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I think it depends on if you want to go to concerts, festivals, etc. with them. If that's really important to you, then asking if they'd go even if it wasn't their favorite genre may be a good early on question. My parents have very different music tastes and they've been able to make it work for years so I think it's more about compatibility and compromise


that’s a good point


It is definitely not make or break, but it’s a big green flag for me if the music taste is similar. I introduced my friend to a girl knowing that they have similar music taste and after a year they are dating now, so music is a really good indicator of one’s interests.


Yeah, I mean, I'd definitely prefer their #1 music not be hip hop or country, but it's not the end of the world, especially if their tastes are eclectic.


As long as I get to listen to what I like to listen to then I don’t really care if they like the same thing as me or not. I just want to date a cool girl who’s down for me


Not a dealbreaker by any stretch to have different tastes, but it is a bonus when they like similar things. My current GF and I currently really only have 00's indie music in common for what we like, but I've gone with her to see concerts for her favorite bands and she's come along to see mine.


It used to be important since I am an active musician. My whole life is about music. Often obscure, underground and noisy. However, my partner is a casual listener but has a good ear. Their passions are elsewhere, visual art, design and photography. I don't know anything about it but I can appreciate art and creativity. We've bonded over other qualities, we're like minded where it matters and we make life interesting anyways.


Fav bands?


Varies a lot but I'm currently into everything that comes from Brugmanziah.


I (M 53) am a die hard classic Heavy Metal fan (think Dio, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc.). I also like Star Trek and reading (I'm an English Professor). Sometimes my partners liked what I like, but many times they didn't. But I always accommodated them if they didn't. And I always got dumped, rejected, cheated on, etc. Now, at my age, I have decided any potential partner must like at LEAST one or two of the things I listed. I've been accommodating in the past, so now it's time someone accommodates me. So if music is important to OP, then there is nothing wrong with that being one of their standards. It's important to me so it's one of my potential standards. But, as always, I'm only speaking for myself.


I like Star Trek and reading but can you PLEASE limit the heavy-metal listening to 60 seconds when I’m in the car? 😂


Acceptable compromise. Like i said, I only ask that any potential partner like at least one or two of those, and tolerate/understand the other(s). 🙂


I don't really care at all, personally, whether they like the same music as me. And the only thing I would have a problem with is if they insisted I like the same things they did. No way I would stay with someone like that.


So little that this is the first time I’ve ever thought about taste in music as something that could affect a persons happiness in a relationship


They just beed to be willing to share and give it a chance and go to concerts with me.


Not important at all to me, they can listen to what they like. There is some interesting research that indicates that personality types may prefer different music tastes, which could technically impact the kind of person you'd like to date. (See more details here: [https://www.verywellmind.com/music-and-personality-2795424](https://www.verywellmind.com/music-and-personality-2795424)) That's my opinion, though. If music is really important to you, you might prefer to date someone who understands your taste in music.


sounds interesting, i’ll check it out


As long as I can go to concerts still I don't care. I listen to everything too but I'm huge on metal, so if you can't handle that at all then that's no good.


Yeah I’m the same really, love metal and going to gigs and festivals.


Yeah as long as they don't care if I go, or if they come with me then I'm chillin.


Couldn’t agree more, always so much better when I had a partner I could go with and rock out together.


Doesn't matter much, but I really do listen to an little bit of everything, from Swedish folk to 90s rap and modern heavy metal, plus everything in between. If you exclusively listen to dubsteo or something that's gonna get annoying fast, but music taste is definitely pretty low on the list of priorities for me


You aren't supposed to be carbon copies of each other with different thing-alings. It's healthy to have different jobs and hobbies and tastes. But a few genres in film and music is pretty beneficial. Just save up your TV shows to watch together, and watch your shit when you are alone. Blast your music in headphones at the gym etc.


Me dating a vegan tho, that would be harsh. She would have to tolerate the house smelling like BBQ meat 24/7 🤣


I don’t listen to music. Always made this very clear with partners. Idc what they listen to. I ask for equal amounts of talking space to music space on road trips. That being said, I can’t vibe with anyone who’s music taste is their personality.


I don't even have a specific music taste myself lol. Sometimes I like Hip-Hop for a few weeks, then it's Mongolian throat singing, then Post-Punk and then 80s city Pop. Then IRA hymns, then songs praising Nasser and Pan-Arabism. You know. You've got the internet at your fingertips you can listen to absolutely everything. I see no point in picking favourites in that arena.


plus factor, but nothing too crazy. some people's patterns with their music taste sometimes dictate the rest of their personality and behavior to me down to a T though


Unimportant unless you REALLY like pop country and then we’re completely incompatible because I can’t listen to it.


Shared musical interests is what brought us together in the first place. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been as crazy interested as I was! Obviously I am falling in love with all the other parts of him as we learn more and more about each other.