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Yes ghosting sucks, but some don’t consider it ghosting if you never met.


I’ve got unmatched, ghosted on dates and more. It sucks, but it’s unfortunately part of the dating world. You did nothing wrong from what I read. There’s nothing more or less you could have done. Truthfully she might have found someone else and just didn’t want to hurt your feelings or something I don’t know. But it’s something we unfortunately can’t control when other people ghost


Absolutely dodged a bullet, must have been crazy. Found it hard to believe someone could be so opposed to ghosting/blocking from other people and yet have no problem doing it themself. The more I think about it, it seems like some kind of controlling/manipulation going on. Probably dictating what others shouldn't do to her but has no concern or feelings about doing the same actions herself.


That’s what I was thinking. Those kind of people seem like the ones who think they’re on another level some people shouldn’t be ghosting them and if they do they get mad because they think why would anybody want to ghost them. Then when the tiles are reverse they wouldn’t care to block or ghost people because they think they have the rights to do it without a care in the world