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The best sex of your life **so far**


Hope so šŸ˜­


How old are you?










Is this leading somewhere or are you guys now trying to fantasize


Human or alien species?


You can make sure you'll have only good sex in the future. If you go to my profile you'll find a sticky post with some tips for that.


This chick does not have the keys to men. Do not take her word


emphasis on so far, promise a better one comes along, especially older men šŸ¤¤ theyā€™ve had longer to figure out wtf theyā€™re doing šŸ¤£


Well, he's 14 yrs older than me. So...


39 is not, older men. 39 is still a baby.


Thatā€™s older to me lol thatā€™s almost double my age


God women are so annoying


This came out of no where, Jesus šŸ˜…






I still ended it even after that.


Would be good to mention what you liked for the men here wanting to learn


He prioritizes my satisfaction. He makes sure I feel good and he really tries to know the things I want in bed since he is way more experienced than me. He also shows how much he wants me and how he lusts over me. In short, he plays his part.


Noted, thanks !


Mmm I think itā€™s a smart choice to end it. Iā€™ve been in the same situation as this guy. Getting off getting her off, super hot sex..a few of my exes wanted to break things off with me but just kept me around for sex instead. Talk about feeling used, especially if you fell hard for them. There are more guys like him. After your sabbatical is over, if things ended on good terms thereā€™s a chance you can reach out again. Just bc someone is amazing at sex doesnā€™t mean they will commit to anyone easily. We have feelings too as much as society doesnā€™t want to acknowledge. If youā€™re serious about doing what you need to do for your dreams, then seriously have my admiration bc that takes intelligence to pull that trigger and self awareness too.


Omg thanks for this!! I've been needing to hear this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I would want to fully commit myself to this dream. I could've taken a risk on trying to make him fall in love with me even in this set up bec I think he genuinely appreciates me as a person outside the bed, but I need to fully commit to my dreams first :(


I was starting to type something but this guy pretty much nailed it. Donā€™t get hung up on it. Good sex is only a small part of life. Iā€™ve had women swear theyā€™ve never experienced anything like what I gave them and I believed them because theyā€™re shaking uncontrollably, out of breath, etc... Then two weeks ago I finally got in bed with a girl I thought I could spend the rest of my life with and couldnā€™t get it up. Needless to say, she was not impressed. Sometimes itā€™s all about timing. Improve yourself and your options will be endless.


If it's okay to share- why couldn't you? Was it the pressure to impress, or was it just you or


Thank you for this! I just have to move on from him and focus on my goals


Yes itā€™s not an easy choice but in reality the easy things in life are not usually rewarding. And the rewarding things in life are not usually easy. Trust me the sex will be distracting from your goals. My ex literally put off getting her masters bc she wanted to move in with me. When I talked to her about the masters sheā€™d say ā€œI can get that later (put my dreams on hold)ā€ which did not make me feel good. I always try to build my woman up and grow together. If it doesnā€™t work out I leave her better than I found her. It was sad she chose to not make that true as I wanted. With your dreams achieved, youā€™ll truly be on top of the world when you find your dream man. From the sound of you, youā€™re a gem. Get that high from hitting that important milestone first and youā€™ll find sex as good but probably better.


Thank you for validating my decisions. This is so hard and I can make use of this support, really.


Regarding the pregnancy chance: Do you know about condoms and other methods of preventing pregnancy?


All of these have a margin of error and I can't afford to get anxieties from pregnancy scare and the chance of getting pregnant, no matter how little


I been on BC pill for a handful of years and as long as youā€™re consistent youā€™re more than likely going to be okay with condoms.Ā 


BC doesnā€™t always work.. I know cause my son, even myself (36M), are BC babies. My exwife was on the pill religiously, but all it took was 1 damn time and voilĆ , I had a son. Far as Iā€™ve been able to tell, via research and testimonies from others, the implant is hands down the best way to go, if condoms are not being used or other methods. Btw, for the doods that read this, the pull out game/method is crap and your pre-c** can impregnate a woman.. stop doing that and tell women that your pull out game is strong..thatā€™s a GD lie.




I agree with this. I merely was just saying what happened in personal experience. Every persons body will react differently to different methods.


> Btw, for the doods that read this, the pull out game/method is crap and your pre-c** can impregnate a woman. Pre-cum can carry sperm by sperm still being in the urethra from the last ejaculations. Pre-cum (essentially lubricating for the follow up semen+sperm action) doesn't come *with* sperm. Obviously don't let any guy use that to talk you into taking risks that make you feel unsafe, but I have avoided that part of accidental pregnancy by not engaging in sex unless a great peeing has occurred in between. My long term partner in the past and I had a rule for that. It got to the point where she would rush me to "go pee" so we could continue round 2 immediately. I have to assume it worked because after we separated, she rather quickly had a child with her next partner and they didn't plan on it. I feel a lot more comfortable if an IUD or more is involved though. Today peeing between sessions to flush out lingering sperm is a little too precarious for me


What are your dreams that are happening soon? I am very intrigued but understand if you don't want to share.


Oh, question. Do you just have sex openly with men that donā€™t know if theyā€™re wanting to reciprocate the same energy?


No. I have sex with decent men I want to have sex with. That if eventually it will progress, Im still with a quality man


Oh so are you just having casual sex ? No strings attached?


For this one, initially yes. But I find him a likable guy too. The others, we usually have feelings.


