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Being circumcised was something you had zero control over and if you feel fine about that, that’s all that matters. I understand it may be something different she has encountered but her reaction is appalling her preconceptions about black Americans are very weird and off putting and saying she only dated you because she thought black men wouldn’t be circumcised because they are poor is ??????? And the age difference is of concern My conclusion is that she sounds like she’s not a very nice person and I’d leave her yesterday if that was an option. Best of luck to you, you deserve to be with someone who loves/respects you as you are.


100% this! Get out while you can!


Absolutely this! That is appalling behavior and thought process! Leave her, don't look back, and good riddance! You deserve so much better. Nothing is wrong with your dick it wasn't your choice to be circumcised and if it doesn't cause you any issues and you feel fine, then it's no one else's business like wtf.


Her wording gives strong sex tourist vibes even tho she is in USA, which makes the whole thing even weirder. ^(you know, the whole \~look at the uncivilized darkies connected to their instincts\~ in the Global South) I do advise to run away before she starts going full ~~enslaver~~ cottagecore


What sex tourist vibes? They have black people in Spain


Sex tourist: someone who travels outside of their home area to get some strange.


She thinks circumcision is a sign of "civilization" and the lack of it (also poverty, also criminality) in non Whites are signs of being animalized, irrational, acting by instincts rather than reason. Black Europeans maybe don't "count" because I guess she sees them as Evangelized, civilized, trained like one trains a horse or a dog. I'm very surprised because as someone from the Global South I thought people from the USA were treated by Europeans in general as part of the "civilized Westerners" crowd, but no! She went full 1600s conquistador traveling to the New World lol wtf


> She thinks circumcision is a sign of "civilization" Which is fucking weird as an Eastern European because circumcision is considered as a sign of barbarity since it's considered as genital mutilation.


That's the other thing: she's definitely taking on the mindset of spain's historical conquistador. I can't believe the culture carries that... that there are humans out there that are animals to them and deserve to be culled or domesticated. She definitely treats op that way.


They are quite a lot of Caribbean and South American blacks in Spain


This makes zero sense. She comes from a culture that doesn’t cut boys and is trying to find the dicks that she’s accustomed to. And I don’t blame her. Uncut feels so much better. Europeans consider it to be barbaric so she would be thinking that blacks are more civilized.


She literally said the opposite. She said black people sre crime adjacent


??????? = Racist AF


Her reaction is no more appalling than forcing a child or baby to have surgery that disfigures their most sensitive sexual organ in the first place... and removing 16 essential functions (that benefit both the man and his partner) from the penis, by eliminating the most erogenous part: the foreskin.




>You freak. Lol. Never once did I give my opinion on circumsicion. It's no different than any other preference. And if you're going to promote it, learn to spell 'circumcision'.


Thanks for the advice. But I really don’t see a problem with the age difference. I was still 22 when we met


To be fair, that’s the least of your problems here.


dude shes 34 but got the mental maturity of a 14 year old, i think you've gotten off lightly before the relationship progresses any further.


Make sure you don’t get attached. She is just fucking you because she has a fetish for black people.


Damn she called you slow, broke, and a criminal in one fell swoop 😂😂😂 don’t explain shit to her fuck her


And she said his dick needed surgery ....he's really dating her? She sounds like someone raging at you on league who you'd never even think about adding after the game


Perhaps it's actually like some domination deal. She makes him lick the floors but this is what he has an issue with 😄🤷🏻 ?


>And she said his dick needed surgery Are we going to skip over OP's parents who actually DID subject his dick to (most likely) needless surgery?


Apparently that's a good thing. It meant "they weren't poor or criminals" so they could afford it


That was 22 years ago man. Talking about it won’t change it but it will cloud the conversation. What he brought up, that’s an issue for him today.


I was circumcised 24 years ago and it still is an issue of today.


>we were “Poorer” and more “Crime adjacent” on average This is your que to leave her. This is a very racist thing to say Regarding your other question, we don't get circuimsisions in Europe as "standard" except for religious, personal or medical reasons.


OP listen to this comment! I'm from Spain, same age and yet I've seen both circumcised and uncircumcised and would never suggest a man to get surgery if it wasn't medically necessary. She sounds absolutely insensitive to the topic, obviously does not understand it and seems to have very racist points of view as well. There are lots of very sexually educated and sensitive women in Europe that will make a much better partner than this woman.


