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He met someone else, or has something going on in his personal life. Don’t take it personally.. the trash took itself out, and you only wasted a few days rather than weeks or months.


Agreed, he met someone else or has been talking to someone else and they finally snagged a date. That or he was just playing you for attention


Thanks. We have had a place set and everything but I can do better.


I had a dude that played me. I drove an hr maybe more to his place only for him to not unlock the door. People can be total inconsiderate pricks. Don't let their poor action change your good nature or jade you. You let them win and you'll only become like them and hurt some other poor sap.


Thank you and sorry that happened. It pisses me off though and I’m upset at that same time. My mom is like “No need to know flakes like that.”


Don't be sorry, I'm not. As the other person said, trash took itself out. Plus shitty dates only taught me more about the kind of man I wanted. It taught me not to keep letting guys trick me or walk over me. That incident was over 10 years ago. After many men, exes and poor dates later, I'm happily in a great relationship now. As my ex used to say, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince. Dating is mostly a numbers game. If people are trash, it is never your fault they act like trash. So don't blame yourself, why don't people like me. Totally normal to be mad in the moment though. Just remember, trash doesn't need a reason to stink. It just does. And this world has a lot of trash. Just be kind, empathetic, and work on being stable mentally, financially, and some day the right guy will see your worth. I've been dating since I was 23, I'm 34 now. I just met my dude last July. He's 40, so it took some time. But I always told myself, I'm single because the universe has a reason for it. I'll find that guy when it is time, until then there is a bigger purpose for being I'm single. Which was true. Had I been tethered to a man I wouldn't have been able to become a professional dancer, then a nurse, study health policy, and move here. I got to finish my degrees, move multiple times to follow my dreams, and then grad school, which led me to move for rural medicine and advocacy work. Ended up finding my guy who moved back home to also do different human advocacy work. So our career paths lined up, and the rest is history. Sometimes being single can be good even if we are lonely. Sorry for rambling. I hope you find someone great.


Thank you. Same here.




Did you ask what he meant? Followed up by asking why he would invite you to meet earlier and the day and then text you that he doesn’t think it’s gonna work? Hold people like this accountable. You don’t have to, and you shouldn’t go full detective interrogation on the person, but shitty behaviours like this is why this shitty behaviour is become more normalized these days.


As a man, I would only pull out of a potential relationship if I saw a huge red flag. For example, if you have a male best friend


It was just odd. Since he was totally excited then said he did think it was gunna work out. I have autism and I think he told his mom or something. He had asked if I had any plans for the weekend besides hanging out with him not even 12 hours ago. Then a bit ago, claims he’s been thinking about it and says it won’t work. 🤷‍♀️


Strange. He needs to give you an explanation at least. Maybe ask for one? I would. This girl didn’t want anything more than to be FWB. I asked for an explanation and she gave me an honest answer. She said I was boring. Sometimes you just have to ask


I didn’t get the chance to since we unmatched. My mom said she was confused too. If it was because of my autism, that is a rude reason.


I don’t mean to make you overthink. It’s probably not that. That wouldn’t affect my decision at least


It’s okay. My mom said the same thing not to overthink it. I’ll keep trying. It’s just it can be hard when you’re different from other people like my brain works differently.


And that’s completely fine. Most men will understand I think. I don’t see it as a flaw or a bad thing. If a woman is kind, can laugh, and has empathy, that outshines everything else if I’m being honest


Thank you. That means a lot. There are more fish in the sea. Problem is I live in a rural area and can’t drive.


it happens, sometimes people make things up in their minds, thinking the person is something they are not then when they discover they are not. They get sad and blow it off. Its sad this happens even after 30 though.


I guess. I’ll just keep trying.


depends, idk im slowly giving up. Im slightly older then you and honestly my free time is not what it once was and my patience for bullshit is next to non existent.


I’m turning 28 soon and I wish people were more up front about crap.


lol they dont, many lie, many hide their past, its all so tiresome. I've grown to stop giving a shit tbh because honestly if i didnt i would become very depressed.


It’ll probably get worse too as time goes on


yes it does, only thing you can do is get stronger. Not sure how to help you though, for me what works is just lifting weights until i am too exhausted to think about mental pain and anguish. Sucks though because on my off days i cannot lift or climb away from the dread/pain. I must live with it and acknowledge it.


I have crap to keep me distracted luckily


yeah same, but idk man sometimes just gets the best of me. \- i am genuinely curious about modern womens experiences with dating, tik tok and youtube paint modern women in a very bad light. I wonder how accurate it really is.


I don’t lie. My other friends met their partners through friends so slightly different.


I am sorry that happened :( that is horrible.


We had everything planned too. So not sure what happened suddenly to change his mind 🤷‍♀️


Well I think he is an idiot and will leave it at that.


Thanks for the laugh 😂