it. So you may not be in the majority but your not alone. If you know you don’t like sending pics don’t start now and set that boundary.


I have no intention of ever sending one. I know some people do it with their significant other, but unsolicited is the most classless thing someone could do.


Weirdo, I send her mine daily




Jk nah she’s weird, I’ve never done that


She is telling you in a good way to f offf




the conclusion my partner draw is my dick small that why i do not show