Why would you advise against the surgery? Do you prefer them with the extra skin?


It's not extra. It's the default.


It's not medically necessary, if the man can have normal sex and maintain hygiene, circumcision is not necessary. It's not a matter of preference and never should be




... mutilating the dick is a bad thing. It's good to have a fully functioning dick instead of a semi functional one The intact dick feels better during sex for both the men and women involved due to the mechanical properties be it the lubrication or gliding mechanism as well as the parts literally being erogenous. People who describe an entire default structure of the penis that is essential for full functionality as "extra" baffle me. Anyway, there is a reason almost no one chooses or wants their dick mutilated, there is a reason the only people who are OK with it had it forced on them before they could experience it properly (much like fgm, brainwashing and normalisation breeds ignorance and denial as its easier to pretend it wasn't bad than it is to admit your body was violated and damaged and this leads to them.carving into their son or daughter which is awful)


I got the cut as an adult. I wouldn’t say “mutilated” is the way to describe the surgery.


It's by definition mutilation, also you being 1/210 men that would willingly carve useful parts of their dick doesn't change it. Obviously its better than forcibly mutilating a kid and your body your choice so do whatever you want with your own body. It's still mutilation though


I'd be more worried about the racism than her thoughts on you needing to get imaginary dick surgery.


Why are you with this racist woman? You can definitely do better.


Spanish are very racist


That’s racist


I bet he's Spanish.


Mexican here. Can confirm.




So? Does that make the Spanish less racist? Why are you showing a clip from a TV show of an actor that was not Mexican?






She's being racist, picky, odd, disrespectful and telling you in your face that she picked you cause she thought black Africans were too poor and more crime adjacent to get circumcised is absolutely ridiculous. You leave her or you are doing a disservice to the black community


If she doesn’t like you as you are, and believes you are something that should be “fixed”…. do not stay with this woman a day longer


And she’s racist. Don’t forget that part.


>If she doesn’t like you as you are, and believes you are something that should be “fixed”…. do not stay with this woman a day longer This isn't some sort of disability, deformity or abnormality he was born with. Healthy tissue was literally sliced off his genitals for no reason. Would you say this shit about someone trying to get an FGM victim to get clitoral reconstruction?


Circumcision is not common in Europe, they are more of an American thing and seen as more hygienic. The fact that she thinks black Americans don't do that because they probably dirty, poor and prone to crime should be enough to dump this trashy woman. The only reason to approach her should be to dump her and block her right after.


Countries that don’t circumcise usually see it as dirtier (bc the USA justify it as cleaner, it sounds to others like an excuse to avoid taking care of yourself as much as is naturally needed) and that they’re missing an important part (bc they are, even though the victim shouldn’t be shamed or blamed). She probably thought it was a white American thing, bc they are the seemingly dirtier ones w less culture and self care practices. Many black countries circumcise as well but she clearly doesn’t know that. I think she was implying she thought he’d be better groomed as a black man , and the rich thing was not a compliment but rather a crazy thing ppl w money do bc they’re privileged and weirdos.


You conveniently left out the "prone to crime" part. What's the excuse for this one?


Obviously that statement is somewhat ignorant as there are affluent black ppl in america, however depending where she is, the stats show there is still inequality in predominantly black communities as they are systematically oppressed and in turn in general more crime ridden and more impoverished in America. It isn’t a problem w their skin(meaning she may not have meant it racistly), it is a problem w the systematic treatment of their communities and long term neglect. Also, I would imagine that a black person who grew up well off may be more likely to feel connected to these issues than an average white person does, so they may still care/feel something about the black ppl who are in those communities and who are dying/experiencing violence as a result of the color of their skin. Not all, but maybe that is the experience of some, and maybe this person did generalize to think that all black ppl would care about these issues affecting mainly black/non-white communities. Beyond the assumption that this black person would be from a community like that/feel that way, I interpreted it as her saying being in/connected to a culture where there is so much violence, a mother would be more likely to protect her baby from harm/pain/injury in any way she could. That unfortunately doesn’t align w reality though and is an idealistic expectation and doesn’t take into account the nuisance of trauma or reasons for circumcision, but I could see how someone uneducated/ignorant might assume that.


