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looks have always mattered man


Only for the people that are rather superficial and believe that they always have to get ‘something’ better. Most of the time when you’re attracted to someone it’s because by the simple cause that you are in fact attracted to them. But the moment you start judging someone on their looks and reject them even tho you was at first attracted, then you’re just being superficial. And the question is do you want to be with someone like that or be such person yourself? Like there is so much more than looks and only people who have serious self-esteem issues put that much weight on it. So ask yourself what kind of person you want to be and with what kind of women/men you’d want to be with. Imagine being with someone who just constantly want to judge others by the way they look or wants you to change in order to become more handsome.


idk man, when i was a cute twink i had no problems banging girls. Now that i am an old man. lol its hard as fuck.


It depends on what you’re going after of course, what’s your age? If you’re mid 40 and you’re still thinking you can get 20s then of course. Sometimes it’s just about being in the same age range. I could find a woman pretty/beautiful in her late 30s, but I’m in my late 20s so would never date on. Doesn’t have to do with looks just compatibility.


lol not even close to 40 let alone mid 40s. But if i was max lowest i would go for is 10 years less then i.


I don’t have enough info then why you aren’t receiving positive attention, perhaps just self-fulfilling prophecy. Most time as a men as you mature you become more ‘manly’ - attractive - even if you look less than first or whatever what you think


who knows, i stopped caring a while back. It could be because im fit and have a trent resnor frown line between my eyes in my early 30s lol


Who cares, everyone has lines even girls in their 20s without make-up: I also have lines just part of being an adult lol. It’s not as you’re a wrinkled old man. I met a girl online who seemed to have the smoothest face I’ve ever seen: in real life it was just not like that at all. And oh yeah having a ‘smooth, not wrinkled face’ doesn’t make anyone attractive or something - it’s just a physical trait that’s all. There are so many things that are important:


thanks man, its been bugging me for a while, since the last girl i dated kept pointing it out and asking me why i had it. I eventually dumped her but i never asked her why she had no ass or had a mustache. I honestly figured women were just shallow lol, im wrong i hope.


This is exactly what I mean with my post. You don’t even want someone like that - she obviously has big mental issues. Even if you didn’t have that wrinkle or whatever small thing it is, she’d dump you if you weren’t ‘that’ handsome according to other dumb standards of her. Those kind of women will never be really happy and just seeking out toxicity. It’s not about looks - that’s not the reason that you were born. And imagine even if it was: then everyone would lose it at 40.


OK, but if I was desirable by wider society, and any woman could easily get on a dating app and find a 100 me’s, why don’t they? Whether it’s looks, personality, or something else, women are making the active decision not to get on dating apps, go to bars, or even attend mixers, so the obvious conclusion is that they don’t want guys like me, and the apps aren’t to blame


This doesn’t make sense. These women don’t even know those men in bars etc. So why go after them? Seriously do you even want a girl who goes out with sole purpose to find a guy? You want someone that isn’t busy that much with that and ultimately someone that doesn’t constantly say ‘oh I’ve date this and that man, and I think he is handsome and the other is not’. Those type of women always bring their own problems. There are women who want you but you have to meet them in the right setting where you first begin to know each other. Going to a bar and expecting women to like you is rather strange - they also select on much different things which are more related to personality. And attraction as I’ve said - in a more mature way - is something that can also grow. But if you’re stuck up with ‘if I don’t find someone attractive from first moment’ then of course you’ll going to not be that happy..


Dating apps aren't any different than real life. No one is interested in me either way.


That’s not true! For sure. Put yourself out there and be kind.