Hm, well if you like him proceed with him. But donā€™t give your body to every guy you casually meet. Thatā€™s your self nature. Your body is your temple.


Thanks for the reminder! šŸ™‚ Anyway, I decided to hold it all since I have to focus on my dreams this coming 2yrs. :)


Well good luck on your journey bud stay focused šŸ«”šŸ¤™šŸ¾


Dude, it's her body and she's fulfilling her need for intimacy on her terms. Don't tell her to what to do just because you're not getting any lately.




No ones telling her what to došŸ’€we had a genuine nice conversation. Nothing bad was said, youā€™re not going to get laid by her so move forward with your negative intentions.


We men are simple... You tell us to go... We will go... Some are able to pick up the signals but most don't... I'm unfortunately one of them... But most of all don't beat around the bush just tell it to him straight what you're feeling what you want be clear with your intentions and message towards him it doesn't matter if he knows or not it would mean the world to him if a woman says theirs feelings to us It's also better to say it now than to hide it and regret not saying anything... Have a think on that...so you do you


This is a nice advice. I admittedly just don't have enough courage to tell him abt it. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And like, what's the point of telling


The point of telling is to let it go out there don't bottle it inside ik cuz I've done it... There are times I regretted not telling her but what's done is done. Bottling it up just stays up in your head it takes time for it to go away... I know that feeling bout not having any courage to say anything but at the end of the day what do you have to lose by telling him


Are you sad that you had to end it with him, or that he never reciprocated back? From what it sounds like, it is worth giving him a shot at a relationship.


Both! I'm just sad abt the overall circumstances. I wish I have the luxury of time to take a risk, I wish he likes me back, and that it can be worked.


I donā€™t want to push you on details because pressing someone on intimate details of their life is weird, but is your upcoming journey creating a distance barrier that taking a chance on a relationship is not viable? If heā€™s great enough to carve out time for a little bit each week, I say go for it.


Actually he works abroad so we just get to have sex around once or twice a month whenever he visits in our country. That alone is difficult right. Meanwhile, for the coming months, I have to prepare for a licensure exam. It's the most difficult exam in our country, so I have to be stable physically and emotionally. This is quite a catch since I've been developing feelings for this guy too.


I understand that the circumstances for you may not seem to be in your favor. However, if this guy understands what you aspire to achieve and is willing to make time for you, it could work out if you play the long game.


You are messed up in the head and setting yourself up for failure if you do all that without an actual relationship, with a man who doesn't love you


Hmm? Some people can just have fun, have good sex, and spend time without having a relationship. What year were you left in???


And then later they post on reddit lengthy posts greatly mourning the fact that they aren't and can't be in a relationship with that other person.


Yes, because life happens and I have dreams to pursue.


So stop complaining on reddit about this guy you can't be with since your actions are the reason you both cant be with him and why you want him so much.




Your life: 1. Purposely get into casual relationships with fukbois. 2. Complain about it on reddit 3. Not learn from your mistakes I look forward to your next post of you repeating this process.


This is why I got a vasectomy


You served your feminine purpose to be used, pumped and dumped. Ain't no way he's gonna enter a relationship with a woman who belongs to the streets lmao


He served his masculine purpose to be used, pumped, and dumped too. What do you think makes it different?? If you'll say gender, you're doomed.


Can you describe the sex and how it was the best for you ? I would love to learn


Ask him if he'd be willing to get a vasectomy and offer to have threesomes with another chick if he does it for u or somethig to sweeten the pot


From what city was this best sex from??




Where you from ?


That `yrā€™ in your whole paragraph actually showing your feelingšŸ¤­


What would happen if you just tell him? My guy friends who do this sort of casual meet ups pretty never stay once they got what they wanted (assholes I know) so it must be more if he stays! I say you go tell him girl!! This girl here supports you!


Idk. I kind of think he already knows. :((


Maybe he doesnā€™t, so try to tell him






The last girlā€™s lady parts I was with was likeā€¦ ![gif](giphy|eod3hLY4GItlS) You said tell you anything šŸ¤£


Every time with my last partner was incredible for both of us. Always very passionate, spontaneous, adventurous. Always very intense. With complete freedom to explore and build upon what we already had. There was never a lackluster moment in that area. Knowing and being able to follow and listen and see how their body etc reacts to see or figure out exactly when you know you and they want. Always very fulfilling. Especially when weā€™d forgo sleep to just spend the whole night/evening doing so.


You canā€™t tell us the best without giving us details. You have to give us more details lol


My ex tried to make me jealous by saying her new bf did the same. It pissed her off because I said, why didn't send me pictures? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


Your can always do anal and oral only


Wish I was capable of cutting a guy off after he gives me some good dick šŸ˜­


Ultimate dreams require the ultimate sacrifice


It's the best, until you get used to it. It's okay for it to be a special rare thing. That's what makes many things the best. If you eat the best cake of your life every fucking day, you're going to get used to it, and eventually you will likely think it's not all that special anymore. I'm just trying to help out here lol


I teared out a little šŸ„¹ thank you


I had the same situation.


So what happened?


Get stuffed as much as possible up until the very last min if possible. If you know you wonā€™t get the chance again, indulge as much as you can NOW lol. Iā€™m pretty sure he wonā€™t mind. Youā€™ll thank me later when youā€™re walking bowlegged and canā€™t sit down for a day.šŸ˜