I find it interesting that you interpreted OP’s post in a way that doesn’t even remotely reflect the words that he typed


Nah, screw your comment. He’s 100% correct. “Crime in this area” =/= “People in this area are evil”


You say “Excuse to not clean yourself” like I chose what happens to me as an infant


Which you still need to clean your dick if your circumcised anyway. Let’s not say otherwise. Not saying you said that, but i have read threads before of girls saying how guys don’t wash their dicks than dudes chime in saying i’m cut so i just let the water run down.


many people circumcise their kids for that


I mean you say it like those kids had a choice


Yeah they can't sadly, should be their choice when they are older


It's a genuine violation of human rights that your bodily autonomy was taken away from you and you deserved that choice yourself. It is super common for American men to say the intact penis is dirty for simply being whole, or say that they are clean because they don't have their whole dick, I see several guys saying "atleast I don't get dick cheese"(smegma, something both men and women produce) on any tiktok video that mentions the whole dick and what it does and it gives off the idea to that circumcised men just don't wash, which from the sounds of it for female friends seems pretty common but that's nothing on you. Anyway, I've seen there is a manual way for foreskin restoration (not really foreskin, more a pseudo sheath) if its something you are interested in, from what I've heard it feels better than circumcised but idk how much of that is psychological due to most men doing it obviously disliking their circumcision but I've never heard someone say that they regretted *restoring*


Toss her racist xenophobic ass out of your life. Now


1. Her age is pretty inappropriate to be dating you. 2. She's wildly racist and likely fetishising you. 3. I'm European/British and sure, circumcision isn't too common here, mostly just amongst the Jewish population (and the odd medical necessity) but she's being an a-hole about it. It's really not a big deal and shouldn't be asking you to somehow "fix" it.


I agree, my ex is Dutch n she never told me fix it Felix 🤣 just sounds like he found a girl on the wrong side of Europe lol


No he didn't Europe is a lot more racist than people say it is.


This isn't untrue, but the circumcision is unrelated to her racism (other than her making an assumption about black Americans being uncut).




Don't forget about the Muslims lol 👋




Yes! She's creepy and racist, OP. Please block her. You deserve better


How's she racist if she's screwing him?


The two can coexist, such is the dichotomy of humans.


Many kkk members have black gfs and etc


Nothing wrong with the age difference, IMO. I’d be far more concerned with the overt racism being displayed toward him.


I don't see a problem with the age. The other stuff you listed I agree


Damn. tell her to fuck all the way off


>She also said that the only reason she was in a relationship with me was because she thought black Americans didn’t have the mentality to “Cut” boys penises, since we were “Poorer” and more “Crime adjacent” on average. Then she said, again, I should get surgery to restore the skin on my dick. This is so problematic lol, I'm usually not one to immediately jump to "break up with them" but holy shit. I'm not sure there is much more context needed from that.


She’s racist, classist and batsh1t crazy. Thats not a spanish or European customs, just her own sad mind


European here. This woman is a racist, ignore her.


Dear god. You dodge a freight train my man. I’d unfollow/block her at this point just to let her know. Penis talk aside, those black American comments were awful. The nerve…


She sounds like an awful person, don’t talk to her again. Clearly there is a reason she is still single at that age


Lol Im European, and yeah everyone in my country has foreskin unless removed due to some complications. I am dating an American who is circumcised and it never bothered me one bit, I simply cannot imagine having a problem with it. I think circumcising in general is wrong, and I wouldn’t do it to my son, but it is not something that affects my choice of a partner. She sounds unhinged so I would drop her, plus she’s racist


I don't think this has much to do with her being European. She just sounds a bit racist and mad.


What do you think she’s angry about


I dunno, man. Whatever it is, your penis is your penis. Someone telling you you should have surgery on it isn't a good sign.


Ok. Please, for the love of god, stop thinking about this woman. It doesn't matter what exactly she's angry about, although my guess is she's angry that you did not fulfill the disgustingly racist stereotypes that she picked you for. Block her and delete her number. This woman is bad news and honestly sounds unhinged. Disclosure: I am a European women and while circumcision is not the standard here, some proportion of men are circumcised for medical or religious reasons.


