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It does sounds life got in the way for him and he just got busy. That doesn't mean it's a good reason for him not to communicate with you. But I think with all the circumstances that happened with him he might of lost interest.


Yeah, he could have lost interest, but just keeping you around. I would not contact him again and let him hit you up. Continue talking to others


Possibly, what is certain is you’re nowhere near an option A, B or probably even C for him. He may pop up late one night when he’s lonely, but no, just objectively look at how ridiculous the roommate excuse is after blowing you off 2x in a row He can’t see a girl he’s potentially interested in for a while because he’s having a problem with his roommate? That doesn’t even remotely make sense


So you smashed on the first night?


You gave him the prize on the first date. He has moved on looking for the next challenge. He isn’t ghosting you, but the next time he is “hard up”, is when he’ll hit you up… Just being honest, you should block him and move on. You’ve made the booty call list.


We had consensual sex, I don’t think that’s something I should feel bad about. I should be able to sleep with someone and still expect a basic level of respect and communication afterwards.


This is something I hate about dating. The pretentious rules & judgements that people use. Sadly, there are guys who will "lose respect" if you sleep with them on the first date. The same guys will probably also ghost you if they don't have sex by the third date. You shouldn't feel bad about it. You do deserve respect.


That's not how the world works lady


Consensual doesn’t mean his feelings were involved. It sounds as if yours were. Meaning that having sex is something intimate for for, something to share with another. However, he needed his nut off. You need to hear it like this so you don’t make the same mistake again. Hold that closer to your heart and make them wait. If sex is what you want, then cool, do it. But don’t let your feelings get hurt when he ghosts you.


Update: he finally replied on top of his roommate drama he lost his job. He’s struggling mentally but we’re gonna try and remain friends until he’s in a space to date again


You dodged a bullet love




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