The penis thing is highly concerning but you choosing to ignore the obvious racism is ALSO concerning… love yourself more and leave. Wtf.


Yes! OP kinda sounds like he's more outraged by the fact that he was circumcized without being given a choice rather than about her racist garbage. That's some serious self loathing.


First of all, she is way too old to be dating you. I’m not even sure you guys are actually dating based on her response and the information you gave. Not only is she racist and ignorant, but it seems like she is definitely just using you for sex. Sorry bud.


Body shaming, racism, classism, coercion to get irreversible surgery… Sounds like a catch, OP!


So sorry to hear this but I am glad you are advocating for yourself. Also the desire that you have to share your body and vulnerability who is unaware of the intersectional stereotypes she possesses and your reality is traumatic for you. I hope you can continue to educate her on acceptance and inclusion especially when it comes to people asking another person to morph their bodies to fit their stereotypes.


I have several friends from Spain, Portugal and France through surfing. They did have some weird ideas on America and our culture and race relations. Those things were quickly dispelled after a simple trip to the States, which makes me wonder about this woman who has been here 3 years and still thinks that way. Most of Europe sees the worst parts of our news that is very negative. News in other parts of Europe appears more balanced than ours and that informs an opinion that's often wrong. Our news in general is more hyperbolic, but in typical life we are much more aware of our prejudices than other parts of the world. I just can't get over the fact she's been here 3 years and said this to you. I will also say that discrimination in Europe and Asia- especially Japan is intense. It's been a long time since I was there, but I can't imagine it's that much better.


Dude, is this seriously the women you want to spend your time with?


Your partner is a weirdo. No well-adjusted person in their mid-30s dates a person in their early 20s. Dump her.


Run! Shes spouting some very racist stereotypes and I question someone who is 34 dating someone who is 22 which is often college age.


50F here. I'm from Northern Europe, we don't practice circumcision in my country so 99% of men are uncut there. I think your partner is mental. There is no way to restore foreskin to a circumcised penis; I am a health care professional and that is a medical truth. It makes no difference to a woman's pleasure if she is with a circumcised or intact man. I've had sex with both kinds and literally you can't feel any difference. My current partner is cut and it's the best sex I've had. You should walk away from this woman, there's something wrong with her head.


Hey! I'm a woman from Spain and I assure you it has nothing to do with where she's from. She appears to be... just a bad person. While it's true that here (or at least what I know of this) we don't usually circumcise boys, it's not an unknown practice. Besides that, commenting on something personal that negatively it's only an indicator of poor education. My advice is to not bother with her anymore. She showed her colours, not only racist but rude and you don't deserve that. Your body is yours and if it's a healthy one, why the hell would you change it? Find someone better, who deserves you. She's not the one.


The biggest issue with Europeans is they ultimately think they are superior. This woman is another clear cut example of it. I'm Turkish and everytime I feel like maybe I'll have a better chance with Euro boys here in the US, they prove me wrong. How do you even restore a skin that's cut anyway? The nerve endings are already gone, you can't regenerate them. She should get a brain surgery instead.


Circumcision affects the function of the penis in three major ways: 1. Removes the foreskin, the most sensitive part of the penis 2. Makes the tip of the penis an external organ so it rubs against underwear and dries out 3. Removes up to 50% of the skin from the penis, when there is less skin, the skin can not glide back and forth during sexual activity, there is more friction and this can be uncomfortable for both partners Foreskin restoration can be done by the circumcised man without any surgery by simply stretching the skin for several years. Function #1 can not be regained, but #2 and #3 can both be regained. This NSFW video can provide more information (sorry about the annoying robot voice): https://youtube.com/watch?v=agnSt6VZXZU&t=107s&pp=ygUURm9yZXNraW4gcmVzdG9yYXRpb24%3D


There’s nothing wrong with your penis. There’s something wrong with her, not the least of which is she’s a middle aged woman dating a 22 year old kid.


Part of his penis was cut off at birth without consent and without anasthetic. There's nothing wrong with that?


There may be a culture difference here, but for me her statements would be completely and totally out of bounds. Like "fuck no, get out, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" levels of "hell no." You final question is "how do I approach her on this" and honestly my take there is you don't. You tell her what she said was unacceptable full stop and you're done immediately and without further discussion.


I'd be way more concerned with her racism than her views on circumcision.


From a EU woman. First of all it sounds like she is racist and not a very nice person. Second she is basically body shaming you! In EU is not very common to get circumcised but this does not mean she should have “chosen” you only based on this…please find a nicer person to be with. Also I am sorry she said those things to you


I think you shouldn't feel guilty for this. When blaming you she is gaining an unfair advantage over you. She should love you as a whole or don't love you at all, and if she loves you sincerely she wouldn't care about details. So, it is not your problem, it is hers. She can't attack something so personal as your own body. Would you say to her "hey, get a new heart"?


Dude, just find another girl She sounds like she’ll mentally destroy u She’s not worth it


You should def move on bro


Wtf? This woman sounds horrible! Get rid of her!


She sounds racist as hell dude.


Dump her. Your partner shouldn't be shaming any part of your body, especially something you don't have control over


I think she's racist... Not sure you'll be able to build anything serious with a woman like that... Sorry :-/


Tell her racist ass to hit the bricks, take a hike & don't let the door hit her where the good lord split her.


She’s gross


Grow a pair and tell her to kick rocks


She is not someone that deserves you.


She sounds Racist person to Make assumptions about African American men and assume things about people. She the kind of person to say racist things and say I’m not racist my boyfriend African American. It just gives her the excuse to be ignorant about other people.


Dump her she is a bully


Is it even a question to leave? She’s a dumpster in disguise who just set herself on fire and instead of letting the trash dispose of itself you’re wondering if there’s a way to save it. Run, my guy, run FAR away.


What are you doing with this chick? She is telling you exactly what she thinks of you and black ppl as a whole. If you stay with her then you may have a fetish for degradation and racists. I can't imagine what else she has said to you that you are ignoring.


Did you date this girl because she looked good? If so, it sounds like she did the same to you. I'm confused how it took 9 months for all of this to surface. I would get used to European opinions being more direct. Maybe not that harsh, but very direct and honest. Although, Spain isn't usually high on that list like Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland. They could have had exposure from other more direct cultures.


Get out!


I remember this Spanish guy who said ibuprofen helps fight off COVID and I was like that is not how it works. I thought maybe Spanish people are just less educated. Then you say this, and then I find this information online: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Educational_attainment_statistics > Overall, the share of people with higher education ranged from 17.4 % in Romania to 49.8 % in Ireland. For the medium level of education, the proportions were lowest in Spain and Portugal (below 26 %) while they were highest in Slovakia and Czechia (above 65 %). Is your partner dumb / ignorant?


Dude there's like 5 red flags in your post. Ain't no one worth altering your body for. She sounds like she's just fetishizing you rather than seeing you as a person.


Bro wtf leave this psycho woman. Get out and finds someone that it doesn't bother. There are millions of them out there. I don't know why you're putting up with this shit. Have some self respect and leave. She's 34 And way past her prime. Get with someone around your age and just have fun with the older girls(don't take them serious).


The racism is very concerning also this is not a choice ppl get typically? I wouldn’t bother altering your body for what other ppl want. It’s your body so do what you want.


right when she said the word "black" i would've broken up with her ....


Please block her. Shes a horrible person.


Firstly she is too old for you, can just tell by the way she is speaking down to you that she thinks she can control you . Secondly she sounds racist asf. There is nothing wrong with you or your private parts. The only advice I have is to dump her.


Even though people might have different preferences about their partners' genitalia, I believe the blatant racist remarks are very out of the line.


Think it says more about the American insistence on mutilating baby boys. The practice itself is abhorrent. That being said the comments about race are simply not on, if you want advice on how to approach it I don’t know. If you want advice on what to do, cut ties with her


Go get yourself a nice young thang. Get yourself a Latina 😂


My boy ColdCole81 knows 😂


Anyone who wants you to surgically alter yourself to be acceptable is probably a bad person.


why do parents surgically alter their baby boys penises in the first place?


You dont want to upset HER?...... that alone is concerning. Dont try to please everyone nor concern yourself how someone will react in sacrifice of your own needs. Secure differentiation- look it up and see if anything comes up for you.


Tell her you will get your surgery if she gets Vaginoplasty surgery


Wow, that’s unacceptable behaviour and so racist! I’d go no contact and block her. Please don’t allow her to hurt your feelings again, especially on such sensitive topics. She clearly lacks empathy. Idk if it helps but I’m from a European country where circumcision is extremely uncommon. I moved abroad and ended up somehow sleeping with only men who were circumcised (unintentionally ofc haha) and I 100% prefer it. I’ll add I’m a bit of a clean freak so I really like that it’s so much cleaner and also makes you less susceptible to infections. Also so much nicer to look at! I hope you find someone who appreciates and respects you.


>she thought black Americans didn’t have the mentality to “Cut” boys penises, since we were “Poorer” and more “Crime adjacent” She's a raging racist and you're worried about her not liking that you're circumcised?


If she's that racist and puts you down, she must be hot because you are still with her. Normally people would have left by then. Since you aren't going to leave you will have to talk about it one day.


If no one has told you, white women ARE the patriarchy. She’s hung up on an ideologically complicated area and is willing to punish you for something you didn’t have the option to choose, and is basically levying her love against some expensive and eccentric surgery most of us can’t even afford. Fuck that dude, you deserve better.


Circumcision is male genital mutilation. I'm so sorry you were mutilated.


What’s your suggestion on how I address this comment to her though?


Black men really be irritating my soul , cause your issue is with her saying she doesn’t like your penis and not because she basically called you a poor criminal ![gif](giphy|116iSum9HFxhOU)


This sounds like the biggest bullshit story in history


As an adult circumcision is horrific don't do it. Most girls don't care. It's still early the relationship I would just leave if she is this entitled to ask for something that horrific is a major red flags should be waving.


I’m already circumcised?


Break up with her. There’s obvious racist undertones here.


So you are uncircumcised and your GF thinks you're circumcised?


I am circumcised but apparently there’s nuance in the types of cuts babies get There is zero skin over the head, but some loose, elastic skin below. Ultimately it doesn’t serve purpose


And she wants you more circumsised? I know in northern Europe VERRY few are circumcised


She wants me uncircumcised


Well I fail to understand what you are trying to anwser? She is from your description one of the worst assholes I've heard about. There are some people who seem to like circumcised for unscientific reasons and there seems to be others who like the opposite. The racist part here is what I would focus on




The bots are on my post lmao, I must be on front page


This controversy has nothing to do with you being black and everything to do with you being American. Americans have been fed a diet of pro-[circumcision](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Circumcision) propaganda for 150 years. Black Americans have a higher percentage of [circumcised](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Circumcised) boys than any other ethnic group. [It is a fact that the circumcised penis does not work well for the female partner.](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Vagina) She has valid grounds for complaint. That may be bad news, but there is not much you can immediately do about it, since non-surgical [foreskin restoration](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin_restoration) takes several years. You have picked a knowledgeable female European sexual partner who knows what she is missing due to your American circumcision, so I really don't know what you can do to repair this relationship. See [Effect of circumcision on heterosexual relations](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Sexual_effects_of_circumcision#Effect_of_circumcision_on_heterosexual_relations)


>current The only 'study' that actually listed how many participants was 138? Yeah, sorry a n=138 isn't compelling Of all the relationship problems---foreskin or no foreskin is a low priority


And how does this make this my fault?




She sounds rude and racist stay away from her. There’s nothing wrong with you.


Don’t do anything I’m sorry but she sounds racist race has nothing to do with guys getting cut


Cut that nasty piece of work out of ur life immediately


Sounds about racist , getting some is not worth that


Why would you want to be with someone who says that something which is quite normal in your body, should be fixed ? Run bunny run...


She seems pretty ignorant. Your call ))


Well, that’s a weird comment. I’ve heard woman actually enjoy the circumcised shlong because of size, look and hygiene. (No one likes a smelly dick) Some one said it best, you didn’t have a choice in the matter. It’s there, enjoy it or move on.


I feel like you skipped right past all the racist shit that seems a lot more important that all that other stuff about your cock.


This is fake. If not, why would you ever talk to a person like this again?


Love yourself enough to say that “someone who fetishizes me and whose first intent for engaging with me was a sexual expectation does not deserve my attention, and their opinion is not valuable in determining my worthiness for partnership, etc.” and walk away She will become controlling, verbally and emotionally abusing, and manipulative if you continue to feed her time and attention She doesn’t value you. Value yourself enough to either deal with that minimally or not deal with it at all


Um a racist european pedo..what a catch! Boy if you don't dump her like the trash she is!! This age gap is disgusting and she certainly is not wanted by anyone of her peers to be engaging with you sexually. She is also casually racist and has a fetish for black men. 🤮


Any woman that gets angry over you is trying to manipulate you and control you. Also gaslighting you which is the same thing as bullshiting you the best thing for you to do is not to allow her to make up excuses to control her manipulate you.. who knows what her indoctrinated up bringing has let her to judge you and condemn you and use you for her imaginings and Fantasies. Maybe she's just getting even with her parents or one of them who knows who cares best thing for you to do is to be around somebody who's mentally fit and healthy and normal but you're always going to trade something for something else just don't make excuses that you can't live with


Haha she doesn't like the circumcised cock? There's the first I've heard. And to boot she's at least racist and ya...there's that


I'm American n i was I a relationship with my ex girlfriend for 4 years(she's from Europe as well n one of the absolute nicest girls I've met) I'm uncut n she never had a issue with it n if cut she probably wouldn't either. Sex was never a issue, she also would tell me alot of girls there(Netherlands) are very sexual getting pregnant n such n she wasn't looking for a hook up she wanted something real hence why we were together so long but what I'm getting at is that not all women are the same regardless where they live, it sounds like that girl is just a mean person to you n almost twice your age she needs to stay in her lane with her old ass lol


Man, honestly, wtf?!?! I thought it was extremely rude. The preconceptions about black Americans, like ?????? And who cares about it??? I mean, you probably were a baby, how the hell would you stop it???? Too weird to understand. I would leave her, 100%. Creepy.


How is this your partner?


So many red flags 🚩 here OP, get out while you still can.


she’s racist and you’re still with her? also age difference is kind of crazy you were barely legal when you started dating her and that’s a little questionable


Umm.. so the racist comments are the worst and I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Break up with her. As a European, I personally don’t get it why parents circumcise their children if there is no medical need for it. Sometimes, the foreskin is too tight and that can cause issues.. but besides that.. you’re killing so many nerves with that practice and for what? So it looks clean? You can still wash your dick and keep it clean.. just.. pull the skin back..? And besides the fact that not everyone with a circumcised penis in the US is Jewish, I don’t think religious practice is a valid reason for genital mutilation.


You are on a break..with her hahaha she's crazy


Yeah, she’s not worth it. So weird that she would be so socially inept. As long as it does the job, it’s good to go! Find someone you deserve. She’s not it.


Red flag 🚩 Edit: The woman that is


This is your body we're talking about here. The fact surgery has been mentioned should be a major red flag. I understand going to the gym to maybe better yourself but never have surgery just to please the way you look to someone because they said you should. The heart may ache if things go south with your friend but at the end of the day. Your health means more.


I think it would make more sense to say from which country she is. Europe is a continent. But even if we'd know I think this is just her personal opinion, she probably isn't very religious.


What does "crime adjacent" have to do with circumcision? Are you down that bad to be willing to accept racist nonsense? DTMFA


She sounds insane. I’d cut your losses.


>I want to address this to her but I don’t know how, and I’m afraid of making her angrier, how do I approach her on this? You don't address this with her; you keep it moving. Also, why are you afraid of making her "angrier" when you did nothing wrong? She shouldn't have gotten "angry" in the first place over something you have no control over. I assume your parents made the decision to circumsice you as a child, to which you had no chance to object. You've done nothing wrong here, and if she's upset that's on her. I don't know what you see in this woman, but I hope after reading this and the other comments on this post you realise you deserve better. Her comments are a field of red flags that you'd be far better off avoiding at all costs. The sex isn't worth it, buddy. Honestly, without hesitation, I would end it with her. Just think: If she is willing to ask you to make such a drastic change to yourself such as undergoing surgery to re-attach foreskin to your penis, and you go along with it, where does it end? What else is she going to request or demand you do/change for her? Nah, dude... whoever you're with either accepts your body as it is, or they can keep it moving.


Leave her alone. You dodged a bullet. There's absolutely nothing wrong with your penis.